BricsCAD® (Linux) V23 se instaluje a spouští nezávisle na předchozích verzích BricsCADu.
Instalační balíček BricsCAD® , který jste si stáhli, obsahuje všechny edice BricsCAD: Shape, Lite, Pro, Mechanical, BIM a Ultimate.
BricsCAD (Linux) V23 se dodává pouze v 64bitové verzi.
BricsCAD (Linux) V23 je kompilován na Ubuntu 20.04 s gcc 9, takže minimální požadovaná verze Ubuntu je 20.04 LTS. U jiných distribucí to obvykle znamená, že by měly být novější než duben 2020. Požadavek "pod kapotou" je c++ runtime (libstdc++) - verze by měla být 9 nebo novější.
BricsCAD (Linux) je kompletní verze BricsCAD s plnou sadou funkcí. BricsCAD (Linux) má zpravidla stejnou sadu funkcí jako BricsCAD (Mac). Několik specifických funkcí systému Windows nebude k dispozici na Mac nebo Linux, například COM API.
Pro spouštění aplikací zkompilovaných v (BRX) je vyžadována licence BricsCAD Pro nebo vyšší.
Pro rendering, 3D modelování a generativní kreslení je nutná min. verze Pro.
Pro vytváření 3D vazeb a modelování strojírenských sestav a je nutná min. verze BricsCAD Pro. Propro deformační modelování těles je nutná min. verze BricsCAD Pro.
Pro funkcionalitu Civil a GIS je vyžadována licence BricsCAD Pro: Import/Export GIS, povrchy TIN, Zemní tělesa, Trasy, Koridory...
Produkty BIM a Mechanical jsou postaveny na jádru BricsCAD Pro.
BricsCAD Ultimate v jediné licenci zahrnuje BricsCAD Shape, Lite, Pro, BIM a Mechanical.
BricsCAD Communicator je samostatný produkt, který vyžaduje samostatný licenční klíč.
Licence BricsCAD fungují kdekoli na světě a licenční klíče jsou také nezávislé na jazyce. #realchoice
Tyto poznámky k verzi odrážejí to, co bylo obsaženo v každé hlavní, menší nebo servisní verzi podle anglické verze. Příležitostné vydání aktualizace může být přeskočeno pro konkrétní jazyk. Pokud k tomu dojde, změny uvedené pro konkrétní verzi budou k dispozici v další verzi BricsCADu v daném jazyce.
Pomozte nám vylepšit BricsCAD - odešlete Žádost o podporu , pokud zjistíte něco, co nefunguje tak, jak si myslíte, že by mělo. My v Bricsys vám děkujeme, že jste nám pomohli vybudovat ten nejlepší možný produkt. Bez vaší pomoci bychom to nezvládli.
Vítejte v BricsCADu, kde kontinuální vývoj produktů je naší prioritou. Každodenně pracujeme na zdokonalování funkcí a oprav, díky kterým je BricsCAD nejlepší CAD řešení pro vás. #welisten
31.5 2023
Verze 23.2.05
Zdokonalení v BricsCAD
Nabídka Soubor Do nabídky Soubor v části Nástroje a Možnosti zabezpečení byly přidány nástroje pro audit, obnovení a vyřazení entit. SR156851 SR157089
Pás karet Popisek tlačítka Na bloky v panelu Optimalizace výkresu na kartě Správa v pracovním prostoru Mechanical Moderního rozvržení byl opraven z možnosti "Zjednodušit" na "Na bloky".
Zdokonalení BIM (ponecháno v angličtině)
BIMQUICKWALL Improved the detection of wall thickness in Point Clouds.
IFC Import Added support for IfcMaterialConstituentSet and IfcMaterialProfileSet on IFC import. SR129133 SR143406 SR149153 SR149156 SR151917
RFA Import We fixed an issue where some geometry was not imported correctly. SR115329
Zdokonalení mračna bodů
POINTCLOUDFITPLANAR/POINTCLOUDFITCYLINDER Zpráva zpětné vazby od uživatele je nyní v souladu se skutečným licenčním požadavkem pro tyto příkazy. SR155346 SR156322
Opravy (ponecháno anglicky)
BIMQUICKWALL The command context panel now receives the correct values in imperial drawings. SR155727
BMINSERT An issue has been fixed were 'Inserted Component Properties' property was missing in the Properties panel while inserting mechanical components. SR148252 SR148673 SR149085 SR153540 SR153886 SR155740 SR155773 SR156016 SR156291
BimAnalyticalModel An issue occurring when exporting to UBSM format where analytical Bar's would not have ID attributes has been fixed by adding the ID attributes.
Built-in editor Improved processing of single line text with fields in built-in editor in case when width factor or oblique settings are non-default. SR154646
CIVIL commands Fixed the functionality of the command options in the Command line for localized versions. SR155957 SR155734 SR155814
CIVIL3DIMPORT An issue was fixed where BricsCAD would crash when trying to import some Civil 3D entities. SR156113
COLOR Dialog Picking a color using the Color Books tab is again possible. SR156156 SR156937 SR157051 SR157291
CREATELIBRARYBLOCK A V23.2 regression has been fixed. The saved component file is now in the chosen category subfolder instead of the parent folder. SR156417SR156330SR157267
Command Line The mini frame command line is now retaining its hidden state after a restart. SR156338
Dynamic block Fixed stretching of specific blocks. SR155245
EXTRUDE/REVOLVE The EXTRUDE/REVOLVE commands can now also be applied to Surface (Extrusion) entities.
ExpressTools Actual ObjectSnap setting (OSMODE) is no longer cleared during MSTRETCH command. SR147284 Fixed a defect in XDATA command, when entering a string value to be assigned. SR157226 Fixed a spelling issue in PROPULATE command. SR157087
Import Layout/Clone Table Fixed crash on importing a layout with malformed table entity. SR152853
Library Panel The library panel configuration state of the User library components is now retained after a restart. This was broken in V23.2. SR157468
MLEADER We fixed a lockup while opening drawings containing certain annotative mleaders that included roundtrip data from a newer drawing format. SR156666 We fixed the command flow for the negative doglength in mleader style- added the user input for non-fixed landing distance SR154381 SR156630
MText Avoided crash in built-in editor while creating a new column for an MText entity with dynamic/manual column style. SR157377
Manipulator Improved copy option of Manipulator. SR147085
Mechanical 2D Annotations AutoCAD Mechanical objects read issues have been fixed. SR99550 SR104065
Opening Drawing Solved unknown exception when opening files created with BricsCAD V21. SR143720 SR148281
POINTCLOUDCROPSOLID Fixed the functionality of the Inside/Outside property for localized versions. SR153087
POINTCLOUDEXPORT Exporting a point cloud to HSPC or LAZ file format has been fixed. SR154929
POINTCLOUDFITPLANAR Fixed the remaining untranslated strings from the command context panel. SR155371
PURGE The PURGE command now always purges nested items, unless you specify the names to purge. SR151148
Parameters Manager Fixed the functionality of the 'Animate' and 'Remove' buttons from the panel. SR155875
Point Cloud Fixed the discrepancy between the POINTCLOUDPOINTMAX range actually used and the range mentioned in Settings menu. SR157178 Fixed the broken point cloud settings button SR155959
Qt Ribbon Suppressed a warning message that would appear when selecting entities on a locked layer with the qt ribbon active (line weight dropdown fix). SR155894 SR156734 SR156909 SR156800 SR157414 SR157315 SR157691 Suppressed warning message when selecting entities on a locked layer with the qt ribbon active (line type dropdown fix). Also fixed cursor flickering when editing a table with the qt ribbon open. SR155894
SETTINGS We fixed a V23 regression that caused an error when attempting to change one of the dimension arrow block system variables in the settings dialog. SR157045
Structure Browser Fix crash when deleting a blockref that is expanded in the structure browser
Table cell Fixed regression: the grips of the selected table cell were invisible. SR155922
Typed Plans Hatch overrides are now saved correctly again in Typed Plans. SR157170 SR157466 SR156890
4.5 2023
Verze 23.2.04
Zdokonalení v BricsCAD
ExpressTools API (acet-laytrans) Funkce ExpressTools API (acet-laytrans filename [options]) byla implementována pro všechny platformy. SR155003
Rendrovací materiály Výchozí rendrovací materiály nyní podporují lokalizované zobrazení v uživatelském rozhraní, přičemž ve výkresech zůstávají nadále zachovány podle jejich globálních (anglických) názvů. SR95126SR123884
Palety nástrojů Do výchozích palet nástrojů byla přidána nová paleta nástrojů Poznámka.
Zdokonalení BIM (ponecháno v angličtině)
BIMSECTIONUPDATE The layer 'BIM_SECTION_BOUNDARY' for indicated depth of the volume sections is always created, even if it was not found in the _SectionSettings.dwg file. SR126145
Hole Features Hole features are now correctly processed when moved or copied from one solid to another. SR129958
Opravy (ponecháno anglicky)
ATTRIBUTES Fixed undesirable conversion of Ø symbol to '%%C' in ATTRIBUTE and ATTDEF editors. SR150785
Attribute Annotative multiline attributes whose current annotation scale is different from their first added annotation scale are now staying at their new position after the block reference is moved, and the drawing is saved and re-opened. SR155500
BIMQUICKDRAW We fixed a bug when using the hidden WALLWIDTH, SLABTHICKNESS and FLOORTOFLOORDISTANCE settings in script, where the options would no longer be available after specifying a value that is already set for a parameter. SR153077
BIMTAG Fixed an issue where BricsCAD would crash on opening the section result with fields in BIM tags when the model file is absent. SR154568
BOM Manager An issue where a crash would occur during the automatic refresh of the BOM manager has been fixed. SR155808
Built-in editor Fixed built-in editor jump during zoom and rotation animation. SR153214 SR153954 SR155025 SR155491 SR156013 SR156074
CIRCLE Entering a diameter value via polar tracking is now working correctly again. SR155577 SR155955
Color Palette Improved adjustment of the active palette colors according to the background color SR146734
Dimensions Fixed: distribution order in Offset mode SR151487
Dynamic block Improved stretching of dynamic blocks with attributes. SR153664
Explode Explode of some associative array could lead to corruption.
ExpressTools Fixed a number of issues related to ExpressTools commands (TJUST TCIRCLE TCOUNT EXOFFSET ...) SR155438
EXTRUDE An issue has been fixed where creating a sketch-based feature from the extrusion of a complex boundary was leading to a wrong subtraction. SR153455
GEO dialog Fixed dialog sizes for the first call. SR149984
Hatches Auto-adjust HPMAXCONTOURPOINTS variable for hatches which affects creation or rendering of hatches. Show info message about too small HPMAXCONTOURPOINTS when a created hatch cannot be evaluated because of that. SR147291
IFCIMPORT We fixed an issue where the IfcProject and IfcSite location where not correctly taken into account during IFC Import.
Localized Commands Reporting about unavailable commands in localized versions of BricsCAD has been fixed. SR152903 SR154880
Mechanical Browser Custom properties no longer change their values in some particular cases unless the user explicitly sets them. SR154765
Menu bar The text in the Tools tab has been changed from hideobjects to Show/Hide.
Multiview Block Annotative multiview block attributes from other platforms are now displaying at the correct height again. SR146358
OLEFRAME We fixed a V23 regression that resulted in embedded OLE objects plotting upside-down in certain cases. SR154186 SR154810
OVERKILL When using the 'Combine duplicate block definitions' option, the command now ignores blocks containing non-uniformly scaled block references. SR154250
Parametric Block Assist The display of the error messages on localized versions has been fixed. SR150693 SR155187
PURGE, Regapps option Removing redundant AcDbRegAppTableRecords by PURGE/Regapps was fixed which does not cause AutoCAD Mechanical to crash anymore while loading particular drawings. SR149478
Region Fixed error in command REGION, disallowing creation of regions from certain polylines with arc segments. SR153752
Render Materials Assigning a composition to an entity now correctly displays the material on localized versions. SR154422
RFA An issue where some RFA files could not be inserted successfully has been fixed. SR127827
RTEXT Starting with V22.2.06, malformed RTEXT containing a replaceable parameter without a closing parenthesis caused a lockup when loading the drawing. The RTEXT now evaluates as if the closing parenthesis was appended, preventing the lockup. SR155031
Selectable dimensions The bounding rectangle of a selected window or door, to which selectable dimensions are referenced, no longer remains displayed after unselecting the window. SR152581 SR155728
Selection Avoided wrong selection with option WPoygon, when entity lies outside of polygon, but touches it by starting point. SR154149
30.3 2023
Verze 23.2.03
Zdokonalení v BricsCAD
-PARAMETRY Pomocí volby Vlastnosti příkazu PARAMETRY můžete nastavit dolní a horní hranici parametrů 3D vazby tak, aby byly zohledněny při dynamických operacích (např. _DMMOVE, _MOVE a _DMROTATE).
Editor animací Byla přidána možnost volby mezi kvalitou Koncept (renderování v reálném čase) a Plnou kvalitou (renderování podle aktuální předvolby). Nyní je možné určit rozsah vykreslování nejen v sekundách, ale také ve snímcích. Aktuální snímek a poloha animace jsou nyní zobrazeny ve vlastnostech scény.
ANIMACE Příkaz Animace používá přednastavené hranice při animaci sekvence.
OBLAST Vybraná oblast je nyní zvýrazněna, když hodnota systémové proměnné SELECTIONAREA je pravda. SR127863 SR137639 SR142395 SR151345
USPOŘÁDAT Na panelu příkazů Uspořádat byla přidána nová možnost, která určuje vzdálenost mezi po sobě jdoucími entitami.
BEDIT Bloky definované v externích referencích se již v dialogu pro výběr bloku BEDIT nezobrazují.
BLOK Odstranili jsme funkci automatického dokončování z pole Název v dialogu Definice bloku. SR145379 Výchozí akcí dialogového okna příkazu BLOK je nyní "Převést na blok".
NABLOKY Manipulace se symetrickými objekty byla vylepšena, aby byl příkaz NABLOKY (_BLOCKIFY) robustnější pro řešení mnoha problémů s objektovými sadami, které nejsou rozpoznány nebo nesprávně převedeny. SR143146
BricsCAD programu využití dat Do dialogu bylo přidáno nové zaškrtávací políčko 'Připojit se jako host'. Pokud je zatrženo, nezobrazí se žádné přihlašovací dialogové okno.
PŘIPOJIT Dvě kolineární, ale nedotýkající se čáry lze nyní správně napojit příkazem PŘIPOJIT.
CONVTOSOLID BricsCAD se již nebude pokoušet vytvářet 3D tělesa z protínajících se sítí.
Sloučit CUI Po instalaci hlavní aktualizace BricsCAD, volba kopírování souborů a nastavení z předchozí instalace BricsCAD nyní zachovává změny uživatelů v CUI při přidávání nových položek CUI. SR96822
Barevná paleta Barvy popředí nyní přizpůsobují jas tak, aby udržovaly kontrast s barvou pozadí (namísto přepnutí na doplňkovou barvu).
Export seznamu příkazů Přidány příkazy zaměřené na rozsah dokumentu.
DESIGNTABLE Příkaz pro návrh tabulky DESIGNTABLE nyní automaticky vytvoří všechny parametry definované v .csv souboru. Dříve byly vytvořeny pouze parametry s hodnotou řetězce. Volba -DESIGNTABLEEDIT/"Připojit všechny parametry" obnoví všechny původně existující (ale následně odstraněné) odkazy parametrů.
DWGHEALTH Funkce příkazu FINDOUTLIERS je nyní integrována do příkazu DWGHEALTH. Opravili jsme chybu, kdy výsledky úlohy auditu nebyly vždy zcela viditelné.
Externí reference Externí reference jsou ve výkresu zvýrazněny, když jsou vybrány v panelu Přílohy a naopak. SR101661 SR114011 SR118157
Dialog pole Přidána podpora vlastností asociativního pole v dialogu Pole. SR136067
NAJDI Přidáno tlačítko "Vybrat" v dialogu "Najít a nahradit". Toto tlačítko vytvoří sadu výběru z vybraných entit v seznamu a zavře dialog. SR148121
FINDOUTLIERS/OPTIMIZE/BIMINVERTSPACES Optimalizace Algoritmus clusteringu nyní běží rychleji v příkazech FINDOUTLIERS, OPTIMIZE a BIMINVERTSPACES.
FINDOUTLIERS Příkaz se nyní otevírá mnohem rychleji při použití ve velkých výkresech. Pozice kamery se již nezmění při změně platného základního bodu nebo velikostí oblasti. Do příkazu FINDOUTLIERS jsme přidali funkce 'přesunout', 'přesunout do platné oblasti' a 'zpět'. SR143337 Přidali jsme tlačítko automatického přiblížení do panelu nastavení příkazu FINDOUTLIERS. Pro příkaz FINDOUTLIERS jsme přidali ikony nástrojů.
FLIPLINE Příkaz FLIPLINE byl rozšířen o možnost převrátit pouze určité entity. SR139323
Písma Vytvořili jsme BricsCAD nativní písmo pro zjednodušený čínský text: gbcbig.shx.
Parametry řízené geometrií Zadání hodnoty proměnné řízené geometrií nyní způsobí, že podle očekávání převezme uvedenou zadanou hodnotu.
IMPORT Zvýšili jsme typy záznamů meta souborů, které lze importovat přes WMF. SR140631SR151840
Velké rastrové soubory PNG Neprokládané soubory PNG jsou čteny skenovacími linkami. SR134573 SR139892 SR143293 SR149701 SR151735
Panel Vrstvy Povoleno výběr více řádků přetažením výběru. SR141196 SR143177 Klávesové zkratky panelu Vrstvy (např. Ctrl+A) nyní fungují po kliknutí kdekoli v panelu. SR138682 Výběr všech řádků kliknutím na záhlaví sloupce indexu je nyní možné v Qt panelu. SR149216
Typy čar Dialog Načíst typy čar nyní zobrazuje více typů čar, pokud je nastaven na minimální výšku.
Linux vyskakovací okna bez okrajů mini-frame na Linux/macOS (např., PROPAGATE vyskakovací okna) jsou nyní opravdu bez okrajů.
PRVEK ŠABLONOVÁNÍ Prvek šablonování je správně vytvořen, když je vytvořena šablonovaná entita pomocí možnosti 'Trasa' nebo 'Vedení' příkazu ŠABLONOVAT.
MANAGEUSAGEDATA Byla vytvořena nová varianta příkazového dialogu MANAGEUSAGEDATA. Nyní existuje rozdíl mezi "připojením k programu dat o použití" a "správou nastavení programu dat o použití". Přesněji řečeno, hodnoty nastavení jsou správně načteny, když se objeví dialogové okno MANAGEUSAGEDATA; a formulace tlačítek byly doladěny (např. "Uložit" namísto "Ano, zaregistrujte mne"). Nakonec byla funkcionalita "Možná později" odstraněna z dialogu MANAGEUSAGEDATA, protože je relevantní pouze pro dialog JOINUSAGEDATAPROGRAM.
KOPIEVLAST Příkaz nyní správně aktualizuje styl vykreslování v lokalizovaných verzích. SR132326
Panel nabídek Funkce 'Otevřít' a 'Nový' byly přesunuty z dílčích nabídek na kartu Soubor. SR143765 Další nástroje byly přidány do panelu nabídek. Nástroje, které řídí pracovní prostor, byly přesunuty z karty Nástroje na kartu Okno.
MLEADER ORTHOMODE nyní omezuje úhel Mleader během vytváření. SR96344 SR102845 SR125488 SR116533 SR144865
Výřezy modelového prostoru Nyní je možné změnit velikost výřezů modelového prostoru přetažením jejich ohraničení. SR77369 SR84278 SR91665 SR95384 SR116883 SR117485 SR137456 SR146077 SR147796 SR81261 SR150386 SR151310 SR151690
Moderní pás karet Příkaz Datasmith/TwinMotion lze nyní nalézt v moderním rozvržení na kartách Export pracovních prostorů BIM a Kompletní . SR147637 Karta Anotace v pracovním prostoru BIM nyní obsahuje ovládací prvky pro změnu měřítka poznámek.
