Bricscad™ (Linux)
- Bricscad V12 installs and runs independently from previous Bricscad versions.
- RedSDK system requirements
Bricscad's non-wireframe GPU-accelerated render modes are based on RedSDK technology from Redway3D®. These render modes require a supported GPU (graphic processing unit, graphic card).
- NVIDIA graphic cards are supported. It is advised to use the latest recommended driver from NVIDIA.
- ATI cards are supported. It is advised to use the latest recommended driver from ATI/AMD.
- It is currently not possible to install a NVIDIA or ATI driver on a laptop with dual graphics. As a result, RedSDK on linux is not supported on laptops with an INTEL Core i3, i5 or i7. This is due to a limit in the X server implementation that is not capable of handling several display adapters. This restriction is not specific to RedSDK. There is no solution possible on our side.
- INTEL cards are not supported. Drivers for INTEL cards are normally pre-installed with the Linux distribution, but they typically don't include any 3D acceleration.
More detailed driver recommendations are in preparation.
Version 12.2.10 BETA
- ATI : Support for ATI graphic cards has been added to RedSDK. As a result hardware accelerated 3D rendering will now also work on ATI hardware.
- SR34839, SR34891, SR34973 - FILLET: A crash occured in FILLET command with Radius=0 when two polylines were selected. Fixed.
- SR35054 - MTEXT: Fixed crash that happened when an object field was added to an mtext using the mtext editor.
- SR32923 - PRINT: Print output was inappropriately shifted. Fixed.
- SR35159 - CTRL+DRAGGING: When pressing and holding down the Ctrl key while dragging a selection set, the selection set is copied instead of moved when the mouse button is released.
- SR34844 - INSERT DIALOG: When inserting/creating blocks or inserting raster images the dialog loading time is significantly improved for drawings containing a very large number of blocks/images.
Application Development
- SR34938 - LAYOUTSWITCHED REACTOR : Fixed a timing problem for "layoutSwitched" reactor event, which was sent much too early, when Bricscad did not have processed this internally; as result, the display system was not yet updated, which could result in strange errors and crashes, depending on client applications handling during this event.
- SR35030 - LISP PLOTSTYLENAME: (vla-get-plotstylename) resp. (vlax-get-property obj 'PlotStyleName) returned a garbaged string for Layer Objects - this is fixed now.
- LISP VLE: Fixed an issue with (vle-alert title msg flags) - "msg" and "title" arguments were switched
- SR34995 - ENTGET: In Lisp,SDS,BRX, the functions (entget) / sds_entget() / acedEntGet() could cause an exception, when used with an AcDbBlockBegin/OdDbBlockBegin object of an erased BlockTableRecord (i.e. after _PURGE command).
Version 12.2.3 BETA
- SR34031 - EXTRUDE: Fixed EXTRUDE for 3d polylines.
- SR34231 - LOCKED LAYER PROPERTIES: Fixed crash triggered by changing property values of entities on locked layers.
- SR34155 - PRINT MULTIPLE COPIES: When printing to multiple copies, use one multi-copy job rather than multiple single-copy jobs. For drivers that do not support multiple copies printing, multiple jobs will still be created.
- SR34281 - INSERT BLOCKS FROM DRAWING EXPLORER: Added Options dialog to Drawing Explorer, with options for insert block operation (align/scale/rotation).
- SR33784 - AUTOSAVE: Filename fields were overwritten with autosave backup file name after autosave.
- SR31531, SR32605 - HIGHLIGHTEFFECT: Fixed problems caused by setting HIGHLIGHTEFFECT variable to values 1 or 3 in SHADEMODE = hidden.
- SR26248 - STATUS BAR: The Status Bar contains a button named 'ESnap', but the Status Bar Menu (shown when the black arrow in the right corner of the status bar is clicked) listed 'OSnap' instead of 'ESnap'. Fixed.
- SR24443 - PSPACE MSPACE SWITCHING: Fixed switching from pspace to mspace, in case of not-rectangular viewport, real boundary is respected now.
- SR24097 - PSPACE MSPACE: double-click in pspace doesn't lead to selecting entity in mspace.
