BricsCAD® (Mac) V21 installs and runs independently from previous BricsCAD versions.
The BricsCAD® installer that you downloaded contains all editions of BricsCAD: Shape,
Lite, Pro, Mechanical, BIM and Ultimate.
BricsCAD (Mac) V21.2 comes in a 64 BIT version, supported on macOS 10.13, 10.14, 10.15.
Hardware running M1 chips is not supported yet. We plan native support for M1 chips in a future version.
BricsCAD (Mac) is a complete BricsCAD version, with a full set of features. As a rule of thumb,
BricsCAD (Mac) has the same set of features as BricsCAD (Linux). A few Windows specific features
will not become available on Mac or Linux, for instance the COM API.
A BricsCAD Pro (or higher) license is required for running compiled (BRX) application programs.
A BricsCAD Pro license is required for rendering, 3D modeling and drawing view creation.
A BricsCAD Pro license is required to create 3D Constraint systems and mechanical components
(parts). Pro licenses also enable BricsCAD's deformable solid modeling functionality.
A BricsCAD Pro license is required to enable Civil TIN surface, grading and alignment creation.
BricsCAD Pro is also the foundation for our BIM and Mechanical products.
BricsCAD Ultimate is a single license that includes BricsCAD Shape, Lite, Pro, BIM and Mechanical.
BricsCAD Communicator is a separate product, requiring a separate license key.
BricsCAD licenses work anywhere on Planet Earth, and license keys are also language-independent.
These release notes reflect what has been included in each major, minor or maintenance version
according to the
English release. Dependent on the language, a specific mainenance version might have been skipped,
means the changes listed under that version become available in a subsequent release for that
Please help us make BricsCAD better - submit a
if you find anything that doesn't work the way you think it should. Everyone at Bricsys thanks
you for helping us build the best product possible.
Version 21.2.02
Improvements to BricsCAD Core
COLORBOOKSWe now show information about colorbook colors found in drawings
created in by other applications.
COPYGUIDED and MOVEGUIDEDMultilines are now supported as reference curves for the
The calculation of the center of the detail is improved for more complex scenarios.
The CopyGuided and MoveGuided tools were added to the "Modify" menu and toolbar. SR100484
DMFILLET The ability to set several intermediate radii has been
added. SR116164
DMTHREADNew settings for thread feature are available: Chamfer Mode and Chamfer
Value, which allow a more detailed configuration of threads. SR116801
Entity SelectionImproved performance when creating large selection sets.
FITLINE & FITARCTwo new fitting tools are provided to fit a line or an arc to a set
of input data.
JOINMultilines are now supported in the JOIN command.
Menu bar"Detail style" and "Section style" options were added in the Tools / Drawing
Explorer menu. SR117429
MoveGuidedFixed a crash that occurred when using the "Regions" option.
OPTIMIZEImproved gap-closing logic.
OverkillThe Ribbon icon was renamed to be consistent with the command name.
Parameters and Constraints PanelFixed a crash that occurred when a specific set of
clicks were made in the P&C Panel. This was a regression.
and toolbar, and added point cloud icons in the quad.
An issue in pre-processing point clouds is fixed; the application now delivers pertinent feedback to the user. SR119329
POINTCLOUDCROPSOLIDThe new POINTCLOUDCROPSOLID command enables you to convert an
extruded solid/polysolid to a crop solid. Crop solids can be used to crop point clouds in 3D and can be
modified like any other BricsCAD solid. SR104937SR120883
REGION commandThis command is now available at the BricsCAD Lite license
level. SR115273
Visibility StatesAdded visibility button to the Parametric ribbon in the Modeling
workspace. SR117802
Improvements to BIM
BIM templatesThe default "Interior Elevation Offset Distance" setting is changed to
BIMATTACHCOMPOSITIONThe new Detach option of the command now allows the user to detach a
composition, while keeping BIM properties intact. SR98328
BIMPATCHThe command is being deprecated. It will continue to be available in Developer mode. All user interface methods to access the command have been removed.
BIMPROPERTIESNow you can reorder value or property definitions within a property set. SR118029
BIMSCHEDULENew *.dxd files for BIM schedules, based on new IF2X3 quantity definitions, are added.
BIMSECTIONUPDATEFixed layout lookup for existing viewports.
New setting 'Section result interval' defines the distance
between generated section blocks in model space. BIMSECTIONUPDATE identifies any overlap between
generated section blocks in model space, and offers to run the BIMALIGNSECTIONBLOCKS command.
A new result block is created when an old result block is being used by another viewport. This allows users to place two viewports on the same sheet, viewing the same BIMSECTION result block,
while using different parameters (elevationfill, customization, et al).
Polylines in BIM grids are now supported in section generation.
BIMALIGNSECTIONBLOCKSNew command: Aligns section blocks in model space.
BIMTAGRotation is switched on for windows and doors by
default SR104611
DATAEXTRACTION commandAdded export to Excel files, and added support for updating
existing CSV and Excel files.
DMPUSHPULLNow DMPUSHPULL works correctly on ply faces of composition solid plies
which are not parallel to the XY-plane of the UCS. SR91962
Drawing CustomizationAdded a versioning system for drawing customizations. #ThisIsCool
Generate Elevation Fill'Generate Elevation Fill' is no longer a property of the BIM Section entity, but it is displayed as one of the BIM viewport properties in the generated section drawing.
BIM viewport properties are now generated for sheet views in a BIM project, and for viewports created by the BIMSECTIONUPDATE command in non-BIM models (i.e., a model that is not part of a BIM project).
The BIMSECTIONUPDATE command now creates a new set of BIM viewport properties, including Generate Elevation Fill, for all existing viewports. SR116166 SR118549
IFCIMPORTIFC spatial elements which have a geometric representation are now
imported as BricsCAD entities, classified as Buildings and Storeys, and associated with Spatial location objects.
Imported IFC materials, not contained in any current compositions, now create compositions with variable thickness. SR104694
POINTCLOUDFITPLANARThe POINTCLOUDFITPLANAR command is enhanced to support cropped solids.
Project BrowserSets the sheet name to the name(s) of the BIMSECTION(s) that will be
placed on the sheet, using the following syntax: 'SectionName1[,SectionName2,...]'
It displays the sheets by 'Number - Name', unless they are equal, in which case they'll display only by 'Number'.
The project folder opens when creating a schedule from a .dxd file. SR120901
PROPAGATEProblems that occured when using/referencing geometry imported from Rhino are fixed.
We corrected the translation of options for propagate's suggestions. SR119154SR119625
SpacesThe space tag can now be customized with additional space property attributes.
The space footprint area now displays properly in the space tag. SR118685 SR117214 SR119153 SR119150 SR119317 SR119841
Structure BrowserYou can now control how nested entities appear in the structure browser, with a specific rules group.
Improvements to Mechanical
BMBOMA new option Selection Set is introduced, which allows users to limit the content of
the BOM table by selection. Currently, it is possible to limit the BOM table to a sub-assembly, to
a set of top-level components, to a specific drawing view's content, or to parts visible in a selected layout
viewport. SR91687
BMBOMEDITNew command BMBOMEDIT is introduced, which allows editing of existing BOM
tables in the document from the command line.
BMBOMPANELOPENSelected parts in the model highlight in the BOM manager now.
-BMHARDWARE commandThe new 'create Custom' option allows users to create custom standard
Mechanical BrowserA new mode is introduced: when selecting a node in the tree, you will also select the corresponding object in the model (instead of highlighting it).
A system setting is introduced to configure the Mechanical Browser's modes. SR81239
Mechanical EnablersIf the user opens a document containing AutoCAD Mechanical entities, and BricsCAD's "LOADMECHANICAL2D" option is not enabled, a Warning window will appear, containing a link to open the Settings
window. If the user clicks on this link, the settings window will open with the "LOADMECHANICAL2D" option displayed.
SMTABCREATEA new command option has been added: Inverted curved tab, which allows users to swap tab and slot locations.
Sheet MetalIntroduced Gap as a property of the Hem Sheet Metal feature which allows
the user to alter the value across different hems in the same part. SR98355SR99245
Sheet MetalNewly created internal holes are covered for the case of negative k-factor values.
Sheet MetalThe Bevel angle is shown in degrees in the Mechanical Browser properties.
SMEXPORTOSM commandBevel features are now supported. SR118610
SmUnfoldA new type of form feature unfolding option is available: "Contour without
center mark", which provides a representation of a form feature without a symbol in the unfolding
operation. SR115359
Improvements to Civil
3D Alignment editingIt is possible now to edit horizontal and vertical alignment parameters in the 3D alignment properties.
CIVIL3DIMPORTCommand improvements:- command presents a dialog to select Civil 3D objects to import, offers the option to import Civil 3D labels as blocks and to import native CAD objects.
CIVILDWGEXPORTNew command to export BricsCAD civil objects as native CAD entities.
Civil EntitiesThe names and descriptions of some Civil entities are now corrected.
A unique name and description is implemented for all Civil entities. SR 117540
Improvements to Communicator
EXPORTCommunicator now supports exporting files in 2021 format for: ACIS, CATIA V5, and XCGM.
EXPORTCommunicator now exports solids to IGES files as solids. In previous versions, solids were exported as sets of surfaces.
IMPORTCommunicator now supports importing files in 2021 formats for: ACIS, CATIA V5, Inventor, SolidWorks, and XCGM. SR117406SR119233
IMPORTFixed the incomplete import of some STEP files. SR118229SR119372SR119713SR119813
AlignmentAlignments with only two PI work properly now. SR117602
Animation EditorAll labels for categories and properties in the Animator Editor
panel are now translated in all language versions. SR121457
ApplicationThe main window now changes to no-document UI configuration when closing
the last drawing window, when STARTUP is set to zero.
BEDITBEDIT now preserves a block's sub-elements' GUID.
BIM SchedulesBlockViewProperty items are no longer created 'empty'. SR119623
BIM Schedules1. The 'Include current drawing' option has been removed from the Add Schedule wizard.
2. [SELECTION SETS] is not saved to the data extraction definition (dxd).
3. The 'Edit' button works even if no 'SELECTION SET' or 'PATHS' sections are specified in the dxd.
4. An alert box warns about ambiguous property references. SR120901
BIMCURTAINWALLThe input requests "V panel items :" and "U panel items :" are
now displayed in the command line for BIMCURTAINWALL > "Number U/V Panels". Previously,
the less intutive "V grid size :" and "U grid size :" were used.
BIMSECTIONUPDATELevel indicators are created for all section configurations, of any type and state.
BIMSECTIONUPDATEDimension lines placed in V20 on the resultant of a volume section now stay correctly associated in V21. SR120386
BIMSPACEFixed a fatal error that occurred when the automatic detection of a space boundary encountered a curved wall entity. SR1207
BIMSPACESpace indicators now use blocks instead of images. This fixes performance issues that occurred when space callouts are shown.