MOVEGUIDED Soustředné obloukové segmenty se stejným poloměrem jsou nyní správně použity po použití příkazu MOVEGUIDED. SR141493 SR149302
MTEXTFIXED Upravili jsme přechod zoomu, který se spouští při úpravách otočeného odstavcového textu, aby byl více příjemný, když je MTEXTFIXED nastaven na "2". SR122306
Transformace NADCON Implementována transformace NADCON: NAD27 až NAD83, NAD83 na HPGN. SR76050
Vložení OLE Výkresy ze starších verzí BricsCADu, které jsou vloženy jako objekty OLE v jiných aplikacích, se nyní automaticky otevřou v nejnovější nainstalované verzi BricsCADu. Pokud je povoleno nastavení COMAcadCompatibility, otevřou se také vložené výkresové soubory aplikace AutoCAD(R) v BricsCADu. SR128404 SR149526
Online podpora Bing map Jsou zavedeny příkazy GEOMAP, GEOMAPMODE, GEOMAPIMAGE, GEOMAPIMAGETYPE, GEOMAPIMAGERESOLUTION a GEOMAPIMAGEUPDATE. Pro uživatelsky definovaný klíč Bing Maps je zaveden příkaz GEOMAPKEY. SR61534SR130298SR132271SR140216SR144025
Online nápověda Formát řetězců nápovědy, které posíláme na náš server nápovědy, byl změněn. Nyní používáme přesné parametry CMD/DLG/SYS/DOC v URL místo řetězce dotazu pro vyhledávání. SR153275
OPTIMALIZOVAT V příkazu Optimalizovat jsou nyní podporovány 3D oblasti a povrchy. Reorganizovali jsme a zjednodušili možnosti, aby bylo jasnější, jak každá z akcí ovlivní váš výkres. Nyní zobrazujeme mezery, které budou ve výkresu uzavřeny jako průhledné červené kruhy. Oříznutí a prodloužení čar pro uzavření T-spojů je nyní k dispozici jako samostatná volba.Nyní můžete nastavit toleranci mezery klepnutím na dva body ve výkresu.
Dialog Odstranit přesahy Tlačítko Ok v dialogovém okně lze nyní potvrdit klávesou ENTER. SR147998
Správce parametrů Správce parametrů má ve výchozím nastavení rozšířené kategorie nejvyšší úrovně. Dříve byly všechny kategorie ve výchozím nastavení sbaleny.
Parametric Blocks A global design table is created in case a parametric block parameter bound by the block design table is linked to a new global parameter via the -BMPARAMETERS command, or by using the Parameters Manager Panel.
PBLOCKASSIST Do dialogu příkazu PBLOCKASSIST byla přidána nová možnost převést existující reference na dynamické bloky (v modelovém prostoru) na nové reference nově vytvořených parametrických bloků. Všechny akce převrácení dynamického bloku (Dblok) jsou správně rekonstruovány jako akce převrácení parametrického bloku (Pblok), i když akce převrácení ovlivňuje pouze podmnožiny entit uvnitř bloku. Akce přesunu Dblok jsou rozpoznány jako akce protažení Pblok. Kromě poskytování chybových zpráv, když převod dynamického bloku není možný, se zobrazí také varovná hlášení, pokud je převod povolen, ale výsledný parametrický blok by mohl mít problémy. Přidali jsme možnost zadání přípony pro přidání názvu nově vytvořených nebo exportovaných parametrických bloků. Vylepšili jsme rozložení příkazového dialogu. SR147027 Vylepšené chybové zprávy, aby poskytly přesnější popis případných problémů/problémů při konverzi.
TISK Implementovali jsme přichycení do rohů tisknutelné oblasti ve výkresovém prostoru. Okraje papíru jsou reprezentovány křivkou, takže je také možné přichytit na střed, nejbližší atd. SR121228
Výzvy Výzvy pro zadání příkazů byly provedeny konzistentnější a nyní vždy končí znakem dvojtečky, následované jednou mezerou.
Panel Vlastnosti Kliknutím na vlastnost určenou pouze ke čtení nebo přejetím na kartu, nastavíte fokus na hodnotu vlastnosti pro snadnější kopírování do schránky. Toto chování existovalo v dřívějších verzích, ale bylo ztraceno ve verzi V21. SR151091 Pokud je vybráno několik entit, objemové vlastnosti 3D těles a povrchů se již v panelu Vlastnosti nezobrazují. Toto bylo zavedeno, aby se zabránilo zpoždění při výběru velkého počtu entit.
Dialog Publikovat Seznam listů dialogu Publikovat je nyní aktualizován při změně hodnoty volby "Zahrnout". Také bylo vylepšeno chování při změně velikosti dialogu. SR141786 SR131290 SR148343
Dialogy Qt Řada nových Qt dialogů je aktualizována tak, aby se spustilo tlačítko akce (modré tlačítko) při stisknutí klávesy enter/return při otevření dialogu: Blok, Barva, Pole, Najít, Průmět, Tabulka. SR129762 SR139271 SR134188 SR145167
Pás karet Qt Přidáno přepínací tlačítko pro přepínání mezi Qt a původním pásu karet na panelu Nastavení rozhraní. Do nového pásu karet Qt byl přidán režim velkého horizontálního přepínače. SR143394 Přidána podpora tlačítek spouštěče panelu pásu karet na Qt pásu karet. SR150234 Snížení výšky velkých rozbalovacích položek rozděleného tlačítka; nová velikost odpovídá velikosti jejich starších protějšků. SR146320 Aktivní kartu Qt pásu karet lze nyní změnit pomocí kolečka myši. SR149784 SR150202 Volba "Zarovnání horní: Ne" nyní nefunguje pro panely řádků pásu karet. Nyní lze otevřít rozbalovací seznam tlačítka Rozdělit (fly-out) stisknutím a podržením levého tlačítka myši. SR143460 Kliknutím na položku nabídky s potomky nyní spustíte první položku, pokud se jedná o spustitelnou akci. SR143765
Panel sady listů Qt Když je systémová proměnná SSSMSHEETSTATUS nastavena na hodnotu 2, Qt panel Sada listů nyní aktualizuje stav zámku listů každých SSMPOLLTIME sekund.
Quad Nyní je možné upravit hodnoty atributů ve vlastnostech Quad při najetí. SR98091
Ribbon - Tool Updates 'Check for updates' has been added to the Ribbon in the Classic layout. SR125034 The icons in the Ribbon Layer control now match the icons in the Layers panel. SR149067 The CLEANUNUSEDVARIABLES command was added to the Ribbon and can now be found in the Drawing Optimizations panel of the Manage tab. SR115302 The Modern layout has been reworked using data collected from the "BricsCAD Usage Data Program", and feedback from support requests. The time spent looking for commands has been dramatically reduced. All commands not located in the main Ribbon bar are now just a single click away in a large drop-down at the panel label. The empty button in the 'Move' Ribbon drop-down on modern CUI, 3D Modeling Home tab, has been removed. CopyGuided3D has been added to the 'Copy' Ribbon drop-down on modern CUI, 3D Modeling Home tab. The '2D Parametric' tab in the Modern layouts, and the 'Parametric' tab in the 'Drafting' workspace of the Classic layout have a new panel named 'Operations'. This contains commands that allow you to apply an operation to a parameter, such as FLIPLINE and PARAMETRIC stretch. The 'Copy' button in the Modern CUI has been renamed from "Move" to "Copy". SR153030 The tools 'Reposition Dimension Text', 'Reposition Dimension Text with Dimension Line' and 'Reposition Dimension Text with Leader' have been added to the Classic Ribbon. SR121909 The behavior of some split buttons in the Ribbon have been altered to remember the last selected item in most, but not all, split buttons. SR153445
Výška panelu pásu karet Vyladěný pás karet CUI a výšky tlačítek pro odstranění falešných svislých změn velikosti při změně karet pásu karet. SR143534
HLEDATNASTAVENÍ Příkaz HLEDATNASTAVENÍ nyní přijímá čárkou nebo středníkem oddělený seznam názvů nastavení. Pokud je k dispozici seznam názvů, zobrazí se v dialogovém okně NASTAVENÍ pouze tato nastavení v izolovaném pohledu. SR147052 Příkaz lze nyní spustit transparentně na spuštěném příkazovém řádku. SR147052
Správce sady listů Do Správce sady listů byla přidána karta Pohledy modelu. Přetažení uzlu s dědici udržuje roztažené/sbalené stavy vnořených uzlů. Uzly stromu sady listů lze znovu přeuspořádat přetažením. SR120943
Panel Sada listů Panel obsahuje novou možnost nabídky pro automatické ukládání změn. Ve výchozím nastavení je aktivní. Strom panelu Sada listů již při přetahování uzlu nezvětšuje všechny uzly. SR145606 Tlačítka pro "Zobrazit blok popisků" a "Bloky detailu" nyní fungují. Také jsme aktualizovali uživatelské rozhraní pro vlastnosti pouze pro čtení, aby bylo snazší číst + volitelné (kopírovatelné). Přidána ikona 'uložit' do sad listů, které mají neuložené úpravy ve stromu listů, a předpona '*' k názvu sady listů. SR91301 SR116490 Odstraněno úplné obnovení stromu při importu nebo zavření sady listů. To znamená, že stav sbalení/rozbalení uzlů je zachován při importování/zavírání sady listů. Panel Sada listů nyní okamžitě spustí přejmenování nově přidané podmnožiny. Panel Sada listů si pamatuje, že uzly byly při přepínání mezi kartami Seznam listů a Pohledy kategorií rozbalené/sbalené.
SHXFONTY Písmo amgdtans.shx je mapováno na amgdt.shx. SR148654
TAŽENÍ Prvek šablonování se vytvoří, když je vytvořena šablonovaná entita pomocí možnosti INTERAKTIVNÍ v příkazu TAŽENÍ.
TABULKA Přidána možnost přepínání mezi buňkami tabulky kliknutím na buňku myší (při úpravách obsahu tabulky). Vylepšené formátování a konverze buněk na různé typy. Vylepšený výběr dílčích tabulek: výběr řádků kliknutím na jejich číselné indikátory (1, 2, 3,...) a částečně (u tabulek bez přerušení) výběrem sloupců kliknutím na jejich ukazatele písmen (A, B, C,...). SR140138 SR143231 SR148381 Již existující styly vlastních buněk tabulky jsou nyní zobrazeny v Editoru tabulek a panelu Styl tabulky Průzkumníka. SR146519 Přidány vlastnosti v panelu Vlastnosti skupiny "Obsah" při výběru buňky tabulky. SR114660 SR121322
Kvalita textur Nyní používáme techniku MIP-mapování pro vykreslování textur. Zlepšuje vizualizační výkon a kvalitu zobrazení 3D objektů s texturami pro pohledy s různou vzdáleností.
TIFFOUT Implementován příkaz TIFFOUT, který ukládá snímek obrazovky vybraných objektů ve formátu TIFF souboru (komprese LZW). SR127482 SR101531 SR72585 SR74652 SR83550 SR104947 SR130183 SR144357
STAVYVIDITELNOSTI Do příkazu jsme přidali možnost "Vybrat stav". SR144436
Zdokonalení BIM (ponecháno v angličtině)
Background Image Generation Background images are no longer generated with section lines, BIM grids and space callouts. SR144440 Background images on a BIMsections 'volume' section now take 'background' clipping correctly into account. SR144440
BIMCREATEDETAIL The BIMCREATEDETAIL command now has a command panel, grouping all user interaction steps in one place.
BIMINVERTSPACES BimInvertSpaces takes closed polylines into account and creates openings. The polylines, created in POINTCLOUDFITPLANAR or manually, are used to create a parametric opening component. When polylines are detected on both sides of the wall, they are interpolated. The polylines do not need to be exactly in the face of the space. The parametric opening object can easily be replaced with a window or door component (with _bmReplace).
BIMQUICKDRAW BIMQUICKDRAW now supports the usage of Entity Snapping (ESNAP) to complement the existing smart-snapping behavior. The BIMQUICKDRAW command now queries the active story and assigns the new building elements to that story, if any. We changed the floating command panel into a full-height panel, consistent with a general move towards full-height command panels. We have fixed a bug and improved the copying-behavior of BIMQUICKDRAW command when outer walls of a building don't form a closed loop. SR146476 Added Left and Right justification when snapping to single lines. SR94867 It is now possible to toggle a checkbox in the BIMQUICKDRAW command panel that specifies the connection between the outer walls and the slab (wall on top or next to slab) There is a new (collapsible) section in the BIMQUICKDRAW command panel, "Advanced snapping options" - which is by default collapsed.
BIMQUICKWALL Can now place unconnected walls, and walls that are connected at one side. A command panel lets you specify a composition, height, unconnected length, spatial location, top and base offsets, and justification. The justification is properly applied when regular entity snapping is used to position the wall. It is now possible to create walls that cross spaces or block references. The command can now detect walls in an underlying point cloud. When a wall is found, both wall width and position are locked to the wall in the point cloud. SR147460
BIM Ribbon The BIMSECTIONUPDATE command can now be accessed from the ribbon with a single click.
BIMSECTIONUPDATE The hatches in the section result are always sent to background. SR134447 SR145000 The option to generate the Raster Image without section lines was added to BimViewport.
BIMTAG A new full dockable command context panel replaces the command dialog box. Minor redesign of the UI: Box selection mode is moved under Auto, and useful messages and instructions from the Command line are now shown in the command context panel. Removed duplicate icons that led to the same BimTag panel.
BIMWALL Based on the POLYSOLID command, BIMWALL lets you create walls in any direction, including arcs. A command panel allows you to specify a composition, thickness, height, spatial location, top and base offsets, and justification.
BMINSERT BMINSERT no longer ignores internal walls when determining the dimension endpoints.
Details Panel The "View details" dialog, which is launched from the Details panel, now has a more modern look after conversion to Qt.
EXPORTLAYOUT Annotative hatches inside blocks are handled correctly during EXPORTLAYOUT command. SR141928
IFC Export Validation We implemented an IFC model validation engine. It checks the exported IFC file to ensure that it is fully compatible with the official buildingSmart IFC specifications, for IFC2x3 and IFC4. IFC validation can be enabled via the IFCExportValidateModel setting. Any rule violations will be reported in the log file.
We fixed an IfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef export problem (assuring 2D curves are used in the profile definition). We fixed an export bug for IfcToroidalSurface. We fixed an issue in export mapping where dynamic types were not recognized. We fixed an issue where the IfcShapeRepresentation was not always correct . We fixed an export bug for IfcPresentationLayerWithStyle.
We also fixed certain cases that resulted in non-compliant IFC files, but IFC is a complex specification, and we need your help to fix them all - if you find issues, please file a Support Request. We appreciate your help!
IFC Import/Export The containment of entities in Spaces is now imported from and exported to IFC.
INSERTLAYOUT/-INSERTLAYOUT INSERTLAYOUT and -INSERTLAYOUT commands have been moved from BIM to CORE and are now available for all license levels.
New Project A building and story are created by default when a new project is created.
Project Browser When adding a new sheet, you can edit the name, number, template layout, or select a layout from existing drawings. SR142721 It is now possible to create (new) sheets from sections, even when the destination file fields were already set, or when sheets have already been created. SR144441 The 'save drawing' button on the project browser now opens the SaveAs dialog, in the folder of the most recently active project. When updating a logo in the Info tab, the open sheets using that logo will be updated to show the new logo. SR147090 It is now possible to duplicate any file or folder in the Project Browser panel, via a right-click menu. In the Files tab, when renaming a sheet, users can now edit the sheet title and/or sheet number. SR144848 SR146993
RFA Import Revit-defined Level of Detail (LoD) Settings for Elements will be honored when importing geometry, so the imported geometry will correspond to a particular LoD. The LoD will be determined by the "RVTRFALevelOfDetail" setting.
Ribbon The new BIMWALL command is now available in the Ribbon of the BIM and Complete workspaces.
SELECTABLE DIMENSIONS When selecting windows and doors in a 3D view, the dimensions refer to walls that are connected to the host wall at the side which is in view.
Spatial Locations Assigning a space to a building element will now override the building element's story and building properties with those of the space.
Various Command Panels We adjusted the spinboxes to use the number of decimals specified by the LUPREC and AUPREC document settings. SR145936 SR148697
Zdokonalení Civil (ponecháno v angličtině)
Civil Explorer Civil entities, styles, and point file formats in Civil Explorer are now sorted alphabetically.
Status icons have been added to Civil Explorer. The Show/Hide icon has been added to all Civil entities. Additionally, for TIN Surfaces, status icons for Out of Date, Refresh, and Snapshot have also been added.
The context menu for most TIN Surface definitions now includes a 'Zoom to' and 'Select' option, making it easier to find them in the drawing. SR147192
While editing the Simplify and Densify parameters, a 'Rebuild surface' button will appear in the dialog box. This enables the user to edit multiple parameters at once, without the need to rebuild the surface after each individual edit.
The Add Breaklines dialog has been upgraded with the following improvements: - Added information about the breakline layer, minimum and maximum elevation. - Added right-click commands to zoom to, select, remove, and copy breakline geometry information to the clipboard. - Added a button to pick the breakline in the drawing, which highlights it in the dialog. SR147192
The Add drawing objects dialog has been upgraded with the following improvements: - Added information about object type and elevation. - Added right click commands for zoom to and copy object geometry information to the clipboard.
The Add boundaries dialog has been upgraded with the following improvements: - Added information about the boundary layer - Added right click commands for zoom to, select, and remove. - Added a button to pick the boundary in the drawing which highlights it in the dialog.
GISEXPORT Now it is possible to export CAD entities (polylines, lines, etc.) without associated GIS data into a .shp file. SR148562 SR149554 SR150757 SR150793
GRADING When a boundary is added to a TIN Surface by grading, it now contains information indicating that it was generated from the grading object.
It is now possible to change the input entity for grading through the Properties panel.
Point Cloud to TIN TIN creation performance has been significantly improved when the TIN is created in a portion of the point cloud with the 'cLip polygon' option.
TIN Surface Elevation values are now rounded to 3 decimal places in tables for all TIN definition dialogs.
TINEDIT The following deprecated TINEDIT sub-commands: Remove Breaklines, Remove Boundaries, Clip TIN Surface, have been removed from the QUAD. SR146516
Zdokonalení Mechanical (ponecháno v angličtině)
BMBALLOON A new "Consecutive" numbering mode was added to BMBALLOON automatic mode for a polyline and a circular pattern. It is possible to change the direction and the starting balloon for the circular option by pressing Ctrl and Tab keys correspondingly.
BMBOM By default, non-mechanical objects are not shown in BOM tables if they are inside components, regardless of the filtering mode. It is possible to make them appear by enabling a new flag to treat leaf parts as transparent, or by explicitly setting Transparent BOM status to those components.
BMEXPLODECONFIG A new command was added to allow the assignment of the preferred directions for parts during automatic generation of exploded views.
BMINSERT When a regular (non-Mechanical) .dwg file is inserted via the BMINSERT command, and the MECHANICALBLOCKS setting is enabled, that file will be inserted as a Mechanical block.
BMMECH, BMUNMECH After running the BMUNMECH command, the component description can be restored by a consecutive BMMECH command. SR144743
BMMECH Arrays of blocks will be converted to Mechanical blocks, if the option to convert all objects in the model is selected. Now, if a solid has a BIM name, this name is kept as a component name during conversion to a Mechanical solid. SR129858
BMTRAILINGLINES If a selection set has two parts and a 3D polyline, a custom trailing line will be created. SR135823
BMWELDANNOTATE Improved the BMWELDANNOTATE interface. When you select a curve (or part of a curve) for a caterpillar, a preview of the caterpillar is shown. The flip option flips the preview, not the caterpillar of the previous curve (part). In addition, now you can specify the scale of the caterpillar.
BMWELDING When creating a fillet weld, now you can select several faces for the second member. For each of these faces a weld will be created if possible. Adjacent welds will be combined into one feature if the FILLETWELDINGCOMBINEADJACENT setting is turned on (and it is turned on by default). When creating a fillet weld, now you can specify the A (throat) size. SR149089
BOM Manager Added the "Fixed" sorting mode, in which the positions of parts in the BOM are remembered, and their numbers stay the same after an update, regardless of added or deleted parts. SR149453 SR134197 SR137095 SR137287 SR120278 SR86889 Added the ability to add user-fillable columns and enter unitless values (or text) to any cell of the user-fillable columns, quantity columns and any columns except Number, Thumbnails, Component columns. SR148128
IMPORT When a file with custom properties of components is imported, the list of properties will be optimized to avoid duplication, when possible, to improve the performance of further operations. SR135970 SR141464
Mechanical Browser "Filter by selection" mode is added to the Mechanical Browser panel. A new menu item for the Mechanical browser settings is introduced. When synchronized selection mode is disabled, this setting allows you to enable or disable highlighting for objects in the model corresponding to the selected nodes in the tree. Another new option "Keep values list order" was added to avoid sorting lists of values of the parameters. SR148501
Mechanical Drawing Views Added the "Assemblies optimization" setting (DRAWINGVIEWASM) for creating and updating views. This may improve view creation time for assemblies. VIEWBASE, VIEWPROJ and VIEWUPDATE commands benefit from it.