- SR34362 - INTERSECT, UNION, SUBTRACT: Corrected commands INTERSECT, UNION, SUBTRACT: if result of boolean operations is empty, then resultant entity is deleted (this concerns both 3DSOLIDs and REGIONs).
- SR34362 - INTERSECT, UNION: From now on the commands UNION, INTERSECT are terminated, if less than two entities are selected, like in Acad.
- SR34097 - STRETCH: Fixed stretch command, the viewport context is not scaled when stretching viewport in paper space.
- SR23954, SR28339 - DRAWING EXPLORER: After erasing a block that includes references to other blocks, update the count of nested block references in the Drawing Explorer.
- DRAWING EXPLORER: Fixed wrong number of block references, displayed in Drawing Explorer, in case when block has repeated items in its reference list.
- ANNOALLVISIBLE: Added support for ANNOALLVISIBLE system variable, accessible through commandline and settings dialog.
- SR33734 - PROPERTIES BAR: Grouped properties now show proper display name and the values as group value
- SR34517 - FILEDIA: Fixed typo in the description of FILEDIA in the Settings dialog.
- SR34521 - RENDER: Fixed typo in the -Render command prompt.
- SR34559 - FIND: the 'zoom to' option was zooming in too closely on the text.
- SR34115 - SNAP: Temporary rubber band now goes to snapped point and no longer to cursor position
- SR34104 - LAYER PROPERTIES: Avoided view regeneration after changing layer properties in Drawing Explorer (thawing of layer still leads to regeneration, this is correct).
- SR30320 - TABLE EXPORT: Table export is now available in the context menu when one table entity is selected.
- SR34430 - HATCH: Nested hatch boundaries, produced by text entities, should be ignored in calculation of hatch area.
- SR34027, SR34050 - PRINT: Fixed regression: layout graphics is shifted or even disappears from the view after printing.
- SR33309 - PRINT TO FILE: Implemented 'Print to file' checkbox in the Print dialog.
- RASTER IMAGES: Printing of (transparent) raster images may now work better. Your mileage may vary, depending on the printer driver, especially with PDF printers.
Application Development
- SR34377 - LISP: (vl-sort) could fail and return the original (unsorted) list. This happened if the used comparator function triggered an error with (atoi) or (atof) usage, for instance with (atoi "abc") or (atof "xyz"). Fixed.
- SR34417, SR34542 - LISP: Fixed 210 groupcode in (entget) function for LWPOLYLINE (was 2D by mistake, instead of 3D); now only groupcode 10 is given as 2D point for LWPOLYLINE.
- SR34378 - BRX: Fixed a problem with AcApDocManager::lockDocument(kAutoWrite) - the pending document lock was not automatically released, and related Undo record was not closed.
- SR34454 - LISP: corrected (setvar 'CPlotStyle ...) to match AutoCAD's (incorrect) behaviour. If PStyleMode=1, Acad does not verify the value, but simply returns input value; in this case, CPlotStyle is a read-only system variable.
- SR34432 - LISP: Fixed a problem with (foreach item ), where was evaluated for each loop cycle, which could result in very strange issues (and also reduces performance).
- SR34470 - LISP: A builtin Lisp functions could be reset to NIL, by using a variable with the same name as the builtin function. For safety of the Lisp engine, built-in functions are protected now.
- SR34439 - LISP: When an entity is (un-)erased, do not send a "modified" event for (vlr-acdb-reactor) clients.
- SR34554 - TEXTSIZE : fixed behaviour for Text/DText/Attdef commands - the TEXTSIZE system variable is now always set to last-used textsize (as assigned to text/attdef object) at the end of the commands (this matches AutoCAD behaviour), even when no dedicated textsize was set during these commands (but textsize was taken from textstyle, if non-0)
- SYSVARWILLCHANGE EVENT: "sysvarWillChange" reactor event was sent too late, after the system variable was already changed; this is fixed now, "sysvarWillChange" event is correctly sent before changing the system variable
- SR34419 - TEXTBOX: (textbox) / sds_testbox() / acedTextBox() - as per declaration, the text definition must be treated as origin=0,0,0 and text rotation as 0 (270 degree for vertical texts), and on world XY-plane => this is fixed now, and results are now identical to AutoCAD
Version 12.1.23
- SR31172 - MDI: When trying to close the initial scratch document in on_start.lsp, briscad crashed. This was an initialization issue of the Multi Document Interface (MDI): before starting the MDI interface, a document had to be open first. This issue has been fixed by removing this constraint from the wxWidgets MDI code.