Fixed a layer bug: Space callouts and space entities are now assigned to the same layer.
BIMSPACEFixed the incorrect positioning of space indicators, which could cause an entire
model viewport to turn black. #LightsOutChicago SR118980
BIMTAGOpenings can be re-tagged in the section result of a volume section operation. SR120386
BIMTAGSpot elevation tags are now available for Interior Elevation sections.
BLOCKIFYPiping solids are now correctly transformed. SR117906
BMBALLOONThe ORTHO mode is now disabled by default. The user can enable ORTHO if
necessary. SR101030 SR119231
BMBALLOONThe Placement Mode selection prompt is now translated correctly. SR119480
BMBOMOrdering of component names, containing numbers after prefixes with "-", has been improved to guarantee the expected order in a BOM.#CollationSequence SR121096
BMUPDATEA user-defined column width in BOM tables is preserved during update, even if those columns have changed position during the update. SR119402
BMINSERT and BMUPDATEWe fixed the updating and insertion of assemblies with external sheet metal parts for specific cases, instead of displaying an 'unhandled exception'
message box or simply failing silently. SR119238 SR121388
SR121894 SR122244
BOOLEAN OPERATIONSFixed a problem that caused the SUBTRACT command to fail strangely. SR113710
CIVIL3DIMPORT the CIVIL3DIMPORT dialog no longer crashes when color themes are changed in BricsCAD.
CIVIL3DIMPORT A dialog is now available for this command.
ClipboardCopying and pasting content between different CAD applications has been improved, by adding support for several modern clipboard formats. SR62943SR71425SR80450SR82214SR82512SR83170SR99532SR113568SR115112SR120234SR120375
COM APIThe COM interfaces for SuppressTrailingZeros and SuppressLeadingZeros properties on angular dimensions now works as expected. SR119971
COMWe fixed a problem with AcadPopupMenu.AddMenuItem() that could corrupt the main .cui file after adding a menu macro containing control characters.
COPYGUIDED and MOVEGUIDEDEntity selection now works properly when setting the UCS on the face of a solid.
CREATELIBRARYBLOCKThe CREATELIBRARYBLOCK command no longer crashes on "create" when the library panel is closed.
Center EntitiesFixed: selection in CENTERDISASSOCIATE and CENTERASSOCIATE commands. internal
DIM1 commandFixed a problem with the DIM1 command that caused it to unexpectedly cancel after hovering over an entity. SR104576
DIRECT MODELLINGWe fixed a specific case where a conical (chamfer) face disappeared when it was moved along with adjacent planes. SR89633
DISPLAYFixed the disappearance of dotted XLINEs and RAYs during zooming. #XOR SR114674SR120069
DRAGIn some cases, the wrong axis was selected in localized versions. This has been fixed. SR118675 SR119189 SR119366
Drawing backgroundWe fixed an issue where the wrong model space background color was displayed when creating a new drawing from the Start page, immediately after closing a drawing from paperspace. Go ahead, read that again.
Do you actually think that software development is easy? Thanks for reporting issues like this, we really appreciate it! SR120873
Drawing viewsImproved associativity of dimensions on drawing views that are attached to cylindrical or spherical geometry. SR98264
DRAWORDERBYLAYERImproved non-ASCII characters processing in '.lst' files for the DRAWORDERBYLAYER command. SR118439
Data extractionFixed formula calculations in cases involving missing properties. SR98369
Drawing fileCertain corrupted drawing files containing Civil 3D objects can now be partially recovered to salvage usable content. SR120072
Dynamic block with constraintsFixed a problem when entering a value into a floating field while stretching the DBLOCK.
Dynamic blockFixed a problem with stretching a dynamic block containing a horizontal constraint parameter.
Dynamic blockImproved stretching of dynamic blocks with constraints.
Dynamic blockThe dynamic block name is now correctly recorded, in this specific case. SR114101
ETRANSMITImproved the handling of dependencies with relative paths when applying the ETRANSMIT command to sheetsets. SR119417
EXPORT (all platforms) and IMPORT (Windows only)Pskernel.dll, if available, is automatically used to export to the Parasolid format, and to import from supported formats (JT, NX, Parasolid, Solid Edge, and SolidWorks).
Evaluation of FieldsImproved Field evaluation to use the cached field value (if available) in all contexts, except for explicit field evaluation on demand. SR99561
EXPORTFixed the double scaling of parts if their ACIS header specifies a non-mm unit. SR99405 SR104297 SR104776
External ReferencesNested references of unreferenced xrefs are now purged when opening a drawing. SR74620SR120313
HATCH commandFixed: crash when switching from the Hatch tab to the Gradient tab and back, while the Scale property is selected.
IFCEXPORTProperties of objects without geometrical representations are now properly exported to IFC. SR103976
IFCEXPORTAdded a new option to export BSpline curves and surfaces in a tessellated form while exporting to IFC4. Added a new option to export all bodies as BRep (i.e., not as extrusions,
clippings, boolean operands, et al).
IFCIMPORTA new setting IfcImportUseSubDMesh allows the import of IFC meshes as subdivision meshes. SR103725 SR120407
IFCIMPORTImporting non-IFC Project IFC roots is now supported. SR117848SR114758
IFCIMPORTImproved the import of components. SR104433
IFCIMPORTBinary data which are part of IFCBLOBTEXTURE are no longer lost. #TheBlobIsFound SR115759
IFCIMPORTThe import of beams with clipping objects (from Parabuild Steel) are now properly supported. SR119584
IFCIMPORTImproved the import of geometry that lacks precision. SR98980
IFCIMPORTA heap corruption error that occurred when importing IFC files containing spaces has been fixed.
IMPORTFixed failures when importing some specific .ipt files. SR104037SR116592SR121055
IMPORTThe ImportHiddenParts setting in the background import mode of Communicator is now supported.
IMPORTBricsCAD no longer hangs when importing specific NX files. SR114523
IMPORTThe import of renamed SolidWorks models is now possible. SR103043
IMPORTThe incomplete import of specific STEP files has been fixed. SR122098
LAUNCHERFixed an error in translated versions caused by mismatched translations for workspace names. SR120066
LAYTRANS commandFixed the mapped layer XDATA inside a DWS file, when multiple source layers are mapped to one destination layer. SR119309
Layer FiltersXREF filters are now alphabetically sorted in the Filters panel of the EXPLORER dialog box. SR119729
Layers PanelFixed: after filtering layers, trying to set one of the filtered layers as 'Current' fails. SR115601
Localization issuesFix for some un-translatable strings. SR120830
Mechanical browserWe fixed a crash during BEDIT sessions: when an exploded view is open for editing, it is again possible to highlight parts via the Mechanical Browser.
MENUBARThe UNDO command no longer affects the value of MENUBAR immediately after startup.
MOVEGUIDEDMultiple issues regarding hatches in the MOVEGUIDED command are fixed. SR117846SR118360SR117667
Moving drawing viewsA double transformation problem for symbols and annotations has been solved: When moving the base view, associated views were moved over twice the distance. #Fixed
SR74213 SR96014 SR101659 SR115628 SR120198
MTEXTPressing dialog buttons was a bit challenging, as it required a quick press and release. This problem is now fixed, and the buttons operate correctly even when pressed sloooooow-ly. SR121097
MTEXTAdjusted the MText background mask bounds to fit the MText frame, for MLeaders with stacked text. SR98608
MTEXTToolbar buttons now reliably display tooltips when hovering. SR119532
Mechanical browserThe mechanical browser always shows the correct icon for the root node now, with respect to the document's content. SR118453
OLE FrameOLE objects are now oriented correctly on all sheets of a multi-drawing PUBLISH operation. SR117861
Open File DialogOpen File dialog boxes have the native look on macOs. SR117507SR119279
Parameters and constraintsToolbar icons in the Parameters and Constraints panel now have the correct size on high resolution displays. SR121015
Parametric ArrayParametric holes no longer lose their parameters inside the array, when a local component is switched to external. SR117488
Path arrayThe number of path array items was wrong when the FillPath parameter was missing in an AcDbAssocAction. SR116013
Parametric blocksFixed a crash which occurred while initializing the Parameters panel on a user provided drawing, containing a stair. SR118896
Point CloudsAn option in MTFLAGS, enalbled by setting bit 0x0800, is now available for checking parallel thread execution in Point Cloud operations. SR119857
Point CloudsImproved the behavior when pre-processing incorrect pts/ptx files. SR113389
Point CloudsThe POINTCLOUDPROJECTSECTION command now correctly removes old entities when the options is selected by the user.
Point CloudsThe auto rotate center point, when using shift + middle mouse, was not correct for Point Clouds. This is now fixed.
Point CloudsDisabled selection of multiple items in the POINTCLOUDREFERENCE dialog box to avoid confusion. SR 120355
Point CloudsThe display behavior of the Point Cloud Bounding box has been fixed.
POINTCLOUDPROJECTSECTIONThe placement of a image, relative to a BIM section, has been improved and can be sent to the background. The processing is much fasterm too. #Refactored
POINTCLOUDPROJECTSECTIONThe default value for the line thickness of the "wall detection" option is set to 0. 121017
PRINTPrint as PDF now ignores the 'upside-down' option. It always prints as if that option is off. SR86544SR86851SR113419
Project BrowserSheets no longer disappear in the project setup dialog when the sheetset name is changed.
Project BrowserThe construction process of the model tree has been optimized. Nested xrefs now show in the Project Browser.
PropagateProblems when propagating details to geometry imported from Rhino are solved. SR119154
Publishing to PDFAn exception was fixed when publishing to PDF, using input from a DSD file. internal
QuadChanges in QUADICONSIZE now affect quad icon sizes, no matter the current value of DISPLAYSCALING.
QuadThe quad no longer displays artifacts while it is suppressed due to pre-selected entities.
QuantitiesThe perimeter of large solids is now calculated correctly. SR120380
QuantitiesThe IFC2x3' and IFC4' net perimeter for spaces is now displayed with the correct units. SR120380
QUICKBUILDINGWall creation has been improved.
RenderingFixed a crash that resulted when drawing a line with off-screen bitmap buffer.
RibbonRibbon controls now correctly honor their minimum and maximum size properties. SR120553
RibbonSplit buttons with static text behavior are now displaying tooltips, as expected. SR120179
Ribbon APIRibbon button and combo items now properly support text-only labels when [ShowImage == false]. SR120634
Rollover PropertiesAdds extensions rollover properties in the Customize dialog. SR95717
SAVE The dialog box for the SAVE command is updated to use the same file filters as the SAVEAS command. SR119702
SETTINGSThe settings dialog now works properly when opened while in no document state. SR120011SR120151SR121227
SHX FontsFixed the display of diameter (%C) and degree (%D) symbols for particular (liNear) romans.shx fonts. SR116535
SMEXPORT2DSMEXPORT2D now displays the thickness of each model's individual features, instead of using the global thickness setting in the document. SR120181
SMREPAIRThe command failed on very small bend angles. This is fixed. SR116074
SMUNFOLDModels with cutouts in a bend can be unfolded now.