Modern Ribbon More tools have been added to the Modern Ribbon in the Mechanical workspace. SR148544
VIEWBASE The dialog for selecting exploded views was replaced with a Qt dialog, and a combobox to select exploded view steps was added. Drawing views generated for exploded views now respect specific steps, selected via dialog or batch mode.
Zdokonalení pro Mechanical 2D (ponecháno v angličtině)
AMDATUMID Added 'Object attachment' and 'Object detachment' functionality to the Datum Identifier Symbol dialog. This allows the user to group and ungroup the symbol with the associated geometry and to ensure alignment as the geometry is moved in the model.
AMWELDSYM Added 'Object attachment' and 'Object detachment' functionality to the Welding Symbol dialog. Applied various Welding Symbol dialog improvements. Added symbols for parameters.
LOADMECHANICAL2D When opening a drawing that contains 2D Mechanical content while LOADMECHANICAL2D is disabled, a warning bubble is displayed at the status bar describing the situation and providing a hyperlink to immediately enable and load the Mechanical 2D modules. SR147123
Zdokonalení mračna bodů
2D Images from E57 BricsCAD is now able to extract 2D images that are stored in E57 format point clouds, and write them to the cache folder, for use in the bubble viewer. SR139434
Bubble Viewer When the bubble viewer and model view are synced, and the "camera" is positioned inside a green bubble, you'll no longer get a green cast to the scene. We now hide the bubble when the camera is inside.
POINTCLOUD Added a guard to check the available free disk space during pre-processing. SR128684 The Point Cloud Custom File Format panel now appears whenever the contents of the point cloud file cannot be detected automatically for ASCII file formats. SR144693 A Cancel button now appears in the Reference Manager during point cloud pre-processing. SR138337
POINTCLOUDALIGN The option to either align the point cloud by rotating it, or by creating an axis-aligned UCS was added to the command. SR136550 SR146977
Point Cloud Manager Panel It is now possible to select multiple items in Point Cloud Manager panel and turn them on/off simultaneously.
POINTCLOUDCACHESIZE The POINTCLOUDCACHESIZE system variable is no longer used. The Reference Manager dialog box now displays available disk space in the current cache folder.
BUBBLES Visibility settings for bubbles are now retained. SR148684
BIMQUICKWALL The command can now detect wall widths in an underlying point cloud. When a wall width is found, it is automatically set as the BimQuickWall wall width value and displayed in the command panel. The wall preview cursor adopts this width and also sticks to the wall location.
POINTCLOUDDETECTFLOORS This command has a new option to write the floor level to BIMSPATIALLOCATION. This makes it much faster to start working in 'Top View Mode'.
Opravy (ponecháno anglicky)
-PDFATTACH The command no longer displays a dialog after prompting for filename. SR153400
ACISOUT Tolerance in exported ACIS file was changed from 1.e-7 to standard value 1.e-6.
ACIS Solids Some commands that operate on ACIS Solids (UNION, INTERSECT, SUBTRACT, AREA, MASSPROP, INTERFERE) made the application freeze or crash. This is now fixed. SR150116 SR151047 SR151329 SR151300 SR151340 SR152737 SR152672 SR153200 SR153612 SR153882 SR154566 SR154640
ACTIVATESTORY Updated the default value shown in the command when asking to show the model in top view.
Adaptive Grid Snap Improved LINE/PLINE length rounding according to adaptive snap mode (SNAPTYPE=2) when an angle constraint is first entered.
AEC Fixed wrong display of AEC wall openings. SR75934
AECC In some cases, there was an issue displaying Civil 3D entities in BricsCAD. This is fixed. SR147885
AI Assist Fixed an issue where the AI Assist tab would not be loaded into the ribbon, when BricsCAD is started with the ribbon closed. The focus is correctly moved back to the Command line after the AI Assist bubble message pops up.
AMWELDSYM Fixed the remaining untranslated strings and the display of Unicode characters. SR146716
Animation Editor Separated the translation for the "Sun" strings from this panel and the "Sun" abbreviation for Sunday. SR147650 The xrefs with relative paths are now visible in the rendered video. SR74424 SR100328 SR137555 SR140633 SR144679 SR145014
ARRANGE/BLOCKIFY The application no longer crashes when changing the visual style to or from 2D Wireframe during the command.
ARRANGE BricsCAD no longer crashes when you switch documents while using the draggers of the ARRANGE command.
ARRAYDETECT In the detected rectangular arrays, rows are used in the direction closest to the Y-axis and columns are used in the direction closest to the X-axis.
Associative Arrays Fixed: respect the draw order of source entities when creating associative array or editing its source elements. SR133249 SR138539
Associative Dimensions Fixed creation of associative dimensions for large coordinates to not lose associativity. SR145243 Fixed an issue where associative dimensions of 3D solids made in AutoCAD could be lost when saving the drawing in BricsCAD.
Attachments Panel Sorting by size is now always correct, also when attachments with size in kB and size in mB are present. The attachments panel now responds to Ctrl+A/ESC to modify the selection. Arrow up/down to move the selection also works. Attached xrefs that have changed and need reloading are now marked with a warning icon next to their name. SR152613
Attribute An unusual scenario involving a non-annotative attribute with locked block position could result in the attribute mysteriously moving to an earlier position after saving and re-opening a drawing file. This has been corrected so the attribute retains its new position. SR153642
BIMAPPLYPROFILE The "Rotation angle" option is properly displayed now on localized versions. SR147651 SR136091
BIMCLASSIFY The profile size is now always expressed in millimeters in the name of the profile, when it is automatically assigned by the BIMCLASSIFY or the BIMIFY command. SR148931
BIMCREATEDETAIL The Details panel now updates after running BIMCREATEDETAIL command.
BIMGENERATE2DSTAIR Layers The symbolic 2D stair generation now uses "BIM_2D_BACK+_" layers instead of "BIM_2D_BACK_". This way the solid geometry of the stair is still shown in the section result. Objects below the visible part of the stair will appear 'hidden.
BIMPYTHON BIMPYTHON command no longer stops unexpectedly when a script is executed a second time in the same session. Reading the native .dwg properties (like Layer) through get_property is now correctly supported.
BIMQUICKDRAW The BIMQUICKDRAW command will now correctly create a building when starting to draw on a slab-like solid which is not classified.
BIMSECTIONUPDATE Detail callout is now placed correctly in 2D section result. SR129796 Fixed the position of 2D entities from BRX_2D+_ layers in generated drawings.
BIM Section View Fixed an issue on Linux/MacOS causing the background image to be generated without shading for BIM section view: (Beta) Generate background option. SR152355
BIMTAG Dynamic Types are now available in predefined tag styles.
BIMWINDOWCREATE You can now create an opening with a preselected boundary from the Ribbon.
BLOCK dialog(Qt version) The Qt dialog now respects the LUNITS and LUPREC system variables when displaying point coordinates. The BLOCK dialog no longer uses the system locale: coordinates always use "." as decimal separator. It is no longer possible to use ",". SR152756
Block Definition Dialog The list of definitions in the Block Definitions dialog box is now sorted alphabetically. SR146136
BLOCKIFY Fixed a problem with the order of the segments in a polyline. We fixed a bug where sometimes, matching entities are not found when other, very similar entities are located nearby. SR148584 We fixed a bug where the command mistakenly identified the selected input entities as matching an existing block definition. SR147723
BMANIMATE A command to run a quick animation of an exploded view or an exploded view step is introduced. It allows you to play, pause, stop or cancel the animation, as well as to move to the next or previous step, without the necessity to create a dedicated scene in the animation editor.
BMBOMTEMPLATEEDIT Fixed the 'Edit' and 'Create' options for this command in BIM Project Browser panel. SR151162
BricsCAD Opening We fixed an error where a redundant error message was prompted in the command line when opening BricsCAD. SR152999 SR152630
BricsCAD Usage Data Program Information on the current units and view angle are now also being shared with Bricsys for users who joined the BricsCAD Usage Data Program.
Center Mark Fixed: Center Mark block reference should not inherit the scale from parent block. SR147472
Civil Explorer The text in the "Description" field now wraps and can be selected with the mouse. SR148773
Civil Explorer/BIM Project Browser Fixed the context menu commands behavior for localized versions. SR151162 SR151454
COLORS BricsCAD now follows the OS light/dark theme (based on COLORTHEME), instead of applying the global OS setting on macOS and Linux machines. SR144521SR146888
Constraints The show/hide constraints CUI menu macros now work correctly in empty drawings without any entities to select. SR144158SR148677
CONVTOSOLID We have improved the command to better handle certain cases that previously resulted in the error "Attempting to stitch coincident faces is not allowed". SR132902
CopyGuided We fixed a situation where CopyGuided improperly copied entities outside of the selection set. #greedy SR149302
CORRIDOR In some cases, the Corridor materials were draped incorrectly when exported to Twinmotion. This is now fixed.
CROPSOLID Transformations applied to the Point Cloud are followed by the crop solids.
CUI Themed tool icons included in a .resz resource file worked properly only when filenames were all lower case. Mixed case filenames are now working correctly as well. SR152440 We fixed a DIESEL expression error that occurred in a custom tool when opening the File menu in zero document state. SR150662
DataLink Dialogs Fixed datalink Manager and Edit dialogs issues (exceptions, unavailable preview). Fixed an issue where 'Use Excel formatting' option was always treated as turned on. SR104079 SR136589 SR146762 Removed erroneous "Invalid name" message that appeared when canceling adding a datalink. SR134413
DATALINKUPDATE Fixed the bug in DATALINKUPDATE for BIM Schedules. SR150880
Degenerate Geometry Error Fixed an issue to avoid a degenerate geometry error when hovering over some entities while a command is active and "Intersection" or "Apparent Intersection" ESNAP is enabled. SR144174
DGN Import Fixed an issue where BricsCAD failed to import .dgn files containing 3D objects. SR130969 SR132741
Dialogs Fixed an issue where themed WxWidgets based dialog boxes were misbehaving when Windows color settings changed. SR145256 SR136344 SR151195
DIM It is now possible to use snap overrides in the DIM command. SR150543
Dim Constraints Fixed the name display for 2D dimensional constraints on localized versions. SR153281
DIMCONTINUE Improved processing of dimension style overrides by the DIMCONTINUE command. SR151221
Dimension Style Editor The text descriptions for DIMAZIN property are now correctly displayed. SR143941 An issue was discovered and fixed where the dimension style combo box was not visible when it was using the following ID:"AcDimensionStyleGallery". SR144130
Dimensions Fixed: correctly applied child dimstyle values while creating dimensions. SR147016 Fixed: recomputation of scale factors of associated dimensions. SR147764
Document Tabs The WNEXT/WPREV commands and related shortcuts now cycle through open documents in document tab order. SR104180 SR147685
Drawing Explorer BricsCAD no longer freezes when Drawing Explorer is opened in drawings containing large number of assets. SR143899
Drawing BricsCAD no longer crashes when a particular AECCDbAssembly object is loaded. SR123570
DWGCOMPARE Fixed an issue that caused the DWGCOMPARE command to incorrectly handle block references.
DWGHEALTH We fixed a bug in the commandline-only version of DWGHEALTH where it was not possible to enter a routine name containing spaces.
DXFOUT, DXFIN The DXFIN and DXFOUT commands no longer fail on Mechanical objects and entities. SR149586 SR150473 SR131291 SR132676 SR133974 SR134532 SR132516 SR134073 SR135687 SR139414 SR140954 SR141297 SR143569 SR151457 SR151573 SR132845
Dynamic Blocks Fixed: Changing user parameter values changed values in the original block definition, instead of the anonymous block definition. Improved processing of user parameters in dynamic blocks. Object property fields referring to attribute definitions of dynamic blocks are now correctly evaluated based on corresponding block reference's attributes. SR139024 SR145470
DYNAMIC INPUT We fixed a scenario where dynamic input returned incorrect diameter values. SR144378
Elevation Hatches Elevation hatches are now being created properly for some elements with more complicated geometry. SR119507 SR144065
EXPORTLAYOUT Fixed scales for clipped annotative blocks. SR114214 SR121911 Fixed: export of block references clipped with spatial clipping boundary (XCLIP command). SR137049
ExpressTools Fixed SSX command that was not working as intended. Improved NCOPY command to preserve the active OSNAP setting. SR153125
FIELD Fields whose cached data format differs from the format specification in the field code are now displayed using the cached format. This change improves compatibility with other platforms. SR148541
Field Dialog Double-clicking on a tree node arrow indicator no longer immediately reopens a node after closing it (or vice versa).
Fields Fields that reference certain properties like Area and Volume which require a long time to calculate are now evaluated correctly when field values are updated. Fixed copy-paste of formula fields with nested ones. SR144538
FILLET Fixed command to not change the radius of a polyline's arc segment. SR133934 SR138374 SR139738
FIND The "Replace all" option in the dialog box now works for all the strings in the find history, not just for the last one. SR140306
Find and Replace dialog "Zoom to" button now works for invisible block attributes (when ATTMODE=2). SR146463 SR132490
Flatshot Dialog The mnemonic set to accept the dialog box is changed from "C" to "R", so on Windows ALT+R now accepts the dialog. It is thus now possible to accept (ALT+R) and close (ALT+C) the dialog using the keyboard. SR149365
FLIPLINE/PARAMETRICTSTRETCH We added an appropriate warning message when trying to create a flip line or stretch parameter with an invalid name.
General Improvements Fixed a bug where key pressing may be ignored while picking points in the model space. SR145970
GIS Import It is now possible to import geometry data from a .shp file without the associated .shx (index of feature geometry) and .dbf (attribute information) files. SR151034
Grips Grip attraction has been fixed for SNAPTYPE=0 with SNAPMODE=ON, and SNAPTYPE=2 cases.
Guided Insert We fixed a specific situation where, when trying to insert a 2D Parametric Block with reference curves, valid guide curves could not be acquired. SR139533
HATCH Fixed creation of hatches using COM API. SR116534
HATCHEDITEXT In certain cases, converting an edge to an arc failed when the hatch had no arc edges to begin with. This has been fixed. SR152970
Help Window Prevented the Help window from locking up BricsCAD when the Tips panel has been opened in the BricsCAD session. The Help window is now opened as a separate process. SR140209
IFC Import IFC Space representation color and transparency are now imported. We fixed an issue where inconsistent colour information in an IFC file resulted in the IFC file not being imported.
IMAGEATTACH The FILEDIA system variable now affects only the image file prompt, enabling the command options to be set in the dialog even when FILEDIA is set to zero. SR150122
IMPORT Fixed an error when converting an imported mesh to a solid or surface. SR140866 Fixed import problem of some models on Linux. SR132885 SR148076
INSERT Displaying of block unit in INSERT dialog was fixed. SR152066 SR153027 SR152220 SR152849 Fixed a problem where scaling was ignored if both insertion point and scale were specified in the command's dialog. SR151908 SR152068 The command now correctly supports canceling the insertion of a block. SR152699
INSERT/BMINSERT Improved performance of insertion of a component with custom properties by INSERT or BMINSERT commands so that BricsCAD does not freeze. SR142379
Interior Elevation Interior elevations can now be generated for manually created spaces. SR132535 SR142516 SR149782
Intersection Snap For V23 the Linux build system was upgraded. A compiler bug of the new system broke the intersection snap functionality. This is now fixed. SR145221 SR146545 SR147982 SR149770 SR150029 SR150382 SR150482 SR150538 SR151092 SR151185 SR151181 SR151842 SR153648 SR153964 SR153962
Invalid Index Error Fixed "Invalid Index" error when hovering over a Spline and a Mleader, while a command is active and "Intersection" or "Apparent Intersection" ESNAP is enabled. SR145791
JOIN "Close" option is now highlighted and active on localized versions. SR147015
LANDXMLEXPORT Time data type is saved in correct format. SR146725
Layer Properties Filter Fixed an issue where the Color property in Layer Filter properties grid couldn't be erased. SR154075
Layers Panel (legacy) The "search layers", "layer states", "layer filters" Layer Settings options in the legacy Layers panel are stored/read again on application restart. SR149216
Layers Panel Active filter on Layers panel is now saved when hiding the panel. SR149045 Fix: The layer state combo box current index is now updating when the selected layer state is changed externally. Fixed an issue where clicking a Layers panel button (e.g., freeze) could activate a button from a different column. Linetypes from an xref are displayed correctly in the Layers panel. SR148219 The "All Used Layers" filter now always works, even if "Indicate layers in use" is not switched on. Fixed an issue where closing the last drawing, when the Layers panel had been open for that drawing (but was no longer open at the time of closing), would cause BricsCAD to crash. SR152796
Layers Layers are now integer sorted in the Ribbon Layer Control, Quad Rollover Tips and Properties panel. SR140549
Layout Manager Fixed: publishing filtered list of layouts. SR146373
Library panel Library panel options are now saved properly. SR150883SR151937 ISO and DIN folders now are correctly displayed in the panel. SR144619 SR151635
Line Type Dialog The line type dialog now responds to Ctrl+A/ESC to modify the selection. Arrow up/down to move the selection also work. The current selection can also be accessed by pressing ENTER.
LINETYPE Fixed bug: xclipped block containing region with dashed linetype incorectly displayed in 2dWireframe. SR145757 .LIN files are now successfully loaded in the "Load Linetypes" dialog on localized versions. SR150874 SR150850 SR153233 SR153179 Fixed a bug when displaying SHX text containing only hyphens or dashes. SR150828 Fixed BricsCAD freezing during opening of a file with entities with scaled linetypes. SR144893
MANAGEUSAGEDATA Fixed an issue related to Anonymous login.
Mass Properties Fixed: parallel computation of mass properties and BIM properties. SR136838 SR138724 SR139193
Mechanical Browser Mechanical browser now correctly updates its content when the user switches from a layout to the model space. SR140746 Bend tables can now be properly changed in the German version of BricsCAD. SR149306 Fixed the context menu commands on localized versions. SR151454
Memory We increased the amount of reclaimed system memory after opening and closing many drawings using a 3D visual style. SR149617 We fixed some memory leaks that occurred in the ACIS modeler, during the shutdown of a BricsCAD session.
Menu The "Login" menu item of the File menu is now working correctly while on the Start page. SR153000 SR154231
MTEXT - applied the selected Textstyle height to created Mtext,- set the selected Textstyle as active in the current database. SR143993 Fixed undesirable MText shift after saving/re-opening. SR141253 SR151223 We improved the line wrapping for MText containing tabulations. SR151887
MText In-place Editor Fixed: a crash at the activation of in-place MText editor after block insertion with drag-n-drop from Contents browser. The same fix is applied to Table editor as well. SR144862
MVSETUP Improved system variables update (LUNITS, LIMMIN and LIMMAX) after processing MVSETUP for modelspace. SR104764 SR145082
Nearest Distance Dimension Avoided display of Nearest Display Dimensions after switching to another drawing.
NEW/QNEW A new drawing is no longer marked as modified immediately after it is created.
Notifications Fixed a bug where notifications were not properly scaled on high resolution monitors. SR149812
OLE Frame Fixed an issue where OLE Frame is pasted upside down. SR150577
OPM A newly registered OPM extension's no-selection properties are now displayed properly immediately after a different extension was unregistered. SR145220 We've optimized a case where a COM dynamic property page is specified as IID_NULL, and a very large selection set of of entities with such properties are displayed in the properties panel. SR147265
OPTIMIZE We fixed a bug where it was possible to specify zero as tolerance value. Aligning almost collinear lines is now a separate option. Now the message about flattening entities only shows when there are entities that need to be flattened.
ORTHO Fixed possible flickering during creating a line when ORTHO mode is on. SR148919
OVERKILL Fixed command to delete duplicated polylines even if "Optimize segments within polylines" is not checked. SR142451 SR142487
Parameters Now it is no longer possible to create duplicate names for parameters/dimensions/constraints, regardless of the used text case.