- SR33995 - SNAP: When snap mode was toggled inside a command, polar state was lost. Fixed.
- SR27479 - DWGCODEPAGE: Fixed variable DWGCODEPAGE that was 'UNDEFINED' on Linux.
- SR33601: Printing commands did not run if there was no printer marked as default in the system. Fixed.
- LINETYPE DISPLAY: From now on dots of non-continuous linetype patterns are printed as squares, instead of thin dashes.
- SR34231 - LOCKED LAYER PROPERTIES: Fixed crash caused by changing property values of entities on locked layers.
Version 12.1.21
- SR25434 - INSERT BLOCK: In the insert block dialog, fixed sorting of block names in the combo box. This issue was caused by a bug in wxWidgets: the wxCB_SORT style did not work properly.
- SR33830 - BRX: Avoid "screen update error" in client scenario, which quite often resulted in a Bricscad crash.
- SR32322, SR33847 - COPY PASTE: Fixed corruption of the dwg database after copy and paste operations.
- PC3_APP: Added standalone pc3_app to installer.
- SELECT OPTIONS: Fixed processing of options of object selection in translated versions.
Version 12.1.16
- PLATINUM functionality has been added on linux. From now on trial keys are PLATINUM-enabled. Here is an overview of crucial differences and new features of the different license levels:
- 2D geometric and dimensional constraints
- Custom hatch patterns
- Printing: import and edit page setups (decoupled from layout)
- All features from CLASSIC
- Full ACIS modeling and editing
- Realistic mode rendering, section planes, SECTIONPLANETOBLOCK command, visual styles
- All features from PRO (and consequently CLASSIC)
- Geometric 3D constraints, Design intent capturing
- SCALELISTEDIT: Added command SCALELISTEDIT and dialog to allow scale list modifications in print dialog and viewport properties.
- TEIGHA UPGRADE: The entire ODA dwg library has been upgraded to version 3.5. It has also been renamed from Dwgdirect to Teigha.
- PRINT REDESIGN: Printing was thoroughly redesigned. The actual CUPS communication with the printer did not change, but the internal mechanisms to manipulate print properties were rewritten. This refactoring eases future cross-platform changes.
- HATCHTOBACK: Added command HATCHTOBACK to bring all hatches to the back by changing draworder.
- TEXTTOFRONT: Added command TEXTTOFRONT to bring all text and/or all dimensions to the front by changing draworder.
- BLOCK: In the BLOCK command dialog, block names are now alphabetically sorted.
- SR31298 - DIMANGULAR: Fixed DIMANGULAR command for DIMASSOC = 0 to have behaviour like in AutoCAD.
- SR31765, SR31767, SR31783, SR31795, SR31863, SR31865, SR31869, SR31871 - SELECTING DIMENSIONS: Fixed failure in selecting of dimensions.
- SR32188 - DIMTAD: added missing option to DIMTAD combobox in Drawing Explorer and Properties Bar (DIMTAD value 4 = "Below")
- SR32907 - ZERO DISTANCE DIMENSIONS: Fixed creation of a dimensions when the user inputs zero distance (e.g. (command "dimlinear" pt1 pt2 distance) where distance = 0).
- SR32932 - LEADER ARROW SCALING: Fixed scaling of a leader's arrow when the leader in a viewport with a scale factor different than 1 and DIMSCALE = 0.
- SR30475 - ACIS, DIMENSIONS : Added support of Acis entities in commands DIMLINEAR, DIMALIGNED, DIMANGULAR, DIMRAD, DIMDIA.
- SR33125 - SUGGEST POSITION: Fixed inappropriate suggestions to position dimensioned text and line in the commands DIMRADIUS and DIMDIAMETER commands (for DIMTIX = ON, DIMUPT = OFF).