SMUNFOLDImproved validation of unfolded views, when the solid has a custom sheet metal context. SR120181
SOLIDEDITWhen editing the color of faces or edges, no options were available in the 'Select Color:' prompt. This issue has been corrected.
STRUCTURE BROWSERThe spatial grouping of blocks, when displaying XREFs classified as BIM XReferences, is now correct in the Structure Browser.
Sheet MetalBevel parameters did not change when changing the thickness of a model. This is fixed.
TEXT/MTEXT Grip EditingFixed artifacts on the screen during grip rotation of TEXT and MTEXT in the 2dwireframe Visual Style. SR117397SR103183SR117397SR121561
TIN Volume SurfaceA bug that caused spikes to be incorporated in a TIN Volume Surface was fixed. SR104034
TINMERGETINMERGE is improved and also supports surfaces with a boundary defined. SR94917
TOOLPALETTESThe tool order of imported palettes is now correctly preserved. SR120094
When a block containing a multiline attribute was inserted from a tool palette, the default value of
the multiline attribute was incorrectly filled with its tag name, instead of being empty. This is now fixed.
Tips panel pagesFixed some random typos and (generally) updated the Tips panel pages. SR120121
Vertical Alignment ESNAPESNAP to the terrain line Endpoint now works properly. SR117602
Version 21.1.09
Improvements to BricsCAD Core
Built-in text editorImproved view rotation for mirrored text in the built-in
editor. SR115827
Details PanelFixed a regression in the Details Panel logic that could cause BricsCAD to crash.
Dynamic BlocksAdded support for horizontal and vertical constraints in Dynamic Blocks.
EXPORTPDFArtifacts no longer appear in the output PDF file when using EXPORTPDF with a
particular drawing. SR118908SR119289
Embedded raster dataBitonal raster images, embedded in drawings, are now properly
displayed. SR90425SR117178
FLOATING PANELSThe application no longer produces a crash when exiting with a
floating panel open. SR119710
Japanese JGD2000 CRSEPSG:2443-2461 and Japan Geodetic Datum 2000 Plane from 1 to
15 SR117804
Large SID filesImproved performance for large MrSID (multi-resolution seamless image) files
when panning and zooming. SR94177
MTEXTThe tool buttons on the Text Formatting dialog now display as the correct size on
very high resolution displays.
SIMPLIFYImproved the user interface for the SIMPLIFY command.
Improvements to BIM
BIMIFYBIM sections, created by the BIMIFY command, are now properly added to the current
layer. SR96828
BIM QuantitiesIn localized versions of BricsCAD, BIM quantities such as Net Volume
and Gross Volume are now properly calculated. SR117214 SR118567
SR119010 SR119937
BIMSECTIONUPDATEThe story indicator line is now placed on the same layer as the
_StoryIndicator block. SR118698 SR119915
BIMTAGGlobal category names are now supported, and units are printed for double values.
Drawing customizationsFixed issues with localized Russian language versions of BricsCAD.
SheetsetsPerformance of text fields that reference unattached sheets is
Space quantitiesAdded quantities for spaces to the bimproj_IFC2x3.xml quantity
definition file. SR117214SR117542SR118644
Improvements to Civil
DEFAULTCURVETYPEVA and DEFAULTCURVETYPEHA settings. This allows users to create horizontal or vertical
alignments, which contain only PVIs/PIs, and no curves. SR 118142
TIN surfaceTIN surface performance has been improved.
Improvements to Mechanical
LOADMECHANICAL2DWhen opening a file containing AutoCAD Mechanical symbols, BricsCAD shows
a warning, stating that LOADMECHANICAL2D should be switched ON in order to properly display the symbols.
-INSERTBlock names such as "D", "Di" or "Dia" no longer trigger a File
Dialog. SR118234
3D CONSTRAINTSThe default values applied for dimensional 3D constraints upon
creation are computed from the geometry with maximum precision, and are no longer affected by the
precision settings (LUPREC and AUPREC). SR116819
AlignmentThe vertical alignment start station is now correct, when created from a Civil 3D profile.
SR 118149
BIM PROPERTIESA crash that occurred during the calculation of BIM properties of entities with
bad topology has been fixed. SR117354
BIM PROPERTIESCorrected the display of flow fitting properties.
BimifyImproved the performance of the auto-classification of flow fittings.
CLEANSCREENExiting clean screen now also exits full
screen mode. SR117915
CUIDropdown menus now always use the small icon, when both small and large icons are
specified. SR115841
CUIImproved loading performance for partial .cui files containing many tool
icons. SR114390SR120054
CUIImproved performance of drop-down menus for partial menus using external icon
files. SR100016
CUIThe context menu now correctly displays for custom entities. The context menu alias
lookup is now based on the entity DXF name, disregarding the display
name. SR118075
CustomizeWhen exiting the Customize dialog through the Esc key, choosing "Save
Changes" no longer causes a crash.
DDEDIT for dimensionsDimension text is properly selected in the built-in editor, in
response to a mouse click. SR117370
DGNIMPORTWhen importing a DGN shape which can not be represented as Region entity,
the shape will be imported as a Polyface Mesh or as a Polyline. SR117550
DMPATH3DThe Mechanical Browser displays the DMPATH3D parameter value truncated in
accordance with LUPREC. The Parameters and Constraints panel displays DMPATH3D parameter values with
the unit of the length type: "mm", "ft", etc.
Dynamic blockDynamic blocks support constraints to attribute definitions.
Dynamic blockFixed a possible crash while stretching a dynamic block with
dimensional constraints of attributes.
Dynamic blocksImproved support for horizontal/vertical
constraints. SR117969SR119498
EXTRUDEFixed a crash when extruding text. SR118249
Entity property setsEntity property sets are now present in the Properties panel.
FLATTENImproved the performance of block reference flattening in non-orthogonal
directions. SR118447
FLYOUT PANELSThe display behavior of flyout panels has been improved.
FieldsFixed a problem with incorrect formatting of fields referring to dynamic
properties. SR117150
GUI fontsBricsCAD now avoids a possible collision between different versions of the
"Roboto" family TTF font. SR118777SR118575
IFC ExportA problem with the IFC export of user defined properties that occurred when
the property type was changed is fixed. SR115675 SR116229
IFC import and exportFixed error import of
IfcTypeProduct-derived classes. SR118206
IMPORTA modeling failure (skipping solids) when importing geometry data has been
Image displayClipped images now display correctly in perspective mode when using a
rendered visual style. SR90926
LIBRARYFlanges with big "Gap" values are allowed now. Insertion of pipes into
such flanges can be incorrect, so the appropriate warnings are displayed. SR117140
Layer PanelLayers are no longer removed from the grid after changing a property
while the Invert Filter is ON. SR118289SR103232
Localized versions, BIMAUTOMATCH command_BIMAUTOMATCH now works properly in
localized versions of BricsCAD BIM. SR119114SR117754
Localized versionsThe DMTHREAD command is now properly
translated. SR119146
ManipulatorFixed a crash that occurred when using the MOVE option of the MANIPULATE command,
at the BricsCAD Pro license level. SR117790SR118275
Mechanical Object EnablersProperties 'Offset from object' and 'Extension beyond leader'
NUMBER commandThe license level of the NUMBER command is set to
BIM. SR116197
OLE FrameCells at the bottom of large Excel spreadsheets pasted into a drawing
now plot with the correct fill colors. SR117812
OLE FrameOLE objects are now scaled correctly when a DPI scaling override is in
effect. SR115899
PEDITFor spline-fitted and curve-fitted 2D polylines and for spline-fitted 3D
polylines, the fitting information is preserved when reversing the vertices direction.
PUBLISHWhen publishing with the "Publish in background" setting enabled, PDF files
are correctly created. SR119197
Point CloudsThe deprecated command "Pre-process Pointcloud" has been removed from the
Drawing Explorer toolbar
PointcloudsProcessing an RCP file with missing RCS files now processes the
available data, and provides feedback about the missing data. SR117956
PromptOptionTranslateKeywords settingIn translated versions, with the setting
disabled: 1.) Command line options produce the expected action when clicked. 2.) Option shortcuts are
properly color highlighted. 3.) For prompts involving entity selection, a restart of the application is
no longer required for the setting to take effect. SR117523
Properties panelFixed a problem with right edge of the Properties panel covering
the drop-down arrow of combo controls. SR98222SR103693
Publish to PDFFixed a problem with publishing a particular drawing containing
Xrefs. SR114837SR116152
QTFixed a crash where BricsCAD is launched on systems that pre-define Qt standard
environment variables like: QT_PLUGIN_PATH, QT_QPA_PLATFORM_PLUGIN_PATH, and
QuickbuildingFixed a bug when using Spatial Locations as input for the story height.
QuickbuildingThe Quickbuilding icon has been added to the ribbon and the menu bar.
SIMPLIFYFixed a problem with polylines disappearing when using the Smoothen option
in the SIMPLIFY command.
SMEXPORTOSMFixed issue with form feature export in
SURFACE SECTIONWhen sectioning a surface with a plane state section entity,
the result is now correct.
SWEEPBoundaries and regions with a hole can be swept with a closed
path. SR104619
Scroll BarsThe visibility state of the drawing view scroll bars (SCROLLBAR command,
or WNDLSCRL system variable) now persist between sessions, regardless of the current workspace
setting. SR117629SR119427
Toolpalettes were empty and BricsCAD crashed when right-clicking on the Toolpalettes area.
TXT2MTXT settingsThe settings for the COMBINETEXT (TXT2MTXT) command are saved
through the newly introduced COMBINETEXTMODE system variable.
Table objects highlighting performanceOptimization: The performance of highlighting
for complex Table entities has been improved, especially when the table has
breaks. SR118876
Tool PalettesGroups with no palettes now display in the context menu, as long as
they contain a nested group with at least one palette. SR116519
ToolbarsWe improved the display algorithm to ensure that toolbars stay visible in the cases of
disconnected external displays or modified display layouts. SR118964
Unsatisfied constraintsAn issue with unsatisfied constraints after changing the
value of a parameter has been fixed. SR103579 SR116003
VIEWBREAKThe command now works correctly in the PRO license level. SR117990SR118857SR118622SR114362SR119019SR117820SR120480
Version 21.1.06
Improvements to BricsCAD Core
2D ConstraintsNegative values are now accepted with their absolute values for 2D
radius and diameter constraints.