PBLOCKASSIST It is possible to construct parametric blocks from dynamic blocks with history-dependent actions. The history of this dynamic block will be lost during the conversion. A user is given a warning about the possible different look of converted block references. PBLOCKASSIST command now supports conversion for move actions with increment around midpoint. We fixed a bug where the command provided an invalid default path ending with the ';' character. SR149441 A problem with a difference between the block definition units and the drawing units in the active space, has been resolved. This leads to correct conversion of a specific example of a dynamic block with a lookup parameter to a parametric block with a design table. Fixed a crash for dynamic blocks with array actions defined before visibility states. SR153079 The application no longer crashes when calling the command on a file containing an unused move action. SR153339
PDF Export/Print Fixed: turned transparency off in the PDF/A-1B archiving mode. SR148481 SR150240
PDF Export Fixed: reduced large output file size, due to clipped-out text. SR146271
PDFExport/PrintAsPdf Fixed: compatibility with PDFA-1b/2b for PDF resources. SR131225 SR146559
PEDIT, SPLINEDIT Fixed commands to correctly convert a closed spline with fit points to a polyline. SR136365 SR137577
PEDIT Fixed to support polygonal viewports created by MVIEW command. SR135473
PEDITEXT Selecting a 3D polyline segment to delete now correctly removes the segment vertex nearest to the pick point. SR152074
Plot Style Table Editor Fixed an issue where some CTB files looked empty (without plot styles entries) in BricsCAD. SR140892 SR152370
Plotter Configuration Editor Application Custom Paper Sizes dialog for "Print As PDF" was greyed out when called from the .pc3 editor application. Now it follows BricsCAD's COLORTHEME setting. SR141931 SR150545 SR137728
POINTCLOUDCOLORMAP The command's options can now be accessed through the commandline for localized versions as well. SR150599
Point Clouds BricsCAD now provides better feedback on available disk space before and during preprocessing of pointclouds to avoid a possible crash when the disk is full. SR144765 Color information in exported PTS files is now correctly displayed. SR146575 Fix for the mutual transformations of the .rcs scan data with regard to the .rcp project data. SR141475 Fixed alignment problem when importing point cloud data in RCP format in BricsCAD. SR141475 Fixed issue with snapping to point cloud in perspective mode. SR119314 Regions saved in RCP files are now loaded correctly. SR148143 Programmatically accessing and assigning colormaps has been fixed. SR150599 SR152689
PRINT, PDFEXPORT Fixed plot stamp bugs: units conversion when printing, offset when PDF exporting.
PRINT Attached ECW images now print correctly to system printers. SR137837 SR148876 We fixed some specific scenarios where images were not being exported correctly when printing. SR151360 SR152120 SR153464
Properties Panel Quick select mode is now preserved when changing STACKPANELTYPE or other workspace properties that cause the workspace to be reconfigured. SR151196
Publish dialog The dialog can be accepted by pressing ENTER.
PUBLISH Fixed: Background publish didn't collate sheets if a drawing with imported page setup was opened first. SR133846 Selecting all sheets in the Publish dialog box by pressing CTRL+A has been re-enabled. SR149091
QSELECT Disabled Annotative scale property, which caused a crash on an attempt to show the dialog.
Qt Ribbon Chinese characters in Ribbon panel titles are now properly displayed. SR143394 Fixed the Mleader combo control, it now properly displays the Mleader names. SR148933 Implemented small horizontal toggle button with text. SR143394 The Qt Ribbon height update is now postponed until panel idle time, instead of on the next cycle of the event loop. SR143847 The right-hand panel in the Ribbon file menu in the light theme now has highlight colors. SR145204 The tooltips in split buttons are now updated when a new split button choice is activated. SR142476 Tuned Ribbon CUI and button heights to remove spurious vertical resizing on changing ribbon tabs. SR143534
Qt Sheet Tree The option to place view label blocks in the Qt Sheet tree now works. SR150345
Qt Table Edit When entering text in a text field in a Qt panel (e.g., Layers, Mechanical Browser), the text field focus is no longer lost when pressing the left/right buttons when the cursor is at the beginning/end of the text.
QUAD When hovering a Block attribute, the QUAD now displays the title "Attribute" instead of "Nested Attribute". When hovering over multi-line segments and other unsupported sub-entities, no QUAD is displayed. This fixes a problem where only the close button was displayed in such cases. SR145564 Tools using the QUAD filter OBJECT_ATTRIB for Block attributes are now shown when hovering over an attribute. SR151178 Fixed an issue with the Smart Insert tool button not being displayed in the QUAD. SR150666
RENDER The "render to viewport" option is removed, and the default option for the command is the "window" option.
RFA Import We fixed a bug where some sweep solids were not imported correctly. SR142575 We added an error message when importing an unsupported Family Type of an RFA. We fixed an issue that blocked certain RFA files from being imported successfully. SR142015
Ribbon Fixed the scaling of Ribbon buttons on 4k screen. Long Ribbon button labels are now displayed in a single line. SR143852 SR143852 The Qt Ribbon now properly handles multiple RibbonRowPanel instances inside of a RibbonPanel. SR143657 SR143902 The Mleaderstyle control is now available in the Leaders panel of the Annotate tab in the Modern layout. SR148767 SR151597 Split buttons in the Classic layout now remember the last used command. SR152674 SR153445 Ribbon transient popup's height is adjusted to the content, in case it not long enough to be properly scrolled. Split buttons now retain their icon when switching color themes. SR142480
Ribbon / CUI files Fixed the incorrect merging of the user's CUI file with the new one during BricsCAD installation, which caused RibbonPanelBreak elements to be missing. SR152613 SR152574 SR152658
Section Generation Section generation now works correctly when the flag "use section plane orientation" is enabled. SR135423
SECTIONPLANETOBLOCK Fixed problem leading to abnormally large size of files with sections created by SECTIONPLANETOBLOCK for SUBDMESH entities. SR120488
Selectable Dimensions Fixed selectable dimensions for DMRADIUS3D and DMANGLE3D. Fixed incorrect selectable dimension endpoints when updating a dimension. Fixed incorrect display of extents rectangle, as well.
Select Color Dialog In the Select Color dialog box, the color swatch no longer disappears when using ByEntity option. SR148019
Settings Fixed: restoration of the default color for variables with indexed colors.
Sheet Set Manager - Categories View Fixed a crash on closing or saving a sheet set with a newly added category view.
Sheet Set Manager Subset name editing in the sheet set tree now stops with clicking on another node. The 'Place Callout Block' option is added to the sheet view's Context menu. SR150212
Sheet Set Panel The name property in the panel's Details section now updates when changing a name in the sheets tree. The new Sheet Set panel no longer expands all nodes on adding a subset. Fixed an issue to prevent BricsCAD crashing when dropping a sheet or subset to the bottom of a sheet set.
SHX Fonts Improved specsymbols displaying for texts with non-unicode .shx fonts. SR76905
SMCONVERT Fixed a bug where SMCONVERT incorrectly recognized the thickness of a part with a thickness greater than its width. SR141490
SMEXPORTOSM Fixed SMEXPORTOSM fails that occurred when a large, lofted bend was adjacent to a regular bend. SR115352
SMSPLIT The options for "Split types" are now translatable. SR152803
SOLIDEDIT/BODY/SHELL Fixed error appearing when making a shell (by command SOLIDEDIT/BODY/SHELL) of a 3D solid, which was created by sweeping along a helix. SR116017
STORYBAR The Storybar now selects the correct solids for each floor.
STRETCH Fixed: compute correct stretch points for Ellipse entity and stretch by start/end angle points. SR88361 SR103598
Structure Tree Configuring the structure tree no longer corrupts the .cst file. SR135701 SR135734 SR136670 SR144610 SR145551
SWEEP Corrected sweeping along a non-planar path, in cases where the profile region intersects the path at the initial position. SR87145 Fixed a problem with sweeping along spline. SR116280 Fixed Sweep to NOT sweep a profile perpendicular to a path if the "Alignment" option is set to No. SR125947
Table/MText Fixed: hangup of Field dialog box on field insertion into Table or MText objects.
TABLE We improved compatibility with other platforms, by treating erroneous and empty cells as if they contained zero, when the cell reference is used as the left operand of a + or - operation in a cell formula. SR152982 Fixed regression: merged cell size is now updating properly when the adjacent merged cells exist. SR151479 SR152537 "Block color" property has been added in the Properties Panel. SR136549 Added properties in the Properties Panel of the "Contents" group, "Text" subcategory, when selecting a Table cell. SR130748 Improved the ability to work with nested fields/formulas in a Table. SR143601SR148035SR150915
TABLEDIT Custom table cell format is now preserved when editing a cell value. SR151525 MText formatting codes are now preserved when editing a table cell containing text with an embedded field. SR151649 Entity snap glyphs are no longer displayed after view changes while editing table cells. SR145758
TEXTEDIT An edited dimension value no longer disappears, when the text edit dialog is open while the current layer is turned off. SR150948
TINASSIGNIMAGE Assigning a very large raster to a TIN now displays a warning and offers a way to automatically create a reduced raster. SR121802
TIN Surface When editing 'Add point files' or 'Add point cloud definitions', the snapshot definition was not being rebuilt. Now it is rebuilt automatically if needed. The issue regarding the generation of an empty TIN Surface upon the selection of Civil Points has been resolved. SR148162 SR150377 The title of the "Select Surface File" dialog box is now displayed correctly on localized versions. SR151888
TIN Volume Surface Elevation Analysis of the TIN Volume Surface now works as expected. SR151942 SR152057 SR153328
UCS The UCS 'Entity' option is now working correctly when an attribute is provided programmatically to the entity selection prompt. SR152206
UI We fixed a bug where the ampersand character ('&') was not displayed in drop-down boxes.
Unloading Xrefs Fixed crash unloading Xrefs in a particular drawing if MTFLAGS 1 was on. SR144544
Usage Data Program If there is no internet connection, an error is now printed in the command line when BricsCAD tries and fails to connect to the Bricsys servers in the scope of the Usage Data Program. The login window does not pop up anymore in this case, since it won't be possible to log-in. SR126002 SR140172
VERSIONCONTROL Fixed the 'Help' button's functionality for "Create or Restore Version Control Project" dialog. SR137873
Version Control Panel The Compare panel now automatically zooms to the next result, after resolving a difference by choosing one of the versions.
VIEWBREAK Fixed an issue where deleting a Layout containing a Viewport with a VIEWBREAK led to a "Not opened for read" error and a crash. SR144423
VIEWLABEL Fixed an issue where the viewlabel was moved twice, if the viewport and viewlabel were both selected and moved.
VIEWSECTION When trying to set a section view to a broken view, the error text now contains a mention of the broken view. SR145442
VISIBILITYSTATES We fixed a bug where it was not possible to type visibility states with certain special characters, such as ", in the Command line. SR144354
Visibility States Panel We fixed a bug that occurred when making entities visible or invisible (using the pop-up menu in the panel) failed, when the state name contained double quotes ("). We fixed a bug where, in rare cases, unused 'look' variables would remain in the Parameters panel after removing entities from a visibility state.
Wayland Performance Issue Performance is now improved when drawing lines with dynamic input enabled. SR104128 SR136902 SR139546 SR147157 SR149022
10.2 2023
Verze 23.1.08
Zdokonalení Mračna bodů (ponecháno v angličtině)
Point Clouds Replaced automatic regeneration of cache when not finding the cache but finding the source files by giving choice to the user to change the cache folder/regenerate cache/just do nothing SR148244 SR151011
Opravy (ponecháno anglicky)
BLOCK dialog (QT version) Fixed some offset between the picked "Insert point" in the dialog box and the actual insertion point of the block reference. SR148734 SR148904 SR150965 SR152305
Command Line We fixed a bug that caused the new miniframe command line to shrink to a smaller width when a long command line prompt forced the prompt height to expand to multiple lines. SR151120 SR151440 SR152100 SR152132 SR151633
DWGCOMPARE The DWGCPOMPARE command is now back in working order after it was accidentally broken. SR143701 SR150716 SR150840 SR150855 SR151039 SR148824 SR152467
DWGHEALTH We fixed a bug where the wrong routine name was shown in the panel at the end of the command.
Formula Fields Fixed missing first opening bracket and last closing bracket in formula expression in some cases. SR148035
INSERT Scenario when INSERT dialog wasn't suggesting to user to redefine block was fixed. It was happening when a file already contained a block having the same name as the one being inserted, but with different cases of letters. SR152220 The ESC key is now correctly handled in while loop. SR150978 SR151439 SR151993
OLEFRAME On certain plotters, OLE objects were plotting with the wrong rotation in some modes. The problem has been corrected. SR150124 SR150154 SR150643 SR150868 SR152069 SR152555
ORTHOMODE Now ortho mode is taken into account when user inputs distance in dynamic dimension or command line during TK (temporary tracking points). SR138909 SR141171 SR143380 SR142208 SR151198
Parametric Blocks Drawing order of entities inside the block is now correctly maintained upon parameter changes. SR138539 SR148025 SR148316
ROTATE3D We fixed 'Base angle' option and restored the displaying of the default value. SR136206 SR143405 SR149205
Render Materials You are again redirected to the correct help page to download more render materials from within the Render Materials panel.
TEXT Changing the Annotative property of single line text no longer causes its size to change when the current annotative scale is different from 1:1. SR150990 SR151692
TINEDIT Fixed the behavior for the command options. SR146065 SR148848 SR149578 SR149187 SR149909 SR150208 SR150658 SR151293 SR151823 SR152131 SR152298 SR152399 SR151633
Wall Dimensions Fixed an issue where wall dimensions were being created twice for the same solid.Fixed an issue where wall dimensions weren't being cleared. SR144950 SR151975
21.12 2022
Verze 23.1.07
Zdokonalení v BricsCAD
Odstavcový editor Stav tlačítek spin mapován na "výchozí stav" příznak nastavení v dialogovém okně mezery odstavců. SR147323
Pás karet Duplikát tlačítka Nastavení stránky na kartě Výstup na pásu karet byl ve všech klasických pracovních prostorech odstraněn. SR135668SR147939 Název duplicitního panelu "Pohledy" kartě Pohled moderního pásu karet byl přejmenován na "Rozvržení".
Nastavení Systémové nastavení "VytvořitModelsPrvky" se již neukládá v pracovních prostorech, ale nyní je k dispozici jako přepínač MenuMakro.
Panel Tipy Ikona povrchu TIN v panelu Tipy je nyní zobrazena správně.
Zdokonalení BIM (ponecháno v angličtině)
BIMTAG Fixed _DoorTypeStyleMax mleader style, now it correctly displays "Overall width x Overall height". SR148189
Project Browser 'Sheet Custom Properties' in the Info tab has been renamed to 'Default Sheet Custom Properties'. SR144852
Opravy (ponecháno anglicky)
BIMQUICKWALL Dynamic dimensions were missing when running BIMQUICKWALL on top of a 2D plan. SR148012
BIMSECTIONUPDATE Grid callouts are now generated with correct values in localized versions. SR148408 SR143444
BIMTAG Fix: it is now possible to specify Array properties in BIMTAG attribute. SR136174
DATALINK Fixed attaching datalink to a range of cells. SR126873
Dimensions Styles Fixed: detection of 'overrides' dimstyle in localized BricsCAD versions. SR149961 SR149978
EXPORTLAYOUT Fixed an issue where dimensions appear moved on a layout created with EXPORTLAYOUT command. SR141766 SR145197 Fixed the command to correctly export a Layout that contains a Viewport with a partially visible external Block reference. SR139634 SR141766 Fixed to not miss entities when some parts of their geometry coincide with the viewport boundary. SR147017
ExpressTools Fixed MOVEBAK implementation, root folders are now accepted, and .bak files are correctly moved to the defined folder. SR148760 SR150040 SR150256 Fixed a problem where starting ARCTEXT command under Lite license was triggering a message that a Pro license is required. Now the ARCTEXT command starts the command line version under active Lite license. SR149082
EXTRUDE The message "Extrude direction is parallel to plane of profile" is no longer redundantly shown during extrusion. SR149803
FONTS Improved displaying of texts which default font doesn't allow to display all the characters. SR134457 SR139956 SR138178
IFC Export Exported block instances are now properly handled during IFC export in unusual scenarios involving active third party drawable overrules. SR148368 The latitude and longitude of the geographic location is now exported correctly. SR146841
INSERT/IMPORT Fixed a bug where inserting a mechanical document with explode option enabled lead to crash. SR143761
INSERT In a specific scenario, INSERT command now takes into account the UCS. SR149725 We fixed an error that resulted in an invisible attribute after inserting an unusual annotative block. SR148973
INSERTGUIDED We fixed a bug where inserting a block with reference lines from library was not guided. SR142197
Layers Panel Fixed an issue to prevent possible crash when closing a drawing when the layers panel is open.
MANIPULATE Fixed a potential crash scenario that could occur when manipulating a third-party custom component. This is a second attempt to fix the problem, after the first attempt proved incomplete. SR140541 SR139846 SR139723
MTEXT Improved displaying Korean text. SR138178 SR139020 SR146963
PASTECLIP We fixed an unusual case where pasting a copied annotative text entity caused it to become invisible due to lost annotation scale. SR149287 SR149447 SR150043
PLOTSTYLE There are no longer unwanted changes to plot style colors when saving with a black color. SR148619 SR148660 SR149036 SR149203 SR149824
RPM Package Installing the RPM package on Fedora/RedHat no longer produces a permission error. SR99801 SR100497 SR102085 SR102117 SR104123 SR104734 SR120446 SR121157 SR126539 SR126834 SR125539 SR127123 SR125540 SR127751 SR128231 SR128659 SR129972 SR130051 SR130542 SR130992 SR132885 SR134636 SR146970
RTEXT A V22 fix for RTEXT with DIESEL expressions was accidentally omitted from V23, causing the original V22 problem to return. The V22 fix is now included in V23 as well. SR149821 SR150554
Section Generation Implemented field evaluation for properties with 'Misc' category. SR136174
Selection Lasso The selection lasso in 3D model views now also cancels out when overlapping itself, as it does in 2D model view.
SMUNFOLD The command is now working correctly on the Italian version. SR148170 SR148582
Tips Panel The word "Advanced" has been corrected in the Tips panel. SR148770
Top View Modeling Fixed a crash occurring when hovering over the exit button while inserting a door in top view modeling.
28.11 2022
Verze 23.1.06
Zdokonalení v BricsCAD
Boolean Operations It is now possible to interrupt commands UNION, SUBTRACT, INTERSECT, INTERFERE, MASSPROP and calculation of mass properties and UCS elevation in the Properties Panel by pressing Cancel when they take too long. SR118707
HATCH Background hatch color is correctly applied with HatchDialog->'Inherit properties' option. SR146008
REVCLOUD Extended "RevcloudProps" data is added to polylines created by the REVCLOUD command. SR135154
SPLINE Modified the SPLINE command to not enter start/end tangents at the end of the command. Now entering of start/end tangents are options of the command. SR137608
Opravy (ponecháno anglicky)
AI Assist Fixed the functionality for "Join Usage Data Program" tool. SR148384 Fixed the untranslated strings in the ribbon tab. SR147571SR145117SR147820
BIMCLASSIFY Entities can now be converted to a block when classifying as a type under "Other Types (beta)"
BIMGENERATE2DSTAIR Fixed an issue where no 2D stair representation would be generated in some translated versions of BricsCAD. SR148297
BIMREASSOCIATE Fixed an issue where BIMREASSOCIATE was ignoring opening tags.
BMLINK Fixed the untranslated strings used in the command. SR147657
CUI files Items which have the same name and parent node are now correctly displayed separately in Smartling. SR147372 SR148021
Civil - Point File Formats dialogs The dialog titles are now localized. SR145918SR145920
Civil Palette Added localization support for the "Civil" palette. SR147919 SR147774
DIMSTYLE Fixed the untranslated record in the "Dimension Styles" explorer tab. SR145058
DWGHEALTH Predefined Drawing Health routines are now included in the installer.
EXPORT Fixed exporting product structure to Parasolid files. SR142109
EXTRUDE Fixed the behavior of the command options in localized versions. SR148352 SR148271 SR148396 SR148302 SR148865
Editable Dimensions Dynamic Input Fix: avoided automatic recomputation of dimension value on pressing Shift while editing the value manually. SR143106
Entity Grouping Fixed the remaining untranslated strings. SR145318
FBXEXPORT/INSERT/CIVILPOINT/BIMQUICKBUILDING/COPYGUIDED Added localization support for the remaining untranslated command messages. SR148608
FONTS Improved font selection in Drawing Explorer->TextStyle view for custom fonts and for fonts from true-type collections. SR146200
GISIMPORT Fixed the import functionality on localized versions. SR145336 The column titles from GISIMPORT dialog (properties table) are now localized. SR145337
INSERT The options from Advanced settings are now localized. SR146301 In the new Qt-based INSERT dialog, a block can now be selected by typing its name. This matches the behavior of the previous wxWidgets-based INSERT dialog. SR148266 SR148331 SR148502 SR148402 We fixed a bug that caused incorrect scale to be applied after command line entry of individual X/Y/Z scales. SR148946 SR148979 SR149046
INSERTLAYOUT Fixed the untranslated warning message displayed when running the command. SR147937
Improvement for BOM in BIM workflow Improvement for BOM in BIM workflow when dragging and dropping a BOM file from the Project Browser on a sheet.
LandXML Import A check has been implemented for surfaces with empty Definition. Importing of surfaces defined by Breaklines and Boundaries has been implemented as well. SR141467
MATERIALS Fixed transparency in transparency maps. SR148039
MLEADER Improved the position of the mleader's multiple line block attribute. SR37016
MSLIDE Fixed: The MSLIDE command could create slides with the wrong color if the object used an RGB color instead of index color.
