
BricsCAD® (Windows) V25 installs and runs independently of previous BricsCAD versions.

The BricsCAD® installer that you downloaded contains all editions of BricsCAD: Shape, Lite, Pro, Mechanical, BIM and Ultimate.

A BricsCAD Pro (or higher) license is required for running compiled (BRX) application programs.

A BricsCAD Pro license is required for rendering, 3D modeling and drawing view creation.

A BricsCAD Pro license is required to create 3D Constraint systems and mechanical components (parts). Pro licenses also enable BricsCAD's deformable solid modeling functionality.

A BricsCAD Pro license is required to enable Civil TIN surface, grading and alignment creation.

BricsCAD Pro is also the foundation for our BIM and Mechanical products.

BricsCAD Ultimate is a single license that includes BricsCAD Shape, Lite, Pro, BIM and Mechanical.

BricsCAD Communicator is a separate product, requiring a separate license key.

BricsCAD licenses work anywhere, and each license key can be used in the language of your choice. #realchoice

Applications: BricsCAD V25 is compiled with Visual Studio 2019. C++ extension DLLs (Dynamic Link Libraries) need to be compiled with the same platform tool set in order to be compatible with BricsCAD V25.

These release notes reflect what has been included in each major, minor or maintenance release, based on the English language release. Occasionally, a maintenance release may be skipped for a specific language. If this happens, changes listed for the release will be made available in a subsequent release of BricsCAD for that specific language.

Please help us make BricsCAD better - submit a Support Request if you find anything that doesn't work the way that you think it should. Everyone at Bricsys thanks you for helping us build the best product possible. We couldn't do it without your help.

Welcome to BricsCAD, where continuous product improvement is a way of life. We work daily to deliver the features and fixes that make BricsCAD the best CAD solution for you. #welisten


Version 25.2.03

Improvements to BricsCAD


It is now possible to reinsert a block using preselection in the -INSERT workflow.


A command-line version of the XATTACH command was developed to facilitate scripting.


The unsatisfied variants that made no mathematical sense have been excluded on flip side.
  • SR160458


A new ATTACH command was developed to encompass the existing XATTACH, IMAGEATTACH, and PDFATTACH commands.


A new CLIP command was introduced which unifies the existing XCLIP, VPCLIP, IMAGECLIP & PDFCLIP commands.
  • SR162486


A preview is now visible when a solid with a subtractor is moved, copied, rotated, or manipulated, providing precise and easy-to-use placement on the affected solid.


Press the Shift key or click the icon in model space to flip entities along the same axis.
  • SR142492
The user can now specify a base point when the detail has at least one degree of freedom.
  • SR135874
  • SR137781
  • SR139814


For precise detail placement, we've added an option to choose a base point for saved details. This option can be enabled after selecting the detail entities and functions similarly to the COPY, MOVE, and INSERT commands.


Added grip points to jogged dimensions
  • SR186043
Added the ability to change the arrowhead of jogged dimension lines directly from the Properties panel
  • SR186043


DIST in layout over viewport shows mspace distance
DIST command now shows 2D and 3D distances.


Descriptions of routines can now be viewed directly in the DWGHEALTH panel without entering edit mode.
  • SR181080


Implemented alignment grips for Dynamic Blocks
  • SR94530
  • SR99579
  • SR64859
  • SR77287
  • SR87553
  • SR89355
  • SR90064
  • SR120786
  • SR165759
  • SR169110
  • SR172386
  • SR175369


Implemented dynamic FACETRES, enabling it to increase with the zoom level up to the value specified in the drawing. This dynamic adjustment reduces memory consumption by up to 50% at startup, resulting in faster opening and closing of drawings. Note: This change does not affect blocks, Xrefs, or printing; these will continue to use the FACETRES value specified in the drawing.


Added GEOMAP, GEOMAPIMAGE, and GEOMAPKEY commands to the ribbon
  • SR172199
  • SR184512


The appearance of midpoint grips on a hatch boundary was revised to differentiate them from endpoint grips.
  • SR186334


We've added missing center point esnaps to the ends of a helix, similar to other platforms.
  • SR182793

Icon Scaling

Improvements have been made for displays using fractional scaling; 125%, 150%, 175%, etc Icons in key interface areas, such as the Ribbon and tool bars, now scale with system display scaling.
  • SR18055
  • SR41418
  • SR70471
  • SR76042
  • SR79828
  • SR95978
  • SR99439
  • SR104277
  • SR114312
  • SR121843
  • SR124506
  • SR127643
  • SR158182
  • SR170386
  • SR173594
  • SR181828
  • SR182432
  • SR184964
  • SR185004
  • SR185571
  • SR185672
  • SR185814
  • SR185831
  • SR185860
  • SR186285
  • SR187180
  • SR187254
  • SR189484
  • SR189545


The INSERT dialog now displays a preview of the block to be inserted.
  • SR127543
  • SR153361
  • SR158009
  • SR180736
The INSERT dialog now displays scaling more transparently on blocks to be inserted, based on the INSUNITSSCALING setting.
The Explode option is now disabled if the Insert Feature option is enabled for components such as hole, window, and form feature in the INSERT dialog.
The INSERT dialog now displays both internal and external block types in the dropdown, with icons indicating each block's type.

Interface Settings

The 'Customize Ribbon' link text in the Interface Settings Ribbon and Tool bars dropdown, that links to the Customize dialog, now reads 'Customize'.
  • SR181092


Starting from BricsCAD v25.2, a user has a possibility to deactivate his license for BricsCAD software on uninstalling the product. There is an extra dialog appears during the uninstallation process that allows a user to chose whether he wants to deactivate the current local license or keep it (e.g., he might have other versions of the BricsCAD products installed on the same computer).
  • SR162527
  • SR177564
  • SR178264


Enhanced overall performance for drawings containing a live section, with performance now up to 10 times faster than before.


Introduced the Match Properties tool in the built-in text editor, allowing users to copy text styles from one fragment to another.
  • SR158647
  • SR167249
  • SR168903
  • SR172892
  • SR176987
  • SR183528


Added width and height grips for the MText content in multi-leaders.
  • SR104178
  • SR104178
  • SR160777


Implemented SuperScript/SubScript in the text editor.
  • SR47731
  • SR83175
  • SR97130
  • SR101289
  • SR114124
  • SR134202
  • SR138206
  • SR144734
  • SR174233
  • SR179434


OLE objects can be inserted from the clipboard at a specified location.
  • SR173905
  • SR174834
  • SR175622


Implemented CTRL Hotkey for polyline middle grips.
  • SR153518
  • SR173588


Improved performance during parametric changes on models with large arrays of holes.
  • SR127216
  • SR131198
  • SR178804


Implemented the display of a temporary cross marker at the first vertex of a polyline.
  • SR98896
  • SR121321
  • SR151218
  • SR160660


All parametric operations are now accessible from the tool palette.


Users now have the option to automatically display the PDF in a viewer after printing; this setting is available in the custom properties of the Print as PDF feature.
  • SR113989
  • SR120531
  • SR122853
  • SR133386
  • SR140075
  • SR141529
  • SR159410
  • SR175479
  • SR176401
  • SR176993
  • SR177624
  • SR184065
Enlarged the preview thumbnail size. Adjusted the preview background color to be brighter. Introduced extension lines and arrows for page dimensions. Included dashed lines to indicate paper margins.
Implemented support for PDF/A-3
  • SR180605
  • SR182659


Enhanced Print/Publish performance. In certain cases, print and publish operations are now up to 10 times faster than before.


Enhanced plotfile name generation for single-sheet PDFs from the PUBLISH dialog with new naming options based on layout and drawing names.
  • SR78866
  • SR94620
  • SR143170
  • SR159860
  • SR162212
  • SR166568
  • SR174849
  • SR176997
  • SR177348
  • SR181813
The layout combo functions solely as a filter for adding sheets from other drawings.


Redesigned QSelect controls: Removed the checkbox for "Apply to current selection set." Entities in the current selection set are now displayed in the type combo.


A new Rotation option is now available after specifying the first point.
  • SR174971
  • SR178012

Reference Parameters

Using reference parameters in expressions to drive other parameters is no longer possible.


It is now possible to isolate a selected entity, both 2D and 3D, during orbiting using the command. The hidden entities will be displayed once the orbiting is complete.
  • SR123374
  • SR136582
  • SR184567


The selection dialog now supports multiple selections using the Shift and Ctrl keys for enhanced usability.
Introduced the CTRL-W keyboard shortcut to toggle selection cycling
Enabled selection cycling for overlapping sub entities. Press and hold the CTRL key to enable sub entity selection.


Implemented the option to open model view drawings directly from the sheet set manager panel.
  • SR162484
  • SR162753
  • SR164257
  • SR177123


The SLICE command now displays a dotted line to visualize the cutting plane for improved accuracy and ease of use.
  • SR149841
  • SR175222
  • SR179567

Start Page

Custom Workspaces are now available in the drop down selector on the Start Page.
  • SR175424
  • SR176287
  • SR178063
  • SR185094

Startup Splash

The startup splash no longer blocks other application windows during startup.


Fixed a bug where constraints were ignored, and the preview failed to display the actual result before the command was completed.


Enhanced the VIEWPLOTDETAILS dialog to allow monitoring of ongoing publish jobs and the ability to cancel them.

Improvements to BIM


ACTIVATESECTIONVIEW now uses 'Live section' instead of 'Clip display' making it easier to draw 2d entities in the section plane.
  • SR167030
  • SR182485
  • SR189889

BCF Panel

The BCF Panel now supports BCF API 3.0
The name and URLs for BIMsync have been changed to Catenda Hub


We fixed an issue that caused gaps between the floors in specific cases when adding a new floor.


In V25.2, BIMDUPATESTORYHEIGHT got many improvements, and as a result its experimental status was removed. BIMUPDATESTORYHEIGHT can now be launched from the StoryBar (select 'Update story height' in the right-click menu of a story). The new story height now has the option to automatically update the spatial locations after changing the story height. Block references can be scaled. (note: this does not change the geometry inside the block definition) Section planes and volumes can now be scaled or moved accordingly as well. The algorithm to decide which operation to apply, was further fine-tuned. Now all BIM types will be shown in the entity list. The display name of non-BIM entities got improved. The live preview is now disabled by default, to avoid waiting in case of large models, but can be easily switched on with the toggle.
  • SR181972
The default behavior in BIMUPDATESTORYHEIGHT has been optimized for several BIM types to accommodate better the most common situations.
Section planes and volume sections will now also be modified by BIMUPDATESTORYHEIGHT. Depending on their position, they will move, be stretched, or remain untouched, with the possibility for the user to change the default behavior.


Bsyslib is no longer locked when all drawings of a project are closed and Bricscad is still running.

Cloud panel

A button is added in the Cloud panel to save the active drawing in the local 247 folder shown in the panel. Works only in the panel and in folders that are not project root folders.


The site, project and survey location as well as geocoordinates are now exported to Datasmith


Property sets required by the imported .IDS file, will now be turned to visible


Various improvements have been made to the IFC4 Reference View Export. As a result, BricsCAD BIM is now officially certified for IFC4 Reference View (Architecture).
  • SR103621
  • SR116910
  • SR118137
  • SR124801
  • SR125657


When exporting entities with single-layer compositions to IFC, they will now be linked to the IfcMaterial directly, instead of linking them via the composition (as an IfcMaterialLayerSet or IfcMaterialConstituentSet).
Multi-ply entities exported to IFC4 Reference View with IfcExportMultiPlyElementsAsAggregated will now be exported with IfcMaterialConstituentSet and IfcShapeAspect
Quantities of plies can now be exported in IFC4 Reference View when both the settings IfcExportMultiPlyElementsAsAggregated IfcExportBaseQuantities are enabled
The name of the BIM project will now be exported as IfcProject Name
  • SR169264
Date properties with a valid YYYY-MM-DD format will now be exported as IfcDate or, if not, as IfcLabel.
  • SR175280
  • SR178740
  • SR184586
Geocoordinates as well as the True North direction, added in the GEO dialog, will now be exported as part of IfcMapConversion. Together with the CRS being exported as IfcProjectedCRS, this allows the creation of a fully georeferenced IFC file.
When exporting to IFC4 Reference View, openings will be subtracted from the host geometry and will no longer rely on boolean operations. Other MVDs remain unchanged.
IFC4x1 export is tagged as deprecated and will be removed in a future BricsCAD release. We are moving towards IFC4x3 for the export of civil entities.
All BIM Types will now be contained correctly in their Spatial Location, including Transport Element, Virtual Element and Geographic Element
  • SR175280


A block created for an IfcTypeProduct will now inherit its name, with an additional number in case of duplicates.

PIP command for BIM Python

You can now easily install additional Python libraries with the PIP command.
  • SR190832
  • SR192164


It is now possible to control the naming format for new stories created with BIMIFY, BIMSPATIALLOCATIONS, BIMQUICKDRAW, BIMQUICKBUILDING, BIMATTACHSPATIALLOCATION, POINTCLOUDDETECTFLOOR through the DefaultStoryNamingScheme setting. Use '$' for automatic numbering. E.g. 'Floor $0' will create stories 'Floor 0', 'Floor 1'., whereas 'Floor$1' will start counting from 1.


Faster loading of TVM for big models.
  • SR182729

Improvements to CAE

2D Finite Element Analysis

The Experimental Mode is no longer required to access this functionality. A generated mesh can be refined by setting a refinement factor, then defining the refinement area. Loads and Supports can be drawn on internal geometry. Loads and supports can be placed over curved geometry, and multi segment geometry. Result mesh can be probed to analyze results where clicked, or while hovering over result mesh. Results can be saved by placing them in the model space.

Improvements to Civil

3D Offset

We added a 3D Offset command that works similarly to the standard Offset command, with the added functionality of handling elevation differences. It supports Lines, Polylines, 3D polylines, and civil Strings.
  • SR178355
  • SR180013

Attach Civil Objects

The Attach Civil Objects command has been added to the ribbon.
  • SR180497

Civil 3D Import

We redesigned the Civil 3D Import dialog box to display Civil 3D objects in a tree view, featuring a new selection control with checkable items.
  • SR180495

Civil Explorer

We added the option to the context menu in Civil Explorer to assign label and symbol styles for civil point groups.
  • SR180576
We added the Extract option to the context menu for TIN Surfaces, Gradings, TIN Volume Surfaces and Corridors in Civil Explorer.

Civil Points

We added an option to the properties panel so that the label of civil points can be reset if the label is dragged.
  • SR162900
  • SR181523

Civil Strings

We've updated the icons for "Add PI" and "Delete PI" to make them more distinct from those for "Add Elevation Point" and "Delete Elevation Point".
  • SR180380

Convert Leica DWG

A feature ID from Leica Infinity DWG is now used as a String/Tin Surface name.
We have added a new option to import Leica Infinity data from an external DWG file using the Leica Convert command.

Copy GIS feature

When an entity with GIS data is copied the GIS data is also copied with it.

Create Surface from Point File

After creating a point file format in the "Manage Surface File Formats" dialog box, the newly created format will now be preselected in the "Create Surface from Point File" dialog.
  • SR180496

GIS Import

Redesigned the GIS Import dialog box with new features, including the option to select a GIS format and the ability to choose between importing a file or a folder.
We enabled the coordinate transformations in the GIS Import dialog box.

Google Earth

We have supported both exporting and importing Google Earth KML/KMZ files.
  • SR138038
  • SR147584
  • SR154391
  • SR154525
  • SR158566
  • SR159176
  • SR160415
  • SR172145
  • SR172227
  • SR178605
  • SR179845
  • SR181703
  • SR183629
  • SR186555


Added support for exporting Alignments and TIN Surfaces with IFC4x3. The IFC4x3 is only accessible when Experimental Features are enabled.

Manage Surface File Formats

We increased the size of the Column Editor drop-down in the Manage Surface File Formats dialog box.
  • SR180496

Object Data in Properties Panel

Object Data from AutoCAD MAP 3D can now be viewed in the BricsCAD properties panel, and the values can be edited directly within the panel.
  • SR183420

String Editor

A String Editor command has been added to the ribbon, and the String Editor dialog can now be opened by double-clicking a string entity in the drawing.
  • SR180372

TIN Surface

We have enabled the option to change the file path in the dialog for editing the "Create from Civil 3D surface" definition.


We've added options to the dialog for extracting intersection lines between surfaces, as well as for extracting solids and meshes. Additionally, the command now works for Gradings and Volume Surfaces. For these cases, TIN Surface extraction is also enabled, along with all other options.
  • SR185390
  • SR187210
  • SR188102
  • SR188944

Improvements to Communicator


Added support for non-ASCII characters during import and export of step files.
  • SR168814

Improvements to Mechanical 2D


We added a new dialog box for the AMFCFRAME command for an enhanced usability. You can insert different symbols to your main feature frame box using a drop-down menu within the dialog box. The dialog box saves your recently used parameters, allowing for quick and efficient reuse. You can remove those parameters you no longer need with the delete button.
  • SR172571


AMPOWERDIMDISPLAY has been added as a new system variable to control opening the "Edit Dimensioning" dialog after placing a power dimension. It has the following three options: 0: On demand only 1: For the first dimension only 2: Always


Hatches made with AMHATCH toolset can adapt to AMRESCALE. A minimum number of hatch lines can be set from the command line.
AMRESCALE was improved so the distance between the angular dimension lines and the geometry is automatically adapted to the new scale. This prevents the texts from overlapping with the dimension lines.
The AMRESCALE feature now influences the number of lines in legacy mechanical drawings with hatches created with the AMHATCH command. When a hatch is selected, the command provides an option to specify the minimum number of hatch lines after rescaling. By default, this minimum value is set to 5. Setting the value to 0 disables the minimum hatch lines option, allowing for greater flexibility in hatch line density.


The command AMTAPERSYM is added. It creates taper or slope symbols effortlessly based on your selection criteria. BricsCAD automatically computes the gradient value for the taper or slope symbol, ensuring accurate representation. You can modify the calculated gradient value through the properties panel, providing the necessary flexibility. Legacy drawings containing taper or slope symbols are fully compatible too and can be edited seamlessly.

Check Mechanical DWG Version

When opening Mechanical DWG drawings, BricsCAD now automatically checks the file version. Files that are unsupported, those created in versions older than Mechanical 2012 or newer than Mechanical 2021, are identified and reported to the user. Unsupported versions can still be accessed in read-only mode, ensuring your files are protected from potential damage while allowing you to view the content.

Improvements to Mechanical 3D


Updated Ribbon and Quad icon for BMINSERT.

Mechanical Blocks

Mechanical blocks have not been an Experimental feature, i.e., the Experimental Mode is not required. Therefore, the MECHANICALBLOCKS system variable is not marked as "experimental" now.

Mechanical Browser

Resolved an issue where the "Replace All Inserts" option did not work for mechanical blocks.
  • SR158599
You can now search for items in the mechanical browser by both component name and instance name.
  • SR178006

Mechanical Workspaces

Workspace tabs Home and Annotate of the Mechanical Workspaces were updated for more completeness and familiarity.


Background generation is enabled by a new "Background generation of views" flag under DRAWINGVIEWFLAGS now. The old DRAWINGVIEWBKG setting has been removed.

