artifex Utilities
The most important points about the program. Utilities DIN - dimensioning, elevations, coordinates. Intelligent text entry. Construction aids, axes, sheet margins, slope hatching, cutting lines, slope planning. Position plan
- DIN-compliant dimensions with and without superscript mm
- slope planning, slope manager
- floor plan
- Intelligent text input with scale adjustment
- construction aids, axes, sheet margins
Construction aids include the option of entering special line types. These "hatchings" can be entered using points or adapted to existing elements such as polylines, arcs and flow curves. The representations offered are: thermal insulation, earth's edge, breakout edge, insulation and demolition edge. A slope manager supports you in creating and planning slopes on ceilings, roofs, ramps and outdoors. Optionally, given heights or slopes can be used for planning. The slope or the height is then calculated from the input points and written down. The values are saved for later changes. Slope hatches can be created automatically between polylines, arcs and flow curves. There are several setting options available for the appearance of the hatching. You can place cutting lines by entering points. Kinked cutting lines are possible. A section heading is created at the same time. The time-consuming input of items in the position plan is largely automated with the "position plan" module. Use an input mask to specify the item number, texts and bearing directions. Then place the representation with two mouse clicks. Standard texts for easy selection can be predefined in the input mask. Of course, all attributes and the adaptation to the output scale can also be set here. Anyone who has manually constructed turning lines (arcs that connect tangentially to existing lines) will appreciate the automatic function offered. You can create axis grids for your floor plans using input masks. Several grids can be mixed. The grid configuration can be saved and inserted (referenced) in other drawings true to the coordinates. The following axis grids are available: Cartesian and polar grids, individual axes and axes that are aligned to an element. Text, color and line type are adjustable. The grids can also be scaled depending on the scale. With just a few clicks of the mouse, you can create sheet margins in scale-dependent sizes. In addition to the DIN formats, you can enter your own formats. Edge lines and fold marks as well as automatic texts can be inserted. Here, too, colors and line attributes are freely adjustable. The settings can be saved for reuse