MTEXT Starting the MTEXT command from a menu macro again starts the dialog instead of prompting at the command line. SR148473
Mechanical browser It was made possible to change custom properties of integer type using the Mechanical Browser. SR146811SR149032
OSNAP TO AEC OBJECTS Fixed a crash when esnapping to AECDrawMvBlockRef objects. SR147742
POINTCLOUD Point clouds are now printed, as expected. SR148575
POINTCLOUDDETECTFLOORS We added support for UCS. SR146931
Polyline Display Fixed to correctly display a polyline's clockwise arc segments with non-zero widths and when a polyline's linetype differs from continuous (e.g., dashed). SR135876 SR144929
Project Sheetset Name On creation of a new project, the sheetset name and sheetset project name is set to the name of the project. When changing the name of the project in the Project Browser, the sheetset name and sheetset project name are updated.
Project browser Fixed untranslated "Auto background updating" string in the panel. SR145911
SETTINGS Opening the Settings dialog box in a new drawing no longer modifies the drawing.
Smart Insert Corrected the description text for Smart/Insert/Connect components in the quad. SR148022
Structure Browser It is now possible to use value definitions when configuring the structure tree. SR136298
TABLE Fixed regression: DbTable is not updated on the screen after RegenerateTableSuppressed was set to false. SR147935 Fixed an issue where some items in the combo box could not be selected in the "Insert block into cell" dialog. SR136549 Fixes a problem when scaling a table with only 1 or 2 rows - the scaling operation was interrupted with "Invalid input". SR148077
TABLEDIT Toolbar icons for cell merge and unmerge were switched. They are now corrected. SR148406
Top View Modeling The flip functionality while inserting a window or door in Top View Modeling mode now works as expected.
Usage Data Program An internal encoding issue is resolved to make sure string data is always sent correctly.
VBA Projects Internal recovery of corrupted VBA projects on load. SR103511SR138192SR138331SR147330
Visibility States Panel We fixed a bug where the panel would be empty if opened immediately after starting the application.
31.10 2022
Verze 23.1.05
Zdokonalení BricsCAD Core
Widgety 3D vazeb Widgety 3D vazeb zobrazují odpovídající hodnoty vazeb: DMRADIUS3D (pro argument kružnice, koule, válce a anuloidu) a DMANGLE3D (pro argument kužele).
AI Asistent Do pásu karet přidána nová karta "AI Asistent", která obsahuje návrhy přizpůsobených příkazů na základě vašeho použití BricsCAD. Karta AI Asistent obsahuje 3 různé typy návrhů: další relevantní příkazy, osobní příkazy a další příkazy. Panel "Další relevantní" panel návrhů příkazů obsahuje nová doporučení příkazů založená na použití příkazů uživatele. Panel "Osobní" návrhů příkazů obsahuje další důležité příkazy v pracovním postupu návrhu uživatele. Panel "Další návrhy příkazů" návrhů příkazů jsou doporučené příkazy založené na aktuálně provedeném příkazu. Panel "Další návrhy příkazů" bude vždy obsahovat návrhy, ještě předtím, než uživatel provede svůj první příkaz. #magic
Editor animací V editoru animací je nyní podporován efekt Slunce. Můžete také vytvořit speciální parametry a propojit je s azimutem a nadmořskou výškou slunce podle názvu.
USPOŘÁDAT Do příkazu USPOŘÁDAT (_ARRANGE) byl přidán příkazový panel, který prezentuje různé možnosti uspořádání vizuálnějším způsobem. Ikona nástroje pro příkaz USPOŘÁDAT byla přidána do panelů pásu karet různých pracovních prostorů, Quad, panelu nástrojů Upravit a do panelu nabídek. V modelovém prostoru během provádění příkazu USPOŘÁDAT, byly přidány přetahovatelné widgety, které upravují uspořádání (tj. zarovnání/distribuci) poloh. Polohu vybraných entit v určeném směru (X, Y nebo Z) a typ uspořádání (tj. zarovnat nebo distribuovat) lze nyní změnit z příkazového panelu USPOŘÁDAT nebo přes rozhraní příkazového řádku.
DETEKOVATPOLE Nový příkaz DETEKOVATPOLE poskytuje funkcionalitu detekce pole, která byla dříve v příkazu NABLOKY.
ATRIBUTY Atributy vztahující se k vlastnostem entit patřících k parametrickému bloku lze nyní po změně parametrů správně regenerovat. SR100115SR120514
BCLOSE Udělali jsme malé zlepšení tím, že příkaz BCLOSE se nyní opakovaně spustí jako BEDIT. SR136414
Dialog Upravit blok Dialog Upravit blok příkazu BEDIT byl převeden na Qt.
NABLOKY Přidali jsme příkazový panel, kde můžete upravit nastavení a zobrazit výsledky pro Stejná tělesa a Porovnat existující bloky. Vedle příkazového panelu jsme převzali zelené značky zaškrtnutí a červené značky kříže z příkazu BIMŠÍŘIT (v BricsCAD BIM). Nyní máte neomezenou kontrolu nad tím, která tělesa převést na bloky, a které ponechat původní. Kromě přepínání jednotlivých widgetů můžete použít metodu výběru oknem k přepnutí více přepínačů najednou. SR103403 Z příkazu NABLOKY byla odstraněna funkce rozpoznávání stejných vzorů, protože je nyní k dispozici v samostatném příkazu: DETEKOVATPOLE .
Booleovské prvky založené na bloku a komponentách 3D vazby a asociativní kóty v generovaných výkresech, které jsou připojeny ke geometrii prvků 3D těles založených na logice, jsou nyní správně zachovány při změně parametru. SR90049SR89640SR89644SR103884SR120496 Výpočet 3D parametrických objemových modelů, které zahrnují simultánní 3D vazby, logické prvky a pole, byl přepracován. Mnoho případů, které se dříve nepodařilo aktualizovat, je nyní přepočítáno správně díky opravené sekvenci operací aplikovaných interně na 3D tělesa. SR96257SR99757SR100024SR132738SR121426SR124421SR140204
BricsCAD program Diagnostika & využití dat Zobrazované dialogy, které uživateli nabízejí možnost připojit se (nebo odmítnout) do programu BricsCAD Diagnostika & využití dat byly sloučeny a zjednodušeny. Zpětná vazba uživatelů v přihlašovacím dialogu byla vylepšena.
ZKONTROLOVATAKTUALIZACE Představen nový příkaz _CHECKFORUPDATES. Zobrazí informace o aktuální nainstalované verzi, nejnovější dostupné verzi a umožňuje přejít na stránku ke stažení. SR125359
Dialog Barva Hodnoty RGB a HSL na listu True Color jsou nyní automaticky vybrány při nastavení fokusu.
Panely příkazů U panelů příkazů plné výšky se neprovádí žádná změna velikosti oblasti modelového prostoru (protože to bylo velmi nepříjemné při načtených objemných výkresech). Výchozí umístění, kde se objeví panely příkazů, je vylepšeno. Nejlépe se zobrazují na rozšířeném, neprázdném panelu.
PŘIPOJIT Přidán nový nástroj pro jednoduché připojení koplanárních 2D křivek. Nástroj PŘIPOJIT nemění základní geometrickou definici vstupních prvků oblouku. Změní pouze počáteční anebo koncové body pro umožnění připojení. Pokud je to možné, jsou nyní připojované vstupní křivky spojeny do křivky.
Dialogy převedené na Qt Následující dialogy byly převedeny na nový typ uživatelského rozhraní:* dlgCopyToLayer* dlgHyperlink* dlgNewSheet* dlgPublish* dlgLoadLineTypes* dlgGroup* dlgGroupReorder* dlgGroupList* dlgGroupHighlight* dlgGroupContinue* dlgImportSheetSet* dlgCreateSheetSelection* dlgSheetSelections
CHYTRÁKOPIE3D Byly přidány dynamické kóty, které pomáhají při umisťování entit detailu. SR129806 Vedle kopírování entit (tělesa, bloky...), nyní příkaz CHYTRÁKOPIE3D plně podporuje kopírování sad ploch ("subentit"), což dokazuje sílu jedinečného přímého modelování BricsCAD.
Dialog Kopírovat do vrstvy Dialog byl převeden na Qt.
CRS Zavedeny souřadnicové referenční systémy pro Portugalsko: 4207, 5018, 20790, 27492, 27493. SR134451SR140284
CUI Soubor 'default.cui' byl nahrazen 3 novými "standardními" cui soubory (modern, classic-ribbon and classic-toolbars), aby se přizpůsobily více možnostem rozložení uživatelského rozhraní. V nové instalaci je soubor Classic-ribbon.cui jako výchozíí. Když se objeví porušený .cui soubor, tak výzva umožňuje obnovení z poslední zálohy. Vytvořili jsme dva nové pracovní prostory: Civil a Kompletní, abychom vám poskytli nástroje, které potřebujete pro vaši práci. Rozvržení panelů bylo vylepšeno a standardizováno ve všech pracovních prostorech. Staré pracovní prostory byly přejmenovány na "Classic" a stále také máte přístup ke starým rozvržením pásu karet v těchto pracovních prostorech. Příkazy spuštěny z makra nabídky, které jsou nyní výchozí pro výzvu k zadání na příkazovém řádku namísto zobrazení dialogu. SR138035SR137945 Malé trojúhelníky (používané pro rozbalení/sbalení v ovládacím prvku stromu) již nedodržují barevný motiv OS. SR99484
DEPARAMETRIZACE Přidán nový nástroj DEPARAMETRIZACE, který vyčistí parametrický nebo dynamický blok od všech jeho "parametrů". Výsledný blok se stává normálním statickým blokem. Nástroj pracuje buď s referenci jednoho bloku nebo sadou referencí bloku. Jsou pro ně vytvořeny nové (statické) definice bloků.
Přepsání kót Kóty s přepsaným textem kóty lze podtrhnout pomocí systémové proměnné MARKDIMOVR bez úpravy databáze výkresů. Přepsané hodnoty kót lze nyní v případě potřeby automaticky podtrhnout. SR102744
Kóty Umožňuje uživatelům vybrat Šipky/Texty kóty a použít tyto subentity pro příkazy Quad.
DIMMARKTYPE Vytvořeno nastavení DIMMARKTYPE jako systémová proměnná BricsCAD. Systémová proměnná DIMMARKTYPE je rozšířena o použití přeškrtnutí a podtržení.
KÓTYPŘIPOJIT Implementovali jsme podporu pro automatické aktualizace chování asociativních zalomených kót. SR140048
DIMSPACE Přidali jsme příkaz DIMSPACE, který upravuje vzdálenost mezi lineárními kótami nebo úhlovými kótami. SR131721SR115925SR126615SR35967SR84734SR94761SR98705SR133444SR134195SR140544SR141665
Výkon zobrazení Pro práci na velkých výkresech jsme zlepšili výkon 3D zobrazení. SR118110 Vylepšený výkon překreslování a přiblížení a oddálení ve 2D drátovém režimu pro výkresy s velkým počtem vnořených bloků. SR113600SR113412SR114190SR113814SR113670 Potlačeno blikání existujícího výběru při přidání nové entity do sady výběru uzlů. Vylepšený výkon zvýraznění / odstranění zvýraznění velkých sad entit v režimech 3D zobrazení. SR94411SR91326
VZD První výzva příkazu VZD je nyní výchozí hodnotou LASTPOINT. SR143470
DMAUDIT Byl přidán příkazový panel DMAUDIT, což usnadňuje změnu nastavení příkazu. Změna výběru entity, nastavení režimu (oprava nebo kontrola) a zadání názvu výstupního souboru ADT jsou nyní volitelné.
Správce obnovení výkresu Tento nový panel zobrazuje seznam výkresových souborů, které lze obnovit po selhání programu nebo systému. Příkazy OPRAVITVÝKRES a DRAWINGRECOVERYHIDE zobrazí/skryjí tento panel. SR98736SR101407SR126729SR133620SR138606SR140538SR141194
DWGCOMPARE Příkaz DWGCompare nyní používá vyhrazený panel, který vám pomůže snadno porovnat obsah dvou .dwg souborů. Legenda umožňuje nastavit barvy, ve kterých jsou zobrazeny nové, odstraněné a upravené entity. Na kartě Výsledky můžete procházet všechny zjištěné rozdíly. Zobrazuje dvě miniatury: první zobrazuje vybrané rozdíly v aktuálním výkresu a druhá zobrazuje objekty z porovnávajícího výkresu. Můžete okamžitě přiblížit umístění vybraného objektu v modelu.
DWGHEALTH Nový příkaz DWGHEALTH kombinuje funkce několika samostatných příkazů BricsCADu, které mohou pomoci zlepšit celkovou velikost a přesnost výkresu, např.: DIAG, ZJEDNODUŠIT, NABLOKY a další. Toto je součást nástrojů firmy Epic, která poskytuje automatizované nástroje pro správu stavu kreslení v BricsCADu.
Dynamický blok Vylepšeno zobrazení dynamických bloků s vazbami. SR115513
Vylepšená nápověda Pokoušíte se zadávat příkazy z jiného CAD softwaru? BricsCAD nyní zobrazí tipy na příkazovém řádku pro alternativní příkazy a pracovní postupy dostupné v BricsCADu.
Vymazání asociativních šraf BricsCAD nyní odstraní asociativní šrafy ze seznamů reaktorů asociativních hraničních objektů ihned po odstranění šraf. SR98528
EXPORTPDF Přidána podpora razítka tisku při exportu do PDF: Tisk jako PDF.pc3, EXPORTPDF a PUBLIKOVAT. SR114544SR102368SR97700SR96069
Express Tools Verze Express Tools pro BricsCAD v anglickém jazyce jsou plně integrovány do V23. V současné době připravujeme Express Tools pro lokalizaci. Lokalizace bude zaváděna v budoucích aktualizacích.
Dialog pole Přidána podpora pro vytvoření/úpravu uživatelských vlastností dynamických bloků a referencí bloků. SR141359
FINDOUTLIERS Objekty umístěné na extrémních souřadnicích mohou být velmi nepříjemné; tyto objekty se obvykle těžko detekují. Dále se manipulace s pohledem stává opravdu těžkou, protože ta závisí na celkovém rozsahu výkresu. Nový příkaz FINDOUTLIERS si klade za cíl pomoci uživatelům při detekci těchto objektů na extrémních souřadnicích, a nabízí některé akce, jak se s nimi vypořádat. SR138970
FITPOLYLINE Při výběru libovolných mračen bodů a/nebo řezů příkaz nejprve vyzve k výběru přesně jednoho mračna bodů a řezu, je-li to nutné.
Dialogy GUI Opraveno: upravená poloha dialogu na obrazovce tak, aby byl levý horní roh viditelný, když uživatel přechází z různých konfigurací monitoru s různou velikostí nebo rozlišením. SR101130SR130182SR134365
HIGHLIGHT Textový řetězec v dialogovém okně Nastavení odkazující na systémovou proměnnou HIGHLIGHT byl opraven. Nyní uvádí, že hodnota systémové proměnné HILIGHLIGHT není uložena v aktuálním výkresu ani v systémovém registru, tj. je "pro relaci". SR142481
Viditelnost ikon Ikony příkazů KÓTYŘET a BOD byly přepracovány pro lepší viditelnost. SR140975
Dialog Importovat list Dialog importu sady listů byl portován do Qt.
VLOŽIT, BMINSERT Příkazy VLOŽIT a BMINSERT byly sjednoceny. Ve skutečnosti jsme rozšířili příkaz VLOŽIT přidáním funkce BMINSERT, pro použití na parametrických blocích/externích referencích. SR129144
Interface Settings Panel The Interface Settings panel, a new CUI control for V23, now includes a chooser for the "factory" CUI styles - modern ribbon, classic ribbon or classic toolbars.
Panel Vrstvy Ve výchozím nastavení jsou nyní zobrazeny sloupce Tisk, Nový výřez a Materiál.
Dialog Načíst typy čar Dialog "Načíst typy čar" založený na wxWidgets jsme nahradili implementací založenou na Qt. V dialogu není žádná funkční změna.
Přihlásit jako host Přihlášení jako host umožňuje uživatelům účastnit se programu BricsCAD Diagnostika & využití dat bez ověření uživatele. Datové a predikční modely jsou pak shromažďovány a uloženy pod anonymním identifikátorem specifickým pro instalaci uživatele BricsCAD - místo specifického pro uživatelský účet. Přihlášení pomocí uživatelských pověření má další výhodu synchronizace modelů predikce uživatele (pro automatické dokončování, karta pásu karet AI Assist) napříč různými instalacemi BricsCADu.
MODKAZ Atributy příkazu MODKAZ jsou nyní zobrazeny na panelu Vlastnosti.
Nové výchozí palety nástrojů Přidali jsme řadu nových, výchozích palet nástrojů, které vám pomohou rychleji se seznámit s jedinečnou sadou nástrojů BricsCAD.
Nový dialog Publikovat Dialog publikování byl převeden na Qt.
Dialog Nový list Dialog Vytvořit nový list byl převeden na Qt.
OPTIMALIZOVAT Byla vylepšena implementace pro zachování spojení úsečka-oblouk.
ODSTRANITPŘESAHY Při výběru možnosti Kombinovat duplicitní bloky můžete nyní zobrazit náhled skupin bloků a jejich referencí a vybrat, které z nich chcete zachovat.
Hranice parametrů Nyní je možné vynutit hodnotu parametru do zadaného intervalu. Pomocí panelů Prohlížeč Mechanical nebo Správce parametrů můžete určit dolní a horní hranici parametru. Pokud je parametr přiřazen ke geometrii řízené 3D vazbou, budou při přesunu geometrie s vazbou zohledněny její hranice. Příkaz DMCONSTRAINT3D má nyní novou možnost pro určení dolní a/nebo horní hranice hodnoty vazby. SR100751SR102841SR128253
Parametrické externí reference Externí reference se změněnými hodnotami parametrů jsou nyní aktualizovány při změně a opětovném načtení odpovídajícího externího souboru.
PARAMETRICNABLOKY Převrátit úsečky ve vstupním parametrickém bloku je nyní správně podporováno. Příkaz NABLOKY parametricky nyní podporuje také 2D parametrické bloky nebo sadu výběru 2D geometrie obsahující parametry a vazby. Nyní jsou podporovány také vazby 2D průměru a poloměru.
PARAMETRICBLOCKASSIST Vytvořena první (beta) verze PARAMETRICBLOCKASSIST nebo PBLOCKASSIST. Jedná se o převodník, který čte Dynamické bloky vytvořené v aplikaci AutoCAD a převádí je na parametrické bloky formátu BricsCAD. SR88751SR116520 Poměrně mnoho akcí dynamického bloku je již podporováno, například vyhledávací tabulky DBlock jsou převedeny na PBlock Design Tables. SR142692
-PDFPŘIPOJIT Výzva pro výběr souboru příkazu -PDFPŘIPOJIT je nyní řízena systémovou proměnnou FILEDIA a dialog podložení PDF je řízen pomocí CMDDIA. SR143428
TISK Přidán VODOZNAK pro tisk výstupu při použití licence BricsCAD Academic. SR105015 SR23279 SR38917 SR43596 SR98380
Dialog Publikovat klíč nyní funguje pro odstranění řádků v tabulce Seznam listů.
VYŘADIT Přidali jsme dialog, kde si můžete vybrat, které typy položek se mají z výkresu vyřadit. Verze pouze pro příkazový řádek je stále k dispozici příkazem -VYŘADIT. SR101336SR93161SR38993SR118886SR127151SR137572SR140930SR141812 Rozšířený příkaz pro podporu vnořeného čištění (vyřazení vnořených položek). SR39461SR42464SR76198SR77407SR115608SR128254SR129730SR142430
Qt Upgradován UI framework na Qt verzi 5.15.10.
QUAD Nástroje bez předpony podtržítka ve svých příkazových řetězcích jsou nyní podporovány a zobrazí se v řádku naposledy použitých položek Quad bez výběru. SR103308SR123853SR119639 Příkazy MĚŘIT, ID, UNISOLATEOBJECTS v Quad jsou nyní k dispozici pro více okolností, které pomáhají usnadnit rychlejší pracovní postupy.