Background generation can be parallelized now. This speeds up background generation. Set both the "Parallel generation and update of views" and "Background generation of views" flags under DRAWINGVIEWFLAGS to enable parallel generation in background (i.e., set DRAWINGVIEWFLAGS to 3).

Undo behavior for background-generated views has changed. All views generated in the background are now bundled into a single undo operation at the VIEWBASE level, rather than being undone per individual view.

Objects in the selection for a background VIEWBASE execution are no longer write-protected. You can modify them during the generation. VIEWBASE uses the state of the selection at the beginning of the generation. Views that are out-of-date when generation completes are marked with a red border. To reflect modifications, VIEWUPDATE should be called for such views manually.

Various bug fixes and stability improvements.

Welding Symbols

The Welding Symbols have been improved to allow users to view and edit a comprehensive set of parameters from the properties panel. The following parameters can now be managed: Identification Line, Process, Gap, Clearance, Angle, Partial, Diameter, Thickness, Test, Either Side, Method, and Brazing.

Improvements to Point Clouds

Bubble viewer

Bubbles are now shown inside the Bubble viewer. They can be toggled on/off in the Render Settings tab of the Point Cloud Manager. Clicking on a bubble in Bubble viewer opens the panoramic image in the viewer.
DUCS use in bubbleviewer works correct. Cursor changes to point cloud normals when DUCS in on, and shows UCS Z-axis when DUCS is off.
  • SR182012


Support for two new models, "Roads" and "Construction", was added.

Detect floors

When POINTCLOUDDETECTFLOORS command is called, the detected floors are added on the point cloud manager panel under buildings category.

Geo Referencing

When geographic information is available in the original data, it is stored in the cache and can be used in the properties panel when a point cloud instance is selected.
  • SR180637
  • SR180656


Improved the visualization speed of point clouds during navigation.
  • SR185059

Orbit and zoom

We improved the navigation in drawings with point clouds removing a 'stutter' effect during zoom and orbit.
  • SR182550
  • SR188235

Point Cloud

After loading/unloading the point cloud from the attachments panel, REGEN is called automatically to update display
  • SR153231
  • SR175341

Point cloud geo tag

The setting to ignore geo tags was removed. The geo information will always be read during pre-processing if available and will be used if selected during insertion.

Point Cloud Manager

Added delete option for buildings, floors and rooms.
We added "edit" and "add" options for floors in the manager panel.
  • SR181375
  • SR186541


  • SR182062


Experimental feature. This new command combines: * POINTCLOUDDETECTFLOORS * POINTCLOUDDETECTROOMS * POINTCLOUDFITROOMS in one command and give the option to run BIMINVERTSPACES at the end.


We made disk space warning non-interruptive. The user is warned if we think there might not be enough disk space to preprocess but can continue the process at his own risk.

Reference manager

The reference manager dialog remains open after inserting a point cloud or starting preprocessing.
  • SR181095


X-ray colormap is added.


Zoom extend and orbit use now visible points instead of bounding box.
  • SR180672


2D Dimensional Constraints

Fixed a bug that previously deformed rotated linear dimensions on an array after exploding. The dimensions now transform into aligned dimensions to maintain the entity's shape and angle.
  • SR113344


Fixed translation issues related to Object Attachments.
  • SR182187


Now user can add the requirements contents immediately after calling AMNOTE command in the workspace after placing the Leader Note symbol.
  • SR151090
With this fix the text content in AMNOTE does not move away unexpectedly from the leader when moving the grip points.


Resolved an issue so now if blocks are created from existing part references that are attached to geometry, they can be correctly edited with AMPARTREFEDIT command.

Annotative Attribute

We fixed a case of an annotative multiline attribute displaying at the wrong scale immediately after opening the drawing.
  • SR191150


Resolved rotation issue for inserts and attachments
  • SR185698
  • SR187551
  • SR188016
  • SR188443

Attachments Panel

Untranslated property strings in the Attachments panel are now localized.
  • SR182187
All attachments are now displayed in the tree view mode of the Attachments panel.
  • SR175988
  • SR178600
  • SR186368
  • SR186407


When ATTEDIT is getting input from a script file, the new attribute value can now include spaces.
  • SR185114


Attributes are now automatically updated when a parametric block with visibility states is changed, eliminating the need to run ATTSYNC each time.
  • SR137300
  • SR144137
  • SR145839
  • SR148086
  • SR148857
  • SR152210
  • SR158208
  • SR164624
  • SR164865
  • SR172176
  • SR181831
  • SR187175
  • SR189741
Fixed a bug where changing the constraint value did not move the associated attribute to its new position.
  • SR170792
Fixed: ATTSYNC fails to update dynamic blocks
  • SR188717


We improved the descriptions of other useful DWGHEALTH commands in the Tips panel when running the AUDIT command.


Resolved issue with direct distance entry for tracking lines aligned along the Z-axis in Entity Snap Tracking.
  • SR177478
  • SR180763


The application no longer crashes when the color preference is set to an invalid value.
  • SR181599
  • SR185057


The BATTMAN command was enhanced to retain the existing values of renamed attribute tags.
  • SR167669
  • SR168433

BIM Profiles Panel

Resizing the Name column in BIM Profiles Panel works now as expected.
  • SR153415
  • SR158548

Bim Profiles

We fixed truncated text in the BIM profile manager in some foreign languages.
  • SR170786


We fixed an issue where BIMQUICKDRAW would sometimes fail to snap to existing walls.
  • SR178388
We changed the behavior when copying a story in BIMQUICKDRAW. The slabs will now be copied, instead of generating a new slab. This way, properties, compositions, etc. will be copied. A slab, consisting of multiple layers as separate entities, will also be copied correctly.
  • SR172004
  • SR172537
  • SR180839
Better performance in case BIMQUICKDRAW snaps to 2d geometry inside blocks.


We fixed a V25 regression that could cause the update to fail when encountering annotative attribute definitions.
  • SR190189

BIM Windows and Doors

We improved the healing of the opening when removing a window or door that splits a wall in two.


We fixed an issue with the floor numbering when using BIMIFY
  • SR175246
  • SR177998
  • SR180554


Fixed a bug that caused Mechanical Custom Properties to not be able to be exported or imported when embedded in the drawing.
  • SR156059


Walls will now correclty connect to existing walls when using extension snapping.
We fixed a bug where in some cases the wall in BIMWALL/single wall mode did not extend fully to other walls.
  • SR184390

Block Edit dialog

Improved search for the Block Edit dialog.
  • SR167194
  • SR173965
  • SR180066


ACIDBLOCKREFERENCE entities are now displayed correctly in Paperspace.
  • SR189527
Fixed an issue where OdDbBlockTableRecordImpl::getGeomExtents() returned eInvalidExtents during multithreaded regeneration, causing some block references to randomly disappear
  • SR182727


Fixed a bug where the command line displayed a message referring to REFEDIT when running BMINSERT during ARRAYEDIT.
  • SR181170
Resolved a bug that caused a crash when editing block parameters after using the BMINSERT command.
  • SR187521

Civil 3D object enabler

We fixed an issue where the AEC_PROFILE_VIEW entity and its attached labels were displayed incorrectly in a layout viewport.
  • SR161778
Fixed an issue where leader lines for COGO point entities in a drawing created with Civil 3D appeared slanted instead of horizontally aligned.
  • SR184419

Civil Explorer

Civil Explorer settings are no longer hidden when opening a dxf file.
  • SR180125

Civil Point Editor

The issue where changes to Symbol/Label styles in Civil Explorer were not reflected in the Civil Point Editor has been resolved.
  • SR182565
  • SR182566

Civil Point Group

The translation issue related to the "_All points" point group has been fixed.
  • SR188905
We fixed and issue with filtering Civil Points in the Point Group dialog box for localized versions.
  • SR181891
  • SR183079

Civil Points

The translation issue related to the Elevation property in the Properties panel has been fixed.
  • SR188905
We fixed an issue where the leader arrowhead could not be positioned at the point of insertion. Now, you can move the leader arrowhead to either the symbol’s extents or directly to the insertion point.
  • SR164308
  • SR176583
We fixed a crash that could occur when zooming or panning in a drawing containing Civil Points.
  • SR175781
  • SR182845
  • SR189505
  • SR189843

Clip display

Clippings behave the same as solids in paperspace viewports
  • SR172723
  • SR185399


Custom color schemes can be deleted when using classification in color stylization
  • SR182627
Color schemes cannot be registered with the same name.
  • SR182627


We've corrected some COM registry values that enable opening embedded drawings from older versions.
  • SR128404


"Potted Plant Large" and "Potted Plant Medium.dwg" were simplified because of their bad performance in section generation.
  • SR182887
  • SR188567

Compositions dialog

The filter for compositions in the compositions dialog works now correctly for all bim types.
  • SR151601
  • SR166618


Fixed a bug that prevented the conversion of mechanical components with an empty name to mechanical blocks.
  • SR191880


Fixed an issue where using COPYBASE (SHIFT+CTRL+C) with selection cycling on overlapping entities resulted in copying the entity from the drop-down instead of the pre-selected one.
  • SR189071


Improved copying of blocks with tables.
  • SR187120


The 'Save Detail' option now properly opens the WBlock dialog box in cases where there are hatch entities present near the reference curves.
  • SR136364
  • SR176623
Fixed a bug in COPYGUIDED where entities outside the selection set were improperly copied.
  • SR142130
  • SR153444
Fixed a bug where entities remained incorrectly highlighted when adjusting the detail selection window.
  • SR172513


When using COPYGUIDED/MOVEGUIDED on a parametric block, hatches in the reference curves are now handled correctly.
  • SR133327

Curve Calculator

Fixed issues of untranslated strings for the Curve Calculator command prompt.
  • 180433
  • SR183181


Fixed issue where the last edited MTEXT is erroneously reactivated for editing when issuing ED/DDEDIT
  • SR187307
  • SR191377


Resolved the scaling issue of block with dimensions when opening or importing a DGN file.
  • SR180667


Resolved an issue where raster images within xrefs were not visible
  • SR173116
Fixed an issue where attributes were not exported from blocks with names exceeding 26 characters.
  • SR173898
Resolved an issue where Table Cell Properties defaulted to the current layer, overriding the specified Table Style settings.
  • SR173899


We've fixed a problem with incorrectly associated dimensions when dimension points were picked by snapping to 2d or 3d polyline vertices.
  • SR182197
  • SR187980


It is now possible to perform the DMSTRETCH command on solids while retaining their window and door features.

Docking Panels

We fixed a problem that made it difficult to resize panels stacked side by side in the same dock.
  • SR181845

Drawing Explorer

Font size adapted for 4K monitors.


Fixed a crash that occurred when running a routine with the SOLIDIFY task on a specific drawing.
  • SR186067


Resolved an issue where the grip point position was incorrect following a flip operation.
  • SR186846
Resolved an issue where drawings containing specific dynamic blocks could not be opened or recovered.
  • SR158941
The values ​​in the list for the linear parameter are adjusted according to the custom scale.
  • SR178849


DYNMODE values 8 and 16 are now shown in the SETTINGS dialog.
  • SR190704


Resolved a display issue when editing multi-line attribute text on invisible layers.
  • SR187730


Fixed a bug where deleting a window component in contact with two walls resulted in uneven repair.
  • SR168655


The ESNAPs buttons are now correctly aligned on all translated version of BricsCAD.
  • SR185844


Fixed a bug that caused a crash when a block was exploded.
  • SR160565


Fixed an issue where TTF fonts were exported with excessive thickness in SVG files


Some issues with COPYM command in translated BricsCAD versions have been fixed.
  • SR168079
  • SR189186
The LAYMRG command now works correctly when started via LISP with (command).
  • SR150455
Using MKLTYPE to create a custom linetype containing shapes could fail if other shape definitions were already loaded. This has been fixed.
  • SR189513
We improved the visual appearance of the Yes/No dialog for ATTIN, CDORDER, and MKSHAPE.
  • SR166060


When FIBERWORLD is set to 0 the cursor no longer disappears when it is outside of the active paperspace viewport.


The FITLINE command now produces consistent results regardless of the entity type, as long as the same center points are used.
  • SR176208


Fixed a bug that caused a crash when executing FITPOLYLINE on a Pointcloud.
  • SR182561


Restored perspective view of result generated by FLATSHOT for viewport with enabled perspective view.
  • SR184149
  • SR189204


Resolved crash with empty FONTMAP file setting
  • SR190619

GIS Attribute Table

The issue where values were not appearing in the GIS Attribute Table dialog fields has been resolved.
  • SR188089
The issue where the "Select GIS Features" option did not properly navigate to the highlighted entity in the GIS Attribute Table dialog box has been fixed.
  • SR188089


Fixed an issue with the GISEXPORT command where entities without GIS attributes were not exported.
  • SR190841


Fixed an issue with the -GISIMPORT command where selecting the 'Cancel' option would incorrectly proceed with importing the file or folder. The 'Cancel' option now properly aborts the command as intended.
  • SR189573
Fixed an issue with the -GISIMPORT command where selecting the 'Cancel' option would incorrectly proceed with importing the file or folder. The 'Cancel' option now properly aborts the command as intended.
  • SR186620


The bug that caused the ribbon to grey out when the GOTTOSTART command was launched has been corrected.
  • SR184840
  • SR187258


We fixed an issue where grading was not created correctly on a specific 3D Polyline.
  • SR181283
  • SR187666


The redundant grid spacing warning messages were removed.
  • SR154793
  • SR156465
  • SR189976


Improved the CONCRETE1 hatch pattern to display correctly at large coordinate values.
  • SR190359


We fixed an issue causing spaces in Xrefs not to be contained correctly in the Spatial Structure.
  • SR177743
We fixed an issue where the property sets were not properly linked to the TIN surface during the export to IFC.
  • SR187135


Fixed crash when importing a folder with many RCS files.
  • SR188245


Fixed a bug where XYZ scales could be changed after inserting a uniformly scaled annotative block.
  • SR153454
The name drop-down list in the INSERT dialog box is no longer cropped.
  • SR185316
Fixed a bug where attribute input was prompted only at the end when inserting multiple blocks.
  • SR155855
Fixed a bug where incorrect scale factors were displayed in the Properties panel after inserting a block with a negative scale in the INSERT dialog.
The INSERT workflow now allows users to continue inserting a block using the existing block definition, even if the "Insert external reference" option is mistakenly selected, which previously interrupted the workflow and exited the command.
Fixed a bug where changing the basepoint twice for an array before insertion resulted in an incorrect preview.
Fixed a bug where the command line still displayed options to change X, Y, and Z scales after selecting the uniform scale option in the dialog.


Fixed a bug where blocks were misaligned with entities hovered over prior to placement.
  • SR157338
  • SR162862
  • SR177578


Running the command by LISP or with FILEDIA zero now prompts for filename at the command line instead of displaying a file dialog.
  • SR189123


Fixed an issue where changing the Layer filter via the toolbar Layer filter control did not update Layer lists in the toolbar and Ribbon
  • SR191369
Resolved issues with the display of entities on locked layers.
  • SR121408
  • SR131595
  • SR153633
  • SR186416


Layer changes made in the new layers panel are now reverted one at a time by the LAYERP command.
  • SR171395
  • SR176301

Layers Panel

Improved behavior of the Layer States drop down in the Layers panel. The drop down now more accurately reflects the current layer state after a modification.
  • SR159606
  • SR172118
  • SR176435
The Layer Panel now remembers column order between sessions and when switching between Model space and Paper space.
  • SR191115
  • SR192306
Fix of the issue where the Layers panel's VP Color property would mistake True colors with Index colors and vice versa in the process of switching viewports from paper space to model space.
  • SR185355


Resolved an issue affecting the editing of layer states.
  • SR187366
  • SR187662
  • SR188461
  • SR189833


Updated the default values for LAYOFF and LAYFRZ to:
  • Viewports selection: Vpfreeze
  • Block selection: Block
  • SR179159
  • SR191359


Fixed a bug where leaders could not be moved in specific drawings after exploding parametric blocks with visibility states.
  • SR153601

License Check

Fixed an issue experienced by some users when BricsCAD was freezing every 5 minutes for a few seconds.
  • SR186179
  • SR187482
  • SR187625
  • SR188409
  • SR189437
  • SR189567
  • SR189615
  • SR190035


The enhancement lets a user choose a location for storing their unsaved work instead of generating a copy of unsaved drawings. In case of losing their license (e.g., their connection to the network license server is broken), a user can open the classic 'Save file' dialog so they can choose whether to save it with the same name or a different name and in a custom file path.
  • SR187054
  • SR188665

Line Labels

We fixed an issue where line labels would disappear after moving the grips of a line.
  • SR185488


We increased the column width in the Attachments panel so text no longer overlaps in the French version.
  • SR176679
Fixed: make error messages localized on saving CUI file on exit


Fixed a bug where using LOFT on a specific model with 3D polylines caused a modeling error.
  • SR183280

Manage Point File Formats

The translation issue related to the <skip> column name at the Manage Point File Formats dialog box has been fixed.
  • SR185064


Fixed an issue where rotated MLeaders had incorrect vertical attachments.
  • SR158132
  • SR172980
Resolved an issue where using the "Underline top line" option with MLEADER caused gaps between the underline and text containing characters with descenders (e.g., y, g, q, p) or certain symbols ([, }, )) when attached to the Left or Right.
  • SR172957
  • SR175198
  • SR177093
  • SR188735
  • SR188832
Fixed an issue where diameter dimension underlines displayed incorrect lengths when DIMTMOVE was set to 0 (Keep dim line with text).
  • SR176912
  • SR177120
  • SR180449
Resolved an issue where editing the text of an MLeader using the Text Formatting dialog could break the entity, creating gaps between the lines.
  • SR177902
Fixed an issue where mirroring and rotating an MLeader with a dynamic block could cause misalignment and gaps between the leader and the block.
  • SR179103
Resolved an issue where opening certain drawings caused the error "Object of class AcDbProxyObject can't be cast to AcDbMLeaderStyle".
  • SR181291
We fixed creation of a new MLEADER by specifying the text content first. This scenario was accidentally broken in v25.1.
  • SR190948
Fixed an issue where the circular & elliptical MLeader text frames were incorrectly filled with the MLeader line color when the background mask for the MText content was enabled.
  • SR173363
  • SR179746
  • SR185776
  • SR191674
  • SR192776
Fixed an issue that caused text frames in MLEADERs to render larger than expected.
  • SR191301


Fixed a bug where a solid with a subtractor could not be moved along the Y axis in a specific drawing.
  • SR176920
Fixed a bug where moving a hole entity caused the solid to change its dimensions.
  • SR184040


Annotative MTEXT object now has correct columns property when default context and entity data diverge.
  • SR188656

Status Bar

Opening a DXF file with only Layout1 (model space) and Layout2 (paper space) no longer causes a crash when using the new Status Bar.
  • SR189917
In the new Status bar, the correct Layout manager is now activated when the burger icon is clicked.
  • SR181083
Fixed an issue where changing the 'Viewport Standard Scale' from the New Status bar scaled the 'Drawing View', but the view was not updated automatically.
  • SR181297
Resolved an issue in the new Status bar where the functions (vla-put-taborder) and (vla-put-name) did not update tab order or names.
  • SR187855


Issue with the incorrect command line behaviour has been resolved.
  • SR190855


Resolved invalid projection error.
  • SR167377
  • SR186586

Parallel Snap

The parallel entity snap can now be completed by entering a direct distance via dynamic dimension. This was broken in V23.2.
  • SR183626


Under certain conditions it was possible to paste an embedded drawing document OLE object originating from the running application instance, which leads to unexpected behavior. This scenario is now detected and blocked by opening the Paste Special dialog instead.
  • SR181670


Fixed an issue where invalid shortcuts were introduced in the PEDITEXT command string.
  • SR192597
  • SR192861


We've improved display and save performance of drawings that contain large mesh entities with subentity property overrides.
  • SR186692
  • SR187495
Resolved a bug that caused a lag when changing parameters in the latest version of BricsCAD.
  • SR187133


Fixed a bug in POINTCLOUDEXPORT using HSPC format. Extra attributes of the point cloud are now exported as well.
  • SR185856

Point Cloud Manager

Hidden point clouds are now added to the point cloud manager panel.
  • SR189724

Point Cloud rendering

We fixed a rendering error on particular LGSx datasets.
  • SR188534


We improved logging in case of corrupt input data.
  • SR183946


Print and Print Preview performance has been improved by rendering very dense hatch patterns as solid fills during preview display and printing.
  • SR179943
Enhanced Print to PDF performance for large drawings with extensive print sets. Performance now up to 12 times faster than before.
  • SR175427
Improved PDF printing performance by reducing file size and increasing speed for drawings containing gradient hatches.
  • SR186778
Fixed an issue where PUBLISH to PDF failed for DXF files
  • SR180178
Fixed tiling issue when printing a point cloud to PDF.
  • SR190415
  • SR192008
  • SR192567
  • SR192817
Fixed an issue where both the internal and external PDF viewers opened simultaneously during Print Preview.
  • SR190847
  • SR192624

Project browser

Fixed a translation issue in the rename typed plans dialog box
We fixed a crash in project browser with custom sheet properties.
  • SR181049

Properties Panel

A visual defect in Properties Panel has been fixed, related to OPM Extension properties added by applications.
  • SR190791


Resolved an issue where unsaved modifications to a drawing were not applied when publishing in the background
  • SR176901


Resolved crash with background publishing sheets


Improved qselect panel.