3D CONSTRAINTS3D constraints can now be added to vertices and edges of 3D
"Geometry-driven" becomes also an attribute of a parameter, not just constraints. 3D constraints
that depend,
directly or indirectly, on geometry-driven parameters via simple arithmetical expressions are
treated as geometry-driven
as well. Their geometry can change as a result of constraint solving, but their expression will be
left intact. Instead,
their defining geometry-driven parameters and constraints,
that were declared as such by user will change their values accordingly.
3DDWFDepending on the value of the DWFFORMAT setting, the 3DDWF command
either creates a 3D DWF or a 3D DWFx
file. SR95981SR102550SR63081
3DOSNAPThe 3DOSNAP toggle is now accessible with the F4 function key. SR98410
3DPOLYLINE3D polyline vertices are now supported for sub-entity selection, the
Properties panel, and nearest distance.
3D DisplayMaterial glossiness has been adjusted to ensure entity details are
distinguishable, even with glossy materials. The glossy effect is less intense for light materials
and more intense for dark
materials. SR90134
AcDbOle2FrameThe Properties panel for OLE objects now displays Type
(Embedded/Static,..), Plot quality, and Source application. SR99996
ANIMATIONEDITOROPENNow it is possible to animate exploded views in the model space
using the animation editor. SR101710
ARCTEXTThe Properties panel shows the properties for selected Arctext entities.
AUDITThe AUDIT command has been extended to clean up duplicate ACIS
attributes. SR98749SR101414
BLOCKICONThe new BLOCKICON command automatically generates block preview
images. SR65536SR89616SR85690SR75235SR63905SR16619SR42090SR50115SR51350SR67583SR89153SR16615SR24616SR38720SR92256SR104548
BLOCKIFYThe "Compare geometry only" option is added to the BLOCKIFYMODE system
The BLOCKIFYTOLERANCE system variable defines a relative tolerance to
determine whether two entities are equal. When the value is negative,
the software sets the optimal tolerance.
Speed up BLOCKIFY using the Equal Solids option on large files, by using
parallel computing for calculating the groups of equal solids and caching the list of existing block
CLEANUNUSEDVARIABLES now cleans a drawing from multiple orphan parameters.
COMThe COM dynamic property editor offers the following new controls: color, text
style, linetype, lineweight, and
distance pick button. SR85108
COMMANDLINEThe Command line now supports clickable command options.
CONVTOMESHThe CONVTOMESH command only triangulates planar faces as necessary, such
as when they have holes.
CONVTOSOLIDThe CONVTOSOLID command supports converting a mesh to an optimized 3D
solid (surface). In this mode, coplanar and adjacent faces are merged into a
single face. Control this behavior with the new SMOOTHMESHCONVERT setting.
COPYAn Array option is now available in the COPY command. SR99448
CommandsA dictionary of commands allows you to look up commands
which are not available in lower license levels.
CUIWe updated many tool icons, removed some obsolete icons, and added some cool
new ones.
Data extractionIntroduced more strict property naming in
DXD, to avoid ambiguities.
DGN ExportThe dgn file format was added to the export dialog.
DisplayWe improved 2dwireframe display performance of drawings containing many
circles and arcs.
DMCHAMFERAsymmetrical, angular, variable symmetrical, variable asymmetrical and
variable angular modes are implemented for the DMCHAMFER command. SR80699 SR81966 SR87096 SR87229
DMFILLETVariable radius mode is added to the DMFILLET command. SR70880 SR87229 SR92080
DMPUSHPULLPossibility to switch starting point of dynamic dimension by TAB was
added for the DmPushPull command on cylindrical faces.
The DMPUSHPULL command now includes an option to specify subtract mode
(on/off) which is also controlled by DMPUSHPULLSUBTRACT setting. SR99625
DMRADIUS3D, DMANGLE3DAn argument inside a block or a component is permitted to
allow creation of the correspondent geometry-driven parameters.
DMRADIUS3D, DMANGLE3D (angle of a cone)3D angle and radius constraints can be used
in blocks and components.
DMTHREADThis command enables you to create a decorative thread that will display on
drawing views.
Drawing Optimization Toolbar
A Drawing Optimizations ribbon toolbar is created and added to each of the workspaces
ESNAPRenamed item "Snap to Point" to "Snap to Node" in
ESNAP toolbar and context menu. SR99482
EXPLODE/XPLODE commandsThe EXPLMODE variable is now taken
into account for non-uniformly scaled blocks SR35566SR97313
EXPORTPDFThe EXPORTPDF command now supports export to 3D PDF. You can use the
PDFPRCEXPORT setting to specify if 3D entities are exported and whether they are exported as meshes
or B-Reps.
However, exporting as B-Rep is experimental functionality and may work incorrectly. Enable the
PDFPRCEXPORTPRODUCTSTRUCTUREMODE setting if you want to export with product structure. Peformance is
improved for rendered views.
FINDZoom In and Zoom Out buttons are added to the 'Find
and Replace' dialog. SR97988
FIELDThe Field dialog box now supports nested formula fields. SR45317SR73799SR76141SR77158SR93416SR82557SR90646SR93476SR77192SR99369
New setting which controls generation of associative data on 3D solids during modeling has been
introduced. When set to On 3D solids contain associative data from
the moment of creation. This allows BIMSECTIONUPDATE and VIEWBASE commands to produce drawings for
which dimensions and tags can be automatically
updated after 3D model changes.
HyperlinksHyperlinks now enable you to link to layouts and views
inside a drawing. SR100151SR101833
Improved Image handlingDuring editing and manipulating of
images, instead of just displaying the image frame, the updated image
content now is displayed dynamically, in real-time. This is a real
game-changer (time-and-frustration-saver) when positioning, aligning,
scaling and grip editing images.
Image highlightWhen a raster image is highlighted, the
highlight pattern is displayed on top of any other overlapping objects. SR94251
LAYOUT TABSThe active layout tab automatically scrolls to
remain visible in the layout tab list. SR98356
Layout ManagerThe Layout Manager is extended to enable publishing
of multiple layouts. SR88227SR103321
LAYTRANSThis dialog allows to convert layers in bulk, so you can change layer names
but also color, linetype, etc. SR22893 SR32754 SR36761 SR36834 SR45063 SR81314 SR91334 SR92383
LCONNECTThe LCONNECT command now supports the connection of planar surfaces and
LEADERThe LEADER command no longer breaks leader annotation text
on lines when the command is executed from menu. SR90030SR98187
Library PanelThe Library panel, which is available in all workspaces, fully replace
the Components and 2D Parametric Blocks panels.
Renamed command RUNASLEVEL to SETLICENSELEVEL (avoid confusion with RunAsLevel setting, esp. in
translated versions)
LTGAPSELECTION supportA line with dashes can be selected by
a click in the gap between dashes if LTGAPSELECTION is 1. Changing the
variable value to 1 doesn't require REGEN unless there are linetypes in
xclipped inserts.
MANIPULATORPress the SHIFT key to rotate the Manipulator 90
degrees about its Z-axis. The Copy and Repeat options in the Manipulator are now
visible, clickable, and localized. SR98758
MENULoading a .MNU file now automatically adds menus to the workspace. SR74092
MOVEGUIDEDA MOVEGUIDED command was created which is similar to COPYGUIDED
MText editorThe in-place Mtext Editor is enhanced to account for the width factor
of single line text. SR104863
MTEXTMText in-place edit session that requires rotating the
view keeps the view centered after rotation and zooming. SR96121
MTFLAGSA new MTFLAG is added to delay the loading of Xrefs to idle time.
NEARESTDISTANCEThe NEARESTDISTANCE command offers improved performance and
behavior. Point entities are now supported. SR95820SR101731
OPENA new "Open as Read-only" option is included in the menu for drag and drop with
the right mouse button. SR97744
OPEN PerformancePerformance is improved for opening drawings that
contain large solid hatches with text box loops. SR101344
OPTIMIZECreated a new Optimize command which corrects suboptimal 2D geometry
(currently only lines). The command offers an interactive mode between model space and a command
dialog. This enables users to change
tolerances. By tweaking the tolerances the user will only alter the lines they want to correct.
OVERKILLAdd option to remove duplicate 3D solids + option to move duplicates to a
separate layer i.o. deleting. The layer name can be set in preferences.
Provide the possibility to remove duplicate block definitions in the
PARAMETERS & CONSTRAINTS PANELThe panel become accessible in all license levels to
allow managing 2D parametric blocks and 2D constraints for all BricsCAD users. The panel had been
extended with a lists of parametric blocks, 3D geometric constraints, 2D dimensional constraints and
possibility to change the Exposed property of a particular parameter. SR84741
PARAMETRICBLOCKIFYThe new PARAMETRICBLOCKIFY command offers improved recognition of
parametric instances as source entities. It also recongnizes non-parametrized components from
the standard components library as well as unconstrained spheres, cylinders, cones, and toroidals
with the same size. You can now specify the search space when launching PARAMETRICBLOCKIFY with a
preselected input set.
PARAMETRICBLOCKIFY now supports constraints referencing other constraints and you can access the
PARAMETRIC BLOCKSParametric blocks had been introduced both for BricsCAD Lite and
BricsCAD Pro license levels. Any block containing parametric entity, like an entity with 3D 2D
constraints or an associative array, can now be parametrically changed after insertion by native
INSERT command. To control which of the block parameters can be changed use Exposed property of
parameters accessible via Parameters & Constraints panel in BEDIT context. SR95470 SR84932 SR94801 SR98003 SR97585 SR113652
PARAMETRIC BLOCKSSome parametric block related commands are
being released from the beta version, under a modified name:
PLANPLAN command is modified to support dynamic UCS
detection for the "Current UCS" option. SR97362
Pointcloud Pre-processingConverting point clouds is approximately 1.33 times
commands offer an approximate, yet fast method for importing point clouds.
POINTCLOUDYou can now turn off the entity snap for the point cloud ONLY.
Export of a clipped/cropped selection of a point cloud to a pts file is now supported.
Added "Pointcloud nearest point" snap to status bar, context menu,
toolbar and the '-3DOSNAP' command
The visibility of point cloud scan bubbles can now be toggled on/off.
PROPERTIESProperties of subdivision mesh entities and
properties of mesh subentities (faces, edges and vertices) were added in
PROPERTIESSelected Attribute(s) inside a BlockReference
can now be edited via the Properties panel. Use Ctrl+LeftMouseClick
to select an attribute or nested entity.
Properties PanelThe Properties panel now includes a History control that allows you
to view previous states of the selected entity. Choose a previous state to "undo" the selected
without undoing all other commands and view operations that had been executed since.
Registration of CommandsNow only those commands are
registered which are available with the license.