Tipy při najetí Quad Vlastnosti entit v uzamčených vrstvách již nelze pomocí tipů při najetí Quad upravovat. SR140249SR83842 Vlastnosti bloku šipky kóty jsou nyní vždy plně viditelné v panelu tipů při najetí. SR138137
PÁS KARET Jsme v procesu zavádění nového designu pásu karet v BricsCADu. Nový framework pásu karet je založen na Qt, nahrazuje historické wxWidgety. Volbu pásu karet ("qt" vs "wxwidgets") lze ovládat pomocí systémové proměnné USENEWRIBBON, která je nastavena na "0" ve výchozím nastavení (použít "wxWidgets"). Pokud chcete sneakpeak, jak nové funkce framework změní nastavení USENEWRIBBON na 1. Abyste změnu provedli, budete muset ukončit a restartovat BricsCAD. Na pás karet byl přidán příkaz CHYTRÁKOPIE3D ve všech příslušných pracovních prostorech (tj. těch s pásem Modelování). SR143407 Značný počet příkazů byl přemístěn do modern.cui rozvržení Kreslení a modelování. Zejména manipulační příkazy: POSUN, OTOČIT, ZRCADLIT, KOPIE atd. Karta Výchozí pracovního prostoru Kreslení a modelování, která bude známá uživatelům přicházejícím z jiných CAD platforem. Nyní mají velké, rozevírací nabídky, které zobrazují všechny skryté příkazy jediným kliknutím. To šetří čas, protože není třeba pro příkaz hledat různá rozdělená tlačítka. Všechny panely byly nastaveny na dokovat namísto plovoucích nebo záložky, tím je zajištěno, že se příkazový panel bude konzistentně zobrazovat ve všech pracovních prostorech a všechny prvky USS budou jasně viditelné z nové instalace. Na ostatních kartách bylo dopředu přeneseno více příkazů a parametrické nástroje se vrátily na karty Modelování pro všechny pracovní prostory. SR143308SR143394SR144300 Pokud pás karet obsahuje více karet, než se vejde na lištu nabídek pásu karet, přetékající karty se skryjí a místo toho se zobrazí v rozevírací nabídce. SR101813
Výběr Byl implementován výběr lasem. Je k dispozici, když je proměnná PICKAUTO >= 4. Laso se aktivuje, když je levé tlačítko myši podrženo při pohybu myši. Režimy okno, křížení a ohrada lze přepínat stisknutím mezerníku. SR123070SR104020SR82059SR81307SR124269SR130472SR136157SR136269SR140971SR142147SR103617
Správce sady listů Přidali jsme možnost publikovat listy do PDF (nebo pomocí plotru na základě naposledy použitých předvoleb) přímo z panelu Správce sady listů. SR131575 Opraven problém, kdy se ve spodní části stromového seznamu objevil znovu uspořádaný list. SR115003SR145606
Panel Sada listů Byla přidána nová možnost nabídky stromu listů, která umožňuje uložit všechny listy patřící do sady listů. SR69272 Otevření panelu Sada listů Qt zavře starší panel a naopak. Importu rozvržení listů do sady listů bude zabráněno, pokud rozvržení již ukazuje na jinou sadu listů. SR115003 Seznam rozvržení lze nyní třídit před jejich importem do sady listů. Také více rozvržení může být zahrnut/vyloučeno v jedné operaci. SR140477SR115003 Panel sady listů nyní obsahuje rozbalovací nabídku se seznamem nedávno otevřených .dst souborů. Kliknutím na jeden z těchto souborů načtete jeho sadu listů do panelu. SR123717 Náhled vybraného rozvržení listu se zobrazí v dialogovém okně Vytvořit nové listy. Panel podrobnosti nyní obsahuje náhled listů.
Podpora SHP souborů Soubory ESRI SHP lze nyní importovat a exportovat pomocí příkazů GISIMPORT a GISEXPORT. SR102373
ZJEDNODUŠIT Byl přidán příkazový panel pro nastavení výběru příkazu Zjednodušit. Panel příkazů nabízí náhled, což usnadňuje nalezení správného nastavení. Možnost 'narovnat' byla odstraněna: křivky, které obsahují oblouky, nejsou nikdy zjednodušeny. Možnosti příkazového řádku byly změněny, takže bylo možné spustit příkaz bez nutnosti volit nastavení na příkazovém řádku.
Kontrola pravopisu Implementována funkce kontroly pravopisu "kontrolovat při psaní" pro vestavěný textový editor BricsCAD. SR88739SR95315SR90300SR82165SR86164SR93782SR94896SR117418SR101218SR119573SR128094SR128203SR130081SR129097SR134801SR134827SR141813SR128235SR127467
Vlastnosti povrchu Panel Vlastnosti nyní zobrazuje vlastnosti Izočar U a V pro entity povrchu.
Systémové proměnné Systémová proměnná MIRRHATCH je nyní zobrazena na příkazovému řádku a přidána do dialogu Nastavení. SR137672
Tabulky Výkon při úpravách velkých tabulek s uzly byl výrazně vylepšen.
Panel tipů Obsah panelu Tipy byl aktualizován, aby poskytoval novým i stávajícím uživatelům bohatší nápovědu k produktu a pokyny k příkazům. Panel Tipy zobrazuje stránku nápovědy, když je vybráno rozvržení.
Panely nástrojů Přetahování panelů nástrojů mezi existujícími panely nástrojů je nyní uživatelsky přívětivější. Pokud po přetažení sdílí více nástrojů stejný řádek, panel nástrojů může být umístěn do nového řádku, aby bylo zajištěno, že existující i nově přetažené panely nástrojů jsou viditelné místo přesunutí mimo hlavní okno rámu. SR138747
PALETY NÁSTROJŮ Experimentální panel (Qt) se nyní stal hlavním panelem ToolPalettes a starý panel (založený na wxWidgets) byl odstraněn. Opraveno rozmazání zobrazení obrázků např. 125% měřítko zobrazení Implementován požadavek na funkci svislého panelu pro panel Palety nástrojů. SR130204 Tlačítko je nyní k dispozici v pravém horním rohu panelu pro otevření místní nabídky palety. Nový panel Palety nástrojů: nyní je k dispozici kontextová nabídka na kartách. Nový panel Palety nástrojů: vylepšený vzhled zobrazení seznamu. Také přidáno tlačítko pro otevření kontextové nabídky. Nový panel Palety nástrojů: když přidáte nový oddělovač nebo textovou položku pomocí modrého tlačítka "Přidat" nebo tlačítka kontextové nabídky vpravo nahoře, pohled se posouvá dolů, aby se v případě potřeby zobrazil. Výběr obdélníkem je nyní k dispozici pro výběr nástrojů. TOOLPALETTEPATH: nyní podporuje katalogy se stejným GUID. SR131157 Při přetahování nástroje uvnitř palety se nyní paleta v případě potřeby automaticky posouvá.
TSPACETYPE Chování příkazu MOdkaz bylo vylepšeno pro zpracování nastavení proměnné TSPACETYPE. SR103599
Trimble Sketchup Import Byla aktualizována knihovna SDK Sketchup. BricsCAD V23 nyní podporuje import souborů ve formátu SKP 2022.
Pracovní prostor "Ultimate" Nový pracovní prostor BricsCAD Ultimate je k dispozici výběrem možnosti "Kompletní" prostřednictvím rozevíracího seznamu pracovního prostoru, výběrem pracovního prostoru na stavovém řádku nebo příkazem _WSCURRENT a nastavením aktuální hodnoty na možnost "Kompletní". SR130727
Dialog Správce uživatelských souborů Výchozí výběr je nyní 'Zachovat aktuální' (namísto 'Přepsat').
VPMAX Vylepšení příkazu VPMAX:
- Barva pozadí maximalizovaného výřezu výkresového prostoru se změní na barvu modelového prostoru
- Můžete vybrat jeden výřez automaticky
- Příkaz se zastaví, pokud nejsou k dispozici žádné výřezy
- Příkaz zobrazí zprávu, pokud vybraná entita není výřez
Zdokonalení BIM (ponecháno v angličtině)
Associativity Added new properties "Associativity" and "Associative coloring". "Associativity" indicates whether a tag is associated. "Associative coloring" visualizes an unassociated tag in red, if true. It doesn't change the tag's actual color property.
Active Story Added the active story state. See "Top view Modeling" for more information.
BCF Panel It is now possible to create new BCF issues and sync them with your favorite BCF cloud service (BIM Track, BIMcollab, BIMsync). While doing so, you can immediately add a screenshot and a viewpoint, which will guide your team members to the exact location of the issue. Entity selection to the screenshot has been added, both when creating a new issue or adding a comment to an existing one. When you select entities before creating the screenshot, this entity selection will be saved within the BCF issue and synced to the BCF cloud service. It is also possible to adjust the entity visibility to show only selected entities. The login process has been improved, so that you don't have to manually provide the URL of the BCF cloud service anymore.
BIM Details Panel The panel for managing BIM Details has been converted to Qt. The filter mechanism, based on detail tags, is now exposed by clicking on a filter icon.
BIMEXTEND Extends a wall to a wall (works with un-classified wall-like (poly)solids, as well)
BIMPROJECTINFO The database information window shows statistics on spatial structures, such as the number of buildings, the number of stories, etc.
BIMPROPERTIES An XSD (XML Schema Definition) file has been created to be be used for generating XML files for BIM properties. SR138549
BIMQUICKDRAW We added a command panel, making it possible to easily change the settings while placing rooms. The WALLWIDTH, SLABTHICKNESS and FLOORTOFLOORDISTANCE system variables, related to the BIMQUICKDRAW command, have been removed, since these user settings are now available in this new Bim Quickdraw command panel.
BIMQuickwall Lets you create a UCS X or Y aligned wall with one click, with both ends connected to existing walls. Wall width can be specified in the command panel.
BIMSECTIONUPDATE The performance of the second and subsequent updates has been improved for associative sections.
BIMSLICEWALL Slices a wall vertically (works with un-classified wall-like solids, as well).
BIMSTAIR We added a command panel, making it possible to easily change the settings while placing the stair. The BIMSTAIR-specific settings have been moved from the general BricsCAD application "Settings" dialog to the BIMSTAIR command panel. A new setting has been introduced, to turn off the new approach of handling stair objects during sectioning.
BIM Support Folder Grid and Space 3D call-outs have been moved to the "_SectionSettings.dwg" file.
BIMTAG A command panel has been added for the BIMTAG command.
BIMTRIM Trims a wall, automatically detects other walls and uses them as the trim object (works with un-classified wall-like solids, as well).
BOM for BIM Three example BOM files are added to \UserDataCache\Support\en_US\Bim\Schedules:Door,Material,Window
Create Sheets Dialog Added an option to only allow 1 section per sheet in the Create Sheets dialog. It is now possible to set the sheet's layout for viewports individually, in the viewports tab of the Create Sheets dialog. It is now possible to set the viewport's typed plan from the Create Sheets dialog.
Creating BOM Files Clicking "New BOM" in the blue plus button menu opens a dialog, allowing you to create a BOM file. After that, it is possible to configure the BOM in a panel.
Data Extraction A BOM can be used for BIM entities, offering additional functionality that was not previously possible with BIM schedules. SR115504 SR118714
Drag and Dropping BOM Files BOM files can be dragged and dropped on a sheet, resulting in a table being generated on that sheet.
Drawing Generation The "Generate background" property was added to BimDbViewport. When on, a background image will be added to section result during BIMSECTIONUPDATE. Stair objects are now specifically processed during drawing generation; in order to show a more relevant 2D stair representation on 2D plans.This alternative symbolic stair representation is generated automatically for all objects classified as stairs, and includes the parts cut away by the section, nosing lines, numbering and a walking line, which are placed on different layers. This automatically generated 2D representation can be overruled either by a custom symbolic representation on the BRX_* or BIM_2D_* layers, or with a Typed Plan (with a symbol customization).For users who wish to customize the symbolic representation, we added a new command, BIMGENERATE2DSTAIR. This command will put the automatic symbolic representation on BIM_2D* layers inside the stair block. This can afterwards be modified by the user, and will be used during section generation. SR119538
Edit Sheets Dialog It is now possible to set the typed plan of viewports from the Edit sheets dialog box.
Editing BOM Files BOM files can be edited by right clicking the BOM file in the file tree, then clicking "Open file". That right click menu also contains the buttons "Generate csv" and "Generate xlsx", which allows you to export the BOM to .csv or .xlsx.
General Filter UI The existing filter UI component (as used in Graphical Overrides and BimDimension) has been extended to support multiple "rows". This is done to support the logical "OR" operation. A switch button has been added to the context dialogues in the general filter UI to specify whether nested entities need to be searched top-down or bottom-up. The filter for BIM Type will now show the list of BIM Types to choose from.
IFC Export IFC attributes are now managed dynamically, like properties and property sets. This allows the user to choose between IFC2x3 and IFC4 attributes. The Attributes and Attribute Sets can be managed in the BIMPROPERTIES dialog box, where you can toggle their visibility. SR104654 SR135705 SR135698 The visibility of the namespace and the attributes are checked before exporting, and a warning message is shown if the visibility is turned off. We fixed an issue that caused BricsCAD to crash during IFCEXPORT when the bsyslib database file was missing. SR145459 SR145984
IFC Import Many improvements to our IFC4 Import have been made, including additional support for IfcSectionedSolidHorizontal, IfcAlignmentCurve, IfcLinearPlacement, and better handling of split walls.
IFC Import and Export Entities such as BIMgrid and objects classified as Site now retain their GUID when importing/exporting from/to IFC. Sites, Buildings and Storeys now have a persistent GUID during import and export. The GUID is visible in the BIMSPATIALLOCATIONS dialog. We added many IFC types, mainly for IFC4. Use BIMCLASSIFY and select the newly added types. When using IFC4 specific types, make sure to make the IFC4 attributes visible in BIMPROPERTIES.The new BIM types can be exported and imported to IFC, and can be used in data extraction, filtering (for Typed Plans or Graphic Override).Please note that these new BIM types are not backward compatible with older BricsCAD versions. In order to keep your project backward compatible, make sure not to use the new BIM types and use the IFC2x3 attributes. SR81920 SR92702 SR92491 SR100467 SR93626 SR101025 SR103338 SR104200 SR84768 SR88890 SR123858 SR125703 SR125698 SR127535 SR129355 SR130477 SR133489 SR133968 SR134004 SR135421 SR89932 SR137262 SR137896 SR139236 SR139495 SR141080 SR141584 SR143909
IFC Types We added many new IFC types, mainly for IFC4. Use BIMCLASSIFY and select the newly added types. When using IFC4 specific types, make sure to make the IFC4 attributes visible in BIMPROPERTIES. The new BIM types can be exported and imported to IFC, and can be used in data extraction, filtering (for Typed Plans or Graphic Override). Please note that these new BIM types are not backward compatible with older BricsCAD versions. If you must keep your project backward-compatible with versions of BricsCAD BIM older than V23, ensure that you do not use the new BIM types, and use the IFC2x3 attributes. SR81920 SR92702 SR92491 SR100467 SR93626 SR101025 SR103338 SR104200 SR84768 SR88890 SR123858 SR125703 SR125698 SR127535 SR129355 SR130477 SR133489 SR133968 SR134004 SR135421 SR89932 SR137262 SR137896 SR139236 SR139495 SR141080 SR141584 SR143909
INSERTLAYOUT The new INSERTLAYOUT command was introduced. This command allows you to insert a block reference that stores entities from a layout. The command only works with paper space layouts.
New Project It is now possible to create a BIM project directly from the landing page in the BricsCAD BIM workspace.
Physical Materials The background color of hatches (used in sections and elevations) can now be set for each material in the Physical Materials dialog. SR115719SR124411SR98430SR130961
Project Browser - Info Files tab configuration: Folders and extensions to ignore - allows you to specify which part of the project you want to see in the Files tab. Project folder names can now be set in the Project Browser. SR136006SR141199
Project Browser - Sections and views Create Sheets dialog box is now opened by right clicking a selection of sections in the sections tree. Drag a section on a sheet: you can insert the viewport by its lower left corner. Drag a selection set of sections on a sheet: you can specify two corner points of the rectangular area to specify rows/columns of viewports. Drag a view on a sheet to insert a 3D view. (runs the PLACEVIEW command.)
Project Browser - Sheets Auto background updating can now be set with a switch at the bottom of the sheets tab. Sheet and sheet view properties are easily accessible now in a properties pane on the sheets tab. Sheet views can be dragged and dropped from one sheet to another sheet on the sheets tab. Hold down CTRL to drag a copy. The project browser now shows the same sheetset properties as the sheetset panel, and with the same names. SR144851 SR144852
Project Browser - Files A master model drawing can now be easily renamed from the context menu. All linked sections on sheets are updated. A sheet drawing can now be easily renamed from the context menu. All linked sections and the sheetset is updated. You can drag a .dxd or a BOM onto a sheet. Schedules can be easily exported by right-clicking on a schedule file (.dxd file) and clicking 'Generate csv' or 'Generate xlsx'. SR136775 Drag a .dwg onto a .dwg: you can import/insert a block/insert as a xref; if you drag it onto paperspace: you will insert a layout from the .dwg. Drag any supported filetype for import (used to be right click) or imageattach, pdfattach, etc... Existing drawings and new drawings can be added to a BIM project via the plus (+) button.
RFA IMPORT When importing a .RFA file that contains multiple family types, you can now choose which types to import. SR113968 We now properly import attributes from .RFA files. SR131600SR119144SR102555SR137990 Components imported from a .RFA file are now classified with their corresponding BIM Type. SR113660
Ribbon BIMTrim, BIMExtend, BIMSlicewall, BIMQuickwall, BIMGenerate2DStair are now available in the ribbon.
RVTLevelOfDetail System Variable BIM Setting RVTLevelOfDetail was renamed to RVTRFALevelOfDetail and is now stored in the drawing. In both .RVT Import and .RFA Imports/Inserts, the setting will determine the level of detail of the Element Graphics to import.
Section 2D (non-solid) entities from the BRX_2D+_ layer are now copied to a section. SR128634
Section Callouts Section callouts stored in _SectionSettings.dwg are now used to generate sections.
Section Generate Hardcoded templates for cm and m are no longer used. Now only the mm template is used for section generation. Section INSUNITS initialization was implemented for correct section size generation in millimeters, for 3D models with any initial INSUNITS setting. SR140859
Sheetset Setup The Sheetset Setup dialog was ported to Qt and split into the Create Sheets dialog and the Edit Sheets dialog. SR129805SR140177
Sheetset Templates In older BricsCAD BIM versions, metric projects with a model in cm or m used a hard coded template sheetset file and a corresponding template sheet dwg in cm resp. m., ignoring the setting 'SectionSheetsetTemplateMetric'. In V23 all metric projects by default use a sheet template in mm, and will honor the setting 'SectionSheetsetTemplateMetric', if not empty. The cm and meter sheetset and sheet template files are no longer included in the installation.
STORYBAR Tools have been added at the top of the view, including home icon, building label, active story name, and exit button. The last two are only displayed when there is an active story. See Top View Modeling.
Structure Tree Configuration Files Three new configuration files are added to the release, to be used by the Structure Browser:* BIM - Composition.cst: sorts and groups BIM entities by composition* BIM - Profiles.cst: sorts and groups BIM entities by profile* BIM - Type.cst: sorts and groups BIM entities by BIM-type
Support Folder Removed obsolete files in \Support\Bim\Sections folder. All 2d callouts are defined in _SectionSettings.dwg, tags in _SectionTag.dwg
Top View Modeling We added Top View Modeling, a mode to edit the 3D model as a 2D floor plan. It can be activated by clicking on a story disc on the Story Bar, or with command ACTIVATESTORY. The mode is deactivated by clicking 'Exit' on the storybar or with command DEACTIVATESTORY In top view modeling (tvm), the view is changed to top view and perspective is turned off. 3D Solid Face and detected boundary highlighting is turned off, osnapz is turned on and ucs is moved to the story elevation. The model is clipped by two section planes: above and below the story elevation. These sections are erased when exiting tvm. Entities below the story elevation do not highlight, cannot be selected and are rendered transparently. This allows to use the story below as reference. Insertion of doors and windows, as well as dimensions when selected, are adapted to top view in tvm. A command panel to update sill height is displayed during window insertion in tvm. It is also possible to activate a story in a 3D View, without switching to top view mode, by right-clicking on a story disc on the Story Bar, or with command ACTIVATESTORY. The mode is deactivated by clicking 'Exit' on the storybar or with command DEACTIVATESTORY. An active story will clip the model with the same section planes as described above. SR87209 SR104283 SR105016 SR125678 SR120162 SR127790 SR129712 SR133323
Typed Plans With BricsCAD BIM V23, the concept of a "Typed Plan" has been completely rethought. A new Typed Plans editor has been created, enabling BIM users to easily define and consult all their drawing and tag customization requirements. When there is no tag defined for an object in the Typed Plan, the rules set in _TagTypeToStyle.xml are used as fallback rules. On creating a new Typed Plan, it can be renamed directly in the Typed Plan Editor. SR140170
The "Drawing Customization" property on the viewports has been renamed to "Typed Plan".