A change was made to the REVCLOUD command to reduce the need to reverse the direction of revision cloud arcs when creating a revision cloud from a selected entity.
  • SR187571


We fixed an issue causing certain RFA family types to be imported incorrectly.
  • SR180836


Fixed an issue in the Ribbon where WPF panels remained active/visible in the absence of documents, ignoring _AdWnd.RibbonPanel.IsEnabled=false and _AdWnd.RibbonPanel.IsVisible=false.
  • SR186321
Fixed an issue in V24 where expanded Ribbon panels remained visible and anchored in the same position after moving or minimizing the BricsCAD window. The floating WPF panels now close as expected when the main window is moved or resized.
  • SR184476
The ribbonCheckStateChanged .NET event is now correctly sent when clicking a ribbon button ( AcRibbonToggleButton).
  • SR185713
  • SR186473
  • SR186791
Fixed an issue where a BRX Ribbon split button failed to expand, displaying a small rectangle instead.
  • SR185499
  • SR186300
  • SR187628
Fixed an error where RibbonTextBox entites did not display correctly in the Ribbon.
  • SR187080
  • SR188562


Fixed a bug where the base angle option didn't work on 2D entities.
  • SR168071
  • SR177369
  • SR183894
Fixed a bug where base angle option didn't work on non-parallel solids.
  • SR175554


Made a correction in OdSpaModelerImpl::out to avoid losing SAT data, when AcisBuilder throws exceptions.
  • SR183621
  • SR184431


Fixed an issue where certain drawings could be opened but not saved
  • 189990


Resolved an issue where intersection entities were incorrectly evaluated due to the rear plane of the section volume being used with inverted 'boundary' and 'volume' section planes.
  • SR183301


Adjusted the highlight level to ensure that entities in front of highlighted items remain visible. The highlight level is customizable via the HIGHLIGHT_ALPHA setting.
  • SR181495


Is now a translatable string.
  • SR183181
Fixed wrong license feedback, BIM license is required.
  • SR192879


Is now a translatable string.
  • SR183181


Is now a translatable string.
  • SR183181


Fixed an issue to ensure proper relative paths are created for subsets.
  • SR69293
  • SR99582
  • SR177507


Fixed an issue where publishing a single sheet with 'Open in viewer when ready' selected failed to launch the default PDF viewer.
  • SR182990

Sketch Based Features

Fixed a bug where invalid sketch features were not properly removed during validation, leading to anonymous blocks being listed.
  • SR186347


The SLICE command now allows users to create straight cutting planes when the ORTHO mode is toggled on.
  • SR179567


Resolved an issue whereby inaccessible paths present in a profile would result in lag when performing certain actions.
  • SR184203
  • SR184962

Start Page

Recent files now appear in chronological order.
  • SR170125
Start page tab is load for when the STARTUP system variable is set to 2 and 3. It is not for the new value 4.
  • SR140181
  • SR180862
  • SR186303
Fixed a bug where pinned drawings were lost if a drawing was deleted.
  • SR183091
The application categories, on the Applications Tab from the Start Page, are now translated.
  • SR184917
The 'New Drawing' button in start page opens now opens the last used template and not the 'Create new drawing' wizard.
  • SR186162
  • SR189390
  • SR189863
  • SR190258
  • SR191084

Subtract Feature

Fixed a bug where an extra gap was created when a subtract feature was moved from the edge into the solid.
  • SR160835
  • SR176781


Removed table highlighting
  • SR166155
  • SR189890
Enhanced table behavior by making the table row index unselectable when not in edit mode, preventing unintended selections near table rows.
  • SR190984

TIN Surface

We fixed an issue that occurs in drawings with TIN surface and grading, where the grading used the TIN surface as a target surface while also being used as a merged surface for the same TIN surface.
  • SR187682
We fixed an issue that caused BricsCAD to freeze when adding additional strings as breaklines to a TIN surface.
  • SR187646

Tips Panel

Improvements have been made to the PEDITEXT command tips. Note: these changes will only be visible on a clean installation.
  • SR185074

Tool Bar

Fixed an error where the Toolbar was deleted when an app was loaded.
  • SR185697
  • SR186834
  • SR187465

Transient Menus

Transient Menus now adjust to screen size dynamically.
  • SR185628
  • SR186181


Fixed an issue where trimming XLINES left behind small line segments or created duplicate overlapping entities
  • SR180894
  • SR186773
  • SR187159
  • SR188897
  • SR190974
  • SR192940
Fixed an issue where the previous selection set couldn't be used as cutting entities in Standard mode
  • SR187220
Fixed an issue in the TRIM command where active snap would cause unintended jumps to snap points during Selection Window/Crossing, affecting entity selection for trimming.
  • SR188924
  • SR190549
  • SR191800
  • SR192223
  • SR192842


Fixed a bug where the graphic in the tutorial window did not match the opened drawing.
  • SR189197

Typed Plans

Fixed double text in symbol customization in translated versions.


We fixed an error that caused undo to fail in certain cases after commands like PASTEBLOCK.
  • SR185174
  • SR187390
  • SR189450
  • SR189500
  • SR189570

Untranslated Civil strings

We fixed an issue with untranslated strings in various Civil dialogs, ensuring all text is now translatable.
  • SR180368
  • SR182187


Fixed an issue in where the Plot Date field did not update correctly after plotting, displaying '###' instead of the correct date/time
  • SR190280


Fixed a bug where hidden tangent lines were visible when hidden lines were disabled.
  • SR179148
Fixed an issue where triggering a REGEN via an AcDbLayoutManagerReactor during the VIEWBASE command caused an error,
  • SR186527
Fixed an issue where the VIEWBASE command failed with custom entities derived from AcDb3dSolid, incorrectly displaying "No objects found,"
  • SR184690
  • SR187214
  • SR188555
  • SR192086

Visibility States

The attribute values are currently adjusted based on its visibility states.
  • SR118670
  • SR144139


Fixed an issue where VPfreeze temporarily affected entity visibility in other viewports
  • SR185279

Warning if Mechanical 2D Standard not Assigned

Resolved an issue to always give a warning after calling all Mechanical 2D commands if a Mechanical 2D standard template is not assigned to the drawing.
  • SR186570
  • SR187079


Fixed an issue where attempting to detach an XREF after undoing its unload operation resulted in a "Not opened for read" error.
  • SR186829
Fixed an issue where using XATTACH to attach an xref as Attachment in a drawing with an existing inserted block inadvertently reinserted the previous block.
  • SR188543
  • SR190710
Fixed a bug where the ability to use the same Insertion Point, Scale, and Rotation options was disabled when inserting multiple files.
  • SR190811


Fixed a crash that occurred when reopening a drawing with a specific attached Xref
  • SR188323



We've implemented DBObject member functions GetBinaryDataForKey() and SetBinaryDataForKey() to add binary data to the entity's extension dictionary by breaking it into 127 byte chunks.
The FilterAnchorTargets protocol extension is now also evaluated when a bim anchor is created. The api call to create an anchor feature returns eOutOfRange if no acceptable anchor target is found at the selected position.
The StatusBarItem context menu Click event notification is now sent as expected after a menu item is selected.
  • SR185028
The ComboButton.Items.Insert() method now adds the new button at the specified position in the combo list.
  • SR166382
An XrefFileLock instance now automatically saves changes to the locked xref file when the lock instance is disposed.
  • SR185594
The main application thread's CurrentUICulture is now initialized to the local language of the current running application instance as expressed in the LOCALE system variable.
  • SR186222
  • SR190829
The Pane.Style property is now correctly supported in the new status bar.
  • SR182693
  • SR185028
The AssocPersSubentityIdPE class is now implemented.
  • SR186596
Assoc2dConstraintGroup methods AddConstrainedGeometry() and AddGeometricalConstraint() are now implemented.
  • SR161745
  • SR186596
Some interactive Editor methods fail when called on an inactive document. Before V25.2, the method's document had to be the CurrentDocument. Starting in V25.2, the document must be the MdiActiveDocument. Ordinarily MdiActiveDocument and CurrentDocument are the same, so this change is mostly academic. However, there are times when the CurrentDocument is not the same as the MdiActiveDocument, for example, while a drawing is in the process of opening, or whenever the CurrentDocument is explicitly changed while a command is running.
  • SR185947
  • SR187918
The managed API module is now unloaded earlier in the shutdown process, in an effort to ensure that shutdown occurs while native resources are still available.
  • SR189968
  • SR190652
A jig dynamic dimension with DynamicDimensionData.HideIfValueIsZero property now remains visible when measurement is not zero.
  • SR176476
We fixed a bug in the Brep class whereby it failed to deterministically dispose its internal Entity reference in certain cases, leaving the reference to non-deterministic future garbage collection. This delayed dispose could cause the underling entity to misbehave in the meantime, potentially leading to a crash.
  • SR190491
DBText.getTextWithFieldCodes() has been implemented.
  • SR191832
Two missing signatures of Geometry.Surface.EvaluatePoint() have been added.
  • SR192701
We fixed a problem in V25 that could cause an error when saving a drawing after certain cloning operations while there is an active overrule using an xdata filter.
  • SR192864


Several fixes and improvements for the BLADE "Find" and "Find & Replace" dialogs were applied, to improve behaviour and consistency.
  • SR182764
The Preferences dialog now has a new "Debugging" page with an option to "Save Modified Files" before debugging starts. The existing "AutoBreak" option is also added to the new page.
  • SR190297
The "Loading and Saving" tab in the Preferences dialog has a new option to automatically save modified LISP and DCL files.


We implemented AcDbNurbSurface methods getIsolineAtU() and getIsolineAtV().
  • SR171265
A preset AcDbMline justification style is no longer overridden during setDatabaseDefaults() when the entity is added to a database.
  • SR189940
We've resolved a "multiply defined symbols" linker error caused by linking to both the BRX and the BrxMgd import libraries from the same project.
  • SR89487
  • SR184824
Using a jig with cursor type AcEdJig::kInvisible no longer shows cursor artefacts.
  • SR90436
AcDbPolygonMesh::convertToPolyMeshType() has been implemented.
  • SR150468
We implemented AcDbRegion::createFromCurves(const AcArray<AcDbEntity*>&, AcArray<AcDbRegion*>&) function.
  • SR161288
We implemented AcDbAssocIndexPersSubentId along with derived classes AcDbAssocObjectAndIndexPersSubentId and AcDbAssocExternalIndexPersSubentId.
  • SR165635
We fixed a linker error with a custom class derived from AcDbAssocPersSubentIdPE.
  • SR168759
Dynamic dimension text position is now being updated during AcEdJig::drag().
  • SR85103
  • SR178151
We implemented new AcDbObject member functions intendedDatabase(), setIntendedDatabase(), and databaseToUse().
  • SR178684
When re-docking a paletteset after the dock size has decreased, the paletteset window is now sized to fit the smaller dock.
  • SR183493
  • SR188405
We removed an inadvertent override keyword from unimplemented CAdUiTheme class destructor declaration.
  • SR184018
We've implemented AcDbGeoVerticalCoordinateSystem and AcDbGeoCompoundCoordinateSystem classes.
AcDb3dSolid::projectOnToSolid() has been implemented.
  • SR186370
Two signatures of AcDbSurface::createOffsetSurface() have been implemented.
  • SR186371
AcDbCurve::createFromAcGeCurve() now returns a 2d polyline when passed an AcGeCompositeCurve3d with all segments in the same plane.
  • SR187243
A demand loading registry key in the main app language independent registry hierarchy is now honored even if the same application key exists in the ObjectDRX hierarchy.
  • SR186452
  • SR187902
AcRxDynamicLinker::loadApp() now searches the language-independent Applications hierarchy if the requested application name is not found in the language-dependent Applications hierarchy.
  • SR187902
We've fixed acedDefun() and acedRegFunc() so they work as expected when called from a command context callback function with beginExecuteInCommandContext().
  • SR188554
We fixed an AcDbOle2Frame problem that occurred after setOleObject() was called with an IOleObject that did not expose an IStorage interface.
  • SR188662
We added a new alternative signature of AcDbOle2Frame::setOleObject() that accepts a heap allocated MFC COleClientItem* instance.
A call to acedGetAcadWinApp()->GetIDispatch() now returns a valid IUnknown interface.
  • SR188993
We fixed a parametric block corruption that occurred in certain cases after attempting to set an expression to a non-existent parameter.
  • SR162051
When appContextOpenDocument() is called during a command running in document context, the newly opened document is now eventually activated after the command has ended, similar to other platforms.
  • SR191621
We fixed a crash that occurred when using the HLR engine from a non-main thread.
  • SR192090


XrefGraph (.NET) and AcDbXrefGraph (C++) now correctly identify nested xrefs as nested.
  • SR163843
Hatch loops retrieved via getLoopAt() (C++) or GetLoopAt() (.NET) now return closed polyline loops with endpoint always equal to start point. This improves compatibility with other platforms.
  • SR182792
We've implemented AcEdSettingsReactor, a custom setting reactor that can monitor changes to custom settings. The analogous Settings.SettingChanged event can be used to monitor settings changes in .NET.
  • SR183472
We've added a command line warning that displays when expressions in a parametric system are out of bounds. To avoid the warnings, plugin code should mind the parameter bounds.
Functions to get or set BIM properties in Property Sets (like BimPropertySets.getPSetProperty) will now also look for a match based on the IfcName
  • SR175280
The AcApDocManagerReactor::documentToBeDeactivated event no longer fires twice when opening a new drawing.
We extended the civil point API for modifying user attributes.
  • SR181516
We extended the civil API to export GIS data, one layer per call.
  • SR165767
We fixed a V25.1.07 regression that could cause some document manager reactor notifications to stop firing after switching document tabs back and forth several times.
  • SR189768
A registered ADS function or .NET LispFunction named with an underscore (_) prefix can now be executed via lisp without error.
  • SR191651
  • SR191731
Custom ribbon label images are now displayed properly.
  • SR185836


The following extended Sheet Set Manager extended interfaces are now implemented: IAcSmProjectPointLocation2, IAcSmPublishOptions2, IAcSmSubset2, IAcSmSheetSet2.
  • SR179365
IAcSmSheet.GetName() now returns a concatenation of the sheet number and sheet title similar to other platforms.
  • SR179181
Utility.GetSubEntity() now returns full 64-bit ObjectId values in the Context array.
  • SR192198


Drawing aids like osnap glyphs are no longer displayed during (grread).
  • SR184987
COM objects are now proerly released afer using (vlax-import-type-library) Note that COM servers like MS Excel can take a long time to unload.
  • SR186674
We fixed a bug that caused (entmake) to fail when creating a MESH entity containing subentity property overrides.
The (S::STARTUP) function is processed for each opened drawing, fixing a regression from V25.1.
  • SR188160
Resolved an issue which could cause the application to crash when calling (vl-load-civil).
  • SR188362
A rounding issue with the (rtos) function was resolved.
  • SR188684
TEXTEDIT command did not properly check for selected entity type, causing a subsequent Lisp error - this has been fixed.
  • SR189059
A new Civil GIS LISP API has been introduced. The new API is documented in the LISP Developer Support Package from the BricsCAD app store.
We fixed an issue that caused (S::STARTUP) to not be executed in certain cases for auto-loaded LISP files.
  • SR189565
The civil point LISP API has been extended with support for label and symbol styles.
  • SR189489
We've corrected a V21 regression that caused a supplied pickpoint to be ignored when provided as command input in a list of the form returned by (entsel).
  • SR183725
All Generic Properties API functions now accept VLA-Object as input.
  • SR191643
The COM property "Invisible" is now supported on Linux and Mac platforms.
  • SR191616
The LISP Civil API has been extended to also support Surface related label styles.
It is now possible to create a new shape file text style entry with (entmake) and (entmakex).
  • SR191889
The COM functions (vla-AddDimXxx) and (vla-AddAttribute) now honor the annotative status of the respective Dimension and Text styles.
  • SR192205
We have fixed an issue in (entmake) and (entmakex) with ignored DXF codes 5 and 105 from the definition list for xrecord objects.
  • SR192254


It is now possible to intercept content placement operations from the Library panel with redefined -INSERT and -BMINSERT commands. Before the fix, file paths containing backslashes were interpreted as pauses for user input, causing a waiting prompt to receive only partial input. Backslashes in file paths are now converted to forward slashes.
  • SR181359
There is a V25 regression that results in ignoring the file selection flag that suppressed warnings when the selected file already exists. The regression has been fixed.
  • SR190501


Version 25.1.07



Some issues with -LAYDEL commandline prompt options have been fixed.
  • SR186479


Fixed an issue where refreshing would break the sorting order in the TreeView.