- TEXT STYLE PANEL: In the text style panel, an shx extension was appended after the ttf extension for TTF fonts not found on the system.
- SR19861 - LAYER PANEL: The layer states panel now shows 'old-style' layer states in grid view and in property view. They are displayed in red, and are read-only. They can be deleted.
- SR31851 - GRID VIEW: In a grid view, for some grid columns multiple selection was lost after editing a cell value.
- SR32129 - MATERIALS PANEL: The panel for editing materials had no scroll bars.
- SR30699 - SHOW XREF LAYERS: 'Show XRef Layers' is now on by default.
- DYNAMIC DIMENSIONS: Fixed a small problem with the dynamic dimensions not redrawing after editing the associated text field.
- SR31682 - PEDIT: Fixed PEDIT for joining of a polyline and an arc with opposite normals.
- SR32798 - JOIN: Fixed displaying the number of added segments when using the JOIN option of the PEDIT command.
- SR33205 - FIT: The option FIT of the PEDIT command inappropriately switched off linetype-mode. Fixed. The linetype-mode now remains untouched by FIT.
- SR33592 - CONVERT: Fixed an exception when question to convert into polyline was answered with "No".
- SR33593 - CONVERT CIRCLE: Converting a circle into a polyline did not create a closed polyline. Fixed.
- SR33609 - JOIN: Corrected prompt behaviour at JOIN option of the PEDIT command: when nothing is selected, it returns to previous prompt.
- SR31655, SR32984: Fixed: Bricscad (Linux) crashed on selecting some paper sizes in the Print dialog (e.g. "A0", "ArchE", i.e. paper sizes that are non-standard in the original Windows code).
- SR32923: Fixed wrong print output offset and scaling.
- SETTINGS: Added missing system variables to Settings dialog.
- SETVAR: Extended SETVAR command to make preferences available and directly editable on the commandline.
- EXTENSION SNAPPING: Fixed Direct Distance Entering when extension snapping is active and DYNMODE=0. Fixed extension snapping for polyline straight segments, when UCS!=WCS.
- LINE, SNAPPING: implemented deferred perpendicular snapping in command LINE.
- SR21459, SR21477, SR27509 - INTERSECTION SNAP: Plain intersection snapping behaved like extended intersection snapping. Fixed.
- SR22282 - F3: After pressing F3, current tooltip and osnap marker are undrawn.
- SR23174 - CENTER SNAP: Corrected CENTER snapping to closed polylines. The center snapping point is now placed in the center of gravity of the polygon.
- SR31776, SR31789 - DEFERRED SNAP: Changed processing of deferred tangent and perpendicular snap modes. Now they are processed with lowest priority. That is, deferred modes are deactivated if there are other snapping points.
- SR30507 - ENTITY SNAP TOOLBAR: Added icon for "midpoint between 2 points" (mtp, m2p) to the entity snap toolbar.
- SR31962 - RECTANGULAR SNAP: Fixed ORTHO for the rectangular snapping to have possibility to snap to the Z axis.
- TABLES: Adding Tables using the table dialog now works correctly.
- UCS:
- SR30971 - POLYGON: Fixed problem with UCS in Polygon command.
- SR32367 - MODELSPACE/PAPERSPACE: Fixed wrong transformation of entities, being copied in paper space, in case if modelspace UCS is changed.
- SR32545 - LASTPOINT: The command "_UCS _3points" did not reset LASTPOINT system variable to (0,0,0) - this is now fixed.
- SR23446 - SECTION: Fixed an issue with "section" objects. Before this fix, the region did not get current entity properties (layer, color etc.).
- SR23453 - LAYER: Using the layer command or (setvar "clayer" ...) it was possible to make a frozen or xref-dependent layer the current one. Fixed.
- SR24266, SR29573, SR30349, SR30547, SR30763 - CUSTOMIZE: Fixed a problem in the customize dialog. An error message was displayed when attempting to create a partial CUI file from the customize dialog.