RibbonThe new RIBBONTOOLSIZE system variable controls the ribbon tool size
independent of toolbar size. SR104916SR114312SR114465
RibbonThe mousewheel can now be used to scroll through ribbon tabs. SR97431SR113613
SELECTION PREVIEWSelection preview highlighting is
deactivated now during Pan operations, resulting in a smoother
Introduced SETBYLAYERMODE system variable. SR29592SR77897SR26276SR46474SR61907SR72144SR81316
SETVARAn error message is now displayed when attempting to change an on/off system
variable by entering a number other than 0 or 1. SR114086
SIMPLIFYNew command which reducs the number of vertices of polylines and hatch
boundaries without changing the overall shape. The goal is to compress them and make them more easy
to manipulate.
IMPORTImproved SketchUp import: now Subdivision meshes are supported, entities
are imported as named blocks, and render material textures are imported. SR98958
TCONNECTConnection of planar surfaces and regions is now supported in the TCONNECT
TINSERTThe TINSERT dialog's block list is now sorted alphabetically. SR117117
ToolbarsNew UCS and UCS Options toolbars offer easy access to UCS commands and
options. SR35474SR63860SR72106SR73073SR81994SR88012SR103143
TOOL PALETTESTool palettes containing separators now display a single scrollbar for
the entire palette. SR99154SR100309
TXT2MTXTThe new TXT2MTXT command (alias COMBINETEXT) enables you
to combine single- and multi-line text into a single mtext entity. SR96202
User Profile ManagerThe User Profile Manager is now more
powerful! It can now delete or replace existing user profiles, including the
current one. Deleting the current profile doesn't completely remove it, but
it does reset all settings to factory defaults.
VERSIONCONTROLA Git-like version control system to allow users to work on the same
drawing in parallel. This feature will remain as beta functionality when V21 is released to the
general public.
-VIEWThe Twist option is added to the -VIEW command.
VIEWBREAKBroken view can be created using VIEWBREAK command. SR96394 SR101500 SR101633
VIEWPORTPanning inside of a viewport now works as expected on Linux versions of
BricsCAD. SR116837
VPLAYERThe VPLAYER command now allows you to specify layers
by selecting entities on the desired layers. SR92992
Improvements to BIM
ACTIVATESECTIONVIEWNew command has been introduced, which allows to look at the
model from section plane perspective without section result generation.
BIMANALYTICALMODELProfiles and eccentricities are supported in the IFC export of
analysis models.
BIM APIConfigurable quantities are available in the BIM API.
Bim Api for SpacesThe Create Bim Api for Spaces is available now.
BIMAPPLYPROFILE/BIMLINEARSOLIDMaterial of profile is now attached to created solid
in BimApplyProfile and BimLinearSolid commands. SR98369
BIMAUTOMATCH dialogThe initial size of the dialog box is correct now on all screen
BIMCLASSIFYAdded "Space", "Story", and "Building" types.
BIM CompositionThe RenderCompositionMaterial user preference controls the rendering
of composition materials independently from the Level of Detail (LOD).
A new button in the Home/View ribbon panel, next to the LOD button, allows to toggle the materials
BIMPROFILESWhen changing the offset for a 'CustomShape' profile in the Profiles
dialog you can choose whether to keep the position of the solid or the axis for linear solids using
this profile.
BIMPROFILESTANDARDSBIMPROFILESTANDARDS setting is changed to be not case sensitive.
In case there are no profiles which match the BIMPROFILESTANDARDS setting value there will be a
warning message. SR100571
BIMPROPERTIESThe 'Per Instance' option of custom property sets allows to
user defined properties per individual entity.
The 'Enum' option allows to define a fixed number of possible values for custom BIM properties.
The Room Bounding property now displays correctly, as a Space bounding.
BIMQUICKBUILDINGSpatial Locations can now be used as input for
BIMQUICKBUILDING. This workflow allows to process different buildings simultaneously.
BIMROOMRemoved BIMROOM code.Users can still open v20 rooms. However they won't be
able to create new rooms or update the geometry of old ones in v21.
BIMSECTION SCALEThe scale list of a drawing is used for the Bimsection scale
property. This list can be edited via the "Scalelist edit.." item selection. SR101026 SR115350 SR115358
BIMSECTIONUPDATEAxis labels are no longer displayed in section result drawings
when the "Display Labels" option is turned off for a BIMGRID.
BIMSPACEThe Update Method property for spaces is added. The possible states are
Automatic or Manual.
BIMSPACEAdded BIM Space commands to the Quad, Ribbon, Toolbar
BIMSPACERooms are replaced by Spaces. The BIMCLASSIFY command converts Room block
references to solids.
Room properties and interior elevations, if any, are transferred to the corresponding Space.
BIMSPACEAdded Representation property to toggle between Solid or Footprint space
representation SR98726SR88236
BIMSPACE Added space label.
BIMSPACE Added status property for spaces. This would show if a space is up-to-date
or out-of-date.
BIMSPACE When a Space is cut with a section they are shown as a fire body in
contrast to
treating it as a solid. Also Space tags are displayed as with Rooms.
BIMSPACEThe space footprint preview now displays when executing the BIMSPACE
BIMSPACE Bounding ElementsImplemented BIMSPACE->Edit to handle adding/removing
bounding elements to/from a space.
Associative data required for section generation and section results tagging with BIMTAG command are
now automatically generated for
3D solids while you model, unless the newly added setting GENERATEASSOCATTRS is Off.
BIMSETLOADBEARINGDIRECTIONA tool button has been added to the ribbon and the Quad.
BIMTAGTool buttons for spot-elevation and load-bearing options have been added to
the Quad and the ribbon.
Automatically generated tags can have an offset, which is defined through the Offset attribute in
If the offset is not specified, the center of the tag block is used.
The Spot-elevation tag type indicates the elevation of a point in a section or an elevation.
Entities on layers which are frozen or switched off do not generate tags.
Automatically and manually placed tags can be rotated if the autoRotation attribute is set "true" in
BIMUPDATESPACESpace will not be updated in case it will overlap with another space
BMINSERTNew option "Smart Insert" is added for easy insertion of components.
Cloud AIAsk if users want to sign up to a beta tester for cloud AI and ask for a
one time login.
DATAEXTRACTIONComposition and physical material data can be extracted. SR92850SR91909SR93436SR95895SR101826
DISCONNECTDisconnect options are implemented for LConnect, TConnect and
BimStructuralConnect. SR98122
DocumentationWhen switching to the model from a sheet view using the BIMSECTIONOPEN
the model is rotated and zoomed in to the same zoom level as the sheet view.
Display available properties and property values in the filter parameters form.
Drawing CustomizationsAdded a "nested property search" option to the filters. This
allows users to control which property is used for filtering in assemblies: the default for the
assembly, or the default for the nested entities. This makes it possible to customize entities
inside assemblies, separately.
Added a versioning system for drawing customizations.
Exposed additional properties for use in drawing customizations.
It is now possible to load drawing customizations from an external folder to the local library.
We have optimized the processing of drawings for large models.
Performance of the axis calculation algorithm for linear elements is improved.
The rules for assigning entity customizations are redesigned.
A string is accepted as a filter for "does not contain" operations.
Allow that existing customization layers are updated when the customization parameters have been
Copy external symbol sources as part of the cloning of drawing customizations
Customization of BIM spaces on drawings is possible now.
The design of the drawing customizations panel has been improved.
FieldsThe Extension properties are divided into categories in the Field dialog.
Introduced new field type: extension properties are available for selected
IFC IMPORT/EXPORTTo control which entities are imported/exported, a mechanism has
been implemented
to map IFC/BIM entities to BIM/IFC entities. The IfcImportMappingPath and IfcExportMappingPath user
preferences set the paths to the necessary mapping files.
IFCEXPORTIt is now possible to have configurable quantities in the IFC
The IfcCreateUniqueGuid user preference has been added to enable/disable the creation of
unique guids for nested elements inside classified blocks and xrefs.
The flow connection point is exported to IFC as
IfcBuildingElementProxy. Only 2d geometry or a block reference with 2d geometry
can be classified as a flow connection point.
Added IFC Export of Annotation entities.
INTERIOR ELEVATIONSBIMSECTION command, with Interior option, now supports spaces.
Project BrowserIt is now possible to create a layout from scratch
in the Sheetset setup dialog box.
Project BrowserThe Project Browser displays the Sheet Number (if it
exists). The Sheet Number is assigned by the "Create Sheets" procedure. Sheet View Numbers
are assigned starting from 1 for all section results created by the BIMSECTIONUPDATE
Added a new dialog for creating a project library, and the option
to connect all drawings to the new library.
A progress bar is now displayed in the project setup dialog when BricsCAD BIM is analyzing the
library's status and connecting drawings.
Master drawings and external references are listed in a treelike manner.
A balloon is available to fix the project library connection of a drawing.
The "Add Schedule" wizard, available in a context menu, allows to quickly add a
BIM schedule without the creation of a new .dxd file.
"Create/Update Table" and "Create/Update CSV" options are available in a context menu for
creating or updating a schedule or a CSV output file.
A relative path is supported for schedules.
Editing a schedule can be started from the project browser.
BIM project data are stored in an external project .bsyslib instead of the previously used
In pre V21 BIM projects the .projectroot can be converted to a project .bsyslib.
To support easily opening a project at a new location, paths to
bsyslib files are now stored relatively in a drawing.
Initial support for handling sections with multiple section results
linked to them (in same or different 2d drawings).
Default sheetset name is set as project name.
QuickbuildingImproved Quickbuilding's ability to create a building from
spherical or wedge-shaped solids.
Improved the unit detection algorithm when detecting a building's story height.
QUICKBUILDINGSpaces can be used as input for Quickbuilding.
QUICKBUILDINGThe command now works as well on solids without edges like a sphere or
a torus.
QUICKDRAWThe Quickdraw cursor now snaps to (double) lines inside XREFs.
QUICKDRAWWalls now inherit the spatial location of the slab on which they are
ROOMHEIGHT / DefaultSpaceHeightThe ROOMHEIGHT system variable is replaced by
DefaultSpaceHeight user preference; the setting applies to spaces. SR103791
Space iconsEdit Space, Update Space and Define Interior Elevations icons are
STANDARD PARTSPiping parts were added to the standard parts category of the library
panel. SR93863 SR94192 SR94260 SR94490
Improvements to BricsCAD Mechanical
BMBOMAggregated columns now are supported in top-level and bottom-level BOM tables.
They allow to calculate sum, minimal, maximal or average value of a given property with respect to
current grouping. In addition it is possible to select the required grouping mode for a BOM
Dialog to configure BOM filters was added.
It is possible to set one of several predefined column filters for any
column in BOM.
New type of evaluated columns is introduced: "template columns". They allow
to combine values of several properties into one BOM column as a text using DIESEL expressions. In
addition, it is now possible to configure formula or template columns expressions using the
expression editor dialog with preview.
