Batch export/import block info to/from Excel 

With this app, block references information can be quickly batch exported to/re-imported from Microsoft® Excel® worksheet. The typical workflow is Export - Edit - Reimport Information exchanged including: - Block insertion point (X,Y,Z) & rotation angle (in radian) - Block attributes - Dynamic properties Unlike classic commands (ATTIN, ATTOUT), this app can extract coordinates, and layout names which are useful for sorting block refs.

  • Export block references insertion point (X,Y,Z) & rotation angle (in radian) to Excel
  • Export block references attributes text, block dynamic properties value to Excel
  • Import block references insertion point (X,Y,Z) & rotation angle (in radian) from Excel
  • Import block references attributes text, block dynamic properties value from Excel


General Usage Instructions - Start by opening a Microsoft® Excel® worksheet, remember to reserve 1 blank column at the active cell (values will be written downward). - Press Alt+Tab to return to BricsCAD® (Lite version not supported), invoke the "NTCL_BlockToExcel" command. The user form will appear. - On the user form, select your existing block by block name. - Select macro mode: 1 (Cad Block info => Excel worksheet) or 2 (Excel info => Cad Block update). - Select additional options (where to get block refs from, which information to export, import). Mode 1 should run before Mode 2 unless you saved and re-use the results of Mode 1 before. - If you select mode 1, the block information will be exported to Excel. For the first export action, blank columns will be automatically added to the right side of the active cell - If you select mode 2, the block information will be imported from Excel. Be sure to pre-select the data range in Excel first. The selected range must include a header row & a handle column. - Be aware that, this app CANNOT create new block references, so the workflow is often: Export block data - Edit data in Excel - Import block data to update BricsCAD drawing. - If you have multiple Excel instances already open, this App may tie to the last activated Excel instance but sometimes it does not. In such case, please close all opening Excel instances; close (end task) any invisible Excel.exe process by Task manager and re-open only one Excel instance.

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Batch export/import block info to/from Excel  V1.0.2
BricsCAD Ultimate V20 - V23
64 bit
March 3, 2023