- SR25923, SR28810, SR32875, SR33059 - PASTE AS BLOCK: implemented paste as block in Bricscad (Linux).
- SR28484, SR29293, SR30324 - GRIP EDIT: Fixed grip edit for arc segments of a polyline. Fixed grip edit for spline fitted polyline. Fixed grip edit for multiple grips in a solid.
- SR28800 - EDIT REFERENCE: Fixed crash on attempt to edit a reference that has mutual dependency on another reference.
- SR28870 - PARENT FOLDER: it's now possible to use ".." in meaning "parent folder" for Bricscad argument (e.g. $ bricscad ../test.dwg)
- SR29059 - XDATA: XData (EED, Extended Entity Data) now gets copied to all parts of a trimmed entity.
- SR29128 - SLICE: Adapted the SLICE command to check for destination layer. Before this fix, when using the option BOTH of the SLICE command, one of the sliced solids was created in layer 0 instead of in the original solid's layer.
- SR29391 - SHX: Leading whitespace in some shx fonts was absent in Bricscad, which caused some mtexts to wrap on two lines in acad but not in Bricscad.
- SR29412 - PLINE: Fixed PLINE to avoid construction of a multiple polylines instead of a single polyline.
- SR29641, SR32973 - TTF QUALITY: Improved text rendering on Linux. Now TEXTQLTY variable is used in the following manner:
- TEXTQLTY < 49: old rendering method is used. The actual value is not used.
- 50 <= TEXTQLTY <= 100: new approximation algorithm for Bezier curves. Greater values imply better quality but more points for the approximating polyline so performance-wise a lower value is recommended.
- TEXTQLTY = 50 is the default value
- SR30133, SR32326 - MATCHPROP:
- An empty selection no longer breaks the command loop.
- Properties are now copied immediately after choosing target entity.
- Fixed selection behavior of MATCHPROP for target entities (restored multiple entities selection possibility)
- SR30186 - FIND AND REPLACE: It was possible to enter custom text in the "Search in" dropdown control of the Find and Replace dialog. This did not make sense. The control is now read-only.
- SR30291 - ATTRIBUTE EDIT DIALOG: In the Attribute Editor dialog, while inserting a field, bricscad crashed when selecting an object. Fixed.
- SR30432 - HATCH, GRADIENT: The Hatch and Gradient dialog has 3 island detection types: Nested, Outer and Ignore. The same island detection types appear in the Properties bar as: Normal, Outer and Ignore. Changed 'Normal' to 'Nested' in the Properties bar.
- SR30487 - SELECTION SETS: An empty entity selection (by user or by application) did clear an existing (non-empty) selection. This caused (ssget "_P") or _SELECT _P command to fail. Fixed.
- SR30503: Fixed block redefinition issues.
- SR30569 - PATH EXTRUDE CIRCLE: Circle couldn't be extruded along path, since path belonged to the group.
- SR30598 - DYNAMIC DIMENSIONS: Space bar in input fields of dynamic dimensions is now treated the same way as Enter.
- SR30698 - AREA: The AREA command now accepts hatch entities as well.
- SR30757 - HATCH: Fixed using options SELECT, PREVIOUS in the HATCH command to use the previous selection set.
- SR30844 - CIRCLE GRIP POINTS: Fixed circle grip points.
- SR30948 - STATUSBAR: Fixed: Changing the status of a system variable by clicking on a statusbar label during lisp execution (pause) now works.
- SR31013, SR33407 - PASTE: During PASTE command, ORTHO mode was mistakenly respected. Fixed.
- SR31040, SR31470 - SEPARATE SOLID: Improved SOLIDEDIT -> Body -> seParate to place the separated bodies to the current layer instead of the default layer.
- SR31409 - BREAK: Fixed BREAK for a line when a user picks two identical points which are not on this line. Previously the line incorrectly disappeared.
- SR31436 - DWF: Fixed a crash on export to DWF 3D v6.1 format
- SR31449 - BLOCK SCALING: Fixed block scaling if the scale value is changed with Properties panel.
- SR31479 - OFFSET: More descriptive error messages are shown for failing offset commands.