Multiple tags defined in TagTypeToStyle.xml can again be used when using Typed Plans. SR136416 Some examples of typed plans have been included in the support folder (Support > BIM > Typed Plans), such that they can be imported from the BIM Project Browser.The path for "Import Typed Plan" in the BIM Project Browser has also been adjusted. Included 3 more typed plans in the installation set, to generate LOD100, LOD200 and LOD400 drawings SR145772
UPDATELAYOUTBLOCK The new UPDATELAYOUTBLOCK command lets you update a block reference that was inserted by INSERTLAYOUT command.
VERSION CONTROL In the Version Control panel, when adding a folder that contains an old, deleted Version Control project, this project will be recovered. It is now possible to revert to a previous commit while the file is open. You can now create a Version Control project from within the Version Control Panel. While doing so, you can easily define which file types need to be ignored.
Visual Styles Three new Visual Styles are added to (BIM/Shape)-(mm,cm,m,imperial).dwt: 'Maquette', 'Render' and 'See-through'.
Wall dimensions Selectable dimensions are shown when a wall-like solid is selected. They display the distance between the selected and the nearest wall-like solid.
Zdokonalení Civil (ponecháno v angličtině)
BricsCAD Launcher BricsCAD Launcher has been extended with Civil design option.
Civil Drawing Template Metric and imperial civil specific template drawing has been added.
Civil Explorer This new panel displays a list of Civil objects in tree structure. Civil Explorer panel contains Object View and Settings View. Object View is used for better navigation and manipulation of civil entities and objects. Settings View is used to manage label styles and point file formats.
Civil Labels We have introduced a new Civil labeling framework in BricsCAD V23. The new framework brings options for labeling Civil entities, so far for TIN Surface, TIN Volume Surface and Grading. The command ADDSURFACELABELS allows labeling spot elevations, surface contours and slopes. We have introduced two new user interfaces for Label styles and Symbol styles. This user interfaces allows to create and edit label styles and symbol styles which are then used for the surface labels. SR114191SR123520SR127243SR128005SR140957
Civil Points The user interface for importing Civil Points from the point file has been added. It allows users to specify any point file format for importing Civil Points. SR136625SR137768SR138497SR139258SR136622
Civil Workspace Civil workspace has been added. SR131176 The Datasmith/Twinmotion commands have been added to the Civil Workspace.
GIS Export New command GISEXPORT has been added. This command allows to export spatial and attribute data in an ESRI SHP file. SR138796SR139511
GIS Import New command GISIMPORT has been added. This command allows to import spatial and attribute data from an ESRI SHP file. SR94870SR138796
Grading Gradings can now be set to use only part of the input curve (by setting start and end length parameter). Gradings now support multiple regions and transitions between them. SR140101 Grading boundaries are now added to TIN Surface as read-only definitions. The "Input entity" property has been added to the properties panel and the "Target surface" property now displays the name of the TIN surface. Gradings now support multiple segments. SR123457
Grading Edit New command GRADINGEDIT has been added. This command splits grading into regions or merges two gradings with the same grading type that lies on the same input entity.
TIN Edit The maximum triangle length, minimum triangle length and maximum triangle angle can now be set. By defining those settings, the TIN surface will remove any triangles with specified restrictions. SR139822SR140939 Swapping triangles edges is now enabled. SR121232SR137916 The command prompt for adding boundaries has been changed. An option for trim triangles that underlie the boundary line has been added. SR141167
TINMERGE Added breaklines on triangle edges to preserve surface geometry. SR104437
TIN Surface TIN Surface build process has been changed to an incremental process consisting of definitions that can be edited, deleted, or just temporarily disabled. TIN Surface is now visible even if face style is invisible. User interface for creating TIN Surface from point file has been added. The new option "TIN Densify" has been added to the TIN command. After TIN Surface is already being simplified, the user specifies the maximum elevation difference between the simplified TIN Surface and the excluded input points on a specified area in a TIN Surface. All input points that have a greater elevation difference than specified are added back to the simplified TIN Surface.
Zdokonalení Mechanical (ponecháno v angličtině)
BMBALLOON Non-mechanical objects that are present in a BOM table now can be annotated with balloons. In automatic mode, only objects present in the selected BOM table will be annotated.
BMBOM An option to enable or disable multiple inserts of the same BOM table was added to BOM settings. SR142443 BOM mode was introduced to configure which kinds of objects should be present in that BOM table. It allows to generate BOM tables for models without mechanical components or blocks. SR134066 Column filters now can be applied to formulae and child rows in hierarchical bills of materials. In case of hierarchical tables, a setting was added to either keep or remove parent rows from the table if they don't match the filter criteria but have child rows that do match. New BOMFILTERSETTINGS and BOMPROPERTYSET settings are introduced to define what objects to include and what property set to use by default. For mechanical blocks, it is now possible to assign BOM status for particular instances. SR131477SR131919SR142376 Now, BOM tables should work faster in common scenarios by reusing already collected data when possible. Options to include parts from other documents to a bill of materials table were added to the BMBOM, BMBOMEDIT commands and BOM manager.
BMBOMEXPORT A new command to export an existing BOM table or a new table based on a provided .bom template to .csv files is introduced. It also allows to link tables in a document to a .bom file using datalink, which allows to use bill of materials like BIM schedules. Now it is possible to export a BOM table to an .xlsx file using either the BMBOMEXPORT command or the BOM manager panel. Command -BMBOMEXPORT does exactly the same as BMBOMEXPORT except that it is script friendly. It will not open any dialogs, etc.
BMBOMTEMPLATEEDIT A new command to edit the .bom files in a standalone mode using the BOM manager panel was added.
BMEXPLODE BMEXPLODE command now allows to specify a set of parts to create an exploded view from. Option to configure which types of objects to include in an exploded view was added to BMEXPLODE. Now, it is possible to create exploded views without creating a mechanical assembly first.
BMLOCALIZE Mechanical external references are now supported as well as traditional mechanical components.
EXPORT Native export to 3D PDF and ASAT formats now supports mechanical blocks, external references and solids.
Mechanical Blocks Support for mechanical blocks had been added to all mechanical design commands (BM) and scenarios including insertion, exploded views generation, Bill of Materials generation, 2D drawings annotations, exporting of the data and importing it.
Commands INSERT, EXPLODE, BEDIT, XATTACH and others also support mechanical data making Mechanical design in BricsCAD even more compatible with regular workflows.
With Mechanical blocks enabled external references are used to represent mechanical assembly structure. With this approach handling of external files modifications for parametric multilevel assemblies is greatly improved both in terms of stability and performance, compared to the previous implementation of external mechanical components.
Mechanical blocks are now enabled by default, to return back to previous implementation of Mechanical components switch off the MECHANICALBLOCKS setting to Off. SR129858 SR122252 SR124051 SR124392 SR125127 SR126803 SR126922 SR128734 SR135715 SR141189 SR69956 SR103851 SR145796 SR123757 SR131198 SR127216 SR138473 SR140580
Mechanical Browser The Mechanical browser was reimplemented using Qt. Search in the mechanical browser now works as a filter. SR125098
Parameters and Constraints Panel Legacy Parameters and Constraints panel is not available anymore. It is replaced by Parameters Manager panel.
Welding Added a new toolset to create weldings and welding annotations. The BMWELDING command creates a welding for the selected faces of 3D solids. The BMWELDANNOTATE command creates caterpillars and sideviews on drawing views. The AMSIMPLEWELD command creates caterpillars and sideviews over 2D geometry. SR49105SR75844SR76147SR77582SR78870SR83469SR87619SR90239SR92169SR92395SR93922SR100978SR120472SR122534SR122537SR123195SR126441SR128293SR128619
Zdokonalení pro Mechanical 2D (ponecháno v angličtině)
AMDATUMID Added new AMDATUMID command. This command creates a datum identification symbol. AMDATUMID symbol can now be edited via its Grip points. Implemented a dialog box to set up the parameters of the AMDATUMID symbol you are inserting.
AMEDGESYM Added new AMEDGESYM command. This command creates an edge symbol. AMEDGESYM symbol can now be edited via its properties in the Properties panel.
AMFCFRAME Added new AMFCFRAME command. This command creates a feature control frame symbol. AMFCFRAME symbol can now be edited via its Grip points.
AMNOTE Added new AMNOTE command. This command creates a leader note.
AMSETUPDWG We've added the AMSETUPDWG command to BricsCAD Mechanical. This command can be used to change the current drawing standard to a different standard (in the case of an existing Mechanical document) or set up a new one (in the case of a non-Mechanical, "vanilla" drawing). SR142818
AMSIMPLEWELD Added new AMSIMPLEWELD command. This command creates caterpillars and sideviews for welds over 2D geometry.
AMSURFSYM/AMWELDSYM Improved work of commands for creating 'Welding Symbol' and 'Surface Texture' symbols. SR141660
AMWELDSYM Implemented a dialog box to set up the parameters of the Welding symbol you are inserting. 'Weld types' are added and separated according to standards. SR141659 Missing properties are added and separated by standards.
LOADMECHANICAL2D System Variable The default value of the LOADMECHANICAL2D system variable is now 1.
Power Dimensions Added new commands for creating Power Dimensions: AMPOWERDIM_ALI, AMPOWERDIM_HOR, AMPOWERDIM_VER, AMPOWERDIM_ROT, AMPOWERDIM_ANG, AMPOWERDIM_RAD, AMPOWERDIM_DIA. These commands create multiple types of dimensions within a single command session and provide the ability to specify tolerances or fits as appropriate. SR91997 SR103450 SR127357 SR135079 SR142152
Zdokonalení Sheet Metal (ponecháno v angličtině)
OSM The custom properties related to the old and new mechanical architecture and specified per each mechanical component are transferable now into OSM. These properties are passed into OSM documents and OSM tags. SR135244
SMUNFOLD Now SMUNFOLD in associative mode supports tangent bends, jogs (with and without flange) and hems (all types, except closed hems).
Zdokonalení Mračna bodů (ponecháno v angličtině)
Panel příkazů Fitplanar Panel FITPLANAR byl přepracován pro přehlednost.
Point Cloud UI The new Point Cloud Insert dialog is now the default. Implemented -POINTCLOUDREFERENCE and -POINTCLOUDDELETEITEM non-GUI commands.
Připojení mračna bodů Transformace použitá pro připojení mračen bodů je nyní konzistentní mezi různými možnostmi
Mapy barev mračna bodů Implementovány uživatelem definované barevné mapy pro mračna bodů. Tyto mapy jsou uloženy v dwg a jsou kompatibilní s jinými CAD. Přidán příkazový panel pro nastavení barevných map mračna bodů SR125585
Odchylka mračna bodů Přidána podpora pro spuštění odchylky mračna bodů na površích TIN.
Formát souboru mračna bodů BricsCAD nyní podporuje formát souboru Hexagon Smart Point Cloud (HSPC).
Dialog Vložení mračna bodů Uživatelské preference pro vložení jsou nyní zapamatovány. Štítky lze vybírat. Opravena chyba mračna bodů není vložena, pokud je poskytována prostřednictvím příkazového řádku.
Mračno bodů LAS/LAZ Informace o klasifikaci obsažené v souborech LAS/LAZ jsou nyní dostupné pro použití ve formátu HSPC.
Správce mračna bodů Nyní je možné zapínat a vypínat oblasti pomocí nového správce mračna bodů. SR125424 Při použití formátu HSPC se k bodům přidávají informace o skeneru a klasifikaci. Prostředí POINTCLOUDMANAGER poskytuje nástroje pro přepínání zobrazení bodů na základě těchto dalších atributů.
Výkon mračna bodů Implementace dočasného zatížení/uvolnění mračna bodů z .dwg souboru ke snížení spotřeby zdrojů. SR119767
Preprocesor mračna bodů Přidána podpora pro předzpracování vlastních formátů souborů bodů.
POINTCLOUDREGION Nový příkaz pro vytváření a správu oblastí v mračnu bodů.
Opravy (ponecháno anglicky)
-PDFATTACH The command now accepts filenames wrapped in double quotes. SR143428
-TOOLPANEL On localized versions, panels can now be properly launched from ribbons and toolbars. SR145118
2D CONSTRAINTS Newly added 2D constraints are no longer ignored after an existing constraint is removed, in a specific case. SR136844
2D Display Improved the graphics display precision when deeply zoomed-in on lines with associated line-weight attributes. SR82943
3D CONSTRAINTS We reworked handling of the 3D constraints located inside parametric blocks, there were cases when 3D constraints were lost upon propagation of a parameter changes across the blocks hierarchy. SR122984SR139693
ACIS SUPPORT Fixed error preventing specific 3d solid entity from being displayed. SR134723
AECC In some cases, there was an issue displaying Civil 3D Alignment in BricsCAD. This is fixed now. SR136205
AI Assist An issue with the downloading of the most recent AI Assist models at BricsCAD startup is resolved.
AMEDGESYM AMEDGESYM symbol can now be edited via its Grip points.
AMFCFRAME 'Surface arrowhead' property is supported now.
AMPOWEREDIT Using the AMPOWEREDIT command you can now specify accuracy for dimension values, or add tolerances and fits to dimensions. SR142152 SR143501 We fixed a typo in the Edit Dimensioning dialog box. SR143502
AMSURFSYM Implemented drop-down list for the 'First requirement' and 'Second requirement' properties. Improved Surface Texture symbol placement without a leader. SR142151 Drop-down list for the 'First requirement' and 'Second requirement' properties is supported. Grip point for subSymbol origin has been added. Missing properties are added and separated by standards.
AMWELDSYM Various weld types are supported by the standards. SR136711
Annotative Attribute We continue to improve annotative attribute text height behaviors in certain unusual scenarios where the saved annotative scale states are not completely coherent. SR142645
Annotative Entities Fixed: invalid graphics of annotated entities in layouts MS after switch from Model layout when ANNOALLVISIBLE=0. SR96720 SR143898
ATTIPEDIT The width of Multiline MText attributes can now be adjusted via the width adjustment arrows in the Text box. SR145827
ATTSYNC We've fixed a V22 bug that resulted in the position of dynamic block attributes not being reset in certain cases when using ATTSYNC. SR140131
AUTOCAD COMPATIBILITY Fixed a problem when BricsCAD creates a drawing with ACIS entities which cause hanging of AutoCAD on opening the drawing. SR95087
Animation Video file was not generated by Animation Editor nor by ANIPATH if path to TEMP folder contained non-English (e.g. Cyrillic) letters. Upgraded FFmpeg tool to the latest version. SR101567SR137802
Associative Dimensions Improved performance of creation of associative dimensions with entities inside blocks. SR91942
BEDIT Fixed possible disappearance of objects in BEDIT session when changing the visibility state parameter in a nested dynamic block. SR120150 SR142812
BIM Project Browser Modifying number_start in bimproj_project.xml works as expected now. SR143312SR144685SR143087
BIMPROPERTIES The Import file dialog box now shows all existing .xml files correctly. SR136186 Fixed the UI so that it is easier to delete the last item in an enumerated list. SR138514
BIMQUICKRAW, BIMSTAIR The user's variables for the BIMQUICKDRAW and BIMSTAIR commands now correctly respect the insertion units. SR144277 SR144654 SR144678
BIMREASSOCIATE The BIMREASSOCIATE command now works correctly, and respects the new BIM associativity approach. SR132368
BIMSECTIONUPDATE Story lines and callouts are placed to dedicated layers in section result now. SR135658
BIM Sheetviews The default value of the layersnapshot property for new sheetviews is now set to 'no'. SR141995
BIMSPACE Fixed a crash when creating a BIM Space when AEC walls are present. SR139523
BIM Spaces BIM_ROOM_LINES layer was renamed to BIM_SPACE_LINES after replacing rooms by spaces.
BIMSPATIALLOCATIONS We now post a warning when the external bsyslib database file is missing. SR129731
BIMSTAIR Fixed: If you change the stair width setting while placing a stair, the stair no longer snaps to nearby walls.
BIMTAG Object2dMLeader fields are evaluated correctly in Bim tags.
Bim Viewport A viewlabel is placed in the left bottom corner of a viewport when the viewport is resized or moved. The user-defined place of a viewlabel is respected after the MOVE, SCALE and BIMSECTIONUPDATE commands. SR140745
Block Dialog The unit field is now properly translated/localized.The unit and factor fields are now properly updated after a drawing is selected. SR145116 We have fixed an issue where BricsCAD was crashing when failing to create a block definition. SR145908
BLOCKIFY Fixed an issue where the BLOCKIFY command would result, in specific cases, in block references with non-uniform scaling. This made it impossible to explode the reference again without changing the scaling. SR141727 Fixed a crash that occurred when using a block reference as input, and no repeated geometry was found. SR143023 A particular file can now be saved again after running the BLOCKIFY command and selecting the "match existing Blocks" option. SR138750
BLOCKREPLACE Keeps parameter values for dynamic blocks if replaced and replacement blocks have parameters with same name and type.
BMBOM BOM tables now calculate mass properties only when explicitly asked, to reduce potential performance impact. In addition, mass properties computations were improved in general. SR102146
BMBOM, BMBOMTEMPLATEEDIT In BOM filter dialog, if a string containing special symbols such as comma is selected, necessary escape symbols will be added automatically to the filter expression. SR143465
BMBOMTEMPLATEEDIT A BricsCAD Mechanical license is no longer required to change the position of BOM columns in a BricsCAD BIM license context. SR145241 Boolean properties are now processed correctly in a BOM filter. SR145246
BMUPDATEMODE BricsCAD crash was fixed in case of specific file opening while BMUPDATEMODE setting is enabled. SR140601
BricsCAD Usage Data Program We now set the DATACOLLECTIONLOGINTYPE system variable correctly, based on previous choice if applicable. A crash in the BricsCAD commandline, after manually closing the LOGIN dialog of the Usage Data Program, has been resolved. The administrative override for DATACOLLECTION now operates as intended; system administrators now have the ability to prevent users from joining the program / sharing their usage data with Bricsys.
Civil Explorer Panel Strings are now translated for localized versions of BricsCAD. SR145115
Color Dialog RGB and ColorBook pages are no longer hidden in the Color Dialog for color parameters that support only indexed colors. SR141939
COPYGUIDED3D An invalid index error that manifested when DYNMODE was Off, is now fixed. SR143367 Fixed a bug when the COPYGUIDED3D command was simply exited without showing an informative warning message, when specifying no detail solids at the start of the command.
COPY/PASTE of BIM Objects Fixed a crash that occurred when performing a copy-paste operation on BIM-objects, with the ClipBoardFormat system variable set to DWG2007. SR132453
CUI CUI context menu object type filters now use specific type names for each subtype of polyline, including LWPOLYLINE, 2DPOLYLINE, 3DPOLYLINE, POLYFACEMESH, and POLYGONMESH. SR141341
Command Panel After finishing a command that uses a command panel, the previous panel state is restored.
Copy Fixed crash when copying a block with AcDbSpatialFilter in extensions dictionary. SR132284
COPYGUIDED & MOVEGUIDED Polyline segments and multiple line segments are being processed in a much more rigorous way, leading to more powerful and stable CopyGuided and MoveGuided commands. SR13087
Data Extraction BOM can be used in BIM and allows to sort and group entries by entity types. SR126016 BOM can be used in BIM which avoids column duplication in the resulting table. SR131306
Datalink Fixed a crash when attempting to create a datalink with an XSL/XSLS file and Excel is not installed. SR126420
DATALINKUPDATE Fixed bug: empty table after DATALINKUPDATE, if BEDIT modified the block the table refers to.
Details Panel The Details Panel is now updated automatically after creating a new detail.
DGN Import Fixed: failed to import particular DGN file with degenerated mesh.
DIMENSION Fixed: option 'Distribute'Groups of dimensions located at the same distribution distance from the reference dimension(s) are now distributed by groups and not individually. SR135186 Multiline dimension text with fractions is correctly placed now after the dimension is recomputed. SR136894 Scaling of dimensions between centermarks takes the overridden DIMLFAC into account. SR141031
Dimensions Fixed: creation of associated dimensions may break the associativity network evaluation.
Display Added new shader for displaying with default lighting. This improves performance of redraws. Fixed a scenario where a long delay could occur in large drawings, when edge display was either enabled or disabled from a Visual Style. SR84888SR85268
DMPUSHPULL Fixed a crash during DMPUSHPULL command. SR142231
Drawing Health We've addressed a delay in opening dialogs when the DWGHEALTH command is invoked. SR144472
Drawing Views Fixed: 3D solids from BC_SUBTRACT layers were unexpectedly displayed in drawing views with 3D geometry. SR142242
DWGCOMPARE Minor improvements for command prompt and file selection.