Option to limit the reported level of hierarchical BOM is introduced.
Options to set number prefix, suffix and delimiter were added to BOM tables.
Column role setting was introduced, that allows to specify which column should be the source of
numbers for drawing views.
Wildcard expressions are supported for string properties in BOM filter.
BMBOM, BLMATERIALSIt is possible now to select a unit for the material density both
in the Physical Materials dialog and in BOM tables. Supported units are: kg/m³, kg/dm³, g/cm³,
lbs/ft³ and
lbs/in³. SR89780
BMBOMPANELOPENIt is possible to export the current BOM table to CSV directly.
BMCONNECTThis new command connects components such as pipes and elbows.
Library PanelA library of threaded hole components has been added.
SMCONVERTSMCONVERT recognizes a zero radius bend design as a Zero Bend feature
unless the SmConvertPreferZeroBendFeatures user preference is set to 0.
SMASSEMBLYEXPORTThe SmAssemblyExportMode user preference allows to keep recognized
features on sheet metal/poor sheet metal parts. SR103923
SMEXPORTOSMA problem that occured, when assigning different thicknesses per body in
sheet metal assembly, has been fixed. SR116241
SMEXTRUDEThe command allows now to extrude a single-segment polyline, lying on a
flange, to create a new flange orthogonal to the first one and forming a T-Junction feature.
SmSmartFeaturesAn option is added to this user preference to automatically create
junctions when hard edges are converted to bends,
if such junctions are necessary to unfold the part.
SMTABCREATEThe command now has an option to create a curved tab on a curved hard
edge, connecting a flange and a bend, including lofted bends.
SMUNFOLDNow conical lofted bends can be unfolded analytically, i.e. avoiding
splitting into a number of bends and flanges. SR104809
Sheet MetalThe newly added bevel feature is supported in the SMCONVERT, SMREPAIR
SMUNFOLD commands.
Now a specific bend table can be assigned to each solid.
Parts with different thickness are allowed to exist in same block
The specific kind of Bend feature is introduced, which has exactly zero
internal radius.
Two new sheet metal features are introduced - T-Junction and T-Tab, to
operate with a T-like connection of two Flanges.
SMSMARTFEATURESA new option allows to automatically create junctions when bends are
created on hard edges, if such junctions are necessary to unfold the part.
Standard partsConstraints now are smartly restored after changing parameters
of standard parts. SR96254
Improvements to Communicator
COMMUNICATORFixed compatibility issues between minor and maintenance releases of
BricsCAD and
Communicator. SR101232SR101353SR101174SR101326SR101361SR101537SR101549SR93021
Export file versions updatedACIS, CATIA v5, and XCGM
updated to v2020, and Parasolid updated to version 32.
IMPORTImplemented experimental mode in Communicator. In this mode Communicator can
import with up to 50% better performance and able to do all the work in background thread.
Experimental mode can be controlled in
the CommunicatorFlags setting. Currently this mode is supported on the following file extensions:
STEP, STP, STPZ; IGES, IGS; SLDASM, SLDPRT (only Windows and Linux versions); CATProduct, CATPart
(only Windows and Linux versions);
IAM, IPT (only Windows version); X_T, XMT_TXT, X_B, XMT_BIN. SR71522SR79245SR83167SR84827SR89727
IMPORTA new, experimental option is available when importing SolidWorks files.
It allows users to choose the data you want to import from SolidWorks files
(SLDASM/SLDPRT). The following procedures are available: Graphics - B-Rep data will be
imported as Meshes; Geometry - is the default mode, imports B-Rep data as ACIS solids;
Geometry with Preview Graphics - imports saved graphics first, displays them, and then
imports B-Rep data. The "Geometry with Preview Graphics" option can be very useful when importing
large assemblies/parts. To enable it, set the CommunicatorBackgroundImport option to [1].
IMPORTImproved support for the import of Autodesk® Inventor 2020
STEP File IMPORTAdded layers conversion on STEP file import, when Communicator is
in background mode.
Improvements to Civil
ALIGNMENTIn Settings under Civil, the Alignment node is added with settings for
default horizontal curve type and default vertical curve type (with dropdown of options).
Alignment command workflowThe alignment command workflow is now simplified but
still offers all the possibilities as in the previous version.
Alignment eSnapsHorizontal and vertical alignments now
support endpoint, midpoint, and nearest eSnaps.
Alignment Intersection3D and horizontal alignments can now calculate
intersections with other curves.
Alignment PropertiesThe Properties panel now displays properties for
Spiral-Curve-Spiral element.
Arc radius and element type properties for SCS elements are now properly implemented.
Civil Entity PropertiesSelected sub-entities of (Civil) custom entities can now be
displayed in the Properties panel.
All Civil entities now include Name and Description properties in the Properties panel.
Civil settingsNew civil settings are added to V21 and existing ones are
Horizontal AlignmentAdded perpedicular osnap for Horizontal alignment.
Import Civil 3DThe new CIVIL3DIMPORT command enables you to create multiple civil
entities, from an external Civil 3D drawing, in one operation.
LandXML Import/ExportAdded support for new Alignment curves (Spiral-Curve-Spiral
combinations and parabola for Vertical Alignment).
LANDXMLEXPORTImperial 'miles' units are now supported. If units are not specified,
the user is asked to specify the desired units.
LANDXMLIMPORTAdded support for importing LANDXML data from SiTECH 3D.
Units are now considered on LandXML import. When unsupported units
are set as drawing units, the user has three options: 1.) the geometry is scaled, 2.) the geometry
is imported without units, or 3.) the command is canceled.
3D Alignments are now also drawn for all imported Vertical Alignments.
When importing a surface with breaklines, a new option allows you to specify whether breaklines
should be drawn or not.
Breaklines from TIN Surface are now imported as 3D polylines.
New Civil commandsThe Civil tools in BricsCAD V21 include the following new
TINASSIGNIMAGE - Assign a raster image as a TIN Surface material.
TINPROJECT- Project point (Point, Bock, Text) or linear entities (Line, Polyline, Circle) to TIN
TINWATERDROP - Draw water path from a point on a TIN Surface.
GRADINGBALANCE - Balance Grading cut and fill volumes.
CORRIDOR - Create corridor based on corridor template, 3D alignment and/or TIN Surface.
CORRIDORTEMPLATE - Create corridor template from template elements.
CORRIDORTEMPLATEELEMENT - Create corridor template element from closed polylines.
CORRIDOREDIT - Edit corridor.
CORRIDOREXTRACT - Extract from corridor: 3D solid, mesh or 3D polyline.
TINEDITThe Add Points option of the TINEDIT command is updated with clearer
prompts. SR104460
TINEXTRACTAdded option to extract TIN Surface from Grading and TIN Volume
TINEXTRACT command now allows the extraction of Mesh, Solid, Faces,
Points, Contours, Contours at elevation, and Border.
TIN SurfaceAdded an option to clip a TIN Surface according to a given polyline
boundary. SR 94757
TIN SurfacePoints and blocks are dynamicaly linked to the TIN surface.
After exploding the Contours twice you get polylines.
TINVOLUMEAdded new settings for TIN Volume Surface associativity
(Civil->Site->Associativity->TIN Volume Surface associativity). SR94757
TIN Volume SurfaceTIN volume surfaces automatically rebuild when their source
surfaces change. SR 94757
UCS for Vertical Alignment ViewsIt is now possible to set the UCS origin at the
bottom-left corner of a Vertical Alignment View, when the UCS is defined by entity. SR117284
Vertical Alignment ParabolaParabola curve for vertical
alignment is now implemented.
Vertical Alignment ViewVertical alignment views now support the following types of
esnap points: Endpoint, Midpoint, Perpendiculat, Intersection, Nearest.
And, a new option allows you to select a 3D alignment when creating a vertical alignment view.
2D CONSTRAINTSIn some cases 2D constrained geometry could be distorted after
COPYCLIP/PASTECLIP commands, this was fixed.
3D CONSTRAINTSThe default values applied to 3D dimensional constraints upon
creation are now computed from geometry, with maximal precision. They are no longer affected
by (or limited by) the LUPREC and AUPREC precision settings. SR116819
3D Display and RenderingA bug in an AMD display driver caused the tiles created by
the RENDER command to be scrambled. Another consequence of the bug caused 3D screen output
to run one frame behind real-time. This caused some user actions to not be immediately visible
(e.g. highlighting, de-selection, etc). Both of these issues are now fixed. SR105040SR113825SR115072SR115531SR116955SR117221
3D MouseAn XRC error about a missing tool icon when CUI tools specified an image
file path has been fixed. SR101569
.NET RibbonThe background of custom WPF ribbon panels is
now themed to match the host ribbon panel background colors. SR103727
ACISOUTFixed wrong color saved in ACIS attribute
rgb_color-st-attrib during ACISOUT. SR99236
AI_PYRAMIDFixed crash on canceling AI_PYRAMID command.
ANIMATIONEDITOROPENAdded the translation of category names
in property grid of Animation Editor. SR104124
ANIMATIONEDITOROPENFixed the issue of cut labels for text
buttons of Animation Editor panel. SR104109
Annotation scaleThe annotation scale list no longer displays duplicate names. SR98560
ASSOCIATIVE DIMENSIONS A crash on a user-provided drawing containing associative
dimensions has been fixed. SR114018
AUDIT and RECOVERCommands now remove invalid
OdDbAssocAction objects from ACAD_ASSOCNETWORK dictionary. SR99328
BCF PanelSmall snapshots are now correctly displayed.
BHATCH, HATCHEDITSelecting hatch boundary entities in a block now works without
error. SR113920SR114735
BIMAUTOMATCHAutomatch on BimProperties has been improved.
BIMAUTOMATCHOptions during BIMAUTOMATCH are now translatable.
BimBkUpdateFixed a crash in the BIM project browser when enable background update.
BIMCLASSIFY-SpaceFixed a crash when classifying a drawing as a space.
BIMCLASSIFYProblem with incorrect flow direction of classified Flow Connection
Points was fixed, BimFlowConnect now will work right on them. SR98337
BIMCLASSIFYFixed a crash when classifying a room to a space.
BIMCLASSIFYFixed a problem with incorrect flow direction of
classified Flow Connection Points. BimFlowConnect now will work
correctly on them. SR98337
BIMCLASSIFYCopies of BIM Rooms can now be correctly classified as Spaces.
BimFlowConnectCrash on specific flow terminals configuration was
fixed. SR103804
BIMGRIDBIM grid no longer loses its BIM classification after block
editing. SR104602
BimifyBimify clears selected geometry after running the command. Reducing the need
to manually deselect Bimified objects.
BIMIFYNow performs better than ever! #SoundsLikeMarketing, but really, it does.
BIM QUANTITIESFreezes on quantities calculation were fixed. SR103336
BIMQUICKDRAWChoose "blue" or "red" mode independent from mouse position.