We fixed a program freeze when sections are generated in a particular drawing.
  • SR178447


BLADE Inspector functionality was fixed for SymbolTables, regression from V25.1
  • SR187774


Fixed an issue where the HATCH and BOUNDARY commands would not fail when the specified interior point was outside the boundary set.
  • SR132963
  • SR150316

Civil string

Translation notes have been added to the text for the Civil "String" object to address previous translation issues.
  • SR185156


We fixed an issue in the localized versions where importing Civil Points from a file caused 'undefined' to be translated into a string with special characters, which prevented the import from working correctly.
  • SR185067


We fixed an error during filleting or chamfering certain custom solid entities created by plugin code.
  • SR183213


Associative hatches obeys stretch action of a dynamic block.
  • SR159535
Resolved an issue causing an error to be displayed when opening drawings containing dynamic blocks with a specific structure.
  • SR185761


We fixed a crash that could occur after repeatedly canceling both the attribute text editor and the main dialog.


Enhanced the ATTSYNC command and BATTMAN dialog's Sync button to support attributes containing placeholder fields.
  • SR167673


Resolved an issue where FLATSHOT included components hidden via the Mechanical Browser panel.
  • SR185126
  • SR187569


Enhanced panning and zooming performance when a base map is enabled.
  • SR184619

GIS Import

Now it is possible to rename the GIS layer during import, that allows the import of GIS files with the same name.
  • SR170519


Resolved an issue where bitonal images became distorted after using the IEMBED command.
  • SR183128
  • SR183370
  • SR184135


We fixed an issue causing the opening volumes to be shown opaque in certain software.
  • SR186385


We fixed an issue resulting in a wrong position of the site geometry when an IFC file was imported with exploded spatial locations.
  • SR177743

Import Points From Point File

The translation issues related to the Preview columns' titles at the Import Points From Point File dialog box have been fixed.
  • SR185065


Fixed Lisp version of partial INSERT command to show ATTRIBUTE dialog
  • SR185543


Restored option of loading custom lin file encoded as UTF-8 without BOM
  • SR185027
  • SR185231
  • SR185892

Manage Point File Formats

The translation issue related to the <skip> column name at the Manage Point File Formats dialog box has been fixed.
  • SR185064


Resolved an issue where linetypes were not displayed correctly in printed output.
  • SR186273
  • SR187679
  • SR187823


Fixed an issue where editing QDIM dimensions was not functioning correctly.
  • SR174244
  • SR184371


Fixed a bug where the default revolve value of 360 degrees could not be applied in the top view.
  • SR185599


Fixed an issue where the last input scale was not retained as the default scale when no input was provided.
  • SR185791


Fixed a bug where enabling clip display on certain solids caused them to appear hollow.
  • SR174486


Dynamic and parametric blocks are correctly picked-up by SELECTSIMILAR after modifications of their parameters.
  • SR185895
Dynamic blocks are successfully detected by SELECTSIMILAR command after copying.
  • SR185895

Status Bar (Qt)

We fixed an issue where double byte characters were not correctly displayed in the new status bar.
  • SR185007
  • SR185134


Resolved an issue where switching between 'Locked Content' and 'Locked Format' required selecting 'Unlocked' first.
  • SR176442


Position and state of floating toolbars is now reliably saved in the registry on shutdown.
  • SR186138


Fixed an issue where using the Fence or Crossing option to trim or extend would yield incorrect results if a dimension was selected.
  • SR149133
  • SR157431
  • SR167531
Resolved a crash issue when selecting radial dimensions using the "Crossing" option in the TRIM command.
  • SR187332

Units Conversion

Resolved: explicitly defined the default numeric locale during the loading of the default units configuration file.


Fixed an issue where lineweights were not correctly retained in WMFOUT exports.
  • SR180635



A newly added property BIMLinearGeometry.ClippingFaces returns all clipping faces, including end faces and inner faces that are not side faces. The BIMLinearGeometry.EndFaces property now returns only end faces.
  • SR181299
A fix for Editor.GetEntity() in V24.2 introduced a regression that caused the prompt to cancel when picking in space. The prompt now continues in this case unless AllowNone is enabled, restoring the correct behavior.
  • SR185821
  • SR185822
  • SR187640
Vector3d.ProjectTo() has been implemented.
  • SR186444
We fixed a crash that could occur after calling Database.Insert() then immediately disposing the source database, when the destination database already contained a block with the same name as a block in the source database.
  • SR186561
  • SR187675


The force pick aperture area is now correctly applied as a region centered on the mouse cursor.
  • SR186378
We've added a check to prevent an infinite loop in certain unusual custom entity subGetOsnapPoint() implementations that were working before V25.
We fixed a regression that caused duplicate AcEditorReactor::documentBecameCurrent() reactor events when switching document tabs.
  • SR187191


Several issues with SuperHatch have been fixed, resulting in a more precise hatching of the boundary. We also applied some minor performance improvements.
  • SR176573
  • SR185575
  • SR185668


Fixed crash.
  • SR186426
We have fixed a crash related to "persistent reactors" on the Linux and Mac platform.
  • SR186294


We fixed a recently introduced crash in ThisDrawing.Close().
  • SR187537
  • SR187591


Version 25.1.06

Improvements to BIM


'Polywall' is now the default mode.


The Survey, Project and Site Location will now be exported correctly if not all of them were defined yet

Improvements to Point Clouds


We improved the performance when fitting a wall to a point cloud.


AEC Entity Snapping

We fixed AEC entity snaps that were partially broken in V25.

AEC object enabler

We fixed a shutdown crash that could occur in certain cases after opening a drawing that contained AEC objects.

Annotation Scale

We fixed a V24 regression that caused middle aligned attributes to incorrectly shift alignment when adding a new annotation scale.
  • SR183391
  • SR185139
  • SR185548


We resolved a memory leak that occurred during the loading and unloading of an xref.
  • SR173558


Corrected the issue where the Xref state does not update after reloading the external reference.
  • SR168604
  • SR183921


Corrected the layout-oriented flag of the text style to be properly applied during the creation of attribute definitions.
  • SR143904
  • SR163717


Fixed a freeze in BIMWALL 'Single Wall' snapping to 2d drawings with a lot of hatches.
We fixed an issue where wall thickness was not detected when fitting a wall to a point cloud in a particular data set.


An attribute on a locked layer can be moved if its block is not on the locked layer.
Fixed a crash that occurred when creating a block on arrays with the Parameters Panel open.
  • SR183386


Fixed a bug where only the first block name in the list could be edited.
  • SR183086
Fixed a bug where the 'Detect Collections' option in Blockify displayed broken block definition text in the commandline in certain localized versions.
  • SR180897


We fixed a crash that occurred when displaying lids for non-uniformly scaled blocks.
  • SR184628


Resolved an issue where a positive height value was not applied when the mouse cursor was in a negative direction during input.

Civil Points

Non-Latin characters are now displayed correctly in the Import Points From Point File dialog.
  • SR177782

Corridor Extract

Fixed an issue where grading would not update after extracting a polyline with a dynamic link from Corridor.
  • SR181399


Ensured thread-safe access to solids in LidsGeneratorImp::processCacheDataImp()
  • SR183242


Resolved issue with clearing the layer traits cache.
  • SR179829

Design Table

Fixed a bug where copying a mechanical block with a design table from one drawing to another resulted in only the copied entities being pasted, without the design table.
  • SR168918
  • SR180888
  • SR185081


Fixed issue with cropsolids used for isolating the surfaces for deviation calculation.
  • SR183748


Fixed a crash that occurred when panning while drawing annotative dimensions in a locked viewport.
  • SR171050
  • SR171069


Corrected saving of ACIS entities.
  • SR182928


Resolved an issue where creating or editing a routine with a Blockify task caused the routine name to reset to 'New Routine' upon closing the dialog.
  • SR183807


Improved handling of grip points.
  • SR155245
Fixed incorrect movement of attributes.
  • SR176868


Fixed grip position issue in dynamic blocks with 2d constraints after stretching.
  • SR180307


We removed a duplicated "World" item in the UCS dropdown displayed in the View properties panel.
  • SR182187


Fixed an issue that affected the export of ACIS entities.
  • SR134586
  • SR139350
  • SR184091


Entities without spatial containment will now be correctly exported when the Site Location is not in the WCS origin.

Label style editor

Label style editor values are now displayed and updated correctly.
  • SR185553


Resolved a crash that occurred during multithreaded regeneration of viewports with frozen layers.
  • SR183194
  • SR184680


Restore layer state in the modelspace viewport only.
  • SR183945


Resolved an issue where using MIRROR on 3D objects did not create the resulting solid in the correct location when CREATESKETCHFEATURE was set to 1.
  • SR184864


Fixed a rendering error that occurred when new mleaders were created in paperspace.
  • SR184985
  • SR185323
  • SR185507
  • SR185773


It is technically possible for a drawing file to contain another drawing file embedded as an OLE object. It is not possible for OLE to safely open such an embedded drawing when it is embedded in the same host application that should open it. This scenario is now checked, and such nested OLE drawings are prohibited from opening via OLEOPEN or other means in the same running application instance.
  • SR184172


CTB files with non-standard content order are now readable.
  • SR178422
  • SR180458
Resolved issue with Legacy Hidden shadeplot making viewports appear black on certain physical printers.
  • SR178896


The QRTEXT command now prompts for input at the command line when started by script.
  • SR184572


Ribbon buttons with the 'Drop Down' style are now appearing correctly.
  • SR181964
  • SR182947
  • SR184982
  • SR184984
  • SR185169
  • SR185318
  • SR185499
  • SR185888

Sheet Metal unfold

Small stability improvement in sheet metal unfolding. (SMUNFOLD, SMEXPORTOSM, SMEXPORT2D)
  • SR147179


Corrected the vertical movement functionality of the middle grip in tables.
  • SR169423
  • SR182761


Quick trim mode (TRIMEXTENDMODE) is now ignored when running the command non-interactively by script.


Resolved an issue where modifying the Z values of start and end points for multiple selected lines in UCSORTHO=1 could incorrectly alter the Y values, causing inconsistent coordinate display when both lines were selected together.
  • SR182377


The "Show All" option in the status bar HIDE ENTITIES now correctly runs the UNISOLATEOBJECTS command instead of UNHIDEOBJECTS
  • SR184816



We implemented new Export/Import methods in Bricscad.Civil.LandXML.
  • SR115289
Contextual ribbon tabs can now be created by setting RibbonTab.TabRule and IsContextualTab, and shown or hidden with newly added RibbonControl methods ShowContextualTab() and HideContextualTab().
  • SR66392
  • SR71692
  • SR141279
LayerStateManager.ImportLayerStateFromDb method no longer throws eInvalidKey when importing a valid layer state.
  • SR182923
We fixed an unexpected exception in SubDMesh.GetObjectMesh() that could happen under certain conditions.
  • SR183470
The BlockPropertiesTableRow.Item[] indexed property is now returning correct results.
  • SR184157
Newly created TinSurface and related civil objects are now constructed properly. This fixes a problem with such newly created objects remaining open after their transaction ended.
  • SR184548
An earlier V25 fix for LispFunction with void return type had an unintended side effect. After that fix, returning null from a LispFunction with non-void return type no longer returns NIL as expected. This regression has been fixed.
  • SR185598


We've improved performance in a particular scenario involving repeated calls to AcDbDatabase::deepCloneObjects() in a large drawing file.
  • SR182372
We previously fixed a problem with too much scrolling of the command line at a user input prompt. The earlier fix causes unwanted stripping of a trailing newline character when calling acutPrintf() in certain cases. To address this new problem, we have refined the earlier fix so that trailing newlines are not stripped unless acutPrintf() was immediately preceded by an input prompt.
  • SR182731
We fixed a deadlock that could occur under certain conditions when loading an object enabler while in a paperspace layout.
  • SR183207
We fixed a bug in Body::convertToPolyFaceMeshes() that could lead to a crash in rare cases.
When switching document tabs cancels the active command, the original document now remains the current document until all document reactor notifications have been sent.
  • SR183949
Cancelling the PASTECLIP command now fires commandCancelled instead of commandEnded.
  • SR183949
We fixed a V25 regression that caused AcApDocManager::curDocument() and acdbCurDwg() to return the previously active document and database when called during kLoadDwgMsg.
  • SR184128
AcDbDynBlockReferenceProperty::setValue() now accepts a value of type RTSHORT when setting a flip state property.
  • SR184160
The behavior of AcApDocManager::beginExecuteInCommandContext() has been improved to execute the queued function as a separate command instead of waiting for the next command to start.
  • SR184821

BRX BModeler

The Body::stitchFaces() function has been extended to accept Face objects using bridge edges to define holes. A new function Face::convertBridgeEdgesToHoleLoops() has been added to convert faces with bridge edges to use BModeler style edge loops without bridges.
  • SR180531


Concentric adjoining arc segments in HLR results are now joined into a single larger arc.
  • SR183405


The deprecated BIM classification API now identifies objects as "generic" when they are classified, but with a newer type that has no corresponding enumeration in the deprecated list of types. Previously, such objects were treated as if they were unclassified.
  • SR184047


SuperHatch now accepts an explicitly selected boundary entity, ignoring islands in that case.
  • SR169967
Several issues related to the "Select Existing" option have been fixed in SuperHatch.
  • SR173009


The (cond) function has been improved to detect invalid condition items.
  • SR182468
A new (vle-vector-to2d) function returns a 2D point list for any given 2D or 3D point list, discarding the z-value.
The LISPINIT=0 setting is now only respected when SDI=1 is active, to match compatibility requirements.
We fixed an issue that caused unwanted command errors in commands like REDIR in certain unusual cases.
  • SR184053
We improved (entmod) to support unconventional DXF code sequence (duplicated DXF codes) for TEXT entity, to improve compatibility.
  • SR184517


Version 25.1.05

Known Issues

BricsCAD Shape end-of-life announcement

We want to let you know that this version of BricsCAD - V25 - will likely be the last version that contains the BricsCAD Shape product. We plan to remove BricsCAD Shape in the next major release of BricsCAD - V26 - which is currently planned for late 2025.

Improvements to BricsCAD


We fixed an output formatting issue that resulted in an unwanted colon character at the end of lines.
  • SR178028

Access Toolbars

The simplified Access Toolbars have been removed from the product. Access Toolbars have returned to the V23 default, known as "Legacy" in V24. This is the default for the Modern Layout. There is also a Access Toolbar available, named "Easy", designed to look familiar to new users coming from traditional CAD software. This is the default for the Classic Layout.

AI Predict

The AI Assist ribbon tab has been renamed to "AI Predict".
The graphic of the AI Predict Ribbon tab has been updated.

Attachment Panel

When a missing attachment is located, a confirmation dialog will now appear, offering the option to apply the same found path to all other missing attachments.


Implemented batch replacement and fixed bugs related to path type changes after replacement.
  • SR147002
  • SR150496
  • SR156106
  • SR156497
  • SR157648
  • SR160108
  • SR160115
  • SR161760
  • SR176897
  • SR178038


Bitmap buttons on the dialog now display tooltips to help identify their functions.
  • SR172473

Block Context menu

The Block context (right-click menu) now contains additional block editing tools.
  • SR147851
  • SR178520


Dynamic block actions with their start point on the OX- or OY-axes are now supported for conversion by BLOCKCONVERT.
  • SR160070
  • SR163464
  • SR171328
Dynamic blocks containing entities affected both by an array action as a move, stretch or scale action, are now supported for conversion. The result is a parametric block containing a regular array and resp. a parametric move, stretch or scale operation that operates on some base entities of the array.
  • SR164996
  • SR171328
Block names with unsupported characters are now removed, and the new block names are displayed in the BLOCKCONVERT dialog during conversion.


Next to block references, the "find collections" option of the BLOCKIFY command now also takes 3D solid as valid input.
Renamed "Detect sets of 3D solids" to clarify the use case of detecting sets of block references containing 2D geometry.
  • SR180415
An inconsistency between the different BLOCKIFY command options related to scale invariance has been removed: the scale of objects does matter, and a small cylindrical bolt is not to be replaced by a same block as a huge chemical tank. When matching geometry with existing block definitions, the scale of the block is taken into account.
The functionality of the previous PARAMETRICBLOCKIFY command has been integrated in the BLOCKIFY command. As such, BLOCKIFY is now your single resort for all types of block detection. This includes the "check Library" option, allowing you to match geometry in your current drawing with any folder with content (i.e., other drawings). This is not only a UX simplification (by unification of 2 commands) but also extends the functionality: the BLOCKIFY > "match existing Blocks" option now considers existing parametric block definitions and looks for parametric variations in model space.
The unclear automatic "-1" tolerance has been replaced by more explicit "default tolerance" radio buttons.
The GUI panel workflow of the BLOCKIFY command has completely been overhauled. The first page of the command panel lets you choose between the different command modes (detect matches with selected entities, detect matches with existing blocks, detect equal 3D solids, detect collections of 3D solids). Dependent on the selected mode, different follow-up questions and advanced options are presented, such as an entity selection step, where to look for existing blocks, a default block name... The second page of the command panel presents you with the detected results and - dependent on the selected mode - controls to specify the block name and insertion point. A back button allows you to switch between results view and set-up view. For scripting compatibility, the previous command-line workflow has been preserved in a new, commandline only -BLOCKIFY command.
During the BLOCKIFY command, in modes where a new block definition is created, a temporary mark in model space indicates the position of the insertion point of the to-be-created block.
With the newly introduced "Prevent loss of parametrics" option in BLOCKIFY, parameters and constraints are preserved and remapped to the subentities of the replacing blocks.
The color of the block insertion point marker, with the "Detect matches with selected entities" option in BLOCKIFY command panel, has been improved for better readability.


The CONVERTCOMPONENTSTOBLOCK command automatically converts legacy and mechanical components in BricsCAD to mechanical blocks while preserving all their parameters and constraints.

CAD Standards

The CAD Standards checker has been added to the installer configurations on all platforms.

Classic Layout

The Ribbon of the Classic layout, Drafting workspace has been enhanced to make it more familiar to users coming from the traditional CAD platform.


Encrypted colour books are now supported. Note: Encrypted colour books are not provided with BricsCAD.
  • SR96195
  • SR138350
  • SR139718
  • SR140646
  • SR144414
  • SR154886
  • SR155220
  • SR158692
  • SR159191
  • SR159587
  • SR159695
  • SR162573
  • SR163137
  • SR169926
  • SR170855
  • SR172479

Context Sensitive Tools

Additional tools have been added to the right-click context menus and Quad for Hatch, MLeader and Dimension entities.
  • SR157623


CURSORMODE has been introduced, enabling users to switch between XOR and Non-XOR modes for the cursor for better cursor visibility in specific situations.
  • SR149430
  • SR153430
  • SR159151


The deletion of a sketch feature and its dependents can be done using the DELETESKETCHFEATURE command and from the right-click menu of the selected feature via the mechanical browser.


Implemented DIMJOGGED and DIMJOGLINE commands.
  • SR47721
  • SR63916
  • SR81317
  • SR102323
  • SR122212
  • SR131721
  • SR133444
  • SR140484
  • SR144180
  • SR147611
  • SR157774
  • SR160772
  • SR167593
  • SR174596
  • SR176919


Added "Jog height factor" property for jogged dimensions.


The command cannot be used in drawings that do not contain sketch based features.


Fillet and Chamfer are now available as sketch features, and their parameters can be modified from the Mechanical Browser.


A more visual and interactive command panel has been implemented, both for the set-up/settings part of the command, as for showing the to-be-simplified results. This final step allows for (un)toggling results, which supports partial simplification of 3D geometry.