- SR31580 - HIDDEN MODE LINEWEIGHTS: implemented support of lineweights in Hidden render mode.
- SR31748, SR32691 - TRIM: Fixed TRIM command for closed polylines and xlines.
- SR32003 - ICONS: Improved icons for dclinear, gcfix, gcequal and dcconvert.
- SR32155 - COMMANDLINE: If the bricscad commandline contained only a prompt, backspace inappropiately moved the cursor forward. Fixed.
- SR32217, SR32487 - EATTEDIT: It was impossible to save a drawing after inserting a field via EATTEDIT dialog.
- SR32288 - PASTEBLOCK: Fixed "Key not found" failure during PASTEBLOCK command.
- SR32356 - SETTINGS: Fixed a problem when editing folder list properties (e.g. SRCHPATH) in Settings dialog. After a new value had been entered, if the editor's dialog was relaunched, the old value was kept.
- SR32628, SR31470 - SOLID, SEPARATE: Solidedit>body>separate always lost one of the disjoint solids.
- SR32663 - HATCH: fixed copying hatch properties (angle) in BHATCH dialog
- SR32715 - VIEWPORT SIZE: Changed the size of the viewport that is created while activating a new paper space layout. It is now proportional to the printable area with scale 0.8.
- SR33456 - DYNAMIC BLOCK PROPERTIES: Fixed a problem with properties of Dynamic Blocks not being shown in the Properties Bar.
- SR33540 - DELETE: Fixed a problem where pressing DELETE key was handled at main window level instead of the focused text control.
Application Development
- ACADVER: Increased ACADVER to 18.0.
- LISP: Fixed a bug in (member item lst) and (vl-position item lst) - using 'item' of type VLA-Object, VARIANT, SAFEARRAY failed, when searching them in a list 'lst'.
- LISP/SDS: Performance improvements for entdel, entmake, entmakex.
- SR17936, SR25582, SR27079, SR27793, SR29561 - XDATA REFERENCE UPDATES: Fixed problems with incorrectly updated extended entity data (XDATA, EED) reference points (1011, 1013, 1041, 1042) after several operations like STRETCH and GRIP_STRETCH.
- SR25805 - MENU CUSTOMIZATION: (menucmd "") did not work for submenus. Fixed.
- SR32664 - LISP/SDS/BRX : ssget("X" filter) failed to select entities using XData group code specifications, example : (ssget "X" (list (list -3 (list "APPID" (cons 1005 "323")))))); this is fixed now
- SR32822 - LISP: Fixed a problem with (defun-q) and (defun-q-list-ref) : these functions worked with all functions, defined by (defun), but should only accept functions defined by (defun-q).
- SR33420 - LISP VLAX-GET: The function (vlax-get) did not "explode" non-native objects like Variants and SafeArray recursively. Fixed.
- SR33509 - LISP DCL CASE SENSITIVITY : fixes a problem with DCL tile keys - by mistake, the tile keys were treated as case-insensitive, but should be handled case-sensitive; this is fixed now
RedSDK system requirements
Bricscad's non-wireframe GPU-accelerated render modes are based on RedSDK technology from Redway3D®. These render modes require a supported GPU (graphic processing unit, graphic card).
- NVIDIA graphic cards are supported. It is advised to use the latest recommended driver from NVIDIA.
- ATI cards are not yet supported. Although ATI cards may work, at this point NVIDIA cards have been targeted.
- It is currently not possible to install a NVIDIA or ATI driver on a laptop with dual graphics. As a result, RedSDK on linux is not supported on laptops with an INTEL Core i3, i5 or i7. This is due to a limit in the X server implementation that is not capable of handling several display adapters. This restriction is not specific to RedSDK. There is no solution possible on our side.
- INTEL cards are not supported. Drivers for INTEL cards are normally pre-installed with the Linux distribution, but they typically don't include any 3D acceleration.
More detailed driver recommendations are in preparation.
Please use the Support Request pages at
to report problems.
Copyright Bricsys NV.
All rights reserved.
This program is protected by U.S. and international copyright law as described in the license agreement.
Bricsys nv
Bellevue, 5/201
9050 GENT