BIMQUICKDRAWDisable settings option in Shape. SR113763
BIMQUICKDRAWDo not connect/miter new walls with existing walls of other buildings.
BIMQUICKDRAWDo not draw extra inner walls when "breaking through" a wall with a
BIMQUICKDRAWSet reference faces of slabs and roofs correctly in BIMQUICKDRAW.
BIMQUICKDRAWThe reference faces of walls are now set correctly.
BIMROOM/BIMDRAGFixes bug where room solid is also dragged when one of the bounding
walls is dragged.
BIMSECTIONUPDATEInsUnits of the section result now depend
only on the model InsUnits value instead of Measurement.
BIMSECTIONUPDATEStory callouts and tags in section result
honor section scale. SR99682
BIMSECTIONUPDATEA section result can now be updated starting from an empty viewport
(for example a viewport created by the Sheetset Setup dialog).
BIMSECTIONUPDATEHidden bim grids are not displayed in section results
anymore. SR103173 SR105017
BIMSECTIONUPDATEFixed a bug for regions with compositions.
BIMSECTIONUPDATEThe origins of section result blocks are now based on the
projection of the world coordinate system origin to the section plane.
BIMSECTIONUPDATERoom lines are no longer generated on reflected ceiling plans.
BIMSECTIONUPDATEComposition/Material names with special characters no longer cause
BricsCAD BIM to crash. SR103983
BIMSECTIONUPDATEFixed volume section result generation when a polyline entity is
present in a BimGrid. The problem is fixed, and we've temporarily removed support for Polyline
entities in BIMGrids. More to come, soonest. SR115630
BIMTAGFixed a crash when BIMTAG was used on a non recognized
element. SR114338
BLOCKWindows included in new Blocks are now processed correctly.
BLOCK commandDraworder of entities is now kept in the
created block with BLOCK command. SR99551
Block EditorVisible 2D constraint glyphs are now updated
when exiting the block editor.
BLOCKIFYRecognize mirrored group of 2D entities containing
an arc. SR102592
BLOCKIFYA crash when "recognize arrays" setting is enabled has been fixed.
BLOCKIFYCorrectly transfer BIM data from the solid to the replacing
block reference.
BLOCKIFYFixed rotation bug for 3D solids containing cylindrical and toroidal
faces. SR103075
BLOCKIFYNow correctly identifies and converts bend solids in a HVAC model. SR115751
BMINSERTWhen the 'Select all affected solids' option is chosen, adjacent solids are
now properly cut by the subtractor solids.
BMBOMPANELOPENIn the BOM manager, it is now possible to select multiple rows, both
manually and by using the search tool. SR113532
BOUNDARYThe BOUNDARY command now handles ellipse islands correctly. SR101499
BricsCAD LauncherThe BricsCAD Launcher no longer specifies the BASEFILE variable
when a workspace is chosen if BASEFILE was previously specified. SR114535
CameraThe Camera entity is now copied correctly. SR102677
CHAMFER3D solids processed by the CHAMFER command no longer disappear after saving
drawing as AutoCAD 2010 or later. SR81794
CHPROP commandLocalized versions: Fixed translation of "ByLayer" and "ByBlock" for
the Color, Linetype and Material properties. SR21437
Civil 3D enablerResolved several issues with large C3D drawings. SR
CLEANSCREENThe Clean Screen toolbar button state now
changes as expected when exiting clean screen state.
COMIAcadPreferencesProfiles::ResetProfile() now works on
any user profile, not only the active one. SR100867
COMUnregistering COM types now works reliably, for example
when specifying the /unregister command line option.
COMEnumerated MenuBar menu items now return the correct parent
item. SR97108
Command lineFixed an issue on Unix where the autocomplete was wrong when typing
COMMANDLINEScroll bars are no longer (improperly) trimmed in the (old style)
floating panel. SR115918
CopyFacesThe NoCut and Cutting by
selected faces options now work correctly.
CONVTOMESHCONVTOMESH respects ACIS modeler properties when
SpaUseFACETRES is OFF. SR93903
CONVTOSOLIDResult verification for conversion from
subdivision mesh to 3d solid and surface was added to avoid creation of
improper entities.
CUIThe active main menu bar items are now included when
saving a workspace to .cui.
CUIA problem that occured when loading a .mnu (or .mns) file, with duplicated menu
labels of inconsistent case, is fixed. SR115697
CUSTOMIZATIONThe command macro for the "Entity snap to
dimension lines" tool is fixed. SR104980SR104983
CUSTOMIZEOpening the CUSTOMIZE dialog with the Properties tab active now fills the
rollover properties list as expected.
DATAEXTRACTIONData Extraction now supports extracting entities from layouts. SR103271SR104994
Deform TIN SurfaceDeform TIN Surface and Smoothen TIN Surface commands were
replaced by Modify TIN Surface command in ribbon, menu and toolbar. SR104471
DimensionNewly created annotative dimensions are now properly scaled, depending on
the setting of the CANNOSCALE system variable. SR114842SR116248SR116268SR116574SR116930SR117388SR117476SR117642SR117856SR118047SR118022
DimensionsDimension tools now allow for the selection of source entities on
locked Layers. SR115801
DMAUDITImproved stability of audit operation on bad models. SR104045
DmExtrudeCurrent layer is set for new entity in
DmExtrude->Create->Limit option. SR104242
DMFILLET/DMCHAMFERBlinking that occured when DYNMODE==(-3) is fixed. SR116345
DMPATH3DThe Mechanical Browser now displays the DMPATH3D parameter value,
truncated in accordance with the LUPREC system setting.
DMPUSHPULLThe Hot Key Assistant (HKA) now shows the correct, current action.
DMROTATEFixed a crash during the DMROTATE command.
Drawing Customization PanelWe performed a small fix to remove an unwanted warning
that occurred when creating a new entity customization using the default name.
Drawing CustomizationFixed a bug in the customization of hidden line types.
Drawing Explorer dialogImproved sorting of strings that
contain numbers. SR99936
Drawing Explorer List of blocks in Block panel is properly
loaded when switching to Folder tab.
Drawing Explorer Captions of panels are
updated when switching between panels in Folder tab
Drawing ExplorerThe grid view of the Block Explorer panel could take a long
time to display on first open, when the drawing was stored on a slow disk (or being accessed
across a slow network connection).
We've improved performance in these situations. SR82203SR82828
Drawing File Save DialogSaving a new drawing without
including a file extension in the filename field no longer overwrites an
existing .dwg file without prompting.
Drawing Template
The global material now uses "Inherit" as diffuse color instead of "white".
Drawing ViewsImproved the reaction time of the ISOLATE/UNISOLATE commands. SR116497
Draw orderEntities with duplicate keys in sortents
table are included in the list of entities to display with draworder. SR82220
DWF EXPORTThe height of the block attributes in the
resulting DWF file is correct now. SR100037
Dynamic BlocksDynamic block redefintion removes
dynamic data from respective block definition. SR99548
Dynamic blockImproved the context menu of a
BlockPropertiesTable grip point. SR97100SR96024
Dynamic Blocks
Fixed a bug rearing its ugly head during the modification of a specific dynamic block. SR116187
Dynamic dimensionsFocus now properly switches from dynamic dimensions edit boxes to
command line when appropriate. SR114301
Dynamic dimensionsThe main frame title bar no longer
flickers or deactivates when a dynamic dimension input field is active.
Enscape Orthographic cameraUnexpected behaviour when starting Enscape with
orthographic camera.The new version of Enscape fixes this by also having an internal orthographic
camera. SR97812
ESNAPRemoved the possibility to snap to entities in switched
off viewports. SR98752
EXPORTFixed double scaling parts if their ACIS header specifies non-mm
units. SR99405 SR104297 SR104776
EXPORTThe unwanted wait cursor has been removed.
EXPORTPDFFixed some potential issues in the EXPORTPDF command.
EXPUCSAdded WCS entry to the Coordinate Systems panel of
the Drawing Explorer. SR95181
EXTRUDEA bug when extruding along a path has been fixed. Under some conditions,
this bug produced an incorrect start position for the profile relative to the path.
FACETINGTo reduce negative effects of careless changes of
low level settings controlling faceting and to make faceting control
simpler, all settings related to faceting (e.g. SpaMaxFacetEdgeLength,
SpaNormalTol, SpaSurfaceTol, SpaTriangMode...) are ignored if
SpaUseFacetRes is ON. In this case faceting tolerances are calculated from
FACETRES and other settings have default values. SR101960
FBXEXPORTFBXEXPORT now supports non-ASCII characters in file paths. SR101328SR117058
FLATSHOTEntities from OFF/FROZEN layers in xrefs are ignored. SR99849
FieldsA drawing file with fields referencing a sheetset no
longer freezes Shape after opening. SR103880
FieldsImproved support for Fields in dimension override text. SR83991
Find and ReplaceSelecting the "Current selection"
option in the Find and Replace dialog box no longer closes the dialog. SR102376SR102959
The CRS EPSG:6668-EPSG:6687 for the Japanese market are supported.
HATCHEDITThe Hatch Edit dialog now displays hatch pattern type Custom
when editing a hatch whose pattern is not currently available. SR102653SR102927
HatchHatch from dynamic block keeps orientation after the
stretch of the block, even if hatch was inserted into a block with UCS other
than WCS. SR95862
IFCEXPORTExporting faulty solid geometry to IFC4 is more tolerant now. On linux and
mac a zero area solid face no longer causes a crash. SR102090SR99981
IFCEXPORTComposition materials with ply's layer in cases where BSYS lib and dwg
have different units now export correctly.
IFCEXPORTCone now exported correctly to IFC4. SR101349
IFCEXPORTProfile name for flow segments is now exported
IFCEXPORTTransformed torus is now exported correctly to IFC4. SR99375SR101575
IFCEXPORTExporting BIM elements without geometry representation is now supported.
IFCEXPORTImproved the export of Compositions to IFC. SR104650
IFCIMPORTModels with tolerance less 1.e-7 now imports correctly. SR104045
IFCIMPORTProfile size is now appended to the name while importing a profile from
IFC. SR100499 SR104406
IFCIMPORTIFC properties are imported as per instance properties. SR94995
IFCIMPORTSpaces with footprints now import correctly. SR76345
IMPORTFixed a bug that caused an empty Mechanical Browser to be displayed,
after an import ran in Communicator's background mode.
Import TIN FileWhen importing a TIN from a file, the value of the FILEDIA system
variable was not respected, causing the File dialog box to always be displayed. This is fixed now.