Drawing Explorer

Support binding of individual blocks, layers etc from xrefs in the drawing explorer, and in the layers panel.

Drawing Properties Dialog

The Drawing Properties dialog has been upgraded from wxWidgets to Qt.


A new task has been added to DRAWINGHEALTH, supporting the simplification of 3D (ACIS-based) geometry. The functionality and UI/UX of this new task corresponds to the DMSIMPLIFY command. It is possible to choose whether this task should simplify 3D geometry inside (all) block definitions or not. When enabling this setting, the same results can be obtained as when using the standalone DMSIMPLIFYALL command.
It is now possible to delete routines in the DRAWINGHEALTH routine manager using the Delete key. It is also possible to use the arrow keys to go up and down in the list of routines.
It is now possible to provide a description to DRAWINGHEALTH routines. This can be used provide more context about the purpose of a routine, to communicate instructions to coworkers, etc.
A new out-of-the box DRAWINGHEALTH routine has been added, mainly aiming to clean-up (imported) 3D geometry and preparing it for processing with BricsCAD (e.g., direct modeling).
Default routines now include descriptions to indicate their potential impact on drawings. Additionally, new descriptions to custom routines can be added to help remember the setup.


The feature sketch can now be edited using an alternate command to SKETCHEDIT.


Users now have the ability to choose between binding or inserting external references directly from the eTransmit Dialog.
  • SR38054
  • SR73667
  • SR77183
  • SR79210
  • SR119566
  • SR140935
  • SR143579
  • SR144409
  • SR153654
  • SR156867
  • SR160739
  • SR161831
  • SR172848
The ETransmit dialog has been updated to Qt from wxWidgets.

Experimental Mode

BricsCAD has been enriched with a dedicated, central and easy-to-use "Experimental Mode", aiming to clearly encapsulate multiple "experimental features". The mode is disabled by default but can be enabled using the banner on the start page, or by using the MANAGEEXPERIMENTALFEATURES command. Enabling the mode gives you access to early features, and provides you with the opportunity to help the BricsCAD team in defining the direction of these features. Enabling or disabling the mode requires a restart of the application.
The list of experimental features is available on the start page once experimental mode is enabled.


Implemented EXPORTTOAUTOCAD command which creates a new version of a drawing file with all AEC entities converted into blocks containing native entities.
  • SR146877
  • SR156336
  • SR165005


TORIENT command now offers the feature to align the text along a selected line/polyline segment; only the text angle is changed according to orientation of the line/polyline segment, but text position remains unchanged.


Parameters can now be inserted as attributes using the FIELD dialog.
  • SR120514
  • SR122874
  • SR124560
  • SR125722
  • SR145839
  • SR149336
  • SR149412
  • SR149463

File Menu

The OVERKILL and BLOCKIFY commands are now available in the Utilities part of the File menu.


Adjusted zoom factor and avoid redundant zoom operations.
  • SR153916
  • SR153920
  • SR159632
  • SR160857
  • SR167804


The visualization of the clusters of outliers has been enhanced.
It is now possible to define the Z-value of the origin when in 2D mode. This allows the user to define the elevation of the horizontal plane in which to search outliers.

In-Product Tutorials

The In-Product Tutorials have been reviewed for spelling and grammar.
  • SR180310

Input History

Users can now access and reuse input history from the command line and command context menu.
  • SR22031
  • SR45179
  • SR48253
  • SR66765
  • SR87918
  • SR98692
  • SR104914
  • SR113577
  • SR114428
  • SR117503
  • SR120420
  • SR150910
  • SR156900
  • SR157622
  • SR166553
  • SR178591


The 'Uniform Scale' option is now enabled by default when inserting blocks that have the 'Scale Uniformly' property set to "Yes".
The INSERT dialog now displays a warning when working with drawings containing mechanical components, recommending the use of BMINSERT instead.

Layers panel

The Legacy Layers panel, based on wxWidgets, has been removed.


The Classic Layout is now the default. The Modern and Toolbar layouts can be chosen from the Interface Settings button, located in the top-right of the ribbon.


The LicTool command line utility is included in the BricsCAD installer. This tool can automate activation and deactivation of local product licenses.
  • SR139616
  • SR146130
  • SR167228
  • SR171673
  • SR172172
  • SR172233
  • SR172516
  • SR176700


The number of entities successfully linked to a selected workplane is printed in the command line.


The default of the "Remember me" checkbox in the log-in dialog is changed to "On".

Main Window

The main window background is now gray instead of solid white, to reduce the bright flashing effect at application startup.
  • SR179708


Enabled "Display viewport objects" context menu item for viewports.
  • SR174265

Open Dialog

Implemented a new open file dialog featuring faster drawing selection, quick access folders, in-folder search functionality, and path pasting.
  • SR83518
  • SR83758
  • SR92854
  • SR93685
  • SR96408
  • SR100315
  • SR101114
  • SR104020
  • SR116310
  • SR130235
  • SR132239
  • SR134628
  • SR137706
  • SR137998
  • SR138764
  • SR148445
  • SR148606
  • SR150050
  • SR152234
  • SR153614
  • SR159685
  • SR160849
  • SR161972
  • SR162226
  • SR162469
  • SR164471
  • SR166360
  • SR166550
  • SR173662
  • SR175163
  • SR176410


The performance of the "combine duplicate block definitions" in OVERKILL, as well as in the corresponding DRAWINGHEALTH task, has been tremendously improved.

Parametric blocks

Grip points are now displayed on parametric block references for exposed parameters related to parametric operations: parametric flip, stretch, move, scale, rotate and offset. This first implementation should make it easier to quickly, visually and interactively change the parametric operation values on the block. Currently, no grip points are displayed for visibility parameters, design tables, and any non-exposed parameters.
  • SR93411
  • SR140016
  • SR178050
  • SR179424

Parametric Offset operation

A new Parametric Offset operation is added, next to parametric flip, stretch, move, rotate and scale operations. There is no equivalent to this in AutoCAD's Dynamic Blocks; this new type of operation is unique-to-BricsCAD. Offset operations can be created using the PARAMETRICOFFSET command (or its POFFSET alias) and have a dedicated visualization in the active space. Existing parametric offset operations can be adjusted using the PARAMETRICOFFSETEDIT command (or its POFFSETEDIT alias), allowing to change the selection set. This edit option is also available from the right-click menu in the Parameters Manager and the Mechanical Browser.


The Parametric Offset operation is an experimental feature that, when enabled, creates parallel curves or shapes at a specified distance from the original geometry while maintaining parametric relationships.
The PARAMETRICOFFSET command now takes preselected entities as the input selection for the offset operation.

Parametric Operations

The commands for creating parametric stretches, moves and rotations now fully respects the UCS. This allows you to define these parametric operations in non-XY-planes.
  • SR164174
When selecting a parameter related to a parametric operation in the Parameters Manager panel or the Mechanical Browser, the entities affected by the operation are now highlighted.
The default of the "linked" property of parametric operations has been changed to "not linked" on creation, based on user feedback from multiple SRs.


Enhanced PEDITEXT with multiple options for adding vertices and removing segments, and added a CTRL hotkey to switch between add and remove vertex options.


Optimized update/reload of layer combos in properties and toolbars.
  • SR163470
  • SR163785


Reduced prompts for the POLYGON command.
  • SR176803

Properties Panel

Selected parametric Block References no longer cause performance issues when updating the Properties Panel.
  • SR176847
  • SR176994

Qt 6.5 Upgrade

BricsCAD's UI foundation has been upgraded to Qt 6.5.


The COPYGUIDED3D command is now in the Quad.
The ALIGN command is now present in the Quad.
  • SR175653


The calculator is now available to be used in the numeric fields of the Properties panel.
  • SR162435
  • SR162897
  • SR166583

Reference Parameters

The created reference parameters are now stored and displayed within a dedicated folder in the Parameters Manager.
It is now possible to set a created 2D parameter as a reference via the properties panel by selecting the parameter in model space.
You can now switch 2D parameters to reference using the Geometry-driven option available in the right-click menu in both the Mechanical Browser and Parameters Manager.


The wxWidget Ribbon foundation has been removed from BricsCAD. The Qt Ribbon (default since V24) is now the only one available. The USENEWRIBBON system variable has also been removed.
The View and Visualize tabs in the Modern layout Ribbon have now been combine into a single tab - view. This should make finding tools easier.
Parametric operations now have their own tab in the ribbon.

Ribbon Search

The location of the Ribbon search has been moved to the top-right of the ribbon, previously located in the top-left, to the right of Interface Settings. This improves the discoverability of the feature. The search bar is expanded by default and contracts when there are more ribbon tabs present. The Interface settings button is now an icon, in place of text and is grey instead of blue.


The Reprise License Manager component has been upgraded to Version 15.2.
  • SR151312
  • SR168112
  • SR175233


Parameters can now be edited from model space via Rollover Tips when hovering over blocks. This feature can be enabled from the settings dialog by checking "show block parameters" under Rollover parameters.
  • SR126011
  • SR168124
  • SR176575
The ability to control block parameters through rollover tips is toggled on by default and can be managed via settings and the status bar.


Scaling tracker now respects the extents of selected entities if no explicit reference value is set.
  • SR141012
  • SR152258
  • SR163023
  • SR163112
  • SR165462

Searchable Dropdown Menus

Drop down menus (combo boxes) are now searchable in multiple locations across BricsCAD.
  • SR167194
  • SR168027
  • SR176485
  • SR178557


With Orthomode=1, it is now possible to create a section plane restricted to the X or Y axis and enter the length of the section plane in model space when dynamic input is active.
  • SR160307


Implemented SELECTIONCYCLING settings to control the selection dialog for overlapping entities.
  • R151588
  • SR64317
  • SR101668
  • SR104949
  • SR121602
  • SR125815
  • SR134277
  • SR142146
  • SR146037
  • SR147288
  • SR147570
  • SR147677
  • SR150265
  • SR153220
  • SR153220
  • SR153220
  • SR155426
  • SR156196
  • SR157828
  • SR158211
  • SR159282
  • SR159446
  • SR159446
  • SR160072
  • SR162632
  • SR166343
  • SR176273
The default value of SELECTIONCYCLING is set to 2 (both a badge and the Selection dialog box displays).
  • SR180614
Minus options have been added to the settings dialog.
  • SR180614


Quad override on SELECTIONPREVIEW system variable is removed.
  • SR147868


Improved the performance of the SELECTSIMILAR command.

Set-Up Wizard

We have introduced a new Set-Up Wizard that allows you to configure BricsCAD's UI the way you want it. The options displayed are currently: Classic, Modern, or Tool Bars. This only appears on a clean installation.


The command prompts of the SIMPLIFY command have been shortened by removing redundant keywords.


It is now possible to create LOFT booleans in CREATESKETCHFEATURE environment.


The system variable to control the nature of copied features is now accessible in the Settings dialog.

Snap Tracking

Improved adding and removing snap tracking markers. Reduced delay before marker is removed. Adding and removing happens only if the cursor stops near (or on) a snap point.


A new, unique-to-BricsCAD SOLIDIFY command was added, aiming to convert "watertight" combination of mesh-data to 3D solids in an intelligent way. It presents the user with a command-panel workflow similar to other drawing optimization tools, such as SIMPLIFY, OPTIMIZE... In the 1st phase of the panel, the user can define the input selection set, a stitching tolerance and other advanced settings, such as whether the command should look inside block definitions. In the 2nd phase, the results are presented; grouped per block definition and per to-be-created 3D solid. This new command is directly integrated in the DRAWINGHEALTH command with an eponymous new task.
  • SR172428
The new SOLIDIFY command smartly takes entity properties, such as color or material into account, by inheriting the properties on the resulting 3D solid if they were present on all of the underlying individual mesh entities.
The results panel of the SOLIDIFY command now includes the option to filter results by type, such as solids, surfaces, and non-stitched entities.

Start Page

The label on the Start Page (under the house icon) now reads 'Start' - previously it read 'Home'.
The Applications tab in now available on the Start page. On this tab there are a number of links to 100s of applications that can be installed on top of BricsCAD.
It is now possible to display the Command line on the Start page. Switch CMDLINEONSTARTPAGE to 1 (on) to see the Command Line on the Start Page.
Under the Open files... drop-down on the Start Page, it is now possible to select Recover as an option.

Status Bar

A Qt based status bar is now available. USENEWSTATUSBAR controls whether the old or new status bar is being used. The default is currently set to 0, meaning the old one is still the default.
The Status Bar no longer appears on the start page. To view the status bar, start a new drawing.
The Layout tab now has the option to appear inline with the Status Bar (default) or stacked on top. This option is available in the layout manager pop-up.
  • SR179857
  • SR180057
  • SR180298
  • SR180465


Sweep on a closed path with a twist angle is not accepted to avoid exposing an anonymous face that cannot be used for further manipulation.


Auto-fill functionality for tables has been implemented.
  • SR114660
  • SR121322
  • SR141811
  • SR150950
  • SR161166
  • SR161573
  • SR161885
  • SR176821

Tips Panel

The Tips Panel has been updated for V25.
  • SR179917


Added support for deleting lines and single-edge polylines. Enabled trimming on the boundary of hatch entities controlled by TRIMEDGES setting. Introduced quick mode, which considers all objects as potential cutting edges. Improved highlighting and preview visualization. Fixed bugs effecting trim on overlapping entities and hatches.
Introduce Quick Mode to the TRIM command. Quick Mode allows users to trim objects by simply selecting the segments to be removed, without needing to specify cutting edges.
  • SR141678
  • SR141778
  • SR158310
  • SR162026
  • SR172630
  • SR173686

Trimble SketchUp 2024 support

BricsCAD V25.x supports opening and importation of SKP files created in SketchUp 2024.


The number of entities successfully unlinked from a selected workplane is printed in the command line.


Annotation scale can now be saved for modelspace views in the drawing explorer.
  • SR152792
  • SR169469


Viewport Scale has been added to the status bar. This update allows users to conveniently set the scale of the selected layout viewport relative to paper space directly from the status bar.
  • SR118354
  • SR146002
  • SR154719
  • SR156246
  • SR156468
  • SR159353
  • SR163631
  • SR164830
  • SR164843
  • SR176020

Work Plane

This first experimental version of Work Plane allows you to create XY, YZ, and ZX workplanes, as well as workplanes coincident with a face and workplanes offset from a face or another workplane. Sketches and solids can be linked or unlinked with a workplane. The visibility of the workplane can be controlled from the mechanical browser. With the CREATESKETCHFEATURE toggled on, the linked solids and workplanes will update with parameter changes.


By activating workplane, subsequent actions such as creating sketch, editing entities occur within the context of that plane, aiding in precise alignment and spatial organization of entities. This command is only accessible when Experimental Features are enabled.


Create XY, YZ, ZX planes, plane coincident on a face and plane offset from face/another plane using WORKPLANECREATE command.


Control the visibility of workplanes in model space using the WORKPLANEHIDE or WORKPLANESHOW commands. The visibility can also be controlled through the right-click menu in the mechanical browser. These commands are only accessible when Experimental Features are enabled.


The association between a sketch or solid and a selected workplane to maintain their spatial relationship, enabling consistent positioning and dynamic updates when parameters change, can be controlled by the WORKPLANELINK and WORKPLANEUNLINK commands. These commands are only accessible when Experimental Features are enabled.

WORKPLANECREATE - Offset working plane

Create a new plane that is offset from an existing plane or from the face of a solid.

Improvements to BIM


When changing the thickness of a wall by applying a composition with a different thickness (BIMATTACHCOMPOSITION) or changing the thickness of an attached composition (BIMUPDATETHICKNESS), BricsCAD will now try to fix the connections with the adjacent walls. If the proposed connections are not satisfactory, you can reject all the connection fixes or loop through them to choose the best solution for each connection individually.


When exporting the property definitions from the BIMPROPERTIES dialog, only the active namespace (selected in the dropdown menu) will be exported from now on.


This first experimental version of BIMUPDATESTORYHEIGHT allows to change the story height in your model. You can select the story to change in the Spatial Locations, or manually select two elevations in your model. After defining a new height, you'll see a preview of how the model will be modified. You can still make changes to individual entities, or for all entities of a specific BIM type. Choose whether the entity should be stretched, stay untouched, or move along with the story height change. Parametric windows and doors that have the default height parameter "H", can be adapted to the story height change as well. In this first experimental version, there is no link yet with the story height defined in BIMSPATIALLOCATIONS.


When used in 'Select entities', the user first gets a preview where justification and thickness can be changed before confirmation.
When adding new wall segments with the PolyWall mode in BIMWALL, BricsCAD will now try to make a connection with the existing adjacent walls. You can turn this behavior off with the setting "Connect to snapped walls" in the BIMWALL panel


Cloud is a connector to Bricsys 24/7 cloud-based common data environment. It allows you to see your different Bricsys 24/7 projects and files. You can download files locally, open, edit, and upload them. The Experimental Mode has to be enabled to access this functionality.

IDS XML - Information Delivery Specification

We now support the new buildingSmart standard for information delivery specification exchange: IDS XML. In BIMPROPERTIES, you can Import your .IDS file. When there are properties in the .IDS file that are not part of the IFC Pset properties, they will be added as new property definition to the IDS namespace. With the ShowIDSPropertiesOnly setting, you can control which properties should be shown in the Properties Panel: all BIM properties, or only the properties mentioned in the latest imported .IDS file. In the latter case, the custom properties, added to the IDS namespace, as well as the IFC properties in the IFC namespace that were part of the .IDS file, will be shown. With the IfcExportIDSPropertiesOnly setting, you can control, in a similar way, which properties should be exported to IFC: all BIM properties, or only the IFC and custom properties that were mentioned in the .IDS file.


When exporting to IFC4 Design Transfer MVD, this MVD will now be correctly mentioned in the file header.
  • SR178369


The Ifc Global Origin, IfcProject location and IfcSite location and their rotations are now stored in the new Survey, Project and Site Locations in BricsCAD BIM during IFC Import. During import, the user can choose which of these points needs to be located in the world origin in BricsCAD BIM. These reference points are used during IFC Export as well. This allows the user to have full control over their IFC Export. A model can be created close to the WCS world origin, aligned with the X and Y axis, while still being exported relative to a far away reference point with a True North direction different from the Y-axis, by simply setting the Survey, Project and Site Locations and their rotation correctly. Furthermore, this allows for a roundtrip from IFC to BricsCAD BIM back to IFC without loss of information.
  • SR142691
  • SR147337
  • SR149480
  • SR150443
  • SR150970
  • SR163142
  • SR164406
  • SR168674
  • SR174193


We now import more style information, including colors, for IFC4 files
It is now possible to change or add Import Setting Profiles in the Ifc Import Dialog. Importing an IFC file in unattended mode (-IMPORT) will now ask for the Import Setting Profile to be used. The Import Setting Profiles are stored in bim_ifc_settings.xml, located in the BIM > IFC subfolder (can be changed in the IfcImportSettingsConfig setting).
Spaces imported from an IFC file will now have a footprint representation.