DWGHEALTH All strings in the Edit Routine dialog are now localizable. SR145401 Fixed a crash that occurred when using the DWGHEALTH command in a Polish-language localized version of BricsCAD. SR145400
Dynamic Block Now construction lines are visible in BEDIT session and invisible in dynamic blocks. SR76781
Fixed possible incorrect saving of blocks after the BEDIT command. Fixed incorrect stretching of Splinefit 2dplines in dynamic blocks. SR131086 Inserted Dynamic Blocks now properly update embedded Hatches after a stretch operation. SR119861 Block Properties Table supports the option "Block properties must match a row in the table". SR122819 MLeader objects now correctly update inside dynamic blocks. SR126981 An associative array from a dynamic block is now recalculated after the dynamic block is stretched. SR122402
Dynamic Dimensions Corrected processing of negative values entered in dynamic dimension during command CIRCLE/2Points. Entered negative value means that circle's diameter should be built at opposite direction from cursor.
Dynamic UCS DUCS support has been added to subdivision mesh entities.DUCS has been enabled for planar faces of ACIS entities inside non-uniformly scaled blocks.
Entity Selection Rectangle and Lasso selection modes were fixed to eliminate a problem that occurred when ORTHO mode was 'on' and Lasso selection was enabled (PICKAUTO >= 4). SR143300SR143630SR144030 We fixed a regression that allowed entities on locked Layers to participate in editing operations. #notcool SR143549 Fixed Window selection behavior for scaled inserts. SR143227
ETRANSMIT Improved handling of file names containing exotic Unicode symbols with ETRANSMIT command while working with ZIP archives. SR78705
EXPORTLAYOUT The EXPORTLAYOUT command now places the entities correctly. Detail views are now correctly clipped by their boundaries. SR134154SR136353SR136949SR143059
Export PDF, Publish to PDF Upside-down option is now ignored. SR125745
EXTRUDE Specific scenario of spline's extrusion was fixed. SR133722 Implemented new techniques to ensure correct taper angles on models with large extents. SR142161
Extruded Surface Fixed an exception (and crash) when "Extruded Surface" entity was moved or rotated (or geometrically modified in any way), while the "extrusion path" entity was no longer present. SR145795
FIELD Dialog The text in the Diesel expression field now wraps and can be selected with the mouse.
Fields We fixed an issue that broke the link between Fields and their associated dynamic block parameters. SR137657 Fixed an issue that caused certain linked fields to alternate between normal and error state after each field update.
File Menu Improvments The Export and Import tabs of the file menu have been improved. SR144099SR145830
Filters We solved an issue that caused search results to be shown incorrectly when searching properties for the filters in Graphic Override and Typed Plans.
Find and Replace dialog box Fixed Zoom operations for strings within a Table object. SR121473
FITPLANAR The feedback regarding distribution of the points against the found plane was different for model space and bubble view.Now both are the same and the more technical information (2 sigma) has been removed in order to reduce complexity towards user
FITPOLYLINE The FITPOLYLINE command now correctly creates polylines w.r.t. the input data when the User Coordinate System is not equal to the World Coordinate System. SR141268
Fonts Corrected the width of space character in geniso.shx font. SR137123
General Filter Fixed filtering on BIM properties Story and Building. Fixed filtering on Layer property. SR134427 SR136114 SR136147 SR139321
GEOGRAPHICLOCATION The center of CRS geographic bounds is set to the geographic position, if a CRS is selected for a drawing without changing the geographic position. SR138656
GRADIENT We fixed the incorrect rendering of a non-centered "Curved" and "Inverted Curved" gradient patterns. SR134984
Graphic Override Fixed bug in updating and reacting to filter. Several rendering errors that occurred during Graphic Override in certain situations have been fixed. SR136114
Grip Edit The Exit option now works as expected when called from the context menu. SR141842
GRIPS Performance improvement for the cases when a gripped entity contains a big number of grip points. SR128039
GUIDEDINSERT Fixed: Inserting blocks on reference curves in other than Z=0 plane no longer leads to a crash. SR144687
HATCH Fixed regression: hatch with none-zero elevation displayed incorrectly. SR143581 "Select entities" mode no longer creates additional edges to not closed loop(s). SR136307 Fixed the display of the background of a non-solid hatch.
HATCHGENERATEBOUNDARY Fixed to create closed polylines for hatch's loops composed of lines and circular arcs. SR91901SR91778SR121905SR122031SR122696SR128958
Highlighting Fixed regression: incorrect highlighting during entity selection when PICKAUTO = 0, 1, 4, or 5. SR143610
Hotkey Assistant Fixed an XRC error that occurred when using the LCONNECT command with Hotkey Assistant enabled. SR144597
IFC ExportThe spatial location of grids are now correctly exported to IFC. We resolved an issue where beams and columns sometimes got assigned to two different IfcBeamTypes/IfcColumnTypes during IFC Export. SR122253 When a Property Set has a label, this label will be used during IFC Export instead of the ID.
IFC Import We improved IFC Import performance for certain types of .ifc files. This will reduce the import time for .ifc files created with Tekla and other tools. SR142764 We've made IFC Import more tolerant of certain invalid IFC files; e.g., we've added a read recovery mechanism in case invalid data are encountered. SR142697
IFC Import and Export We fixed an issue where a window opening in a wall, made up of multiple solids, would get lost during an IFC export / import round-trip. SR143197
IMPORT Fixed incorrect component names in Mechanical Browser after import. SR137309 When importing a product structure, component names now are always kept as in the original, even if they have symbols not allowed in block names. SR141769
Improved BIM Workspace The BIM classic workspace ribbon has been improved. There are now more commands available with an improved layout.
INSERT Existing block references are now updated correctly after a dynamic block is redefined during INSERT. SR142811 Insertion points designated via the INSERT dialog now respect the current UCS. SR143761 We fixed a situation that prevented blocks with attributes to be created or inserted. SR143603SR143761SR143775SR143912
K-Factor The update of k-factor values didn't change the lengths of unfolded parts. The bug was resolved: the unnecessary caching was removed. The change of k-factor value does influence now the resulting unfolded bodies. SR139322
Label styles Creating label style through Civil explorer no longer freezes BricsCAD. SR144528SR144519
LandXML Import It is possible now to remove points from TIN Surface imported from LandXML. SR117588
LAYER The default lineweight option is now working properly on all languages. SR142927
Layer Filters Performance for clearing excessive layer filters has been dramatically improved when opening a drawing file. SR137959
Layers Panel The legacy layers panel no longer becomes inoperable after turning off layer filters in the settings. SR143991 Selecting all Layers using CTRL+A no longer selects the entities in the drawing as well. #toomuch SR138682SR141196SR144549
LAYERSTATE Avoided layerstate name corruption while copy/paste layerstate entry in drawing explorer. SR136472
Layout import/export Fixed: non-cloneable proxy objects are skipped on layout import/export. SR113622SR136942
LENGTHEN Fixed the Increment, Percent and Total options for polylines with clockwise arc segments to not change radii and centers of such segments. SR90922SR102645SR126444SR140724
License Manager The License Manager title bar sports a new, visible text font. SR142150 SR143546
LINETYPE GENERATION PERFORMANCE Fixed poor performance of linetype generation on curves having huge number of dashes. SR134199
LINETYPES Fixed bug: splines with client's custom linetype are displayed with inverted dashes. SR137589
Localization We fixed multiple localization issues, including fixing typos and the removal of unused strings. SR143787
MANIPULATE Fixed a potential crash scenario that could occur when manipulating a third-party custom component. SR140541SR139846SR139723
MANIPULATOR The Manipulator now displays as expected when the MANIPULATOR setting is "1" or "2". SR144628 MIRROR delivered inaccurate results when SNAPTYPE was set to 2. SR142951 The values in the Manipulator's ruler and dynamic dimensions are now always kept in sync.
Manual BimTag Angle constrains of mleader now updates with mleader style change. SR135424
MATCHPROP MATCHPROP now keeps the target Mleader's attribute value. SR139189 Fixed applying mleader 'text frame' property to a target entity. SR142464
Mechanical Browser Now, mechanical browser can correctly change sectionability of standard parts from the context menu. Previously, it could fail to do so with legacy components. SR134590 The fields in the Component section are no longer greyed out. SR143631
Mechanical Custom Properties In certain situations, BricsCAD tried to process mechanical custom properties even if it was not necessary, which could cause significant drop in performance. It has been ensured that mechanical custom properties will be processed only when it is necessary. SR137907
MISSING DATABASE When a drawing is opened with a missing database, a balloon message is shown alerting the user.
MLEADER MLeaders containing block content with attributes are now updating properly when edited. SR144185 Multiline block attributes of an MLeader are now editable in the properties panel. We fixed a crash regression that occurred when opening a drawing with MLeaders with dim breaks. SR144075 Annotative MLeaders are now created with the corresponding Right Attachment. SR105046SR101948SR132987SR137449SR139475 It is now possible to snap to a MultiLeader landing without mText. SR125553 The landing distance has now the same length as the text content. SR136501 We improved the MLeader’s behavior to keep its properties after it was edited. SR125602SR127506SR141321
Modeling Performance The performance of boolean operations between swept entities has been improved. SR140777 We've addressed a performance slow-down with UNION and SUBTRACT operations. SR133080
MOVE Fixed MOVE command regression because of which block references with non-uniform transformations couldn't be moved. SR141392
MTEXT The Backspace key now works the same no matter the state of the Shift key. SR138812
NAVIGATE settings dialog Text is no longer truncated in the Italian version. SR135551
Nearest Distance The Nearest Distance feature now considers viewport geometry in the calculation when the special kDrawableViewIndependentViewportDraw drawable attribute flag is returned from the custom entity's setAttributes() override. Previously only world geometry was considered. SR133584 Fixed a problem that could occur when multiple selected Multi-lines were modified via the Properties Panel. This could, in specific cases, result in a later crash, depending on the parameterization of said Multi-lines. SR137392
NUDGE This command no longer moves entities from a locked layer. SR138723
OPEN Fixed: Some drawings with proxy objects in dependencies would not open. SR139741SR142251SR136629SR139782
OVERKILL A problem is solved in the OVERKILL command; parametric or dynamic blocks with non-default parameter values now correctly survive the OVERKILL command. We fixed a bug in the OVERKILL command with the 'Combine duplicate blocks' option. This issue manifested as groups of block definitions not being combined when you selected a block definition name that was different from the default. Fixed an issue where non-collinear lines that are not in the XY plane are sometimes joined. SR136015
Parameters Manager Parameters Manager correctly shows parameter units and also allows making parameter unitless.
PARAMETRICBLOCKIFY We fixed a bug where using PARAMETRICBLOCKIFY with certain library components, in a drawing using meters as insertion unit, will not find any matches.
PARAMETRIC BLOCKS Inserting a parametric block with an arc as a reference curve no longer causes BricsCAD to crash.
PARAMETRICSTRETCH A crash is now resolved, when editing the text height of an attribute in a block containing a stretch parameter. SR143507
Parametrized Elbow Models Fixed known problems (e.g. spoiled geometry) in some concrete models. SR119193
PASTE Fixed bug: paste creates OLE object in Paperspace when used in an activated paperspace viewport instead of creating it in Modelspace. SR103997
PASTECLIP Fixed the paste position when DUCS is ON. SR140211SR141122SR141570
PDF Export The computation of image size of gradient hatches was slightly adjusted to avoid degenerated images and to keep the image aspect ratio. SR137280
PDF Print/Export Fixed: hyperlinks of the texts that outside the printed area should not be printed to PDF SR101884 Fixed: avoid lineweighted line ends when plotting with a plotstyle and 'Plot entity lineweights' option is OFF SR136849
PdfUnderlay Copy-Paste Fixed: Copy-Paste of PDFUnderlay entity within the same drawing. SR127594
PLINE We corrected a V22 regression that caused negative dynamic dimension values to be interpreted as undirected distance values. SR138790
Plot Stamp When using "Plot as PDF.pc3" as your plot configuration, the plot stamp header and footer no longer overlap. SR144518
Plotstyles Entity color is now white for a dark background when the plot style index color 7 is set to black. SR123729SR123861SR135349SR139644
Point Cloud Fixed exception thrown during unloading of pointcloud module. SR144491 Fixed issue with loading/unloading of pointclouds. SR116952SR117679SR119767SR126637 Fixed incorrect region calculations that occurred when a point cloud's insertion point was different than the origin. Fixed point cloud file naming and associated functionalities. Fixed issues with color scheme assignments. SR143500 Fixed file compatibility issue due to the different path separators (slash/backslash) for Windows and Unix OSes. The point cloud preview bounding box now properly scales/rotates, according to parameters from the point cloud insertion dialog box. Cache: Point cloud cache now properly updated when deleting a point cloud from cache folder. Removing and re-adding the same point cloud from the cache while keeping the import reference window open failed due to the cache not being updated after removing it. FITPLANAR: Fixed an accuracy issue that prevented fitted planes from being positioned correctly in model space. SR143744 POINTCLOUDATTACH: Correct point cloud name field in insertion dialog. POINTCLOUDFIRPLANAR: When selecting points for adjusting the borders, we are now projecting the selected points on the output plane along the picking frustum. The option to remove the last clicked point has been added as well. POINTCLOUDCROP: Fixed issue with using POINTCLOUDCROP buttons from the ribbon, in case of multiple point clouds attached SR119342
Point Groups The point group name in Civil Explorer is updated after renaming the point group. SR144104
Printing Improved the print quality of drawings using large coordinates and 3D visual styles. SR142829
Properties Panel Fixed an issue where selecting a value in an enum property would result in the wrong value being stored. It is now possible to modify the supported annotation scales of a selected block attribute even when its owning block reference is not annotative. SR140478
PUBLISH Publishing a specific drawing with xrefs no longer crashes the program. SR131061
QR Code Support for TEXT/MTEXT Fixed: QR Code support for text with annotative style SR142696
Qt Tool Palettes Panel Now the palette and tool context menu items get translated for localised versions of BricsCAD SR137503SR137876
REFEDIT Fixed a crash on specific drawing with xref when MTFLAGS is 1 (Parallellized regeneration of display). SR131712SR135252
REGION ENITTY Creation of regions from closed 3d polylines was corrected, to make region's normal correspondent with orientation of vertices of 3d polyline. Clockwise 3d polyline placed on XY plane should produce region with normal (0,0,-1). Counterclockwise polyline produces region with normal (0,0,1). This behavior corresponds to behavior of AutoCAD. SR132025
Rendering of AEC Entities We reduced the regeneration time of AEC entities, subsequently reducing the delay after real-time viewing operations. SR142924
RVT Import The performance of RVT import has been improved, reducing the import time. The import of walls has been improved. SR115123SR115415 We fixed an issue that caused some imported windows to not generate a corresponding wall opening. We fixed an issue where some entities were not imported. SR130316 SR131920
SAVEAS Fixed a problem with SaveAs command using R13...R2004 DWG format, after viewports in "Model" layout were unified / merged. SR134144
SECTION Fixed an issue that occurred when sectioning a 3D solid with a plane. SR131405
Selectable Dimensions Selectable dimensions no longer ignore internal walls when determining the dimension endpoints. SR86078 SR85182 SR143096
SELECTION Fixed bug: when SELECTIONMODES=0, face selection was not promoted to full entity selection.
SETBYLAYER - Settings are respected in the command - SETBYLAYERMODE variable is saved SR129906SR140765SR142310
Sheet set panel Fixed: Changes made in sheetsets were ignored on background publish and e-Transmit. SR133702 SR128977 SR139293 SR144152
Sheet Templates (for section generation) Missing custom sheet-sets and sheet properties were restored. SR144852
SHX Fonts Corrected the spacing for "non-breaking space" characters in a number of .SHX fonts. SR82487 SR145450 Fixed SHX draw scaling issue of SHX bigfont. SR129710
SIGNATURE Display of signature validation dialog was avoided when drawing is opened during command PUBLISH. SR128977
SLICE Fixed wrong result of slicing of given surface by plane. SR116616
SMREPAIR The fix for SMREPAIR allows working with form features adjacent to the borders of their carrier flanges. SR137469
SMUNFOLD The validation of lofted bends was improved.
Snapping Geometric center snapping points can be used for associative dimensioning. SR145106
Splash Screen We no longer attempt to change the splash screen font to Roboto, as this change did not work well on machines that did not have the font installed. SR143822
Status Bar We fixed an error during color theme change while the status bar had the Viewport Lock pane enabled but not visible.
STORYBAR Geometry edits when dragging a story disk has been dropped. Related STORYBARDRAGMODE command has been removed. SR129964SR138868 The Story Bar is no longer visible in rendered images. Fixed a bug where storybar sliders could not be adjusted when there are no entities assigned in the current building.
STRETCH Fixed a case where BricsCAD could hang when the STRETCH command is applied to a Hatch based on a large XREF, via dissociation of the hatch from its boundary entities. SR141557
STRUCTURE BROWSER When a BIM property is deleted, it is no longer used in the structure browser.
Surface Properties The Properties panel now includes the U and V Isolines properties for surface entities.
Sweeping Sweeping of OdDbSolid is supported in the SWEEP, REVOLVE and EXTRUDE commands. We fixed a swept profile misalignment that could occur when sweeping along another closed profile. SR130680
TABLE Error cells now evaluate as blank or zero values when used in another cell's formula. Fixed a crash when TABLE is edited by grips. SR143621
Table Cell Format Dialog Cells with multiple content (e.g. text + block) are now supported.
Table Editor Formula cells containing field formatting no longer require an extra step to open the field dialog for editing the formula field expression. SR140138SR140973 Copying and pasting table cells with nested fields no longer displays an error message. SR144831
Table Export Exporting a table to XMLSS format no longer fails (both for TABLEEXPORT and COPYCLIP) in case a cell had no text style assigned. SR136549
Table Fields Copy-paste cells with fields resulted to non-evaluated fields. SR143231
Tables Table cell values lose their precision when loaded from dwg2004 or earlier versions. SR128322 SR128862 SR132925 SR135562 SR145105
TEXT Annotation scale is no longer applied twice when creating an annotative single line text entity. SR144119 Inserted fields are now preserved when ending the TEXT command by clicking on the drawing area. SR137104
Text Style Font The text style font is now correctly saved when it is changed in drawings created in mechanical2d templates. SR114159 SR144179
Theming Toggling between dark and light themes via a right-click on a menu bar no longer causes BricsCAD to misbehave. SR143354
TINEDIT The command prompt for the Delete Line option has been modified. SR137789
TINMERGE Fixed: In some cases, TINMERGE created improper TIN surfaces. SR135812
TINSERT The rotation angle now depends on AUNITS system variable in the dialog "Insert Block in Cell". SR134493
TIN Surfaces Fix: Now it is possible to merge Surfaces in specific drawing. SR130638 Color banding for slope analysis is now working correctly. SR143038
TINVOLUME Fixed: BricsCAD freezes when using the TINVOLUME command. SR137046
ToolbarsHidden toolbars no longer forget their previous dock position after a restart. SR140882
TOOLPALETTES Importing a tool palette now correctly loads its tool icons. SR142245 Manage flyouts context menu button is now also available when multiple tools are selected. New ToolPalettes panel: doing a separator/text add action now adds it near the clicked position. When switching between multiple groups, the current palette is now remembered in the same session and between sessions. Command prompts for the HATCH command are no longer echoed at the command line when using a hatch tool.
Top View Modeling Fixed a bug where slabs created on a named UCS are not shown as transparent in top view modeling mode.
Typed Plans The escape button is now correctly caught in all components of the new Typed Plans editor. Fixed localization issues. SR137026 Support multi-word search for properties in the filters. SR122517
UI Fixed an issue where closing a panel using the Command line always closes any panel that is active in that panel's toolbar, even if it's a different panel.
UNION A particular failure in the UNION command was fixed. SR101878 Avoided erasing of non-coplanar regions by UNION command. SR139389
VERSIONCONTROL Corrected the shortcut keys for the command options. SR144837
Version Control Panel We fixed an issue where the Version Control panel would sometimes show the wrong project.
VIEWPORTS Copying clipped viewports between layouts reworked to respect the insertion point. SR117949
Workspaces The panels have been re-arranged, displaying browser panels on the left-hand side of the graphics screen area. SR143482
XML Spreadsheet Text in table cells no longer becomes underlined / struck-through after the table is copied and pasted as an XML spreadsheet. SR76214 Importing (paste special or create a table) XML Spreadsheet table data with merged cells no longer causes a crash. SR129225
Zoom Fixed a bug that could cause display artifacts to appear while zooming on rotated Blocks. SR121290SR136979SR140594SR142862