INSERTINSERT with UNDO disabled works again. SR114854
INSERT commandRe-definition of an existing block, after insertion via the INSERT
dialog, now functions as expected. #IHateRegressions SR117302SR117327SR117504SR118081
LAYERPThe LAYERP command now restores changes done to layers in
the sequential order in which they were executed. SR99657
Layer panel and Layer ExplorerPrevent the 'Name' text from
overflowing in 'toggle bitmap cells' like 'On/Off', 'Freeze/Thaw',... SR100900
Layer state ExplorerFix for Japanese version: after editing
a layer state, Japanese characters in the layer state name were incorrect. SR85339
LCONNECTThe connection when selecting two solids is fixed.
Connection plane for first/second base options is corrected. SR102710
Linetype GenerationThe incorrect linetype scale is no longer applied
when generating linetypes in particular cases (e.g., an XCLIPped Insert, when a global
LTSCALE is set). SR116661SR116959SR116974
Linetypes DisplayLines with linetypes no longer affect the display of
continuous lines in a particular drawing. SR103537
LISP (Linux/Mac)Fixed some COM emulation issues as exposed by LeeMac's tool
"StealV1-8.lsp". SR93421
Localized Versions of BricsCADWe fixed several translation issues. SR116088 SR116948
LookFromThe LookFrom widget now remains active while a
focal dynamic dimension edit field is shown during jigging. SR101546
MANIPULATORThe ruler of Manipulator depends on the SNAPTYPE
system variable. SR100704
Mass Properties calculationCalculation of mass properties for multiple solids is
optimised for Properties panel
updates. SR104062
MATCHPROPMATCHPROP correctly applies "ByLayer" and
"ByBlock" plotstyle names to destination entities. SR103458
Mechanical BrowserContext menu commands to set BOM status and assign a material now
support multiple selection. SR113532
Mechanical Browser
Fix setting geometry-driven status of a constraint in Mechanical Browser property editor.
MECHANICAL WorkspaceWe circumvented a crash that could occur for some users,
when opening the Mechanical workspace. SR115489SR117421SR117459
Mesh EntitiesYou can now select the first edge of a mesh entity (OdDbSubDMesh) when
the shaded visual style is active.
MTEXTIncreased processing of the character input in the built-in
mtext editor. SR96957
MTEXT/TABLEIn-place MText and Table editors no longer flash
to inactive state while editing.
MText EditorKeyboard input focus now remains in text input
fields until an explicit click outside the field.
NEW and OPEN dialogsThe last chosen drawing or template is now always displayed,
highlighted and with cursor focus, in NEW/OPEN dialogs.
OLE FrameWe fixed a display problem with certain types of
embedded OLE Picture objects that caused display garbage when zooming or panning. SR66679SR78934
OLE ObjectsPlotting of OLEFRAME entities with a rotated plot orientation was broken
in earlier versions of BricsCAD V21. This issue has been corrected. SR116674SR117861SR117909SR118052
OPENA specific drawing file, written by Autodesk® Inventor, now
all geometry as expected. SR114955
OptimizeA safety check was added in order to avoid elongating lines to
infinity. #GoesOnForever SR116484
PanelsDeleting the current Panel when 'STACKPANELTYPE=0' now properly activates
the next Panel. SR115919
Parameters and Constraints Panel The hatches associated with parametric geometry
are now properly updated when parameters change. SR101170
Parameters and Constraints PanelThe NEW button properly adds a parameter to the
Parameters and Constraints panel.
Parameters and Constraints PanelThe grid of the Parameters and Constraints panel is
now visible when it is open. The grid columns which are ticked to be visible/hidden from context
menu now remains visible/hidden
between application
sessions. SR104912
Parameters and Constraints PanelYou can now edit arrays and their parameters in
the Parameters and Constraints panel.
Point Cloud ImportFixed an issue that caused the import of specific RCP files to
fail. SR116044SR117720
Point Cloud ImportNow takes into account the global transformation matrix
stored in the RCP file.
Point Cloud ImportFixed an issue that caused the import of specific E57 files
to fail. SR 117096
POLYSOLIDChanging the justification option no longer creates zero-width
Polysolids. SR105096
Print dialog The Previous paper size item is removed after
applying changes. SR92669
Profile ManagerComments can now be included in .arg files
by prefixing the comment with a semicolon character. Comments are ignored
when importing the user profile. It is now allowed to overwrite an existing
user profile when importing. SR99129SR99183
Profile panelRenaming a custom profile definition no longer causes the profile
definition to be deleted.
Project BrowserThe library tab in the project setup dialog contains both stored and
found library paths. A right click menu offers the option to turn absolute paths into relative
Properties PanelFixed a focus problem in Properties panel. When
selecting a grid property, the item editor did not get the focus. SR104181
Properties PanelCenterMark and CenterLine properties are now properly preserved
after property edits are made to these entity types, via the Properties Panel. This is a regression
since V21 FCS.
Properties PanelThe Smoothness property of subdivision meshes
is added to Property Panel.
PROXYINFOThe proxy information dialog now honors the
kDisableProxyWarning proxy flag by omitting such proxy objects from the report. SR99315
PURGEBatch, All, and Orphaned data command options now erase
more items in the drawing.
QuadFixed crash of application that happened on preselection of
corrupted face of surface. SR103753
QuadThe QUADICONSIZE system variable is now saved in the workspace instead of the
user profile. Instead of nominal pixel size, it now has logical values 0/small, 1/large, and
QUICKDRAWEnable double line snapping in QUICKDRAW when the UCS is changed.
Render Composition MaterialsSolids with compositions are now shown in red if the
composition is missing or failing.
RibbonFixed incorrect display of the activated tab when the contextual
tab was eventually removed after switching tabs away from a contextual ribbon tab. SR104951
RibbonWhen switching to a ribbon tab that has all panels
collapsed, the ribbon bar height is now calculated correctly to include the
collapsed panel labels. SR113471
RibbonSplit buttons using "no follow" style now display
their own icon and label if one was set. SR102154
RibbonThe layer combo on a collapsed ribbon panel is now
always filled when a drawing is opened. The view control now displays the current predefined
view when no named view matches the current view.
RibbonThe spacing between tab captions was too large on high resolution displays.
This has been corrected. SR115017
RibbonUnder certain conditions the right-most ribbon tab did not move as the main
frame window was re-sized. This has been fixed. SR115934
ROTATE viewportA bug that caused the geometry in a non-WCS viewport to disappear,
after rotating the viewport, has been fixed. SR114080
RTWALKFixed crash when switching to RTWALK (ALT+LMB) from an active command. SR104468
SAVEFORMATThe version of .dwg files created by BricsCAD in BIMSECTIONUPDATE and
BIMSCHEDULE commands is now defined by SAVEFORMAT setting. Previously it always was .dwg 2018.
SECTIONPLANETOBLOCKThe application of section plane settings for mesh entities
(OdDbSubDMesh) has been fixed. Now background geometry can be turned off in a 2D section and
turning off intersection fill doesn't turn off intersection boundary in 3D sections.
SELECTText on top of a 3D Solid can be easily selected now.
SETBYLAYERSETBYLAYER applies "ByLayer" properties to linetypes, lineweights,
plotstyles, material and transparency settings.
Pressing 'Enter' to select the new license level now works correctly in license levels higher than
'BricsCAD Pro'.
SettingsSome Layer name Settings can accept a Layer name that has not
yet been created, i.e. a 'future' layer. These 'future' layer names could not be displayed
or entered in the Settings dialog. This issue has been corrected.
A sub-set of the BricsCAD system Settings can have spaces in their names. These Settings could not
entered at the BricsCAD command line, because the required space bar press was interpreted as
an 'Enter' by BricsCAD. This issue is fixed, too.
Settings dialogModifications to settings stored in the
drawing are now only indicated during a drawing comparison session
SheetsetsWe found that sheetsets could become confused about where to look for
files after an autosave occurred. The problem is now
resolved. SR104177SR100727
Sheet Sets Panel
The sheet set title is displayed once again after fixing a regression introduced in the previous
SR116487 SR116417
SMEXPORTOSMFixed a form-feature extraction issue with one-sided, closed form
features. SR102753
SMEXPORTOSMResolved failures that were created contours. SR98081
SMREPAIRSMREPAIR keeps imprinted edges on junctions. SR103201
SMUNFOLD SMEXPORTOSMFixed problems with unfolding when a bend hole touches a
flange's border. SR94380
SpacesFootprint representations now replace hatch representations and these are
generated from the space solid. SR90574
SpacesRooms converted to Spaces are no longer marked as out of date after
conversion. Spaces are no longer marked as out of date when new bounding elements are added after
Spatial ElementsThe transparency of Buildings and Stories are now automatically set
to 90 after using BIMCLASSIFY.
STRUCTURE PANELThe state of expanded and collapsed items in
the structure panel is now preserved when switching back and forth between panels. SR95532
Structure TreeUsing the left arrow key when navigation the structure tree now
collapses items again.
TABLEImproved handling of table styles for individual cells SR101253
TIN Volume SurfaceThe Entity name for TIN Volume Surfaces in the Properties panel
and Structure browser is now correct.
Tool PaletteA tool command can now close the current
document without crashing. SR103951
Tool PaletteWhen inserting a block that has been moved from
its original location, the tool should search for the block file in other
folders on the current support path. This was broken in V20, and is now
fixed again. SR35514
TooltipsHyperlinks (tooltips) are shown now when entities
overlap. SR85204
TrackingDirect distance entry when tracking along an arc
Extension snap has been corrected after it was broken in V20. SR105028
Trim + ExtendImproved Trim and Extend commands to allow
selection of multiline entities by fence and crossing modes.
Union/Subtract/IntersectFixes failing boolean operations
with particular 3D Solids. SR99060SR100131
User ProfileAll user profile based BIM and Civil settings
are now saved and reloaded from the new user profile when the current user
profile is changed at runtime.
VBADocument events on a variable assigned to ThisDrawing
now fire consistently for the active document.
VERTICES' TRANSFORMATIONSSupported vertices' transformations in Manipulator, DMMOVE
and DMROTATE. Manipulator and DMROTATE also support transformations with adjacent faces'
triangulation. SR89696SR92220SR97859
VIEWBASEImproved detection of deleted exploded representation. SR103637
Detail view is kept steady when the Base view is moved.
VIEWPORTPanning inside a viewport now works again as expected on Linux as the other
viewports retain their content.
ViewsAdjusting a large TARGET value of a view to avoid
degenerated view direction value no longer results in a distorted view. SR80438
VISIBILITYSTATESThis dialog no longer locks up BricsCAD (Mac).
XATTACH commandIncorrect coordinates of attached
xrefs when attaching multiple files has been fixed. SR103946
XREFIncomplete XREF attach does not create errors in the drawing. SR101426
XREFWe fixed a bug that could prevent saving a file when it contained attached
xrefs that failed to load. SR114121
ZOOMFixed incorrect behavior of _ZOOM > EXTENTS when lids
are "On" for section entity. SR99101