We renamed the DELETEINTERFERE setting to KEEPCONNECTIONS, to better represent the current behavior of the setting. The KEEPCONNECTIONS setting controls whether interferences or gaps should be solved. If on: When a modification of a solid through TCONNECT, BIMUPDATETHICKNESS, BIMATTACHCOMPOSITION or BIMAUTOMATCH, causes interferences, these will be subtracted from the other solids; when it causes gaps, these will be filled.

Survey, project, site location

It is now possible to set survey, project, site location with the new commands SETSURVEYLOCATION, SETPROJECTLOCATION, SETSITELOCATION. Their position and rotation will be shown in model space. You can control their visibility with GEOMARKERVISIBILITY, PROJECTLOCATIONVISIBILITY, SITELOCATIONVISIBILITY. These locations will also be used during IFC import and export.

Improvements to Civil

Civil drawing template

Civil-specific template drawings in the plan view have been added.
  • SR164057

Civil Explorer

The Civil Explorer panel has been enhanced, in many ways: - When no civil objects are found in the current drawing, an empty state graphic is displayed in the panel with Create, Import and Attach Civil objects buttons. - A tree view now shows only civil objects that exist in the drawing. - A node for String object is added. - Commands to Create, Import and Attach Civil objects are accessible directly in the Civil Explorer.

Civil Point Editor

The Civil Point Editor dialog box is now modeless. This means that it stays on the screen and enables simultaneous work with the graphics screen.

Civil Points

We significantly improved the performance of drawings with large civil point datasets.
  • SR154448
  • SR164887
  • SR173967

Civil Transparent Commands

Civil Transparent commands have been extended with the "Angle and Distance" and "Deflection and Distance" commands.
  • SR169836

Convert Leica DWG

We have added the LEICACONVERT command. The command converts objects in the current drawing with the Leica data into the BricsCAD Civil objects.
  • SR121111

Curve Calculator

We have added a Curve Calculator that calculates curve parameters based on input and adds it to the drawing.

Export Civil Points

It is now possible to export Civil points to an external file.
  • SR146063
  • SR156369
  • SR156683
  • SR159251
  • SR163864
  • SR175519
  • SR176765
  • SR178916

Export DWG

The CIVILDWGEXPORT command has been extended with an option to flatten all the entities to elevation zero.

Export TIN Surface

It is now possible to export TIN Surface points to an external file.
  • SR126533

GIS Import

We have added an option to rename the GIS layer during import, that allows the import of GIS files with the same name.
  • SR172397


We added grade and slope unit format for cut and fill slopes.
  • SR113739
  • SR152374

LandXML Export dialog box

We have added a dialog box that allows you to select Civil objects to export to LandXML file format.

Line and curve labels

We have implemented labels for line and curve segments.
  • SR167370
  • SR175086


We are introducing the new String object. A String is a 3D object made of line and curve segments. Strings will be organized in String Groups. Strings within the same group have the option to interact with each other when they cross, creating an elevation point at the intersection so they cross through the exact same elevation. Strings can be imported from Survey data, LandXML, or from a Civil 3D drawing that contains Feature Lines. Their primary use is as breaklines in a TIN Surface. They can also be used as input for grading objects and extracted from Corridors. The String Editor is a new command that allows detailed editing of String elevations and grades.
  • SR148539
  • SR148752
  • SR148753
  • SR150378
  • SR151425
  • SR152820
  • SR155640
  • SR156455
  • SR157653
  • SR158872
  • SR162983
  • SR170724
  • SR171326
  • SR177301
Now it is possible to project vertices of Strings to a TIN Surface.
  • SR123391
  • SR154302


We have added a dialog box Extract from TIN Surface for easier selection of components for export. We have also enabled the ability to set the layer to which the component is exported.

TIN Surface

It is now possible to create a TIN Surface from Mesh or Polyface Mesh objects.
We have added an option to smooth a TIN Surface.

Transparent commands

When using a transparent command within a running command that accepts more than one point location (for example, the LINE command), we've added an option to enter a series of points without re-entering the transparent command.
  • SR166957
  • SR168971

Attach Civil Objects

With the newly introduced option "Attach Civil Object" users can share TIN Surfaces from one drawing to another, which enables to keep project sizes smaller and allow multiple users to access the same project data. With this option we have a single source of data, no copies and better security of data. Referenced objects are read only and can be changed in the source drawing.
  • SR132272
  • SR151582

Improvements to Licensemanager

Network License Server

Starting from BricsCAD v.25.1 the users will receive the clear message in case of issues with connection to a preferred Network License Server. It should guide a user to a solution that can by applied by himself or by his colleagues (e.g., he can check availability of his network connection, make sure that VPN service is enabled, eventually - he can contact his network administrator to find out the root cause of the issue).
  • SR129023
  • SR133692
  • SR142591
  • SR147493
  • SR151907
  • SR160675
  • SR175038
  • SR179176

Updating BricsCAD Licenses

Starting with BricsCAD v.25.1, it's possible to detect and update a local license that is located on the same computer (under the condition that the customer has paid the maintenance fee). In majority of cases, BricsCAD can detect and update its local license automatically, while in a few edge case scenarios there is a user intervention required to trigger the update process.

Improvements to Mechanical 2D

2D Finite Element Analysis

A first experimental version of 2D Finite Element Analysis has been added to BricsCAD Mechanical with the new CAEANALYZE2D command. The Experimental Mode has to be enabled to access this functionality. The command prompts the user to select a closed 2D boundary as input and opens a command panel to specify material and physical parameters, loads and supports for the case, define a mesh for the input boundary, run the analysis and visually inspect and interact with the analysis results. The material and physical parameters include Young's modules, the Poisson ratio, the yield and the thickness. Loads include point forces and linear pressures; supports include fixed points and linear fixes. The analysis results contain a summary of the input values, some global output values (execution time, maximum von Mises stress, maximum displacement, and a safety factor), and a colored mesh visualization of the displacement or the Von Mises stresses.


When changing the scale of linear or angular dimensions using the AMRESCALE command, the offset distance between the dimension lines and the geometry is automatically adapted proportionally. This prevents the scaled dimension texts from overlapping after rescaling the dimension lines.
  • SR151510
  • SR169744
  • SR172565


When adding a new surface symbol or double-click an existing one, a dialog box pops up which allows adding and editing the parameters of the symbol, leader, and text.
  • SR172571

Mechanical Symbols

When adding a new mechanical symbol, the parameter values from the previous call of the dialog will be used. These parameters can be reset with the clear button.


When placing the dimension line in the drawing, an object can be selected to calculate the snap distance. The snap distance value can be changed or deactivated. PDIM, AMPOWERDIM_ALI, AMPOWERDIM_ROT, AMPOWERDIM_HOR, AMPOWERDIM_VER commands have been updated.

Save Format

AutoCAD Mechanical 2021 format has been added. This save format can be found under "Mechanical 2D save format" in SETTINGS.

Improvements to Mechanical 3D

Assembly Inspect

Simplified the settings: Global settings and routines have been merged into the routine. Import/export functions allow the sharing of routine files between users.
Thumbnail Toggle Added: Users can switch between small and large thumbnails for more compact or detailed views.
Improved working with Arrays: Only parts blocking the path clearance criterion are marked red, not the whole array.
Improved Path Clearance Evaluation: Path clearance can now be calculated per part, using local axes instead of the global UCS directions for better results.
Enhanced Visual Feedback: Steps missing parts or fasteners show a warning symbol. The total number of removed components and fasteners per step is displayed.
Close Warnings: The warning about unsupported entities can now be closed in the command panel.
Performance Upgrade: Shadow visualization in path clearance has been replaced by a directional arrow for better performance.
Multiple Tools per Fastener: Fasteners can now be evaluated with multiple tools at once, showing angular ranges in the detailed results panel.
Assembly orientation: Inspection criteria can now be evaluated considering each step’s orientation, which impacts gravitational stability and gives a realistic visualization.
Comprehensive tool mapping: All Library Tools are mapped to the Library fasteners. The list can be viewed and edited in Routine Editor. The mapping respects the physical sizes as allowed by each corresponding standard.
It is now easier to work with large lists of fastener filters, and tool-fastener mappings, thanks to buttons to remove or restore all default filters, and better navigation performance.
Mechanical Solids Support: Assemblies with mechanical 3D solids now load correctly, avoiding transformation issues. Beta Tag Removed: The Beta label has been removed; marking BMASSEMBLYINSPECT now as a production feature.


BMARROW command has been added. This command creates linear or circular annotation arrows. A linear arrow is created between two selected points. A circular arrow is created for a selected circular edge or a face with circular edges.


Progress bar now disappears once the generation of the exploded view is complete.


Externalizing a mechanical block with BMEXTERNALIZE will inherit the visual style, layers, and layouts, from the parent document template.
  • SR144380
  • SR146720
  • SR161629
  • SR177083


Updated Ribbon icon for BMINSERT.


When selecting output location for SVG files, the command now detects if it contains files with identical names. In this case the command line asks whether to overwrite the files or not. If Yes, the files are overwritten. If No, the user is asked to select output location again.

Library content

A set of hex keys, wrench keys and torque wrenches is added to the Library. These can be used in scope of the tool range of motion criterion in the BMASSEMBLYINSPECT command, or for creating visual content in mechanical assemblies.
  • SR181243

Mechanical Browser

Context menu icons are added to exploded views and their steps.

Sequence Manager

New Sequence Manager: The graphical UX makes it easy now to handle complex assembly sequences.The steps of a sequence are shown in disassembly order in the panel, each with a resizable thumbnail and the list of removed parts.Parts can be added or removed from that list, and steps-specific rotation can be added to create a realistic assembly representation. The new panel is tagged as Experimental. If Experimental Mode is disabled, BMSEQUENCE opens the command-line process from V24. If enabled, it opens the new panel.


DRAWINGVIEWBKG setting was added to enable background generation of drawing views, which allows interacting with BricsCAD while views are being generated. The views are generated in the order of placement. When a view generated, it can be annotated while the remaining views are still being generated.
  • SR141578

Improvements to Point Clouds

Bubble viewer

Added support for waypoints. When the source data of dynamic scanners contain panoramic images, they are now available in the bubble viewer.
  • SR139434
  • SR159254
  • SR164513
The name of the active scan is displayed in the title of the bubble viewer. Hovering over bubbles in the model space will also display the name in the QUAD.
  • SR172380

Bubble visibility

Added a third option 'visible only' for bubble visibility, showing only the bubbles inside a cropped region.
  • SR169268
  • SR178957

Bubbles / Waypoints

The option to toggle visibility is moved from the properties panel to the render settings in the point cloud manager panel.


It is now possible to manually classify point clouds, either from scratch or to correct an automatic (mis-)classification.
  • SR173659


The point cloud classifier has been updated to the latest available version.


Added "Object" colormap stylization.

e57 format

Classification information can now be retrieved from e57 format if available in the file.

Gap filling

Added gap filling feature for better visual quality.

Graphical Quality

improved RCP visualization by removing excessive points filtered during preprocessing.
  • SR114718
We collected all graphical settings for pointcloud in one place, the 'render settings' in the point cloud manager. We also added new render settings: Dollhouse rendering, Eye Dome Lighting and Gap filling.


Updated HSPC to the 2024.03 version.

Import Formats

Support for Z+F point cloud format (*.zfs) is added.
Support for Leica LGSx format is added.
  • SR154469
  • SR166344
  • SR174293
  • SR177176
Support for Riegl point cloud format (*.rsp and *.rdbx) is added.
Support for packed HSPC point cloud format (*.hspc.pack) is added.

Lock Property

The lock property on point clouds works as expected. The point cloud can still be selected but can not be deleted, moved or edited.
  • SR149475
  • SR175633
  • SR178957

Pointcloud Manager

Increased size of thumbnail preview when hovering scans in the point cloud manager.

Reference Path

Point cloud reference path saved in a DWG can now be changed.
  • SR123049
  • SR160366

Render Settings

New command POINTCLOUDDOLLHOUSE added for point clouds with normal information. Activating this feature will hide the points with a normal vector facing away from the camera, basically allowing to see "inside" a point cloud.

Render settings

An expandable section with point cloud rendering settings is added to the point cloud manager panel.


Possibility of defining a UCS based on point cloud points with normals.
  • SR162273

Visual Quality

Added Eye-Dome-Lighting (EDL) visualization mode for point clouds.


2D Dimensional Constraint

The expressions field of a 2D Dimensional Constraint now reverts to the previous value when set to empty.
  • SR180431


Fixed a bug where 3D constraints wouldn't resolve when sketch based feature parameters were changed.
  • SR158146


3DPOLYLINE with assigned linetypes now draw with an uninterrupted pattern.
  • SR174343


Fixed the issue where the user was unable to erase spatial locations that were no longer in use.
  • SR178938
  • SR180843

AECC_PIPE entities

Drawings containing AECC_PIPE entities can now be opened.
  • SR165684


A bug that prevented the creation of hatches in certain scenarios involving balloons was fixed.
  • SR171622


An issue with parameters that have formula values was fixed. Formulas can be inserted in AMBOMSETTINGS dialog, and they will show correct results in Parts List. Also, built-in parameters that rely on formulas such as Total Mass are now better supported.


An issue was fixed related to the correct QTY values in a Parts List when copying part references, using COPY or COPYCLIP commands.


Drawings using the welding standards DIN EN ISO 2553:2014 OR DIN EN ISO 4063:2008 now work correctly with the AMWELDSYM command in BricsCAD.
  • SR151368

Annotative Text

We've changed the display behavior of annotative simple text with no annotation scales attached. To match the behavior on other platforms, such text no longer displays at all.
  • SR172112

ANSI template

The Mechanical 2D ANSI template was regenerated to fix an issue related to the units. Also, the ANSI template is now supported in PDIM Placement Option command.


An informative error message is displayed when the application command line contains a file path that exceeds the platform path length limit.
  • SR177703

Area Calculation

Improved area calculation performance by introducing the use of the MASSPROPACCURACY setting to control accuracy of calculations.
  • SR171347


Resolved a memory leak that occurred during the loading and unloading of an xref.
  • SR173558

Attachment Panel

We cleaned up suggested paths on switching/closing documents.
  • SR181586

Attachments Panel

BricsCAD now keeps the type of saved paths for missing attachments when new paths are found.
Fixed relative path representations for attachment saved paths.
Improved visual update of xref/pdf references after the saved paths have been changed. Removed 'regenAll' mode for the whole document, it has been replaced by the regen of particular reference entities only.
It is now possible to select more than one XREF at a time from the panel, and open them simultaneously.
  • SR166560
Fixed the status of ‘not found’ so that it is accurately reflected by the attachment panel indicator symbol.


The final size of annotative attribute definitions is now correctly reflecting the current annotation scale.
  • SR182257


Attributes are now case insensitive and are properly displayed within the properties panel.
  • SR161537


The AUDIT system no longer deletes ACIS entities if detected errors are not properly resolved during the healing procedure.
  • SR175346
  • SR177361
  • SR177804


We unintentionally broke command aliases that executed a lisp expression instead of a command. The problem is now fixed, and lisp expression aliases are displayed in the autocomplete popup and working properly.
  • SR181799


BASEFILE no longer changes when a user invokes the NEW command and chooses a template.

Bend Table

Resolved an issue with reading a bend table that contains rows for nearly equal radius values.
  • SR168746


BIMQUICKDRAW now works correctly when the DYNDIGRIP setting is set to not show the resulting length as a dynamic dimension.
  • SR132530
  • SR163201
  • SR178286

BIM Types

We fixed an issue where entities classified as Transport Element, Virtual Element or Geographic Element could not be assigned spatial locations.
  • SR175280


Fixed a bug in the BIMWALL command when used in Top View Modeling in combination with a volume section.
  • SR175600


Blocks created using BSAVEAS are now displayed correctly.
  • SR167572
After inserting a block into a drawing, its scaling method (uniform or not) is now determined by the inserted block/drawing.
  • SR156463
Fixed an issue where deleting a layer containing a block reference would incorrectly modify the block definition.
  • SR171571
Fixed an issue that occured when using the BSAVEAS command to redefine a block reference, and the existing reference became invisible in Model Space.
  • SR171998
Resolved 3D rotation issues of annotative blocks.
  • SR163717

Block Attributes

Empty lines within block attributes are now acknowledged by BricsCAD for files saved as DWG version 2013.
  • SR172894


Fixed a bug where copies of parametric blocks created by BLOCKCONVERT were not updated after using BEDIT.
  • SR172293


An issue in the similarity detection logic was fixed.
  • SR114956
An issues with 3D solids containing splines is fixed.
  • SR119667
  • SR131149
An issue has been fixed with entities that remained highlighted in the BLOCKIFY > match Equal solids option, after entering the block name.
Fixed a bug where an error message was produced when searching for existing blocks in the library.
  • SR180351
BLOCKIFY now detects matches with existing blocks from the customer folder path, even when they have different units.
Fixed a bug where the Block Name field was not highlighted for user input in the BLOCKIFY results panel.
  • SR180179
A crash in the "Detect sets of 3D solids" mode, when clicking the "Create" commandline option, is fixed.
  • SR180897


A bug in the Acceptance Range calculation of the gravitational stability criterion is fixed.
  • SR172402
A bug was fixed related to how the fastener mappings are stored in the Assembly Inspect routine, for translated versions of the application.
  • SR176584
A scaling problem in the tool range of motion criterion is fixed.
Various small user interface tweaks to the BMASSEMBLYINSPECT command panel have been added, to make it feel more robust and consistent, e.g. selection and highlighting behavior when selecting a result.


Fixed the display for columns containing properties of component's material type.
  • SR178549

BOM Manager

We improved the theming behavior of the panel's main grid after changes to the color theme at runtime.

Building tools

We disabled dynamic UCS when using building tools (wall, column, slab, beam) in TVM because of unpredictable behavior and potential misplacement of building elements.


Improved error message when dividing by zero.

Civil 3D Import

We fixed an issue where a drawing containing a Civil 3D TIN Volume surface could not be imported.
  • SR179172

Civil Point Editor

Undefined elevation values in the Civil Point Editor are now displayed as empty fields.

Civil Points

When exploding a Civil point, the symbol is now deprecated to become a Point or a Circle.
  • SR176055
Greek texts for Civil Points imported from a file are now displayed correctly.
  • SR177782


We fixed an issue where the CIVILDWGEXPORT command resulted in an incorrect behavior.
  • SR177909


Closing drawings are now processed on a background thread. This allows BricsCAD to remain available for use on other drawings while the current drawing is closed in the background, and its memory is being released.
  • SR173327
  • SR174711


The COMBINETEXTMODE system variable is now persisted in the registry.
  • SR178584
  • SR180585

Command Alias

A command alias for a non-existent command now displays an error about the missing command itself, instead of the alias name.
  • SR179590

Command Line

Prompt options no longer lose click-ability and formatting for commands that make use of the manipulator widget upon repeated displays (e.g. EXTRUDE).
  • SR156063
Toggling settings (like Ortho mode) while a command is active no longer causes the waiting command prompt to scroll out of the command line.
  • SR175185

Command Panels

An issue with unchecked radio buttons in the entity selection component of multiple command panels across the application has been fixed.

Complete Workspace

The status of the Menu bar in the Complete workspace now persists between BricsCAD sessions.
  • SR179930


A bug was fixed where double dimension lines were shown when selecting a component inserted in a wall.


With this fix, several mechanical symbols can be copied at once with COPY or COPYCLIP commands.
  • SR169743


We fixed an issue where COPYCLIP could cause a crash in particular drawing.
  • SR167518


During the COPY/COPYCLIP and then PASTE/PASTECLIP, wrong numbers were assigned if the drawing already contained civil points. This is now fixed.
  • SR175706


An error dialog is displayed when a non-existing file path is used while saving a detail.
  • SR170086


We stabilized feature updates when the taper angles of extrude union features are increased.
Boolean sketch features are now updated as expected when their parameters are driven by user parameters.


Crosshair now keeps its structure at large coordinates and zoom levels.
  • SR138890
  • SR161509


Custom CUI tool icons from an associated .resz resource file are now shown correctly in the quad when the .cui files use a custom main menu group.
  • SR178149
The visual styles control is now working properly when there is an active selection set.
  • SR163156
  • SR178404
Double click actions are now based on the clicked entity's DXF name, and are no longer influenced by a custom property panel display name.
  • SR176846
CUI keyboard shortcuts are now ignored while the keyboard input focus is on a docked or floating panel control.
  • SR180074
The following shortcuts were added: Ctrl+3 Toggle Tool Palettes window Ctrl+4 Toggle Sheet Set Manager Ctrl+8 Toggle QuickCalc palette Ctrl+Shift+H Clean Screen
  • SR47909
  • SR127665


The tool icons displayed in the dialog are now displayed properly after a color theme change in the same session.


Resolved issues with extraction of attributes from MLeader with block contents.
  • SR137318
  • SR173925
Only visible blocks are counted when a data extraction table is created.
  • SR172797


DATALINKUPDATE correctly displays the modified Excel file.
  • SR171496


If geometry of original entities is only partially used to create 3D solids and surfaces, these entities will not be deleted - regardless of the DELOBJ setting.
  • SR125947


Fixed entities shifting after importing a DGN file.
  • SR162711
Fixed a DGN import crash.
  • SR167282


Fixed a crash that occurred when exporting a drawing.
  • SR178437


Resolved issues with DIM distribute when entities being dimensioned had non-zero Z coordinates.


Fixed a bug where a DIMCONSTRAINT between an entity and an array did not respond to parameter changes.
  • SR153381
  • SR154992
  • SR157535
  • SR166628
  • SR171513
  • SR172855
  • SR173630
  • SR174395
  • SR174395


Fixed a bug that broke the associativity of dimensions created for a view produced by VIEWBASE.
  • SR169831
In certain cases, a bug caused dimensions snapped to 3D solid edges to use incorrect internal data for maintaining their association. These dimensions are now correctly created, and remain associative, even on other CAD platforms.
  • SR178354


A situation where changing DIMSTYLEs caused a switch between a layout and model space has been fixed.
  • SR171459
  • SR176787
  • SR177658
  • SR178359

Drag and Drop

The Windows clipboard is no longer locked while dropping files onto the application window. This was problematic in case a dialog was displayed while processing a dropped file, causing the clipboard to remain unusable until the dialog was dismissed.
  • SR182537

Drawing Recovery Panel

Drawing recovery bubble no longer appears at startup on the Start Page. Instead, the Drawing Recovery panel appears automatically when needed. It is possible to turn this off via the registry.


The "Prevent Loss of Parametrics" option is now available in the "Detect Equal Solids" task within the BLOCKIFY task of DWGHEALTH.

Dynamic Blocks

Fixed a stretch action issue with dynamic blocks.
  • SR159855
Corrected a base point behavior when a polar stretch action was executed.
  • SR140842
Field objects remain unchanged and are not converted to text objects when copied and pasted into another drawing that already contains the same block definition.
  • SR164486
Corrected behavior of the Move action in dynamic blocks.
  • SR178885
  • SR181125
Fixed displacement of flip grip points after using the Stretch action.
  • SR166594
Dynamic blocks retain their field objects within their attributes even if they are copy-pasted or inserted into another drawing that already contained the same block definition.
  • SR165511
Improved the evaluation of chained parameters.
The validation of dynamic block parameters now correctly considers the dynamic block units factor and dynamic block scale.
  • SR155245
Fixed stretching of specific blocks.
  • SR175309
Improved handling of cases where default context and entity data diverge.
Improved handling of incorrect data in dynamic blocks.
Simultaneous editing of shared parameters across identical dynamic blocks is now possible directly from the properties panel.
  • SR155245
  • SR157180
Resolved an error that occurred when attempting to edit a dynamic block.
  • SR172409
Copy/paste of dynamic blocks functions as expected.
  • SR165755
  • SR173405

Dynamic Grips

Improved the visibility of dynamic grips.
  • SR169310


We now avoid the activation of deferred perpendicular and tangent snapping, when snapping is disabled.
  • SR173520


Broken Symbol Styles ‘Edit’ panel is displayed and functional.
  • SR156128
  • SR161504
  • SR163331
  • SR176689


Fixed export failure when a .NET based plugin is loaded.
  • SR155443
  • SR155954
  • SR166701
  • SR170398
  • SR170480
  • SR170527
  • SR177860
  • SR178371
  • SR180507
  • SR181730


Fixed a problem with LAYMRG that caused an error after the input of <return> default option.
  • SR180079
The (acet-ui-message) modeless dialog is now resizable, as intended.
  • SR180711
Translation issues related to ExpressTools commands (i.e. BreakLine) have been fixed.
  • SR165146
  • SR180338
The MOCORO command no longer changes the COPYMODE system variable.
  • SR179060
Several ExpressTools commands have been corrected to ignore entities on locked layers.
  • SR179609
To improve compatibility, the BURST command now converts multiline text attributes into MTEXT entities.
  • SR157842
  • SR172890
We improved QLATTACH behaviour to ensure that properties of the selected leader entity are retained.
  • SR174375


Fixed a bug where entities couldn't be extruded from the top view with DYNMODE - on and Perspective - off settings.
  • SR174961
Fixed a bug where parameter changes on sketch features created by multi-profile selection did not update as expected.


Corrected behavior of the Items property in formulas.
  • SR177367
Background of fields are now properly displayed.
  • SR162964
  • SR164456
Incorporated the 'StandardScale2' property name into field expressions for Viewport objects.
  • SR117112
  • SR132417
  • SR157510
  • SR179261
Resolved the issue with evaluating fields inside an Attribute in a block when using the BlockReference object.
  • SR132344
Incorporated format for enumeration property.
  • SR157510

File Dialog

Opening or saving a drawing file whose total path length exceeds approximately 256 characters can cause problems on Windows. To avoid the problems, excessively long drawing file paths are no longer allowed.
  • SR178755


Fixed a bug where BIMSECTION created on a point cloud and edited using FITPOLYLINE did not display all the details after editing.
  • SR177847

Fonts Substitution Dialog

Improved detection of used fonts and font names comparison.
  • SR170348
  • SR174320
Using global font names to check font substitution has been implemented.
  • SR171613


Corrected geographic location dialog to indicate angle of true north from y-axis as clockwise (CW).
  • SR157277
  • SR166424

Grip Edit

Dragging a polyline arc segment midpoint grip could generate an error as the segment approached a point where it would be completely straight. The error no longer occurs.
  • SR179517
We've fixed a bug that caused unwanted changes to non-current annotative scale states of a block reference after a grip edit.
  • SR182038
  • SR182553


Pressing F1 while keyboard focus is on the docked command line or text window now opens the application help browser. This was broken in V24.2.

Hidden Line Removal

Improved hidden line removal results in case of touching entities.


The size and position of the dialog are now restored correctly the second time it is opened.
  • SR174237


We fixed an issue where certain BIM types (including IfcChimney, IfcShadingDevice) were exported as IfcBuildingElementProxy in IFC4.


The colors are now correctly imported for IFC4 files.
  • SR142561
  • SR173901
  • SR179487


Fixed the import of .ipt models that contain hidden entities.
  • SR151647
Restored import performance of assemblies if ImportPMI is on.
It is now possible to import a filename with a different filename extension than the currently selected file filter, as long as the provided extension is supported.
  • SR172028
Fixed support for point clouds in INSERT, XATTACH and GEOIMPORT.
  • SR176830


The "Explode" option is now disabled by default for library components, to ensure that blocks are correctly recognized during BOM generation.
  • SR151662
Fixed a bug where the block was not aligned to the UCS when the 'Specify on-screen' option was selected for the insertion point.
  • SR180177
A bug that prevented typing into the Name field of the Insert dialog has been resolved.
  • SR165485
  • SR170449
  • SR176485
Fixed the issue where XOR-ed transient graphics in the INSERT command were not visible because of overlapping segments.
  • SR178918

Insights page

A new Insights panel has been added to the start page, containing up-to-date and personal usage statistics and insights based on BricsCAD application usage for users that join the Analytics Program. This panel contains an overview of most used commands, commands that might be interesting for you (based on how users similar to you use the application), and achievements.
  • SR176174


Fixed a crash that occurred when attempting to create an LCONNECT on an empty selection.
  • SR180214

Library Blocks

It is now possible to add custom blocks to BricsCAD's default library folders.
  • SR168367

License presence check

The check fixes a known issue with license validity. In some edge-case scenarios, it was possible to keep using an open copy of BricsCAD product after its license had been lost (applicable for both type of licenses - local and floating).


Linetypes with characters load correctly when using ASCII/UTF-8 encoding.
  • SR171271
  • SR177779

Link to parameter

Fixed a bug where a link to a parameter caused a crash.
  • SR178336

Loading a drawing

Fixed a bug that prevented a drawing with associative MLEADERs from loading.
  • SR176403


Fixed a bug that prevented 2D polylines from being used as guides for creating LOFT solids.


Fixed menu overlapping problems at the edge of the screen.
  • SR166759
  • SR174328

Mechanical Browser

The bug that caused the tree to automatically close has now been fixed. The tree should retain its position.
  • SR170514
  • SR171886
  • SR176106
  • SR176717
Resolved an issue where a QML error is printed in Command line, when accessing context menus in the Mechanical Browser panel. These error messages will no longer appear.

Menu Macro

For compatibility with other platforms, LISP expressions embedded in menu macros are now always evaluated, ignoring the value of TEXTEVAL.
  • SR172636

Menu Bar

Increased the maximum number of menus from 16 to 32.
  • SR167285
  • SR177941


Fixed a bug where 2D constraints were mapped incorrectly when mirrored.
Fixed a bug where the sketch outline position of sketch features was not updated when source entities were deleted at the end of the MIRROR command.
  • SR163186


Resolved MLEADER landing offset issues when placed on left with specific connection attachment types.
  • SR143088
  • SR145708
  • SR161433
  • SR169829
Mirrored annotative Mleaders are now displayed correctly.
  • SR163071
Resolved an issue affecting the creation of annotative multileaders, when placed on the left.
  • SR167048
  • SR172694
  • SR176362
The text height of annotative multi-leaders created inside a viewport is now sized correctly, based on the viewport scale.
  • SR170633

Moving of viewports

Fixed moving of the field of view, instead of moving the viewport content, when the viewport is moved.
  • SR140755


Fixed parsing error for MText containing complex font formatting.
  • SR174007
Fixed multiline text display issue.
  • SR122084
The MTEXT editor dialog now opens in the correct position when located on a secondary display positioned above the primary display.
  • SR174064

MTEXT Editor

The MTEXT editor's ruler button now shows the current on or off state of the ruler.

New Drawing Crash

An error that caused BricsCAD to occasionally crash when a new template was launched has been resolved.
  • SR164167
  • SR169454


We fixed a strange behavior with multiple document tabs appearing unexpectedly after opening a drawing file containing another embedded OLE drawing file.
  • SR173151
  • SR173638


Fixed an endless loop that could occur on OPEN.
  • SR171178
  • SR172173
We fixed an issue that allowed the main application window to remain active after the OPEN dialog was opened by entering the command in the text window or a floating command line.
BASEFILE is no longer changed after using the NEW command, as expected.


An issue with the positions of existing block references after applying OVERKILL > combine duplicate block definitions, has been fixed.
A visual glitch in the list of duplicate block definitions has been fixed.

Parameters Manager

Fixed a bug that caused a crash when enabling 3D constraints from the Parameters Manager.
  • SR178891

Parametric Operations

It is now possible to turn off linked behavior of parametric operations during the *EDIT commands by typing the commandline option.


We added support for copying and pasting a file from Windows Explorer. The behavior when pasting will be consistent with the behavior when dragging and dropping a file from Windows Explorer onto the drawing window.
The Windows clipboard no longer remains locked while the PASTECLIP command is prompting for an insertion point.

Plot Configuration Editor

Fixed a crash in the plot configuration editor when modifying standard paper sizes.
  • SR157853


Fixed POINTCLOUDCROP not working for multiple copies of the same point cloud.

Point Clouds pre-processing

fixed a bug in HSPC conversion for large datasets.
  • SR176095


Added the possibility to input a point cloud name via command line in POINTCLOUDEXPORT.
  • SR152284

Point Clouds relative paths

Drawings with the same point cloud using different relative paths are now able to use the same cache data.
  • SR130625


DXF code group 70 for a curve-fit polyline Vertex is now correct.
  • SR167835


Fixed snap precision for print/print preview.
  • SR47212
  • SR156703
  • SR177041
Fixed an issue with custom SHX files not printing correctly.
  • SR154255
A STB plot style is now used when printing AEC objects.
  • SR160048
.ctb files now work in the intended way.
  • SR151896
  • SR166819
  • SR178671

Properties Panel

The Handle field now accepts input while in Quick Select mode. This was broken in V24.2.
  • SR179283
Fixed a problem when (quickly) switching between different selected entities - a timing issue could cause an error propulating the TypesCombo list, and potentially trigger a crash.
  • SR180353
Coordinate values shown in PropertiesPanel were shown with wrong "*Varies*" status if a UCS was active (regression from V24.2) - this defect has been fixed.
  • SR180640
  • SR181198
  • SR182377
Fixed an issue with Ribbon controls not updating properly if more than 100 entities are selected.
  • SR174970
Visual glitches when GripEditing an attribute of a selected BlockReference (with PropertiesPanelopened) are now fixed : graphics of edited attributes were not immediately updated.
  • SR177621
PropertiesPanel has been improved to check for the PROPOBJLIMIT earlier, to prevent costly processing of entity properties, when the PROPOBJLIMIT is reached; this removes any unintended delay until the PROPOBJLIMIT message is shown.
  • SR176847
  • SR176994


Fixed a crash during the simultaneous calculation of mass properties and Bim properties of 3D solids.
  • SR176799
Fixed a crash during the simultaneous calculation of mass properties and Bim properties of 3D solids.
  • SR178837


Fixed: access to color palettes from Color dialog.
  • SR171209
  • SR173347


Files that have been added are preserved when transitioning between the layout and model options.
Updated bookmarks to now exclusively use the sheet's title and number.
  • SR167255


Fixed a bug where the total number of items to be purged was not updated based on the selected filtering options.


Fixed a bug where the push/pull operation moved solids containing sketch based features when they should not have been movable.


The RECOVER command now opens files with invalid AcDbAssocGeomDependency entities.
  • SR176536


The REFEDIT command now appears in the Quad when a block is selected.
  • SR167838
  • SR171577
  • SR174263
The DMTHICKEN command is available in the Model Tab of the QUAD for surfaces, extruded surfaces, and swept surfaces in the Modeling, Mechanical, BIM, and Complete workspaces.
Erase is now in the Quad.
The SHELL command is now in the Quad for Solid Faces.
Drawing files containing certain invalid block references no longer cause a crash in the quad tooltip control.
  • SR177029


Dynamic blocks modified in the Reference Edit environment are now saved correctly.
  • SR169808
  • SR170465
Fixed incorrect display of external references after editing.
  • SR174537

Reference Parameters

Fixed a bug where parameters continued to display as references in modelspace even after their state was changed in the mechanical browser and parameters manager.
Fixed a bug where 2D reference parameters didn't update as expected when their driving parameters were changed.
  • SR160280
  • SR167268
  • SR173381


Non-closed entities are not deleted when the REGION command is used.
  • SR74271
  • SR99433
Regions linked to polylines are now created correctly in a particular drawing.
  • SR162536

Release Notes

We've beautified the presentation of multi-item Release Notes entries, and deprecated the old "Wall of Text" formatting. #eyestrain


Overlapping entities remain visible while dragging.
  • SR139644
  • SR143741
  • SR157783
  • SR159582
  • SR161413


Large drop-down menus with scroll bars now stay open after the mouse button is released from the scroll bar.
  • SR171602
  • SR176326
Ribbon panels now collapse when the screen width is too narrow for the ribbon tab.
  • SR170254
  • SR180684
The bug that caused the wrong properties to display in the ribbon on drop-down controls has now been fixed.
  • SR171603
Ribbon controls now display at the same height, regardless of content.
Icons and text are now correctly aligned on drop-down menus.
  • SR166382
  • SR166950
The dropdown menu is now correctly positioned when an external monitor is used.
  • SR164882
  • SR166038
  • SR166867
  • SR168336
  • SR170655
  • SR171135
  • SR171956
  • SR173083
  • SR174593
It is now possible to use keystrokes to select a layer in the Ribbon Layer Control drop-down.
  • SR176028
  • SR176326
  • SR176534
  • SR176726


The help text for the RIBBONDOCKEDHEIGHT System Variable in the Settings dialog has been revised to reduce user confusion.


The RIBBONTOOLSIZE system variable has been removed.
  • SR170386


UNDO after RTZOOM or RTPAN inside a display locked viewport now reverts all continuous view changes in a single step.
  • SR180678


Improved save performance for drawings containing AECDrawMassElem.
  • SR165837


Saving all open drawings now works from the Start tab.
  • SR171034


Resolved issue preventing the setting of a scale.
  • SR181401


Newly added custom annotation scales are now working properly when applied to a model space viewport.
  • SR181316

Scroll bars

The scroll bars in panels such as the Mechanical Browser, Settings tab from the Civil Explorer and the Sheets tab from BIM Project Browser now appear only when required.


BricsCAD now responds to the scroll of the mouse wheel more smoothly in a number of locations, including tree views, combo boxes and panels.
  • SR176358


SECTIONPLANETOBLOCK now takes into account the value of AUNITS.
  • SR170441


Selection now works on a block with MTEXT using a TTF font inside.
  • SR151167


In the SETTINGS dialog box the description for PROPPREVTIMEOUT now shows the correct accepted values: between 1 and 5.
  • SR179226


In the SETTINGS dialog the description for PROPERTYPREVIEWDELAY is has been corrected to show that values between 100 and 10000 are accepted.
  • SR179226

Sheet Sets dialog

Layouts are no longer numbered when Automatic Numbering is turned off.
  • SR163858
  • SR174251


Polylines containing bulges (i.e., at least one arc segment) are now correctly simplified, i.e. redundant vertices are removed between the linear line segments of those polylines, while the arc segments themselves are unaffected.
The SIMPLIFY command no longer affects selected entities on locked layers.

Sketch-based Features

Fixed a bug where the multi-solid subtract feature did not update correctly after a parameter change.
Copies of solids with sketch-based features and their dependent sketches are now treated as unique entities when copied within (and between) drawings that already contain sketch based features.
Fixed a bug where parameters were not updated as expected on copies of solids containing a mix of arbitrary geometry and sketch features.
Fixed a bug that caused wrong results when updating an extruded sketch feature created from a self-intersecting polyline.
Fixed a bug where the Revolve_union feature was not updated as expected when WorkPlane parameters were changed.


Fixed a bug where the SLICE command failed to work on extruded surfaces.
  • SR181927


Resolved an issue that resulted in the retrieved part, created from the top or bottom face, differed in size.
  • SR156452

Start Page

The recent files are now correctly displayed in the Start page on start up after updating BricsCAD to a new minor version.
  • SR174690
  • SR177144
A bug that caused the workspace picker on the Start Page to not fully display workspace names has been resolved.
  • SR179927
  • SR179929
The workspace picker on the start page now selects workspaces as expected.
  • SR175481
  • SR176263
  • SR176791
  • SR176862
  • SR177543
  • SR177791
  • SR178293
  • SR178701
  • SR178771
  • SR179180
  • SR179239

Status Bar

The new Status Bar is now correctly displaying a MODEMACRO value.
  • SR180119
The option to control the ROLLOVERPARAMS toggle now works in the new Status bar as it did the previous Status bar.
  • SR179992


Planar surface entities now display the correct number of U and V iso-lines.
  • SR178632

Surface Labels

We fixed an issue where contour label values were not rounded.
  • SR174942


Fixed a bug where profile placement was inconsistent on the path after selection in interactive mode.
Fixed a bug where using the CTRL key to switch between different booleans didn't loop as expected.
  • SR175025


Fixed a bug that prevented planar surfaces from being used as profiles for SWEEP and LOFT operations.

Symbol Style

We fixed an issue with enlarging the width of the drop-down list for Symbol Size Type and Symbol Orientation, so they are easier to read.
  • SR172175


We fixed a crash in certain drawings when opening the table cell border style dialog in the table cell editor.
  • SR181002
  • SR181247


The Cell Border Style dialog no longer persists an incorrect size after changes to display scaling settings.
  • SR172586


Setting a table break of 'right' now breaks the table visually to the right, and vice versa.
  • SR177653


Text is now properly aligned after font substitution.
  • SR175439


We improved the selection of the lines to be deleted from a TIN surface when selecting in a non-orthogonal view.
  • SR146515
  • SR147439
Using the Swap edge option within the TINEDIT command no longer leads to unstable behaviour in a specific drawing.
  • SR174886

TIN Surface

We fixed an issue that caused TIN Surfaces to not be rebuilt if weeding and supplementing factors for breaklines were used.
  • SR173533
  • SR174555
  • SR174579
TIN surfaces created from point groups are now properly updated after points are added or removed from the point group.
  • SR175927
We fixed an issue with overlapping "Add new area" and "Update surface" buttons in the TIN Surface Definitions dialog box.
  • SR178181
Large TINs (more than 1M points) are now read correctly from paths that contain non ASCII characters.
  • SR174082

TIN Volume Surface

Creating TIN Volumes from surfaces imported using LandXML Import no longer lead to unstable product behaviour.
  • SR179172

Tool Palette

The Tool Properties and Customize dialogs now use the current color theme.


The labels of various tools have been reviewed for consistency and capitalization.
  • SR181697
  • SR181773

Top view modeling

Fixed a crash when fitting a BIMWALL to a pointcloud in top view mode.

Transient Graphics

Resolved an issue where transient graphics created by (grdraw) were erased after invoking the (redraw) and (getint) functions.
  • SR181769


Resolved an issue with trimming behavior of entities in the presence of hatches. Entities above a solid hatch are trimmed by hatch bounds. Entities below a solid hatch can be trimmed by tab or selection cycling. Entities above/below a hatch are trimmed by the hatch pattern.
  • SR172970
  • SR173557
  • SR174438
  • SR175814
Resolved an issue with trimming behavior on overlapping entities.
  • SR175435


Resolved an issue related to cycling on overlapping entities while using the TRIM and EXTEND commands.
  • R171751
  • SR167474
  • SR167491
  • SR167740
  • SR167776
  • SR168435
  • SR170653
  • SR170667
  • SR170910
  • SR171366
  • SR171437
  • SR171515
  • SR171911
  • SR174370
  • SR174450
  • SR176102
  • SR176758
  • SR178486

Typed plans

Fixed a bug in background image generation where set resolution was wrong when working in a meter template.
  • SR169218
  • SR179435


After zooming and panning the view while certain commands were active, undoing one step of the command could sometimes undo back too far, even beyond the beginning of the command. This has been corrected.


Fixed an issue in the UNION command that prevented processing regions on an inclined plane.
  • SR178626


In some specific cases, restoring a named view could result in incorrect VIEWTWIST, which indirectly caused some problems with the CUI View control. This has been fixed.
  • SR178685
Restoring the layer state is now applied only to the active viewport in paperspace.
  • SR181451


Resolved issue where, after VIEWUPDATE and changing of view scales, geometry lines and hatches were displayed incorrectly or missing in detail views (VIEWDETAIL).
  • SR167156
  • SR171958
  • SR172642
  • SR172786
  • SR173824
  • SR174155
  • SR178440
  • SR180139
  • SR180857
  • SR182000


A crash that occurred when creating a new viewport has been fixed.
  • SR174175
  • SR174829

Visibility States

A visual glitch with the numbers in the placeholder graphic of the Visibility States panel has been fixed.


Fixed a bug where parameters that were not linked to a block weren't saved during export.
  • SR172163


Fixed a bug where MOVEGUIDED allowed the movement of workplanes with linked sketches.


The command now displays an informational message and completes normally, using an existing block definition, if one already exists in the host drawing.
  • SR178243


Resolved the corruption of an xref's data after renaming an xref-dependent layer in a REFEDIT session.
  • SR171054



We fixed an unusual case in which Solid3d.CreateSculptedSolid() created a solid with an invalid face on one side.
  • SR150277
A managed LispFunction declared with void return type now returns nothing, instead of NIL.
The RibbonTab.PropertyChanged event is now notified for RibbonTab.IsActive changes when a new ribbon tab is activated by the user.
  • SR176777
The Dimension.Dimtxtdirection and DimStyleTableRecord.Dimtxtdirection properties have been implemented.
  • SR176892
Several signatures of RibbonControl.FindPanel(), RibbonControl.FindItem(), and RibbonTab.FindItem() are now returning the parent item of the found items as out arguments.
  • SR178328
We fixed a recently introduced ArgumentOutOfRange exception that could occur when accessing a ribbon item collection while the BEDIT command was active.
  • SR178518
The BlockPropertiesTableColumn.Parameter property is now returning the correct name and value in certain problematic drawings.
  • SR158701
The LineSegment3d.Overlap() method no longer throws InvalidOperationException when the two supplied line segments do not overlap.
  • SR179366
The ShowImage = false property is now obeyed in ribbon combos.
  • SR166382
Several missing application context members in the DocumentCollection class are now implemented.
We fixed a crash that occurred when removing a ribbon tab that contained a WPF ribbon panel.
  • SR181305
The MText.getMTextWithFieldCodes() method has been implemented. This method returns the text content with fields as raw field codes.
  • SR162565
  • SR168923
We resolved an eNotOpenForRead exception when constructing a Brep instance from FullSubentityPath.
  • SR181299
The ObjectId class has been extended with support for dynamic late-bound access to properties and methods of the underlying database object.
The OPM Extension API is now available for .NET plugins to extend the object properties displayed in the Properties panel.
  • SR157831
A new generic properties API, based on the similar C++ API, is now available in .NET at Bricscad.Global.PropertyService and Bricscad.Global.ObjectIdPropertyAccessor.
The BrxMgd assembly is now marked with ExtensionAttribute, so that extension methods can be directly called from client code.
  • SR178982
The PromptSelectionOptions.AllowSubSelections flag is now ignored when PrepareOptionalDetails is also set, as subentity selection is not supported in that case.
  • SR180330
Implemented classes to facilitate the creation and manipulation of Civil Label Styles.
  • SR166529
  • SR175732


The Syntax & Variables dialog has been extended to verify the runtime value of function symbols, if the symbol for a called function is not known from analyzing loaded project files.
  • SR148209
The output of LISP expressions evaluated at the Lisp Console in BLADE are now printed on a new line.
We added a new option to configure the text foreground color for all panels.
  • SR182533


We implemented the AcDbAssocManager::getGlobalEvaluationCallbacks() method.
We implemented a number of missing functions in the AcDbAssocVariable class.
Table editing is now temporarily suspended while a custom context menu command executes.
  • SR148671
A multitude of AcDbAssocArray classes were implemented, exposing the functionality of associative arrays to the BRX API.
  • SR154835
Graphics created by acedGrDraw() no longer remain visible after the command ends.
  • SR156011
The BIM classification API can now classify a database for later insertion as a block.
  • SR164029
We implemented the AcDbViewSymbol, AcDbDetailSymbol, and AcDbSectionSymbol classes.
  • SR165151
We implemented the AcDbAssocGeomDependency class.
  • SR168750
We implemented the AcDbAssoc2dConstraintGroup class.
  • SR168751
Calling AcDbLayout::copyFrom() with a source layout from a different database now copies the source xdata as well.
  • SR170561
We deprecated the non-conforming defaultDoubleNull type from BREP API, and adjusted affected function signatures to use double* instead of double&.
We implemented the AcGraphNode and AcConstraintGroupNode classes.
  • SR168750
We implemented the AcGeomConstraint, AcHelpParameter, and AcCompositeConstraint classes.
  • SR168750
We implemented the AcExplicitConstraint class and related explicit constraint classes.
  • SR168750
We implemented the AcConstrainedGeometry class and related geometric constraint classes.
  • SR168750
The first and second derivatives at the start point of a polyline are now properly computed by getFirstDeriv() and getSecondDeriv(), even when the first segment is an arc segment.
  • SR172509
Per-instance dynamic properties can now be registered on a base class of the class where the properties are implemented.
  • SR172617
The automatically generated SDK documentation has been cleaned up, and presentation has been much improved, with better formatting and the addition of class inheritance graphs.
  • SR174656
We implemented a new generic properties API to access any and all object properties from DWG database objects, including properties defined by BIM, MCAD, Civil, IFC, Point Cloud, and third party party OPM extensions. See header file BrxSpecific/BrxGenericPropertiesAccess.h for documentation.
  • SR172302
  • SR173645
We added a special signature of the cast() member function to civil alignment element classes that accepts and returns an AcSharedPtr instance. This enables more natural usage of runtime casting of temporary alignment elements returned as shared pointers, without accidentally creating duplicate or orphaned references.
It is now possible to call clone() on a custom class derived directly from AcRxObject.
  • SR176224
Improved performance and functionality of BRX HLR module, also reducing the amount of generated entities (no duplicates, no overlaps, etc.).
  • SR173727
A number of missing functions were implemented in the AcDbAssocAction, AcDbAssocActionBody, and AcDbAssocVariable classes.
  • SR145423
The AcDbAssocParamBasedActionBody class was implemented.
Object snap calculation for custom entities now calls the 8-argument subGetOsnapPoints() signature, then falls back to the older 7-argument signature if the newer version was not implemented for the entity class.
  • SR177384
AcDbViewport::setVisualStyle() now sets the correct render mode based on the visual style.
  • SR177722
Several missing methods have been added to the AcValue class.
  • SR178769
A WM_HELP message is again being generated when pressing F1 in a modal MFC dialog. This was broken in V24.2.
  • SR180618
  • SR181496
While a modal dialog is active, the main frame window is disabled. Other floating application windows like the miniframe command line are also now disabled while a modal dialog is active.
  • SR180618
  • SR181496
We've implemented AcApDocManager member functions beginExecuteInCommandContext() and beginExecuteInApplicationContext().
  • SR180694
Several new methods have been added to the BModeler Face class to more cleanly expose internal loops of faces.
  • SR180775
The document that is current when a document context command starts, now remains the current document until the command has ended (or been cancelled), even when a new document tab is activated while the command is running.
  • SR180770
We fixed some incorrect behavior when calling member functions of a custom class derived from AcDbWipeout.
  • SR181550
The annotative context data of custom entity classes derived from AcDbMText is now preserved during handOverTo().
  • SR169219
  • SR177427
We fixed an issue whereby setting a new current dimension style, then applying it to a newly created dimension, would result in dimension style overrides corresponding to the previously active dimension style.
  • SR171093
It is now possible to assign BIM spatial location to objects classified as annotation.
  • SR175181
The AcDbEvalGraph class and several related classes have been implemented.
  • SR178291
AcDbObjectPointer::create() has been extended with a signature that accepts arguments to pass to the constructed object. The new utility class AcDbObjectPointer2 calls the new create() function directly from its constructor by forwarding arguments.
BrxBimPolicies functions setPolicy() and getPolicy() no longer produce linker errors when used.
  • SR179710
During input point monitoring, the list returned by AcEdInputPoint::pickedEntities() now includes one top level entity for each nested entity, even if this results in duplicates. The new behavior is compatible with other platforms.
  • SR179450
We fixed a V24.2 regression that caused issues with custom entities displaying inside a dialog based AcGsView instance.
  • SR180249


Added new API functions to remove all 3D constraints from a drawing, or from a specified entity.
  • SR174518
To improve compatibility with other platforms, acedGetEnv() and (getenv) now return RTERROR/NIL, respectively, when the environment variable is set to an empty string.
  • SR176582


A new BrxPlotStampSettings class was created for the BRX API and a corresponding PlotStampSettings class was created for the .NET API to facilitate programmatic manipulation of plot stamp settings.
  • SR147046
Changing the annotative property of blocks has been improved to be more compatible with other platforms.
The Anchoring API has been extended, including a new protocol extension BrxAnchorfeaturePE (C++) and Bricscad.Parametric.AnchorFeaturePE (.NET) that enables plugins to dynamically filter the allowed target faces for an anchor.
  • SR165864
  • SR165867
The BrxCvDbPoint (C++) and Civil.Point (.NET) classes have been extended with new static methods importPointsFromFile(), assignPointsToPointGroup(), and assignStylesToPoints().
  • SR176223
Calling CreateAnchoredBlockReference() with an invalid input id no longer crashes.
The acedTraceBoundary() and TraceBoundary() functions now correctly interpret the seed point as UCS coordinates.
  • SR170956
The BIM IFC import and export classes have been extended with several new options. As part of this work, some classes have been changed slightly to make them more consistent with other classes.
Registered ADS functions (or LispFunction in managed code) no longer become exposed at the command prompt as if they were regular commands unless they use the C:XXX syntax.
  • SR174650
We've changed behavior when setting plot style "ByLayer" or "ByBlock" in a drawing whose plot styles dictionary actual contains plot styles with those special names. The logical plot styles are now preferred, and the similarly named plot styles in the dictionary are ignored. This behavior is compatible with other platforms.
  • SR156798
It is now supported to show a ribbon combo control label with any combination of text or icon, or both, depending on its label style.
  • SR166382
New BRX classes BrxCvDbSymbolStyleManager, BrxCvDbStyle, BrxCvDbSymbolStyle, and BrxCvDbStylePartDisplaySettings, as well as .NET classes SymbolStyleManager, Style, SymbolStyle, and StylePartDisplaySettings, facilitate creating and changing Civil Point Symbol Styles.
  • SR166529
The BrxCvDbPoint (C++) and Civil.Point (.NET) classes have been extended with a new static method assignPointToPointGroup().
We introduced new classes for creation and manipulation of Civil Label Styles.
  • SR166529
  • SR175732
The raw description and full description properties for civil points can now be set independently by API.
  • SR164057
  • SR164188
  • SR164318
  • SR182316


Newly added annotative MLeader entities now include the current annotation scale context, thereby ensuring that they display visible graphics.
  • SR89198
  • SR91160
  • SR93772
  • SR164686


The hidden "Last" keyword at any entity selection prompt may now be replaced by supplying a conflicting keyword via (initget) or acedInitGet().
  • SR168606


Out of process COM is now working during document initialization after opening a drawing by double clicking in Windows Explorer.
  • SR171754
We addressed some shortcomings in the API for modifying dynamically created popup menus at runtime.
  • SR177959


We fixed an unintended behaviour with DCL ListBox label strings: the space character is no longer used to split the label string into column header labels. The TAB character "\t" and the vertical bar character "|" can now be used instead, if splitting the label string into column header labels is intended. This makes it possible to use spaces in column headers. Alternatively, the BricsCAD-specific "bcad_label" can be used (it is ignored on other platforms).
  • SR149603
DCL platform compatibility has been improved by enabling use of the "is_cancel" attribute on ListBox, Image, and ImageButton.
  • SR157067


Enhanced the BIM LISP API to include a new function (bim:pset-list-all) to return all Property Set properties associated with a supplied entity.
  • SR147602
The (getcfg) and (setcfg) functions now read and write in-memory user profile settings when the supplied value path starts with "../Profile/". This enables something like (setcfg "../Profiles/Default/Dialogs/XXX/rect" "200,200,300,100") to change the in-memory value baing used by the application code.
We improved compatibility of reactors using the 'all-document flag.
  • SR180296
The (vla-Delete) function has been fixed to trigger a Lisp error when attempting to delete the current UCS (compatible with AutoLISP).
  • SR180342
We added support for more COM Methods and Properties on Linux/Mac, including Annotation, Evaluate, Url, UrlDescription, and UrlNamedLocation.
A timing issue related to evaluation of (S::STARTUP) has been fixed. Now all defined (S::STARTUP) functions are processed after the drawing is loaded and all startup files have been processed.
  • SR155880
We improved performance of certain lisp scripts that frequently invalidate the display.
  • SR165861
We fixed a problem with LISP database and object reactors that occurred when MTFLAGS (MultiThreading mode) was enabled.
  • SR176663
The (vlax-add-cmd) function documentation was updated to correct the example expression. The function's optional localisedName argument may now be nil, consistent with other CAD platforms.
  • SR179886
Some constraints API functions did not return expected results when they were called multiple times in succession. The problem has been fixed.
  • SR179125
We fixed a regression with nested partial incomplete (command) calls causing the command line to malfunction.
  • SR179800
The function (vla-get-MomentOfInertia) now returns results compatible with other platforms.
  • SR181260
When calling (bim:pset-create-property), the data type for a newly created PropertySet property can now be defined by the value assigned in a following call to (bim:pset-set-property ename propertyset name value). Additionally, both functions now support specifying the data type explicitly for a newly created property. We also fixed some improper mixing of property "Name" and "Label".
  • SR181696
The (bim:get-bimtype) function was revised to enable the use of dynamic BIM types.
  • SR181887
A memory access fault has been fixed when calling (entmod) with an entity definition list containing certain invalid entries.
  • SR181823
Some new and enhanced Civil API functions have been added.


Some customers have reported an error when trying to use VBA, even though the VBA runtime was successfully installed. We've implemented a mitigation for this problem by resetting some VBA related COM registry settings before VBA starts.
  • SR145620
  • SR147541
  • SR154920
  • SR156942
  • SR159197
  • SR159347
  • SR161558
  • SR172229
  • SR172278
  • SR176270
  • SR179036
  • SR180916
  • SR181183
  • SR181853